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The 700 Club - October 17, 2019

A blazing inferno sends a former Navy SEAL medic to the ICU. Plus, pastor Andrew Brunson looks back at his 18 months spent inside a Turkish prison, accused of being a terrorist. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Woman Announcer]Coming up, thrown in jail

on trumped up charges.

The pastor accused of being a terrorist.

Andrew Brunson looks back at his 18 months

inside a Turkish prison.

Plus, a blazing inferno.

- The whole flame justenveloped my whole body.

- [Woman Announcer]And a former Seal medic

is rushed to the ICU.

- I was kind of a shocked to see

how extensive the burns were.

- [Woman Announcer] How heemerged from the flames.

- God answers prayers.

- [Woman Announcer] On Today's 700 Club.

(inspirational music)

- Well welcome to the 700 Club.

The heat is on the President about

withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria.

Still, the President doublesdown on his decision.

Will Vice President beable to broker a deal

with Turkey's leaders to cease fire?

And if not, how many thousands will die?

Jenna Browder brings us this report.

- Vice President Mike Penceand Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo will meetwith Turkish leaders today

to try to broker a deal.

The Turkish Presidentbacktracking on a statement

he made earlier that hewouldn't meet with them.

The VP and Secretaryarriving early this morning

and heading straight tothe Presidential Palace

for meetings with Erdoğan.

Meanwhile President Trumpis standing by his decision

to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.

- Turkey is taking land from Syria.

Syria's not happy about it.

Let them work it out.

- [Jenna] The Presidentalso tweeting pictures

from a White House meeting, writing,

do you think they like me?

Top Democrats eventuallywalking out of that meeting,

charging the Presidentwith insulting the Speaker.

- What we witnessed on par ofthe President was a meltdown.

Sad to say.

- I see a pattern of behaviorwith Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

She storms out of another meeting,

trying to make it unproductive.

The other Democratsstayed and actually had

a very productive meeting.

- [Jenna] Pelosi said Trump was shaken by

this earlier vote in the House.

- On this vote, the yays are 354.

The nays are 60.

- [Jenna] House Democrats andRepublicans voting to condemn

the President's decision.

The move cleared the way forTurkey to attack the Kurds,

former U.S. allies, in thefight against terrorism.

Today Senators LindseyGraham and Chris Van Hollen

are expected to introducebipartisan sanctions

against Turkey.

Graham, one of PresidentTrump's closet allies,

had tough words for Trumpon Wednesday's 700 Club.

- I am looking to pressthat Trump change this.

I will do anything I can to help him,

but I will also become PresidentTrump's worst nightmare.

I will not sit alongthe sidelines and watch

a good ally, the Kurds,be slaughtered by Turkey

and watch Iran move into Syria

and become another nightmare for Israel.

This is a defining momentfor President Trump.

He needs to up his game.

- Lindsey Graham would liketo stay in the Middle East

for the next 1,000 years.

- On the ground, theKurds claim Turkish forces

are using banned chemical weapons,

like napalm and white phosphorous.

Meanwhile, more than100,000 refugees need help.

CBN's Operation Blessing is working with

the Barzani CharityFoundation to provide relief,

including thousands of boxes of food,

cases of water, blankets, baby formula,

and hygiene kits.

Also late Wednesday, PresidentTrump released a letter

he sent to President Erdoğan last week.

It reads in part, let's work out a deal.

You don't want to beresponsible for slaughtering

thousands of people, and Idon't want to be responsible

for destroying the Turkisheconomy, and I will.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you

about what's happening.

We're sending 317 metric tons of aide

to the Syrian Kurdish refugees as part of

the Barzani Charitable Foundation.

The 5,000 boxes of food,10,000 cases of water,

20,000 blankets, 5,000 hygiene kits,

and cartons of baby formula.

If you want to help us,it's now called OB Refugee.

It's 71777 to give.

You can text that or Operation Blessing

Disaster Relief Fund.

We want to help thosepeople who are suffering.

We didn't ask for it,but that's the way it is.

Now CBN Capitol Hill correspondent,

Abigail Robertson, joins us.

Lindsey Graham is introducingsanctions against Turkey.

How strong are they?

And has he got support in Congress for it?

- Well we're gonna see.

Senator Graham isintroducing those sanctions

alongside DemocratSenator Chris Van Hollen

later this afternoon.

He says that they're goingto target President Erdoğan.

and his family.

They're going to target Turkish banks,

Turkey's energy sector, wherethey get their money from.

They really want tohit the Turkish economy

with these sanctions andreally send a message

that the U.S. is not goingto stand by while Turkey

slaughters a U.S. ally, the Kurds.

- Do the people you talkto think this is enough

to stop Erdoğan?

- Well I think there's a lotof skepticism here on the Hill.

And this is really, there'sstrong bipartisan support

to do something, butI think law makers are

putting their heads togetherand really figuring out

what they can do right now.

I spoke with SenatorMarco Rubio yesterday,

and he says he supports the sanctions,

but he's worried that it'sreally not going to do enough.

He actually told me that he worries

that this could help President Erdoğan

on the ground in Turkey.

But right now it seemslike the only response

law makers really feellike they have right now,

but they definitely feel likethey have limited options.

- Abby, what do youhear about that meeting

in the White House?

Did the President melt down

or is that an overstatementby the Democrats?

