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The 700 Club - October 2, 2019

A stripper experiences a moment of truth while on the job. Plus, find out what increases your risk of osteoporosis by 50% and what you can do to rebuild your bones. Read Transcript

(majestic music)

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Today, bottomline, you don't want it.

- We had the bone densityof an 80-year-old woman.

- [Narrator] Whatincreases your risk by 50%?

- One single ingredient.

- [Narrator] And now youcan Rebuild Your Bones.

- I had reversed my osteoporosis.

- [Narrator] Then, a teenage stripper.

- [Teen Girl] And I thought,wow, I'm good at something.

- [Narrator] Her momentof truth in the middle

of a strip club.

- [Teen Girl] I'm like, oh my goodness.

God is speaking to me.

- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

Ballistic missiles rollingthrough the streets.

Thousands of soldiersmarching in lock-step.

The 70th anniversary of the evil empire.

And the chilling messagesChina is sending,

we're the next world superpower.

Dale Hurd reports.

- It was popping grandeur,

befitting a world empire.

But for the countless millions

who have suffered under Chinese communism,

this was not a happy day.

(upbeat parade music)

As banners flew andparades marched in Beijing,

police in Hong Kong were shooting

a pro-democracy protester in the chest

in one of Hong Kong's most violent days.

And when President Trumptweeted congratulations

to President Xi and the Chinese people

on the 70th anniversary of thePeople's Republic of China,

he got slammed by other republicans

and followers on Twitter.

Representative Liz Cheneytweeted the 70th anniversary

of the People's Republic of China

is not a day for celebration.

Arkansas Senator, Tom Cottonsaid "It's been a ghoulish

"70 years of ChineseCommunist Party control."

- The 70th anniversary of the founding

of the People's Republic of China

is not something thatI think we should feel

the least big congratulatory about.

As I say, I think itwas a very, very bad day

for the world, and what'sflowed from it ever since

is pouring that out.

- [Dale] As many as 45million Chinese died

under Mao's Great Leap Forward.

Today, China is not only repressive,

it's an economic powerhouse,challenging the United States.

China displayed an arsenalof cutting-edge weaponry,

Tuesday, and has made no secret

that it intends to replace America

as the dominant power in the Pacific.

It's engaged in continuouseconomic and cyber warfare

against the United States.

- Because they have beenat war with us for decades.

And what, clearly, theChinese Communist Party

has in mind for that, isdomination of the world.

- They are engaged in all sorts of issues

with respect to national security.

They're stealing ourintellectual property.

- [Dale] And in a brutalcrackdown on Christians,

China has been bulldozingchurches and ripping down crosses.

- And there was one pastor'swife, in Hainan Province

in 2016, who stood in front of a bulldozer

as it was bulldozing a church.

She wouldn't move.

And she actually got bulldozed.

She was killed, bury alive, bythe Chinese Communist party.

- Chinese President Xi said in his speech,

there is no force that canshake this great nation.

And he made every effortin Tuesday's celebration

to show that he means it.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- You remember the former headof China was Chiang Kai-shek.

He was a general, and hewas a friend of America,

but apparently there was some corruption.

But the communists wanted very badly

to take that country over.

And when Mao Zedong came into power,

there was a brutal, brutal repression.

Millions of people died.

And right now, President Xi iswrapping up the persecution,

tearing down churches,bulldozing churches,

closing down schools and soforth, it's just terrible.

We thought, or at least I thought,

that the Chinese would becomethe largest Christian nation

on Earth, there were wellover 100 million Christians

in China.

The number was rising exponentially.

But, things have slowed down,

but I don't think they'regonna stop the progress

that they got, so Idon't care what they do.

The gospel is a lot strongerthan the Chinese communists.

Well, in other news, Secretaryof State, Mike Pompeo

was pushing back at Congress,calling their tactics,

quote, intimidation.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN news bureau in Washington.

Here's John.

- And Pat, secretaryMike Pompeo also confirms

that he was on the Ukrainiancall with President Trump,

even as he's squaringoff with house democrats.

He's fighting back onthe request to interview

five former and currentState Department officials

about that White House callwith Ukraine's president.

Pompeo sought to delay the meeting,

saying the way Congress made the request

was an act of intimidation,

violating constitutionalseparation of powers.

