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Sec. Rick Perry's Oval Office Prophecy Comes True: 'God Has a Plan, Just Be Faithful'

Sec. Rick Perry's Oval Office Prophecy Comes True: 'God Has a Plan, Just Be Faithful' Read Transcript

- Mr. Secretary, you are about

to realize a prophecyspoken about your life.

How does that feel?

- Fascinating story.

In 2011, I was in the process of deciding

whether or not I wasgoing to run for president

and a dear friend of mine, a neurosurgeon,

a great Christian brothernamed Dr. Charles Gordon,

he said, "Hey, I had a friend who shared

"with me a vision of you, a prophecy

"about you in the White House,

"in the Oval Office, with your grandson."

Well, my son's married but no children.

But I knew I was planningon being the next president

of the United States, so shoot,

I knew how to take that, right?

(Rick laughs)

- [Jennifer] But it didn'tquite work out that way.

- As I tell people if youwant to make God laugh,

tell Him your plans.

- [Jennifer] His 2012 runfor the White House fizzled.

- My son in 2013 does have a child.

Well, I know it's gonna be a boy, right?

Well, out came Ella Perry.

So I was kinda like, "Well, all right.

"There's time to have more children."

2015, February, a second child comes.

It's Piper, another little girl.

And by September of 2015,I've read the tea leaves

pretty well and I'mnot gonna be successful

in the presidential election.

- [Jennifer] Still, allalong he had remembered

that prophecy.

- It never shook my faith,but it was kinda like,

"Well, maybe this lady was just wrong,

"maybe she's not a prophet."

- [Jennifer] But then on July 4th,

Perry's long-awaited grandson was born

and on October 4th theprophecy became truth.

- So, Griffin James Perry,his nickname's Finn,

he will go into the White House

into the Oval Office with the POTUS.

- You talk about God's faithfulness.

When you and Finn walkinto the Oval Office

and meet with President Trump,

that will be the fulfillmentof this prophecy.

But you're not walkinginto that office the way

that you thought you were gonna get there.

- Correct and your planisn't always God's plan

and looking back on it, my plan was

to be the president of the United States.

Tried twice, didn't work out that way.

God has a plan, just don't befrustrated, just be faithful

and a lot of times itwill turn out even better.

- [Jennifer] And somedaywhen Finn looks back

on this photo and is old enough

to appreciate the gravity of the moment--

- He'll go, yeah, my grandfather,he was a pretty cool guy.

I hope.

- [Jennifer] JenniferWishon, CBN News, Washington.


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