- Well what we're hearing is that it was

a very tense meeting.

This meeting came right after the House

overwhelmingly passeda resolution condemning

President Trump's actionsof taking those troops

out of northern Syria.

And this had leadership fromboth the House and Senate

on both sides of the aisle.

But this really is thefirst time that Republicans

have strongly opposedsomething that President Trump

has done, so in this meetingwas House Minority Leader,

Kevin McCarthy, MinorityWhip Steven Scalise,

both of whom voted with Democrats against

President Trump's actions.

So we hear that there weresome harsh words exchanged

between Speaker NancyPelosi and President Trump

that caused Democrat leadershipto walk out of the meeting,

but we've heard from WhipScalise an others that

the meeting continuedand Whip Scalise says

it actually was a prettyproductive meeting.

There were a few Democratsstill in the room.

So after that wholeincident in the beginning

that it actually was a prettyproductive meeting in the end.

So we'll see what comes from that.

- Thank you, Abigail Robertson.

Ladies and gentlemen,I have been advocating

on this program and inprivate that the President

should have a Trump declaration just like

the Balfour declaration that declared

a homeland for the Kurds.

The 36 million of them,they have no homeland.

And he just doesn't like the Kurds.

And he's paying the price for it.

They have been our strong allies,

they have foughtalongside us against ISIS.

They've done our bidding andthey've been our strong allies.

Then all of the sudden it seemslike we've abandoned them.

Well, he's paying the price for that.

And it's a very severe pricethat may well carry through

to the 2020 Election, we'll see.

Well in other news, aDemocratic representative

Elijah Cummings passedearlier this morning.

John Jessep has more on that.

- That is right, Pat, theMaryland Democrat died

to complications fromlongstanding health challenges,

his congressional office said.

He was 68.

Cummings served in the House for 23 years

as Chairman of the HouseOversight and Reform Committee.

He led investigations into

President Trump's business dealings.

His widow, Mya, said in a statement that

he was an honorable man whoprobably served his district

and the nation with dignity, integrity,

compassion, and humility.

Well Senate MajorityLeader, Mitch McConnell,

is preparing Republican senatorsfor an impeachment trial

as soon as Thanksgiving.

The Washington Post reports McConnell used

the GOP's weekly meetingWednesday to explain

the impeachment process and take questions

along with Senate JudiciaryChairman, Lindsey Graham,

who was a manager forPresident Bill Clinton's

impeachment trial back in 1998.

If the House passes formalarticles of impeachment,

the trial moves to the Senate, where Pat,

it could run from after Thanksgiving

to the Christmas break.

- The political fallout for the Democrats

is going to be enormousbecause this is going to take

all of the steam awayfrom whatever initiatives

they may have that's goingto focus 100% on impeachment.

And in the lastimpeachment, what happened?

The person who wasleading the impeachment,

Newt Gingrich, lost his seat as Speaker.

And the person who wasimpeached, Bill Clinton,

got another term.

So in my opinion, thisimpeachment is going to

divert the Democrats fromwhatever they have in mind doing,

maybe they want to do that, I don't know.

But politically, it's suicide.

And they have assiduouslyavoided having a vote.

And the House cannot bringforth articles of impeachment

unless the House votes on it.

It's got to be the whole House.

It cannot be the Speaker.

It certainly cannot be Adam Shift.

And if they don't have avote, then of course again,

they can't be demandingwitnesses and subpoena documents

and all the rest of it.

They can't do it.

So they've got to have a vote,

and it looks like we'recoming down to that.

And now we're talkingabout, it goes to as a trial

to the Senate.

The Senate is now in a trial mode.

And the President, he better be nice

to Lindsey Graham, John?

- Pat, a nor'easter turned deadly,

bringing powerful winds and heavy rains

to parts of the northeast.

Outside Philadelphia,conditions were so bad

that a van lost control on the highway,

flipping over and killing three people.

The storm brought blindingrain and wind gusts

up to 70 miles per an hour.

Hundreds of thousandsof homes and businesses

are without power, and itcaused flooding in streets

and created impossible travel conditions

for commuters from New Yorkto New Jersey and Boston.

Meteorologists say the stormcould see a drastic drop

in pressure, potentiallybecoming an ugly event

known as a bomb cyclone.

Pat, back to you.

- Well, we are having some rain here,

but nothing like that.

It's just north of where we live,

and so we've been spared,but it sounds terrible.

A bomb cyclone with dangerous winds

and crushing the temperature change.

- We have had someunbelievable weather this year.

- [Pat] It's crazy, isn't it?

- Big weather patterns.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- That just seem to be hitting everywhere.

- I'm sure people willsay it's all on account

of fossil fuels.

- [Terry] Global Warming.

- Let's stop driving cars andhaving flatulent cows, Terry.


- Well still ahead on today's program,

a blazing inferno and a NavySeal engulfed in the flames.

How in the world did he survive?

Plus, God's Hostage,the pastor who survived

two years inside a Turkish prison.

Andrew Brunson joins us live.

What did he suffer behind bars?

And then, striking out slavery.

How baseballs Albert Pujolsis wielding his platform

to smite sex trafficking.

All coming up.

(powerful music)

- Accused of being a CIA spy,

Andrew Brunson was lockedup in a Turkish prison

for two years.

The plight of this missionaryattracted worldwide attention

and made him a politicalpawn in a power struggle

between the U.S. and Turkey.