- They contacted StateDepartment employees directly.

They told them not tocontact legal counsel

at the State Department.

At least that's been reported to us.

They said that the State Department

wouldn't be able to be present.

- Congress is accusingPompeo of interfering

with its investigation.

Two of those State Department employees

will meet privately with the committee.

Kurt Volker, the formerUS envoy to Ukraine,

is scheduled to testify Thursday.

Meanwhile, the StateDepartment's Inspector General

is delivering what's beingcalled an urgent briefing

to lawmakers later today.

Well, the third branch of government

is getting back to workin just a few days.

Monday, the Supreme Courtbegins its new session,

and some protestors arealready out on the front steps

making their voices heard.

As Paul Strand reports, pro-life advocates

are hopeful this will willbe the high court term

when Roe v. Wade is defeated.

- Many folks say legalizedabortion, it's settled law,

give up trying to get rid of it.

But a bunch of people showed up, here,

at the Supreme Court to say we disagree.

It's time to overturn Roe v. Wade.

These pro-life partisansunrolled a massive scroll

labeled The Moral Outcry,

250,000 signatures callingfor the end of Roe.

- Will you be a voice?

Would you stir up amoral outcry in the land

that would provoke the people to see

what the Lord's trying to do in the land?

That he's trying to overturn something,

the shedding of innocent blood.

- [Paul] Organizers hope togather a million signatures

through the website,

They insist that justicesactually pay attention

to such petitions.

- When you sign the petition,you are severely criticizing

Roe v. Wade, and that'sone of the reasons itself,

for overturning a Supreme Court decision.

- [Paul] Some accuse pro-lifers

of only caring about the unborn.

But the Thybaults saythey are doing much more.

Melinda Thybault says she heard the Lord

tell her to let embryos,save from abortion,

be planted in her womb.

Which led her to see a bigger potential.

- We've walked many couplesthrough newborn adoption,

embryo adoption, there's600,000 embryos waiting

for a womb.

- [Paul] Also at this rally,women like Cynthia and Lisa,

who've got through with abortion.

- Everyday, I just remember the abortion.

I remember the death ofmy son, David Immanuel.

- I have five children that are missing

from my dinner table.

Every time I sit down for dinner,

there's not a day thatgoes by that I don't think

about my children.

- It was a slow form of destruction,

not only of my children,but of my soul also.

The enemy never plays fair.

He kills our children and hegoes after us at the same time.

- Many folks say you can't messwith abortion, it's a right.

Others say, what about theright to those unborn babies?

What about the right to life?

Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom the Supreme Court.

- Thanks Paul.

Pat, back to you.

- It was a shocking thing when they took

the whole matter ofabortion out of the states

and made it a federal right.

They say that Roe vs. Wade,they call it Blackmun's abortion

because it was so poorly reasoned.

It was based on a trumped upcase that came out of Texas.

The ACLU had the phony plaintiff,

the whole thing was fraudulent,

and to say it's quote "settled law"

as part of the constitution is nonsense.

It's not part of the constitution,

but this is a matter of, what'scalled, state police power.

They should never hadmade it a federal right.

And, so, what do states dowhen there's a federal right?

They take the power away from the people.

So, what these people aresaying, and we're all saying,

is let's give it back.

And let's not hear all this business

about Roe vs. Wade's quote, "settled law."

it was a phony decisionbased on a phony plaintiff

and a phony lawsuit broughtby the ACLU in Texas.

And even the person who was involved

has repudiated her rolein the whole thing.

I mean, it's nonsense.

And it's time they stop saying

that abortion is a constitutional right.

There's no such thing.

It should go back to the states,

that's where it was attendedby the constitution.

And then the people should decide

what they want to do with it.

But, once you take itout of the state matter

and make it a federal right,a constitutional right,

then the state, the peopledon't have any power.

And we don't like that.

Well, John, what else?

- Meanwhile, Pat, a Georgia abortion law

could be on its way to the supreme court.

Tuesday, a federal judgetemporarily locked the law

which forbids abortion aftera fetal heartbeat is detected.

Several pro-abortiongroups are challenging

the law's constitutionality.

The judge ruled in favor of their request

to prevent the law from taking effect

while those suits are pending.

The nation's largestprotestant denomination

is putting the issue of abusefront and center this week,

hosting a historic conference,designed to help churches

learn how to prevent abuseand support survivors.

