- Welcome to the 700 Club.
Potential disaster.
Turkey invading Northern Syria,
and the Kurds are amajor ally against ISIS,
in the cross-hairs.
The big question, ifTurkey does invade Syria,
what will the US do?
Chris Mitchell brings us his disturbing
report from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Turkey's PresidentErdogan told the world
at the recent UN generalassembly what he wants
to do in North-East Syria.
- Here, I'd like to show youa map, briefing our plans.
This is the border ofTurkey, that you can see.
And below, you can seethe proposed safe zone.
If this safe zone, thesecure zone can be declared,
we can resettle confidentlysomewhere between one million
to two million refugees.
- Following his UN speech,Erdogan told Turkey's
parliament that he might have no choice
but to act unilaterallyto create a safe zone
in North-East Syria.
But a military invasion and the resettling
of up to two million refugeesrepresents an existential
threat to the Syria Democratic Forces,
the major ally of the USin the battle against ISIS,
and its newly formedDemocratic government.
- I think it's very much a threat to them.
- [Chris] Middle Eastexpert Seth Frantzman says
"Turkey would like todo to North-East Syria,
"what it did in the city of Afrin."
- Turkey invaded the areaand destroyed the YPG,
and I think it's partlydestroyed part of our friends.
So I think in a sense, that'sthe model for what Turkey
wants to do, Turkeyviews Afrin as a success.
But for the Kurdish point of view,
I think it was a total disaster.
- [Chris] The Turkish invasion of Afrin,
ethnically cleansed hundredsof thousands of Kurds,
hunted down Christians,and burned churches.
Frantzman says if Turkeydoes invade North-East Syria,
like it did in Afrin, itcould turn the Middle East
upside down.
- If Turkey really decided to go in,
the US will withdraw.
So that means that youhave this weird chaos
where Turkey's going in,Americans are leaving,
well obviously when there's a vacuum,
other people have to rush in.
So, that would mean the Syrian regime,
the Russians, the Iranians,
and also I think ISIStrying to exploit that.
So that would be a hugeamount of instability.
- [Chris] And all thishappening while Washington
and the White House areconsumed by impeachment.
- It's the worst possible time for the US
to be totally distractedby this impeachment issue.
There's so many boilingkettles in the Middle East
and yet no cooks to reallydeal with all of them.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Ladies and gentlemen, I have said it,
and I'll say it again.
There are 36 millionKurds, they are our allies,
they are strong supportersof the democratic process.
They're absolutely wonderful people.
And they occupy a major portion of land.
What I think the United States should do
is recognize the sovereignnation of Kurdistan,
and to say these mortars arethe province of just like
the declaration of Balfour,declaration that said,
this land should belong to Israel,
this land should belong to the Kurds.
And otherwise, these Turkswill go in and massacre
the democratic people, kill theKurds who are strong allies,
and those Peshmerga havebeen defenders of freedom
throughout that region.
It would be the most brilliantstroke of the President
to say I recognize theDemocratic Republic of Kurdistan,
and these are their bordersand we will give them
the necessary arms to defend themselves.
And I read this stuff, Turkeyis our quote, "NATO ally."
Turkey is a vicious, Islamic dictatorship,
and Erdogan is anything buta man who loves freedom.
It's time to move on this one,
and we just pray that the President,
he's so distracted by this other stuff.
Now, the question about impeachment.
Can it be done unilaterallyby the Speaker?
Can it be done by one or two committees?
Or does it take thefull vote of the House?
Well, the Presidentsays, "I'm going to throw
"down the gauntlet."
Wendy, tell us about it.
- That's right, Pat.
The White House says no,it will not cooperate
with the impeachment probe,
because Speaker Pelosi did notcall for a vote in Congress.
The House did vote onimpeachment investigations,
into former Presidents BillClinton and Richard Nixon,
but Pelosi argues theConstitution does not require
a vote of the full House.
The White House moveindicates that they want
to put some Democrats in swing districts
on the record, to show that they support
impeaching the President.
One of those Democrats is Elaine Luria
of Virginia second district.
Like other members ofCongress, she's holding public
events to hear how their constituents feel
about impeaching President Trump.
Luria held a town hall lastnight, in Virginia Beach,
and CBN's Abigail Robertson was there.