Take a look.

- [Male Reporter] Turkish police arrested

the North Carolina pastor in October 2016.

Three months after afailed coup attempt against

Turkey President, Erdoğan.

The Brunsons served therefor more than 20 years,

where they establishedIzmir Resurrection Church.

They openly shared Christ andalso helped Syrian refugees,

some of them Kurds.

For that, the Turkishgovernment accused Brunson

of being a CIA agent,

plotting with Kurdishterrorists to carry out

the attempted coup.

Initially the Turkish government said

it would free Brunson if the United States

would send the accused cueleader, Fethullah Gulen,

back to Turkey.

Fearing Gulen would bekilled, President Trump

refused the exchange.

So Brunson remained incarcerated.

Meanwhile Christians aroundthe world were praying

and working for Brunson's release

and his safe return to the United States.

With the help of the Trump administration,

that happened on October 12th, 2018.

Brunson writes about hisordeal in a new book,

God's Hostage, A True Storyof Persecution, Imprisonment,

and Perseverance.

- Incredible book, ladies and gentlemen,

God's Hostage, A TrueStory of Persecution,

Imprisonment, and Perseverance.

And Andrew Brunson and his wife, Norine,

are joining us now.

Pastor, you're a man ofgreat faith and courage.

Tell me why they cameafter you the first time.

Why did you get arrested?

- Well I think thereare two sides to this,

there are two stories.

And one is man's story, andI think they arrested us

first to deport us.

- All right.

- But then someone decided to keep us

and make an example of us.

And I think they intended tointimidate other missionaries,

have them self deport.

And also intimidate local believers,

local Turkish Christians.

And then someone decidedto keep us and use us

as a bargaining chip with the U.S.

- Well you were in Turkeyfor what, about 18 years,

and you spoke the language fluently

and you loved the Turkish people.

And you were a pastor to them.

Who is this Gulen inthe northwest of America

that they are so concerned about,

they thought you were one of his agents?

- Well they just,they're someone who leads

an Islamic movement.

And he used to work with Erdoğan,

but they had a falling out.

So there are reasons on the human side

while this was happening,

but then there's this second story

behind all the political intrigue

that's God's story.

And I think God was using my imprisonment,

actually he raised up aworldwide prayer movement

that is an unprecedented prayer movement

that focused on one person,

that was pouring prayer into Turkey.

And that's going to transform the country.

- You think, could they be?

You know Turkey is the country,

when you look at its churchesof Asia in the Revelation,

it was all in Turkey.

Turkey was the center of theChristian church in those days.

- [Andrew] Yes.

- That didn't do it.

How far have they gone awayfrom their founding principles,

you know, the elder Turkwould set up essentially

a Democratic form of government.

Now they've become a,what is it, a theocracy?

- Well Turkey is the largestun-evangelized country

in the world.

Most cities in Turkey donot have a single church.

And over the last 20 years especially,

under President Erdoğan, it has become

more and more Islamist.

But the other side of this story is that

more and more Turks arecoming into churches now

and saying, I don't wantto be a Muslim anymore.

So there's a reaction also.

There is oppression, butthere's reaction coming to this.

And God told us beforethat there was going to be

a great harvest in Turkey.

We believe there will be agreat powerful move of God,

but he also showed us it would come

in difficult circumstances.

So this oppression iscreating the circumstances

for many people to begin to ask questions

that they never would have before.

- You want to go back?

- We would like to go back someday.

- I think we will someday.

I believe we will someday.

- We can't go back right now.

- You can't, okay.

What did you think when your husband

was seized and put in prison?

What went through your mind?

- Well we were both seized and

locked up for a little while.

- [Pat] Oh you were locked up too?

- Yes, yes, and then theylet me go unexpectedly.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- And kept him for another two years.

So it was, definitelyit was a surprise to be,

well arrested fordeportation, but then kept.

That was very unusual.

That just doesn't happen.

So we felt that we werein unchartered territory.

We didn't know what was coming.

- Well it looked like the death sentence,

I mean those crimesthat they were charging

carried with them thedeath penalty, didn't it?

- Well basically theyhad three life sentences

and solitary confinement,is what they wanted.

And so that's like a death penalty.

It means withering awaythe rest of my life

in a Turkish jail.

- Were you contemplating suicide

or wondering if the Lord mightnot take you out of there?

- Well I did break.

And this is one of thethings about the book,

is so many biographies I read,

they're of Christianheroes who are my heroes.

That they show very strong people

who go through difficultiesand they persevere.

When I went into prison, Ithought that I would feel

strength and joy, even in difficulty,

the presence of God.

And I didn't, and I wasreally surprised at this.

And I really broke a number of times.

And yes, I was suicidal.

But the story is that Godstarted to rebuild me.

And he brought me out ofthose very dark places.

- [Norine] So it ended on a good note.

- Well obviously, butyou were being tried,

and I understand thejudge wouldn't permit you

to put certain witnesseson because he said

they've already heard them.

- Well it was very much a kangaroo court.

It was a show trial.

And I knew that whateverjudicial process was followed

and whatever decisionthey made in the end,

it was a political decision.

- Was Erdoğan himself involved?

Was he aware of what was happening?

Were you somehow a pawn in his plan?

- Yes, and from the second month on,

third month on, he was involved.