Heather Sells has the storyon this high-profile event.

- [Heather] The #ChurchToomovement has followed

the #MeToo movement closely,since it began in late 2017.

For Southern Baptists,it blew up last year,

with a Houston Chronicle report

that detailed accusationsof sexual misconduct

against hundreds of SouthernBaptist clergy and staff.

The report identifiedmore than 700 victims.

President JD Greear says hecringed when it came out.

- When I first heard aboutthe Houston Chronicle article,

my gut reaction was to prayLord, protect our reputation,

help the gospel not to go backwards,

and help us to, don't letpeople skew the information.

And it was one of those moments

where I felt the spirit of God say to me,

that's not what I want you to be praying.

I'll guard your reputation.

I want you to be willingto do whatever it takes

to provide safety, a more safe environment

for the victims and the vulnerable.

- [Heather] This week'sconference is an attempt

to educate the denomination's47,000 churches.

One of the most prominent speakers

will be Rachel Denhollander,

best known for her battleto convict Olympic doctor,

Larry Nassar, on chargesof sexual assault.

On a recent book tour for her new memoir,

Denhollander told CBNNews that she's looking

for SBC pastors to be willing to admit

when they don't know much about abuse.

She's also calling for adetailed righting of wrongs.

- And I expect that the SBC leaders,

the ones who are standing up and preaching

the grace and repentance of God,

can demonstrate the levelof grace and repentance

that I require out of my four-year-old.

I am sorry that we did.

And to identify specificallywhat went wrong.

I am sorry that it did.

And to identify thedamage that was caused.

And then to start asking the question,

how can we repair the relationship,

and to listen for the answer.

Right now, the SBC has not,

they have done a lot ofcorporate and general repentance,

and I'm grateful for that.

There has been no specificadmissions of what went wrong.

There has not been a pastor or a church

that they have pointed toand said this is not okay.

- Denhollander said she'd also like to see

the denomination explore ways

to penalize churches that mishandle abuse.

Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Thanks Heather.

Pat, there's so muchneed for healing there.

- You know the Biblesays judgment will begin

at the house of the Lord.

And if it begins first there,where will the ungodly be?

I think the fact that the revelation

that's coming about the Catholicchurch, about the priests,

so many who have abusedyoung boys and girls,

the fact that this is happening

in the Southern Baptist Church,

the largest twodenominations in the country,

I think it's kind of awound, but it's healthy.

I think those things cannot be covered up.

They shouldn't be covered up.

And if we confess oursins, we will find mercy.

And if we cover them up, we will not.

And, so, I think it's a good thing,

that my goodness, I'mshocked, I'm Southern Baptist,

and I didn't know thatall this was going on.

But, you figure, yougive pedophiles the power

over young people, whetherit's at camps or at church

or your youth groups and so forth,

especially in the intimacyof the confessional

that the Catholics have,

and the opportunity for abuse is rampant.

So, let's clean it up.

And I think the fact that judgment begins

with the house of the Lord,

but where will the ungodlybe when this is all over?


- Thanks Pat.

Coming up later on The 700Club, the American dream.

This college flunk-out startedwith a minimum wage job

at McDonald's,

and you'll never guesswhat he's doing now.

Then, Stripped Away, why didthis dancer leave the stage

in the middle of a routine?

But first, hard to believe,

this woman once had thebones of an 80-year-old.

See how see reversed osteopetrosis

and how you can RebuildYour Bones, after this.

(majestic music)

(majestic music)

- Imagine being 48 years old,and hearing from your doctor,

quote "You have thebones of an 80-year-old."

That's exactly what happened to one woman,

who was sentenced to a lifetime in bed,

and how did she completelyreverse her osteoporosis?

Here's Lorie Johnson with an answer.

- [Lorie] These days,48-year-old Mira Calton

enjoys near-perfect health,

a far cry from when severe pain kept her

from even getting off the couch.

- I was literally bedridden.

And I went to see thedoctor, and at that point,

he diagnosed me withadvanced osteoporosis.

He told me I had the bonedensity of an 80-year-old woman.

He told me I'm not gonna get better.

And that was just the way it was gonna be

for the rest of my life.

- Osteoporosis literallymean porous bones.