- Congresswoman Elaine Luriatook a big political risk
when she called for an impeachment inquiry
with six other freshmen colleagues.
Now, the former Navy commanderis back in her district,
to see how her constituentsfeel about her bold decision.
- The people who have come up to me,
have said, you know, we support you.
Thank you for being strong,thank you for making a decision
because it was the right decision,
not because there wasa political calculus.
- [Abigail] Luria says she feels supported
by her constituents, andstands by her decision.
- Whether it has implicationson my future election
prospects in 2020, I want tobe able to look in the mirror,
and look and say that I wason the right side of history
and not that this had any sortof political ramifications.
- [Abigail] In the crowd.
- Trump needs to be impeached.
- [Abigail] Support was mixed.
- You've got to have meatbehind whatever you're doing.
I don't know that there'senough meat behind it.
I don't even care at this point.
- [Abigail] While DeniseKline tells CBN News
she personally supportsthe impeachment inquiry.
- The Ukraine issue becamesuch a front and center issue,
I realized that thiswas time that we really
had to do something.
- [Abigail] She doesn't think the majority
of the district agrees with her.
- I have seen threeletters lately where people
have been quite, in theirletters to the editor,
where people are quiteupset with this decision,
the Representative Luria made,
and to that abandoned support.
- [Abigail] Outside the town hall,
Republicans held a counter-protest.
- They're sitting therelooking for an opportunity
to try to impeach the President,
instead of looking for an opportunity
to work for their constituents.
- [Abigail] Calling theimpeachment inquiry a fraud.
- This impeachment is going nowhere.
It's clearly a fraud, it'sanother attempt by the Democrats
to undo the election of 2016.
- Congresswoman Luria isone of about 60 vulnerable
Democrats the NationalRepublican Party is targeting
with big digital ad buys in 2020.
Reporting from Virginia Beach, Virginia,
Abigail Robertson, CBN News.
- Thanks, Abi, and itdoesn't look like there's any
bipartisan support for impeachment.
- Well, I don't knowwhether there is or not,
but certainly they're not the bipartisan.
You know, the problem, thesecond district has been
a strong Republican district,and it's swung because
of the Democrats playedthat healthcare card,
while the President wastalking about the wall.
And the American peoplejust didn't care that much
about the wall, and they lostmany, many seats in the House.
And therefore, you've got a swing.
Now the Republicans arefighting to win back,
especially like the seconddistrict of Virginia.
The trouble is, right now,the Republicans don't have
a candidate, and a person veryclose to us is being wooed
to be a potential candidate,because they think
that Elaine Luria is vulnerable,
they think some of theseother, in these swing districts
the Democrat incumbents are vulnerable.
So they want very muchto take back the House.
If they have, just thinkif they have the House,
they have the Senate andthey have the Presidency,
it's going to be a whole new ball game.
- Pat, the Freedom FromReligion Foundation
has filed a complaint against the judge
who gave the convicted police officer
a Bible in court Wednesday.
She did that after Officer Amber Guyger
was convicted of killing BothamJean in his own apartment.
Then his younger brothersaid he forgave Guyger,
and that the best thing would be
for her to give her life to Jesus.
- I don't know if this is possible,
but can I give her a hug, please?
- [Wendy] And he did go on to hug her.
After Jean hugged Guyger,Judge Tammy Kemp gave
her a Bible and directed her to John 3:16,
and gave her his hug, as well,as you're seeing right there.
But the Freedom From Religion Foundation
says the judge was proselytizing,
and that her actionswere unconstitutional.
But the Dallas County District Attorney
supports Judge Kemp.
Pat, can you believe that?
- It makes you sick at your stomach,
that this Freedom FromReligion Foundation,
I hope they lose, I hope they lose,
and this one I hopethey lose in everything
they get involved in.
And, I might say that I was the founder
of the American Centerfor Law and Justice,
and one of the thing is tostand up against the ACLU,
and their acolytes, incases just like this,
but to be free from religion somehow,
is against the constitution.
You know, I was reading abook a couple of days ago,
that showed the foundingdocuments of the constitution
of every single one of our 50 states,
and there's not one ofthem that doesn't talk
about faith in Jesus Christ,
because of our faith in the Lord Jesus,
we therefore meet together to declare
this our sovereign state.
Every single state, and tosay that it's unconstitutional
for a judge to give a Bible to somebody
is just outrageous.