And he was the one who made decisions.

So the title of the book is God's Hostage,

in a sense I was Erdoğan's hostage.

He was keeping me.

But only until God hadcompleted what he wanted to

through my imprisonment.

I came to see that my imprisonment

was an assignment from God.

So Erdoğan imprisonedme, and he kept me there,

but God was very muchinvolved in when Erdoğan

intended to harm me, Godturned around and brought

tremendous amount of good out of it.

- Was there any torture in the prison?

Was their deprivation offood or anything like that?

- Not for me.

- [Pat] Not for you?

- There are people whohave suffered there.

Some cell mates I had told me of things.

For me, it was psychologicaltorture I would say,

being in solitaryconfinement, in isolation,

was very, very difficult for me.

- Were you aware that peoplefrom all around the world

were praying?

You know the Presidentof the American Center

of Law and Justice, and they took you on

as a special project,

and they fought in the courts for you.

- They did, yes.

We're so grateful for what they did.

- Well people all overthe country and the world

were praying for you.

Were you aware of that, both of you,

did you know it?

- We became increasingly aware.

And whatever I would receive,

I would pass on to himfor his encouragement.

In fact that was something heasked me every single time,

are people still praying?

And I said yes, they're still praying.

And it seems to be growing.

And I would name offthe countries, in fact,

that prayer was coming from.

- It's really amazing because it spread

all over the world.

And there were millions ofpeople who became involved.

So it was, this prayer was for much more

than getting me out,God was doing something

much bigger with it.

- Well obviously he is becauseyou've become a celebrity.

The President of theUnited States took you on

as a special project,did he meet your plane

when you got home?

- No, we arrived and ourchildren met or plane.

That was very moving for us.

- [Pat] Okay.

- At Andrews Air ForceBase, and then we went

to the White House.

But I think what a roller coaster,

the day before I'm standingin a Turkish court,

and they convicted me as a terrorist.

And I thought, they'resending me back to prison.

Then suddenly they said,we're releasing you

for time served and youcan leave the country.

So I went from beingconvicted as a terrorist,

24 hours later we're in the White House.

- Well the United States put sanctions.

Trump put sanctions on Erdoğan.

And he knew that, didn't he?

- He took unprecedented steps.

What I understand is that there have been

other hostage situations.

Presidents don't usuallyget involved directly.

But he, a number of times,made phone calls to Erdoğan

and really pressed him.

And the steps to imposesanctions were unprecedented

at the time.

- So we think that what was behind this,

what was driving all ofthis, was the prayer.

- [Pat] Prayer.

- That's what brought itup to this kind of level.

There's no question.

- What did you do allthe time he's in prison?

How did you survive?

- Yeah, I had to press into the Lord.

I had no option but to do that.

And really lean into him.

And really try to beclaiming the prophetic words

that we had through the years and say,

I'm standing on this.

- [Pat] Yes.

- Because in cases of persecution,

there are no guarantees.

- [Pat] Yeah.

- There's no outcome that is guaranteed.

And so then.

- There's no Bible verse that says

Andrew will get out of prison.

- Exactly.

And so this is what I'vetried to explain to people,

that that's where the word of the Lord

that is for our situation,the here and now

word of the Lord, that'swhat you stand on.

- In your book, you prayedfor people to heal in Turkey

and the Lord healed certain ones,

tell me about that.

- Oh we saw a lot happening.

- [Pat] Did you?

- Oh yes, and many, whatespecially touches me

is that about 80% of theMuslims we prayed for

had some encounter with Jesus.

Some sense of his presence.

Something that was tangible,that they could feel, sense.

That's, I mean that's really something.

So the Lord is there,and we're just working

in supernatural ways andgiving people dreams.

I mean he is moving in the Middle East.

- We've had reports of thosewho've met this white figure,

and it's Jesus.

- [Norine] All the time.

- All the time.

- [Norine] All the time.

- Yes, almost every Muslim that we know

who's come to the Lord in Turkey,

almost all of them have had a dream.

- Really?

- Yes.

- What do you think?

I mean you know goingback to the Ottoman Empire

was breaking up, and a guy named Atatürk

starts this new thing andthey call it the young Turk,

so he's with the young Turks.

And Turkey was the homereally of those churches

in Asia that you found in Revelation.

And you were in Izmir, Turkey?

- [Andrew] Yes.

- That's the old Smyrna, right?

- [Andrew] Yes.

- Yeah, was there anyprophetic significance

the people feel in anyway connected to the Bible

because of that?

- You know I think that because Turkey

was the head of the Ottoman Empire,

they were at the head of theMuslim world for centuries.

So they spread Islam by the sword,

and they also suffocatedChristianity wherever it went.

- [Pat] Yes.

- So there is this darkinheritance that has come.

But what God was doing was raising up

his sons and daughters around the world

by using me as a magnet forprayer to confront that.

So I think that all thisprayer pouring into Turkey

is going to change thespiritual atmosphere,

is going to open that key,

so that there's much morefreedom that comes spiritually.

And when that happens, allthe countries around it

will be affected as well.

- That could actually bring revival

to the whole Muslim world then, right?

- That's why I thinkthat God chose to focus

prayer in Turkey.

He could have chosenEgypt or Jordan or Syria,

but for some reason he chose Turkey

because I think it's aspiritual key to the region.