That's bad.

In fact, half of Americansover 50 either has osteoporosis

or is at risk of getting it.

Broken bones fromosteoporosis account for more

hospitalizations than breast cancer,

heart disease, and diabetes combined.

Refusing to accept her doctor's diagnosis

of a life sentence,

Mira decided to researchthe field's top doctors.

That extensive work eventually led

to not only a lifesaver,but also her future husband,

doctor Jason Calton.

- What's really scary is that 50% of women

and 25% of men will fracturebecause of osteoporosis.

24% of these men andwomen who fracture a hip,

literally die within the first12 months of that fracture.

Now, we start to seeosteoporosis for what it is,

it's a deadly disease.

- [Lorie] Doctor Caltonput Mira on a program

to strengthen her bone density.

- After two years of working with him,

I went back for a DEXA scan,

and I had reversed my osteoporosis.

- [Lorie] In their book,Rebuild Your Bones,

the Caltons lay out the exact plan

that worked so well for Mira.

It starts with a diet,rich in micronutrients,

especially calcium,magnesium, and vitamin D.

You focus on vegetables, seeds, and fish,

while avoiding thechemicals and sweeteners

in processed foods.

- Sugar blocks your body'sability to absorb calcium

and magnesium, and reducesyour vitamin D levels.

We don't want that.

We're trying to fight toget the micronutrients in.

- [Lorie] Sometimes,even the healthiest diets

don't do the job,

and that's when supplementscome in to play.

You just need to choose the right ones.

- They did a study, where they went out

and they got 49 different multivitamins,

right off the shelves.

And these are major name brands.

The scientists looked at them

and determined that 51% ofthem, or more than half of them,

didn't even disintegrate.

So, how can you get thebenefits of the micronutrients

in your supplements,

if you can't even getyour body to absorb them.

- [Lorie] Even thevitamins our body absorbs

might need to be taken at different times.

So, plan your doses.

- Good example, calcium and magnesium.

They actually compete.

Yes, the calcium will get in,

but the magnesium won't be able to.

Also vitamin D and vitamin K2.

Often times, we see thesesupplements combined,

but we don't want to take them together

because they directlycompete for absorption.

- [Lorie] After changingher diet and supplements,

Mira looked for other ways tostop depending on chemicals,

such as cleaning suppliesand personal products.

- And some of thesechemicals are so dangerous,

even one of them, triclosan,

is found in anti-bacterial soaps,

and also your toothpaste and shampoo,

you have to be careful,

increases your chances ofgetting osteoporosis by 50%.

One single ingredient.

- [Lorie] Next came focusing on her sleep.

That's because people whodon't get enough quality rest

face a 270% greater riskof developing osteoporosis.

Lack of sleep affects theso-called hunger hormones,

ghrelin and leptin.

And increase in hunger, typically,

leads to choosing comfort food,

which is often low inbone-building micronutrients.

- Make sure you just go into your room

and start slowly shutting everything down.

Get off of the computer earlier.

Turn the television down earlier.

And pay attention to your sleep habits.

- [Lorie] Too little sleepincreases our stress hormone,

cortisol, which canblock the body's ability

to absorb calcium, leading to bone loss.

In fact, some diseases thatincrease cortisol levels,

such as Cushing syndrome,

carry increased osteoporosis risk.

The CDC reports nine outof 10 older Americans

have used a prescriptiondrug within the last month.

While they can be lifesaving,

these and over-the-counter medications

can deplete the vitalmicronutrients our bones need.

Some of these drugsinclude corticosteroids,

used to treat allergies,asthma, and inflammation,

antidepressants, andlong-term use of antacids.

Doctor Calton recommends ways to reduce

what he calls our toxic load.

That's his term for theenemies our body fights

instead of using strengthto fortify our bones.

One way to reduce that loadis by using a HEPA air filter

to clean the air we breathe.

Certain water filters cantake away lead, copper,

and mercury coming out of the faucet.

- These heavy metals slowly deteriorate

and rob the body of micronutrientsthat it could be using

to keep your bones strong.

- [Lorie] Look for waterfilters that remove 99%

of contaminants and canback up their claims.

So, while we don't planto fall, eventually we do.

When that happens, strongbones allow us to get up

and keep going.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Fabulous report, Lorie,really is wonderful.

