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Christian World News - October 4, 2019

As China celebrated its anniversary, we remember the millions who died and the suffering, but still growing church, in that Communist nation. Read Transcript

(epic music)

- This week, on Christian World News,

70 years of repression as thePeople's Republic of China

celebrates its anniversary.

We remember the millions who suffered

under the Communist regime.

Plus, moment of grace.

This man forgave his brother's killer.

You won't believe what happened next.

And Israel celebrates its high holy days.

What do they mean for Christians?

How understanding the Jewish holidays

can strengthen your faith.

(epic music)

Welcome to Christian World News, everyone.

I'm Wendy Griffith, GeorgeThomas is on assignment.

As China marked its 70th anniversary

in opulent fashion, democratic protests

were being crushed in Hong Kong.

Tens of millions have diedunder Chinese Communism.

So was the 70th anniversaryreally a reason to celebrate?

CBN's Senior InternationalCorrespondent Dale Hurd

shows us the images from Beijing.

- It was pomp and grandeurbefitting a world empire,

but for the countless millions

who have suffered under Chinese Communism,

this was not a happy day.

As banners flew andparades marched in Beijing,

police in Hong Kong were shooting

a pro-democracy protester in the chest

in one of Hong Kong's most violent days.

And when President Trump tweeted,

"Congratulations to PresidentXi and the Chinese people

"on the 70th Anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China",

he got slammed by other Republicans

and followers on Twitter.

Representative Liz Cheney tweeted,

"The 70th anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China

"is not a day for celebration".

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton said,

"It's been a ghoulish 70 years

"of Chinese Communist Party control".

- The 70th anniversary of the founding

of the People's Republic of China

is not something thatI think we should feel

the least bit congratulatory about.

As I say, I think itwas a very, very bad day

for the world and what's flowed from it

ever since has borne that out.

- [Dale] As many as 45 million Chinese

died under Mao's Great Leap Forward.

And, in a brutal crackdown on Christians,

China has been bulldozingchurches and ripping down crosses.

- There was one pastor's wifein Henan Province in 2016

who stood in front of a bulldozer

as it was bulldozing a church.

She wouldn't move and sheactually got bulldozed.

She was killed, buried aliveby the Chinese Communist Party.

- Chinese President Xisaid, in his speech,

"there is no force that canshake this great nation".

And he made every effortin Tuesday's celebration

to show that he means it.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Thanks, Dale.

Christians are playing a big role

in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement.

Joshua Wong is one of theleaders and a committed believer.

He recently testifiedbefore the U.S. Congress

in support of a HongKong human rights bill.

- When the Hong Konghuman rights and democracy

has already passed both in the Senate

and the House Committee level,

I think, with suchprogress, we just encourage

Hong Kong people to aware that

how international committeesstand with Hong Kong.

- [Wendy] There are, in themidst of the danger and chaos,

a group of Christians have come out

to the four walls of thechurch to minister to young.

- There's the spirit of sacrifice.

They come from the love.

They don't want their children get hurt.

Most of them got love.

They know what God doing,what church has done.

They love church more.

I think I see God hand, a big love hand.

- And now Faith McDonnell is director

of religious liberty programs

for the Institute onReligion and Democracy.

She joins us to talkabout the church in China.

Faith, thanks for being with us.

- Oh, you're verywelcome, Wendy, thank you.

- Well, tell us how bad is it, Faith,

for Christians in China right now?

- The conditions for Christians in China

have been getting worse and worse.

While the church has been growing,

I mean we have evidence thatthe church continues to grow

in spite of the persecution,but President Xi Jinping

has done a huge crackdown on Christians

and on other groups like the Falun Gong

and the Tibetan Buddhist,people like that,

but especially theChristians because of their

willingness to admit thatthere's a higher power,

a higher power than Xi Jinping.

- How different is this from the past

because it seemed like, for a while,

things were actually gettingbetter for Christians in China.

- It did, I would hear the narrative

that, well, it depends whatpart of China you're in,

and it's mostly the regional government

that controls whetherChristians are being persecuted,

whether churches are being bulldozed.

And for a while, it seemed like

things were getting a little better,

at least in some parts of China,

but when you've got Xi Jinping himself

saying, "no, we're gettingrid of China, we're on our way

"to making China the majorsuperpower of the world",

there's no room for Christians.

And the Christian churchesare being bulldozed,

Christians are being putin prison more and more,

the Ten Commandments arebeing taken off of churches,

especially the OfficialThree-Self churches,

but the so-called underground churches

which it's started to reallycome out from underground

during that period where itwas a little bit more free,

but now, I think the church is gonna stay

as a unregistered church, butgonna grow and grow and grow.

- So what can the U.S. be doing to help?

I mean we're always talkingabout religious freedom here.

President Trump has beenvery good about that.

What can we do to help China?