- Well I mean when youthink of the fact that

this is the fountain head of Christianity,

that the churches of Asiawere all located in Turkey,

and suddenly the God that made God stuff,

even in Revelations, that's Turkey.

I mean it's all Turkey.

And if there's revival coming out of that,

I mean God goes back to the origin

and then he works out from there.

So you are exhibit A for God's move.

When do you think that's going to happen

so that you can get backover there, by the way?

- In 2009, the Lord spoke to me,

he said prepare for harvest.

When I went into prison,I thought that assignment

had been canceled, but Ifound that my imprisonment

was actually part of that assignment.

All this prayer is preparing for harvest.

Now I think that Godraised up all this prayer

because there's going to bea powerful move very soon.

And what Erdoğan is doing,there are difficult times

in Turkey, but many Turksare asking questions

that they never asked before.

- Well I just pray withyou that it'll happen.

And God bless you.

What are you doing, are youtraveling around speaking?

Do you have a church or anything now?

- Right now I'm asking Godfor our next assignment.

- [Pat] Okay.

- And we really have theMuslim world in our hearts.

We want to see a newgeneration of church planters

going to the Muslim world.

- Thank you both for being here.

You are very courageous,

and I'm glad you didn'thave to commit suicide,

you're still alive.

- I am too.

- The book, ladies and gentlemen,is called God's Hostage.

Amazing, it's availablewherever books are sold.

A man of faith andcourage and extraordinary.

So pray with him thatthere might be a revival

in the Muslim world and thatit might start in Turkey

because that's where the churches of Asia,

and he was in Izmir,which is the old Smyrna.

God bless you both.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you both.

Well Terry, what's next?

- Well coming up, Andrew Pujols is one of

the premiere sluggers of his generation.

So why does he want to beremembered as something more?

And then, burned alive,this former Seal head,

skin dangling from his arms and legs,

how did he survive hissearing brush with death?

Find out, it's all later on today's show.

(powerful music)

History in action, that'sexactly what baseball fans

see every time Albert Pujolssteps up to the plate.

And those in the standsget to see something more,

Pujol's real passion.

CBN's Tom Dearig caughtup with the living legend

and his wife, Dee Dee, to see exactly how

they're striking out slavery.

- [Tom] Below the Halotop at Angel's Stadium

is a baseball Hall of Famer in waiting.

While Albert Pujols'shitting milestones ascend,

so does his conviction to go to bat

for those trafficked and enslaved.

Albert and his wife, DeeDee, are founding ambassadors

to Strike Out Slavery, withpre and post gave events.

Informing those unaware of the plight

and reassuring thosewho are affected by it.

- Baseball is our platform.

It's 162 games of year,packing millions of people

in 30 stadiums across our country.

That is an enormous platform.

Being able to bring Strike OutSlavery into these ball parks

brings local organizationsand national organizations

into these cities to allow fans

to interact with getting involved.

Albert and Dee Dee arewilling to use their voices.

To do an event like this is so encouraging

and empowering to allof us who are survivors.

- [Tom] It's an issue thatpeople don't want to look at.

They want to keep it at a distance.

What makes it personal for you?

- It can happen to any of our kids,

so I know people don'twant to deal with it,

but that is the problem, that you know,

there is issues and weneed to deal with it.

I have five kids myself, you know,

so I need to educate mykids, you know as the leader

of my house, to make surethey're raised in the right way.

And a lot of peoplethink it's just happening

in another country, ithappens in our own backyard.

- [Tom] Major League Baseball, Dee Dee,

is a big, big business.

Easy or difficult getting their support

for events like this?

- Gradual, I realize that theydidn't know much about it.

Organ trafficking, labortrafficking, sex trafficking,

there's like 27 differenttypes of trafficking.

Nobody likes any of it.

So we came back here to the Angels.

We brought all those organizations,

and we just asked for permission

to be able to do this event.

We're giving you anexperience to learn about

human trafficking, helpeducate the community,

but do it in a verytasteful, palatable way,

but in a powerful way.

- [Tom] How do we size upthat opponent of trafficking?

- The issue, not justdomestically, but globally,

is so enormous.

And it's very hidden.

So it's almost impossible toactually get the full scope

of this atrocity.

We're in a place with whatwe know to position ourselves

to fight back throughprevention and education.

Whether there's 45 millionor 27 million people

caught in this, if oneperson's caught in it,

everyone has work to do.

- Baseball players canquickly be reduced to

a statistic in a uniform,a commodity of sorts.

Victims of trafficking can also become

these faceless numbers.

Tell me about the value of people.

- I know that it's not about me.

It's about more than baseball.

It's about reaching toothers and making the impact

in the community.

It's great to be able toaccomplish what I have

accomplished in the game,but I don't want people

to remember me as one ofthe best baseball players.

I want people to rememberme as one of the person

that walked in fear of theLord, and I want to be able to

help pour into others thatlove that he gives me everyday.

- So Dee Dee, with the messaging,

what is the one thingthat they rally to most?

- People ar pumped that they get to have

this experience here and that they have

professional athletesgetting behind the cause

and standing with all of the organizations

and the survivor advocates

and with the communityabout serious things.

This is something that can be stopped.

This is something that can be helped.

It's going to take educating the masses

to put an end to this.

- There are more people enslaved today

than any other time in human history.

- [Tom] What message doesthis audience need to hear?