This book is called Rebuild Your Bones,

a 12-week osteoporosis protocol.

Mira Calton and Jason Calton.

And it's available where books are sold.

Isn't that interesting?

- And I also have always heard

that lifting weights helps bones.

- Absolutely, absolutely.- As well as diet.

- More than anything, Imean it's very important

to do stressing, to stress the bones.

I used to exercise horses,

and one of the thingsthat we were told to do

is to trot the horses on pavement,

which would be shocking, andas their bones would hit,

the bone would get strongerbecause of that extra stress.

And, so, it would be something.

We do the same thing with our bodies.

If you push a big load awayso you can get your bones,

you're exactly right.

So, the book is called RebuildThe Bones, fabulous report.

I had no idea howextensive osteoporosis is.

But it's really, very,

and the diminishingmore than anything else,

is estrogen, and woman in particular,

when they get intomenopause lose estrogen.

And, so, people are talking about well,

if you take estrogen, you getbreast cancer and so forth.

But, nevertheless, this is a great book.

Rebuild Bones, 12-weekosteoporosis protocol

and that lady, by the way, is lovely.

So whatever she's doing, it's working.

- It's working.

- That doctor looks like one of the actors

in Grey's Anatomy.

(laughing)Did you notice?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Well, coming up later, Culture Shock.

A teen moves from Pakistan to Texas.

How did the golden archesradically change his life?

Plus, like having a heart attack,

that's how this woman feltevery day of her life.

How did a song end her anxiety?

Find out after this.

(inspirational music)

(upbeat music)

- Easy money, and a way to control men.

That's what drew Coreen Martinez

into the world of stripping,

when she was just 19 years old.

And one night, Coreen didsomething that shocked her.

She fled the stage, why?

Because of a song.

- [Narrator] As a childgrowing up in Mexico,

Coreen Martinez didn't understand

why her parents were always fighting,

or the alcoholism tearing them both apart.

What she did understandwas her father's love.

- That was the one lovethat I always held on to,

even though I wouldsometimes be in the middle

of him and my mom having a fight,

I felt that he truly loved me.

- [Narrator] But thatlove would be denied.

Late one night, her mothertook six-year-old Coreen

and her two sisters, andhopped a Greyhound bus

bound for her hometown inIndiana, to start a new life.

- I remember feeling alone.

But then I had a deeper feeling of fear.

(eerie music)

- [Narrator] And it only got worse.

Her mom dated and lived with abusive men.

And was often absent for days,or even months at a time.

At age 12, Coreen startedhaving panic attacks daily.

- I was afraid of death,thinking I'm gonna die everyday.

I literally would feel likeI was having a heart attack.

It was a thought in my mind all the time.

Am I gonna die today?

Am I gonna die today?

The only way I can go aboutmy day, is if I wasn't alone.

- [Narrator] As a teen, shefound the company of boys

and sex eased her anxiety.

By 19, she was a high school dropout,

and making money as a stripper.

- And something clicked.

Guys loved me.

And I thought, wow, I'm good at something,

and I feel in control, andI'm making a lot of money.

- [Narrator] For the next five years,

stripping and boyfriendswould keep her loneliness

and anxiety attacks at bay.

Then, at 24, she movedback in with her mom

after breaking up with herboyfriend of three years.

- The next day, I hada severe panic attack.

And I said, I haven't had it this bad

in the past couple of years,I don't know what to do.

Well, eventually, within that week,

I said you know what?

If God is wonderful and all these things,

then maybe he can be my medicine.

- [Narrator] Coreen's onlyexperience with God or church

was when she went toSunday School as a kid.

Now, somehow, she knew that'swhere she needed to go.

(slow music)

- People are praising theLord with their hands up.

These people seem so free.

I want that.

And I sat there Sunday afterSunday for a couple of weeks.

The pastor preached about,if you never give your heart

to Jesus Christ,

your eternity won't be with him.

It would be in hell.

I suddenly became afraidto be forever separated

from true love.

I just remember praying,remove this panic,

this anxiety from me.

If you are who you sayyou are, all loving,

and if you're a healer, andI get to feel that forever,

I really want that.

- [Narrator] The next day,she realized something else.

- Oh my god.

I went all day, and Ididn't have a panic attack.

I hoped so bad that this was real.