- Well, President Trump has been very good

speaking about religiousfreedom around the world,

and he also seems to be understanding

that China is a threatto the United States

more than past administrations have done

that we thought engagementwith China in business

was gonna help, but Chinais, as I said before,

trying to become thesuperpower of the world.

So President Trump needs to really work on

both those issues to seethat religious freedom

is linked to our national security

and really do things that will help to

not only help the Christians in China

but to stop China from itshegemony over the world.

Also, I love what Joshua Wong said

that that Hong Kong humanrights bill in Congress

should go forward, encouragethe people of Hong Kong,

'cause they're just amazing,

the way they have continued to protest

in spite of violence against them,

and how they have beenso dignified and gentle.

And compare that toanti-fa in this country.

And you see what real people

who want patriotism anddemocracy and freedom are doing.

- You know, the persecution, though,

it hasn't really stoppedthe house church movement,

has it, in China?

- No, it has not, and you know,

we hear the saying thatpersecution makes the church grow.

As Bishop Tertullian said that

"the blood of the martyrsis the seed of the church".

But that does not meanthat Western Christians

who have freedom shouldsit back and say, oh well,

you know, that's a blessing.

We should be doing everything we can

to support our Christianbrothers and sisters

in China and throughoutthe persecuted church,

but particularly, now, in China,

and do what we can toencourage our government

to put some more andmore pressure on China,

even if it means we have tosuffer a little bit financially

because of the sanctions thatare put on China's business.

And we should also make surethat our capital markets,

our stock, is not connected to China,

regardless of if it means a little bit

of financial problems for us.

- Faith, one last question:

leaders of Hong Kong'spro-democracy movement,

I'm told, are Christians.

Why is that and how are theyinfluencing the movement?

- Oh, wow, well, I wrote an article

for IRD's

about the fact that, yearsago, a British missionary

came to Hong Kong andworked with the triad gangs,

the heroin addicts, andprostitutes, Jackie Pullinger.

And Hong Kong was changed because of that.

That started in the walled city in Kowloon

which was a horrible place

and God's spirit hasbeen active in Hong Kong.

Before that, butespecially since that time,

we just did a letter that'salso on

that was signed by myarchbishop, Foley Beach,

of the Anglican Church in North America,

Eric Metaxas, and others,

encouraging the Hong Kong Christians,

and we even did ourown little rendition of

"Sing Hallelujah to the Lord"

to let them know that we are with them.

- Fascinating, thanks so much, Faith,

it's been great talkingto you, Faith McDonnell.

We appreciate yourinsights, God bless you.

- God bless Hong Kong.- Yes.

Well, coming up, amazing grace.

See the moment a murder victim'sbrother forgives the killer

and the stunning scene that happened next.

- Hello, this is Pat Robertson.

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- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Grahamand this is Studio 5.

Cruise with me as Idiscover the good things

happening in the world of music, sports,

television, and movies.

- I heard Ryan Coogler wasgonna be directing the film.

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat with artists

at the forefront of entertainmentand explore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said, well,

does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?

He says no, you already have a pulpit.

- [Narrator] Watch Studio5 Wednesday night at 9:30.

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside...

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- It's what starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jersualem Dateline

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- Here, in America, a jury sentenced

a white Dallas police officer

to 10 years in prison Wednesdayafter she was convicted

of shooting and killingher black neighbor.

It's a case that provoked protests

and put further strain on the country's

unhealed racial wounds.

As Mark Martin shows us, the sentence

also produced a powerfulmoment of forgiveness.

- [Mark] This panic-filledscene in September of last year

after a former Dallas policeofficer, Amber Guyger,

shot and killed aninnocent man, Botham Jean,

in his own apartment,resulted in this sentence.

- [Judge] 10 years' imprisonment

in the Texas Departmentof Criminal Justice.

- [Mark] Guyger said she thought

she had walked into her own apartment.

CBN reporter Amber Strongreported on the tragedy

and the response by Jean's church.

- I've interviewed hisfriends, his ministers.

I talked to his teachers,I talked to his employers,

and it was all a consistent message

that Botham Jean was a servant,

that he was kind from theleast to the greatest.

- The 10-year sentence with a possibility

of parole after five is far less

than the 99 years in prison Guyger faced.

Outside the courthouse, thesentence sparked protests

and intense confrontations.

(crowd shouting)

And Jean's mother spokeout against the police.

- If Amber Guyger was trainednot to shoot in the heart,

my son would be standing here today.

- But inside the courtroom,Botham Jean's brother,

18-year-old Brandt Jean,showed tremendous forgiveness

toward Guyger after thesentence was imposed.

- I forgive you and...

I know, if you go to God andask Him, He will forgive you.

I want the best for you.

Because I know that's exactlywhat Botham would want to do.

And the best would be:give your life to Christ.