- That trafficking and exploitation exists

and it exists right here.

I hit people wit the truth because

it's going to break chains.

We can't fix what we don't face.

And we can't face what we don't see.

There's nothing like being free.

- [Tom] What are you findingthat players are rising to

in this challenge thatwant to participate?

- Players getting educated, like myself,

you know because there's a lotof players around the league

that don't even know anything about it.

And I think that's the messagethat we're going to send,

we want to be able to educate the players,

but we also want to beable to educate the fans.

- But what about the coreof the constant issue?

Unless that's broken, it'sjust gonna keep cycling.

- We live in a fallen world.

You are talking about an issuein the area of perversion.

And I truly believe thatthe Devil lives and owns

that space, the really big under belly.

A deep, deep root, the demand.

When you have a nation that has exposure

to the level of pornography that we do,

this is a much bigger conversation.

We really just are treating symptoms.

- [Tom] Shedding light onthis issue, deliverance,

restoration, do those termslook different to you now?

- I know there was a day when I was lost

because I didn't know who I was.

And I lived extremely reckless.

But when I found my identity in Christ,

the whole narrative changed.

So I feel like it's ourjob that every person

I walk in front of whohas an eternal existence,

to give them what I know.

- [Tom] Albert, you alreadyhave secured a historic

Hall of Fame career, howwould you advise others

as to how a legend should live their life?

- To be a leader, you don'thave to have big numbers.

You don't have to be the best player.

You just need to be able to use the talent

that God has given you andto be vocal and be open

to talk and to get involved

What I have learned from my 19, 20 years

of walking with Christis to be able to use

the opportunity that he has given you,

to impact others for thekingdom of the glory of God.

- Thank you AlbertPujols and Dee Dee Pujols

and all who work withyou for all you're doing

to make a difference in thisarea of sex trafficking.

It is a dark under belly.

It's not just in other parts of the world,

it's right here in the United States,

and you and I can make a difference.

And I know God has reallyburdened your heart

with that, Pat, as well.

- It's horrible.

- [Terry] It really is.

- What's being done to thesewomen is in a million years.

- [Terry] Yeah, and children.

- Children especially, youngboys, young girls, terrible.

- Yeah, as well, so wethank the Pujols of that.

Well, still ahead, this Special Ops medic

has survived some of the mostdangerous places on Earth,

so how did he almostdie in his own backyard?

And more importantly, what saved his life?

Plus we've got you email.

A viewer says, is it okayfor me to write in my Bible?

We have your questionsand some honest answers,

it's all coming up later.

(powerful music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News break.

A breakthrough in Brexit negotiations,

the United Kingdom's planto lead the European Union.

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson,

and the leader of the European Commission,

both said they've reached an agreement.

Johnson is heading toBrussels for a two day summit

to finalize the deal.

He still faces a tough taskgetting it through Parliament.

Opponents say they'llwork to block the deal.

Johnson promised totake the United Kingdom

out of the EU block by October 31st

with or without an agreement.

Well major drug companiesare working to settle

thousands of claims against them

related to the nation's opioid crisis,

hoping to avoid trial.

They're negotiating withstate attorney's General

as jury selection forthe first federal trial

over the overdoes epidemicis set to begin Monday.

According to one source, the settlement

would be worth tens of billions of dollars

and include drug makers likeJohnson and Johnson and Teva.

Opioid overdoses have claimed more than

400,000 American livesin the past two decades.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Terri will be backwith more of the 700 Club

right after this.

(powerful music)

- Fred Colberg is a retiredNavy Seal Special Ops medic.

He's traveled to the mostdangerous parts of the world,

been shot at, and under imminent attack.

So in his wildest dreams,Fred never imagined

that he would almostdie in his own backyard.

- I finished working outand had a big wood pile

that needed to get burnt down.

I used some accelerant,which was gasoline,

which was a huge mistake.

When I lit it, a gust of wind came up

at that opportune time, and.

I mean it happened instantaneously.

The whole flame justenveloped my whole body.

- [Male Reporter] Trainingand instinct told Fred Colberg

to drop and roll.

His clothes didn't catch fire,

but the retired Navy Seal medic knew

that it was bad.

- When I saw my skin hanging from both

my arms and my legs, the onlything that was on my mind

at that moment was, Igotta get to the hospital.

- [Male Reporter] Fredstumbled to his house

and called his wife, Julie,

who was at their farm 10 minutes away.

- When I got up to the house,

I was lookin' around, Iwas ready to drive out

to the field to wherethe big fire was burning.

And then he walked out of the house.

And I was like, whoa, okay.

He's really burnt.

- [Male Reporter] They wrappedhis burns before starting out

for the hospital in nearbyPetersburg, Virginia.

- The pain was so excruciating.

It was focused on gettingto the hospital safely

and getting into the emergency room

for the docs to start working.

- [Male Reporter] Notequipped to treat burns

of that severity, doctors gaveorders to have Fred airlifted

to the Virginia CommonwealthUniversity Burn Center

in Richmond.

After watching her husbandloaded into the helicopter,

Julie started to pray.

- I was mainly just prayingthat he would be okay.

- [Male Reporter] At VCU,Fred, who was still conscious,

was taken to the ICUin critical condition,

with second and third degreeburns on 22% of his body.

- Assessing the extent of my burns

and more IV lines in, gettinga camera down my throat

to make sure I had no inhalation entry.