And I know if you, I hopeyou share my outrage,
because it's very palpable.
- Pat, the calendar may say October,
but so far this fall,it's been a scorcher.
A heat wave broke recordsin the South and Eastern US,
but forecasters say somerelief may be in sight.
In fact, some placesare about to see a swift
drop in temperatures.
Gary Lane has more.
- Parts of the nation thisweek are feeling more like
August, than October.
Record-setting hightemperatures have been recorded
for the month of October,in the Eastern Great Lakes,
through the Ohio Valley,and into the Deep South.
The National Weather Servicereports all-time record highs
for tide or set, in scores of cities.
From Cleveland and Indianapolis,
to New York and Nashville.
Baltimore, WashingtonDC, and New York City
are among the cities thatexperienced their hottest
October days on record at mid week,
as temperatures soared intothe middle and upper nineties.
In Atlanta, 97 degrees,and the high temperature
in Raleigh, Durham, NorthCarolina, hit at least 100.
That broke an all-time high there,
for the month of October.
In Virginia Beach, localsenjoyed having some beach
time to themselves.
Summer time weather without the tourists.
Mindy Carlin says she's likeit to stay hot year round.
- I'm a beach girl, I love Virginia,
I love the beach and likeI said, this is fine.
- [Gary] Linda Roberts saysshe's enjoying the extended
summer at the beach.
- But I look forward tothe fall coming as well,
so it's just a bonus,bonus time at the beach.
- [Gary] The new record-hightemperatures set this week
followed a number of recordhighs set in late September
in New Orleans cities.
Like Cincinnati, Ohio, and Scranton, PA.
- Daily record hightemperatures in jeopardy,
there's far too many to list here.
But all the red dots indicating
in daily records that are injeopardy for this afternoon.
- [Gary] Some people told us,they're ready for the heat
to come to an end, andfor fall to kick in.
- I'm kind of ready for cold weather.
Ready for at least fallweather by October.
- I'm ready for some boots and leggings,
quite honestly. (laughs)
- [Gary] And people likeDesiree Laird may soon
get their wish.
The heatwave won't last much longer,
temperatures are expectedto remain in the nineties,
for parts of the south this weekend,
but a drastic swing intemperatures is expected
early next week, droppingas much as 50 degrees
in some places, as autumnand even winter like
temperatures finally kick in.
- Tonight, winds subside,temperatures drop quickly,
and yes, you want to bringin that sensitive vegetation,
as freeze warnings aroundfrost advisories just west
of the I95 quarter.
- [Gary] Gary Lane, CBN News.
- Thanks, Gary.
Well, CBN's Operation Blessingbrings help to victims
of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas,
and tropical storm Imelda in Texas.
In the Bahamas, OperationBlessing teams produced
and distributed hundredsof gallons of clean water
in the communities ofWest End, and High Rock,
and to various schools.
They also helped provide materials
to help repair the roof and ceilings
of one primary school, andSuperbook is reaching out
in two schools with activities for kids.
Meanwhile, in Beaumont, Texas,Operation Blessing teams
are helping people clean up,
after flooding from tropical storm Imelda.
Teams are providingfurniture, mildewed carpets
and rotten floor removal,tearing out and replacing
damaged dry wall, all thewhile, giving spiritual comfort
to the victims.
700 Club viewers DebraOrders and her husband Eric
came all the way fromNorth Carolina to help.
Debra says she can seethe difference it's making
in people's lives.
- They're so thankful.
They're really thankful,and just their faces,
and how many times theythank you over and over.
And it just pulls at your heart strings,
and you want to do more.
And it's rewarding.
I'm glad we came.
- And Pat, get this,Debra and Eric celebrated
25 years of marriage thisweek and they did it by going
to Texas and helping peoplethrough Operation Blessing.
- Thanks, Wendy.
By the way folks, Operation Blessing
is looking for volunteers.
After tropical stormImelda, Operation Blessing
is coordinating volunteer clean up works
in Beaumont, Texas.
Now, you've got to beat least 18 years old.
Dress appropriate, thatmeans you got long pants
and hard soled shoes, work boots,
and bring your own transportation.
And it's 800-677-7974,they'll put you to work,
doing something worthwhileto help those less fortunate.
So that's Operation Blessing,relief volunteer information
is for 800-677-7974.