- [Mark] Then an amazing show of grace

that attorneys, courtemployees, and reporters

said they'd never seen in all their years.

- I don't know if this is possible,

but can I give her a hug, please?


- [Judge] Yes.

- [Mark] After Brandt Jean hugged

the sobbing former officer,another remarkable show of love,

State District Judge TammyKemp gave Guyger a Bible

and directed her to read John 3:16

and even hugged her as well.

- The district attorneysaid Brandt Jean's act

was an amazing act ofhealing and forgiveness

that should guide thecommunity going forward.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark, Dr. Corne Bekker

is Dean of the School ofDivinity at Regent University

and is with us now to talkabout this incredible moment,

and you were affected justnow, again, watching it.

I'm sure you've seen it many times before.

- I have, yes.- And it's gone viral,

it's all over the Internet.

Do you think God isspeaking to us as a nation?

And what is He saying?

- I think there are two things

that we need to take away from this.

First and foremost, I wanna speak

about the corrective system.

When folks are incarcerated,

we should get to the place wherethe systems are redemptive,

and that there's always a possibility

of redemption and healingand grace that is manifested.

And certainly this was truein this particular case.

But, secondly, I think this young man

showed an extraordinaryexample of moral courage

and what true holiness looks like.

Ultimately, unforgiveness holds us back

and, as a country, I thinkthere's a prophetic moment

that happened here to tell us that

this indeed is the way forward.

- Watching her run to embrace him,

that's the moment that really gets me.

Some have described thatmoment like the prodigal son.

- Exactly, yes, very much so,

and I'm so deeply taken, ofcourse, that beautiful story

in Luke's narrative whereJesus tells the story

of a young man that lost his way

and wasted all of hismoney and prodigal living

and how the father waited.

And remember he came backand said, make me a servant,

and yet, the Father said no,I will accept you as a son.

- What do you make of thejudge bringing her Bible over,

reading John 3:16, andalso giving her a hug?

- It was just as moving, I think,

as this young man's example, and again,

for me, the judicial system

should really focus onrehabilitation and grace.

When I think, Wendy, of all the people

that are in prison right now, populations,

large populations have missed opportunity.

We as Christians, we as the church,

should really focus on that population

and see if there are waysthat we can redeem them

and bring them back.

- Really, I know, until this moment,

I wasn't even focusing on the fact, okay,

the judge is African-American,the brother African-American.

I didn't even see that.

It was two Christians that came to help

this suffering personand also guilty person.

Let's be fair about that.

But the Freedom from Religion Foundation

has filed a complaint against the judge

saying what she did is unconstitutional.

What are your thoughts on that?

- I think it's an absolutelyridiculous statement.

This is somebody right after the...

She has finished her work as a judge

that stepped forward as a human being

and said, there is a way forward for you.

- I think you just made yourcase if you were an attorney

saying that she had just stepped down

from the judge seat.

Well, there is anger, of course,

that her sentence, 10 years for murder.

Some people say that'sa small price to pay.

Was it too light in your opinion?

- When I looked at itoriginally, I was stunned

that it was such a shortsentence ultimately,

because, if you think about it,

a young man who lost hislife, an innocent man.

But again, I was not in the court.

I did not hear all the descriptions

of what exactly went down,

but it seems a little short to me.

- Yeah, I agree.

Well, I think this, what we'regonna remember about this

is not the sentence, butabout this incredible act

of forgiveness and kindness that we saw.

- And, Wendy, I think it's important

to separate those two things.

The prophetic example of this young man

is really what should stand out.

We should separate it fromthe sentence that was given.

And again, I think this young man,

he reminds me of a young Nelson Mandela,

that, in my own homecountry, at some point,

stood up and said we have to forgive

in order for us to move forward.

And I pray that Americansare really paying attention.

- Wow, that's interesting.

I forgot, that's right,you're from South Africa.

Dr. Corne Bekker, we alwaysappreciate your insights.

Thanks for being with us.- Thank you.

- Well, coming up, we take you to Israel

for the high holy days

and hear why Christians are taking part.

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time:

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think, as a father,it's my job to lead,

just to be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going the Distance

with Shawn Brown Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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(upbeat music)

(child laughing)

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- More chaos in Israel's elections.

Neither side can form a government

and they can't agree to work together.

Emily Jones has that storyand more from Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Wendy.

Welcome to Jerusalem forthis Inside Israel report

where we tell you what's happening

in Israel and the Middle East.

Israel is in a politicaldeadlock this week

after Blue and WhiteParty leader Benny Gantz

and Benjamin Netanyahu failed to meet

and form a unity government.

Blue and White calledoff a scheduled meeting

and accused Likud of acting in bad faith,

but Likud says Blue and White

is sabotaging the negotiation process.

Netanyahu has just daysto form a government

and he is scrambling behind the scenes

to meet the deadline.