- It was kind of a shock to see how much,

how extensive, the burns were.

- [Male Reporter]Doctor's main concern was

loss of circulation of the burn sites,

especially in his right arm.

Lack of blood flow couldcause kidney failure,

which could lead to death.

- I was afraid that he was going to die.

I knew God was there,but I was just praying

the whole time he'd be okay.

- [Male Reporter] Amazingly,Fred's lungs and airway

were unharmed by the fireball.

And after 48 hours in the ICU,

circulation in his body had much improved.

- The first few days thewounds looked really good.

And it was lookin' so good that

they were telling me that hewould probably be going home.

At like the end of the week.

- [Male Reporter] Fred'sreturn home, however,

would be delayed.

The burn tissue on his armsand legs became infected.

Medical staff has to scrub and treat

the underlying skin constantly.

- It didn't matter how much they scrubbed,

they couldn't scrub hard enough,

they couldn't get deep enough,

it just kept gettingworse and worse and worse.

- [Male Reporter] Theinfection was so deep,

the doctors decided to cutout the infected tissue.

Friends from churchjoined Julie in prayer.

- They actually cameup and prayed with him

before going into surgery as well.

- The support, it's reallyhard to put into words.

So awesome and it's so uplifting.

- [Male Reporter] Doctorshad to operate twice

to remove all the infection.

Once completed, they immediately started

the long, painfulprocess of skin grafting.

Fred was simply grateful to be alive.

- It was really hard for me to accept

that I almost died untilI actually realized

how close I was.

I could have died right in my backyard.

And Julie wouldn't haveknown probably for hours.

And that's the wholereason for this right here,

is to let everybody knowthat God answers prayers.

And he wants to heal.

- [Male Reporter] By allreports, Fred's body healed

more quickly than expected.

A week and a half afterhis last skin graft,

he was cleared to return home.

- They said it couldbe two to three months

in the hospital, and wefound out that following week

that they were going to discharge me.

- [Male Reporter] After amonth of physical therapy,

Fred was released to go back to work

at his Premiere Medical Trauma

and Tactical Training Company.

- And here we're thinking that okay,

I'm gonna be out of workfor six months to a year.

What are we going to do?

There's another miraclethat God performed.

- [Male Reporter] When he'snot at work, Fred spends

a lot of time with Julieworking on their farm.

While his wounds have healed,

the scars are a reminderof God's faithfulness

and the prayers that brought them through.

- Prayer can be so powerfulbecause it can give you

such a peace, you know, when you need it.

Strength when you need it.

To help you throughsituations when you need it.

- John 14, whatever you ask in my name,

that I will do, that the Fathermay be glorified in the son.

If you ask anything inmy name, I will do it.

- Prayer does change things,

and prayer sustains usin the middle of our need

and it unites us as God's kids.

You know, it's really powerful.

And so we want to pray for you today.

- What do you got?

- I've got an answer to prayer

from Browns Mill, New Jersey, Pat.

This is Lillian, shehas a daughter Bonnie,

who had a tumor pressing on her brain.

Surgery was scheduledas the family continued

to pray for healing.

On the day of the surgery,

Pat you have a word ofknowledge and you said,

someone is praying andthere's a large tumor

pressing on the brain, causing problems.

God says he's got it.

Well that's exactly what happened.

The doctor confirmed the tumor is gone

and the family is giving the glory to God.

- Praise God.

- [Terry] That's powerful, yes.

- All right, here's Susanwho lives in El Paso, Texas.

She was in a serious autoaccident, sustained a head injury.

She was diagnosed withan auditory disorder

that caused sounds to be distorted.

One day she heard Terrypray saying someone

has a hearing problem,it's a muffled sound.

You're like you're in a hallway.

And God's opening that for you right now.

You will hear crackling in your inner ear,

and she heard the crackling.

And her hearing was restored instantly.

- That's wonderful, so happy for her.

- Well let's pray, all right.

Folks, wherever you are,you heard the gentlemen say,

and I'll say it again, what Jesus said.

Hither to you best, nothing in my name.

Ask and you shall receive,that your joy may be full.

Ask and you shall receive.

We want to pray for you right now.

Father, with you all things are possible.

We thank you for miracles.

We see lives that are twisted and torn.

We see those who are theresult of sex trafficking.

We see people who are hopelessand crying out to you.

We see that PastorBrunson was put in a jail,

looks like a life sentence,

and it seems to be no hope,and he cries out to you

to take him away becauseit hurts so badly,

but oh God, reach downinto the hearts of those

who are suffering and touchthem in the name of Jesus.

Thank you Lord.

Terry, what do you have.

- There's someone, you'vestarted to develop alopecia,

and you're just so concernedabout the loss of your hair.

God is correcting thatsituation in your body,

in your system right now.

It's just all being set right according to

his good purposes, andyour hair will be restored.

- Somebody, you're losingbone support in your teeth.

Your teeth are getting loose.

And God is going to clean those roots

and make those thingsabsolutely whole right now.

There's a miracle takingplace inside your mouth.

Just put your hand on yourmouth in the name of Jesus,

touch, Terry.

- Yes, and someone else, youhave a shortness of breath.

It's not just when yougo up and down stairs,

but just a little bit of walking even.

And you're so worried about it.

God's correcting thatscenario for you right now.

