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This Is 1 of 60 Swing Seats the GOP Is Targeting: Here's Where Voters Stand on Impeachment

This Is 1 of 60 Swing Seats the GOP Is Targeting: Here's Where Voters Stand on Impeachment Read Transcript

- Congresswoman Elaine Luriatook a big political risk

when she called for an impeachment inquiry

with six other freshmen colleagues.

Now, the former Navy Commanderis back in her district

to see how her constituentsfeel about her bold decision.

- The people who havecome up to me have said,

we support you.

Thank you for being strong.

Thank you for making a decision

because it was the right decision

not because there wasa political calculus.

- [Abigail] Luria says she feels supported

by her constituents andstands by her decision.

- Whether it has implications

on my future election prospects in 2020,

I wanna be able to look in the mirror,

and look and say that I wason the right side of history

and not that this had any sortof political ramifications.

- [Abigail] In the crowd.

- Trump needs to be impeached.

- [Abigail] Support was mixed.

- You gotta have meat behindwhatever you're doing.

I don't know that there'senough meat behind it.

I don't really care at this point.

- [Abigail] While DeniseKline tells CBN News

she personally supportsthe impeachment inquiry.

- The Ukraine issue becamesuch a front and center issue,

I realized that this was time

that we really had to do something.

- [Abigail] She doesn't thinkthe majority of the district

agrees with her.

- I have seen three letters lately

where people have been quite,

in the letters to the editor where people

are quite upset with this decision

that Representative Luria made,

and two that have been in support.

- [Abigail] Outside the Town Hall,

Republicans held a counter protest.

- They're sitting therelooking for an opportunity

to try to impeach the President

instead of looking for an opportunity

to work for their constituents.

- [Abigail] Calling theimpeachment inquiry a fraud.

- This impeachment is going nowhere.

It's clearly a fraud.

It's another attempt by the Democrats

to undo the election of 2016.

- Congresswoman Luria is one of about

60 vulnerable Democrats

the National Republican Party is targeting

with big digital ad buys in 2020.

Recording from Virginia Beach, Virginia,

Abigail Robertson, CBN News.


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