- [Translator] The order at the moment

is a unity government,

a broad national unity governmentthat is formed quickly.

- If Netanyahu fails to form a government,

Israel will be one step closerto a possible third election.

Jews in Israel and around the world

are preparing their hearts and minds

for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

On Yom Kippur, Jews pray the Viduy,

a prayer of repentanceon behalf of themselves

and the entire Jewish people.

Reverend David Pileggi,who serves as the rector

of Christ Church in Jerusalem,

believes Christians alsohave something to learn

from this Jewish holy day.

- One thing that we learnfrom the Jewish people,

something quite important,especially about Yom Kippur,

that it's not enough to say you're sorry.

You have to confess, say you're sorry,

and then, at the sametime, take practical steps

to change your behavior.

The teaching of Jesusand that's also something

that's part and parcelof Jewish tradition.

- Yom Kippur is a solemnday of prayer and fasting

and is the holiest dayon the Jewish calendar.

If you've ever been to Jerusalem,

you may have placed ahandwritten prayer slip

between the stones of the Western Wall.

But have you ever wondered where they go

when those cracks get too full?

Well, twice a year, workersremove the old prayer slips,

bundle them up in bags, and bury them

in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

They use only their barehands or wooden sticks

to remove the notes because the Bible says

no tools of iron areallowed in the temple.

No one reads the slips becausethey're only meant for God.

- [Translator] Of course, we pray,

we ask from the Creator of the world

that He hears the requests,that He hears their prayers,

and fulfill all the yearningsof their hearts for good.

- These prayer slips aretreated with extreme care

because it is forbiddento destroy anything

with the name of God written on it.

You can see more stories just like these

on our Jerusalem Dateline program.

Well, that's it forInside Israel this week.

Wendy, back to you.

- Emily and you can learn more

about the significanceof the Jewish holidays

and see how CBN celebratesthem every year.

Find it all on our website:

We'll be right back.

- [Narrator] From Washington, D.C.,

uncompromising stories,interviews, and analysis

from veteran journalists.

David Brody.

- Escalating fight.

- [Narrator] Jenna Browder.

- Those his words carefully.

- [Narrator] Ben Kennedy.

- Plan to join him.

- [Narrator] And Amber Strong.

- For impeachment growsa little bit louder.

- [Narrator] Bringing you thepolitical news that matters.

- We get out and tell the story

of the progress that we'remaking in this country.

- [Narrator] Watch FaithNation weeknights at six

on the CBN News Channel.

(intense percussion music)

- [Narrator] On the Homefront.

- Thanks for joining usfor CBN's On the Homefront

where we highlight what the men and women

of America's military doto defend our country.

CBN honors the men andwomen in our military

with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.

It partners with churchesacross the country

to meet the needs of the military families

from repairing homes to wiping out

medical bills for wounded veterans.

- [Narrator] On the Homefront,Tuesday morning at 10:30.

- [Pat] The Lord gives wisdom.

From His mouth comesknowledge and understanding.

He holds success in store for the upright.

He is a shield to thosewhose walk is blameless.

For He guards the course of the just

and protects the way of His faithful ones.

- [Narrator] Pat Robertson records

this dynamic audio CD: TheTransforming Word Volume Three.

Available now.

(upbeat music)

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Join me each week for Next Gen Voices.

(upbeat music)

- And watch God transform a generation.

(upbeat music)

(epic music)

- Finally, this week, an Indian girl

hopes and prays forher mischievous brother

to change his ways.

But nothing seemed to workuntil God spoke to his heart

through CBN's Superbook, take a look.

- [Narrator] Spandana lovesher little brother, Ajay,

but sometimes, he can bea little hard to handle.

- [Translator] He's very mischievous.

He starts fights so histeachers complain to me.

He gets punished at school and at home.

Then I feel bad and cry

because he is in trouble again.

- Spandana wanted to help herbrother but didn't know how.

Then, at school, shestarted watching Superbook.

- [Translator] In Superbook,I watched The Test.

Abraham prayed and relied on God.

- [Translator] After that,I began praying to Jesus.

I've been praying sincethen that my brother

would do well in school

and stop getting into so much trouble.

- [Narrator] Spandana saysher prayers were answered

when Ajay got a goodgrade on his next test.

- [Translator] I prayed formy brother to get an A or B.

When my family went forhis parent-teacher meeting,

teacher said my brother got a B.

We don't fight much anymore

and he doesn't get introuble at home or at school.

- [Narrator] Spandanasays Jesus can answer

any of her prayers.

- [Translator] When I watch Superbook,

I learned so much about Jesus.

Thank you, CBN, for showing me Superbook.

- What a precious little girl.

She loved her brotherso much, she had to pray

that he would do better and he did.

Well, thanks so much for joining us

this week on Christian World News.

Until then, from all of ushere, goodbye and God bless you.

(epic music)


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