Take a deep breath, justbreathe in his healing power.

Exhale, it's gone now, in Jesus name.

- There's like a tumor on your right knee.

There's some sort of a growthcoming out of your knee.

I don't know exactly what itis, but just touch that knee

in the name of Jesus, you're made whole.

Thank you Lord, amen.

- [Terry] Amen.

- And amen, all right.

- All right, well we'vegot, we want you to know

if you've got a specific need,

you can call in to ourprayer center all the time.


We're gonna take a few minutes to answer

some of the questions that you sent in.

This is a viewer, Pat, who says,

I know that God's word saysnot to add or take away

from what is already written.

So, is it okay for meto write in my Bible?

- [Pat] Of course it is.

Everybody writes notes in their Bibles.

- [Terry] Thank you.

- There's nothing wrong with that.

You're not adding to the word of God.

You're not trying to rewrite the word.

The Bible's talkingabout those who actually

take the Scripture and change them.

- [Terry] Yes, the meaning of them.

- There are people who aredoing that, I might add,

Liberals are trying to put socalled foreign criticism on

and rechange the word.

But just making notes in your Bible,

nothing in the world wrongwith that, all right.

- This is Daniel, who says, what do I do

if someone uses the name of God in vain.

Say I'm in a chat group of 100 people,

and someone uses the nameof God as a swear word.

Do I say something?

Jesus said we're not of the world,

so my first instinctis to just ignore them,

even though it always infuriates me.

I'm concerned that if I say something,

that it may be the wrong thing,

which could actually make theirattitude toward God worse.

Am I right to keep quiet?

- It's a problem, isn't it?

You know, I'll give you an example.

I was playing golf.

I'm not much of a golfer,but I was playing golf

with a couple fellas.

One of 'em headed up Tiffany,

and the other one was a business man

or wealthy fella from Ohio and Cleveland.

And as this man fromCleveland hit a bad shot,

he would just curse and say, oh Jesus.

And I finally looked at him,

I said you know, Jesus didn'tcause that bad shot, you did.


- Take that.

- And he later told his friend,

he said that preacherdid more for my cussing

than anybody I've ever seen.

- Well you know it is a badhabit in people's lives.

- Yeah.

- And sometimes, my mom,they'd go to the Packer games,

and you know people wouldstart drinking in the game.

And she turned around andsay please don't talk about

my Lord that way.

They don't even think thatit's offensive to you.

- Well I was reading a scriptand somebody wanted me to,

you know a possible script for a movie.

And there was this, peoplewere saying Jesus, Jesus,

and I said you know what is this?

Well that's just the way they talk.

Well, no it shouldn't be.

Do you ever say, oh Mohammed,Mohammed, I mean no.

- [Terry] Not if you value your life.

- Yeah, right, what else?

- Okay, this is Lorraine who says,

do the Kurds own the oilthat is on their land,

or is it owned by another country,

and they are just guardians?

- No, they own it.

It's Kurdistan, and it's called Kirkuk.

And our dear President, I must say,

is not aware, at least he wasn't,

that it's own of the biggestoil fields in the world.

It's called Kirkuk.

It's right in the middleof the Kurdistan area.

See the Kirkuk on the map.

Well that's part of Kurdistan.

And that's part of the land that they own.

And on their land isthis fabulous oil field.

It's producing about 500,000barrels of oil a day.

It may take up as much as 700,000.

It's one of the biggest in the world.

- So what's happening therealso threatens that scenario.

- Well surely the peoplecoming in will take it away

from them, but okay, what else?

- This is Ethan, whosays, why don't parents

pay attention to their children anymore?

You can go anywhere in public, a store,

restaurant, even the library,

and the kids are running around screaming

and doing things I wouldhave been punished for,

but the parents are oblivious.

I feel like a grouchyold man, but I'm only 23!

The children at church are so loud

you can barely hear the pastor.

What can be done withoutoffending the parents, wow.

- Well I think you gottatalk to the parents,

and say listen, you know andthe pastor needs to do that.

You gotta control your children.

And in a restaurant,I've seen, you're right,

little children running around.

They're in danger, theydanger the servers.

The servers can trip over them.

I mean it is the mostthoughtless thing in the world,

what do you say, how do you teach people

to be considerate of other people?

Do unto others, you'd havethem do undo you, okay.

- This is Jeanne, who says, when we pray,

by his stripes, I amhealed, I have a question

regarding the word healed.

It means physical healing,but can it also mean

healing of relationships andreconciliation in families?

- Well it can meananything you want it to,

but it does mean physical.

I mean he's talkingabout physical healing.

By the stripes of Jesus,diseases have been healed.

And that's what it means.

Of course the Lord's power extends to

physical relationships,to all kinds of activity.

The power of God is able to do all

exceedingly abundantlywhat we actual think.

Of course it's good for everything,

but don't stretch the meaning beyond

what it actually says in the Bible.

We'll leave with our Power Minute

from the book of James.

Confess your trespasses to one another,

and pray for one another,that you may be healed.

Tomorrow, a stunning decisionwith seconds to spare,

when one young woman had a change of heart

inside an abortion clinic.

Well that's all the time we've got,

and thank you for being with us.

From Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson.

We appreciate you, God bless you.

We continue to pray foryou, you pray for us.

We'll see you later, bye bye.

(upbeat music)


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