But, to be honest, I still wasn't sure.

I've always carried an attitudeof expecting the worst.

I'm gonna find something wrong.

Where I can say, oh,I hoped you were real,

but turns out, you're not.

- [Narrator] Coreen was afraidshe couldn't fully trust God

with her heart and her life.

So she kept dancing on occasion for money,

and going to church on Sundays.

One night at the club,her dance was disrupted

by a worship song she'd heard at church.

- And I'm like oh my goodness.

I think I'm hearing things.

God is speaking to me.

(dramatic tones)

It was like I was alonefor a moment, me and God.

Then, the scripture that saysI purchase you for a price,

therefore, honor me withyour body, fell on my heart.

It wasn't just knowledge anymore.

I had godly insight.

That void in me allalong was a lack of love.

I was spiritually dead.

He raised me from the deadthat day and love will do that.

Love will chase you down.

And it took for him to come inside

the strip club to do that.

- [Narrator] Coreen immediatelywalked out of the club

and never looked back.

(upbeat music)

She went on to finish school

and earn her degree asa physical therapist.

She now has a strongrelationship with her mom

and after years ofsearching for each other,

she and her dad reunited.

Today, Coreen is married to Mike,

and runs a ministry to share Jesus

with women in the adultentertainment industry.

- I went back to clubswith such excitement

that I wanted to share withthem the love of Christ

because in my mind, Jesuscame to visit me in the club,

so if Jesus is with me everywhere I go,

then he's gonna go visitthem in the club too.

- You know, I was readingthe Bible the other day,

and I remember when the Israelites came in

to the so-called promised land.

And they come into a city called Jericho.

And there were spies (mumbles) in Jericho.

And they went to the house ofa woman who's called Rahab.

And Rahab was a prostitute.

She was a harlot.

And if you go back inthe genealogy of Jesus,

you find that she is one ofthe ancestors of Jesus Christ.

And when he was resurrected,

one of the women who came to him

was a woman named Mary Magdalene.

She'd had seven demons cast out of her,

and there was some who thought

that probably she was immoral.

And then there was a time with a woman

who poured expensive perfume over him,

and washed his feet with her hair.

And they said if he was a prophet,

that he would know who was touching her,

this was a woman of the streets.

It's amazing, we think thatsomebody who is involved

in the sex trade,involved in prostitution,

involved in whatever,

that these people are rejected by God.

And God says no.

I love you.

And Coreen was visited in a strip club

by the power of God.

And God will touch you too.

Don't say, do not say Ihave sinned away my chance.

I'm in the quote, sex trade,and therefore, I'm hopeless.

No, God loves you.

And the love of God extends to everyone,

so-called fallen women, and others.

And we do not reject them.

If we do, we're not following the Lord.

God forgives sin, and he'll forgive you.

And right now, beforewe do one other thing,

I wanna give every one of you a chance

to come to the Lord.

Receive his forgiveness.

Don't harden your heart.

Don't reject him.

He's reaching his hand to you right now,

and he says my daughter,my son, I love you.

I died for you.

Pray this prayer with me right now.

Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus Christ,

I give you my heart, I give you my life,

and from this moment on,

I receive your forgiveness for my sin.

I thank you, Lord, thatyou've heard my prayer.

Thank you that you've come into my life.

Now, if you prayed thatprayer with me just then,

I wanna give you something.

It's called A New Day.

And in this new day is a compact disc

and it's about 70-something minutes

of very intense teachingabout what you've just done.

It's the most important decisionyou ever made in your life.

So, the Bible saysmagnify the Lord with me.

Unless we, (mumbles) rejoiceand proclaim his name together.

A New Day.

I'll give this to you.

Telephones available.

It's 1-800-700-7000,

1-800-700-7000, pickup the phone and call.

And say look, I justprayed with that guy on TV.

I prayed with Pat.

I receive God's forgiveness,and I am a child of God.

Come home, daughter.

Come home.

Come home.

The Lord is waiting for you.

He wants to throw his armsaround you and welcome you.

Come in, I'm with you.

1-800, toll-free number,no money involved,

just call and say I just found the Lord.


- Beautiful, thanks Pat.

Well, still ahead.

Turning his back on Islam.

Why did a move to America makethis man question his faith?

Plus, sleepless nights worried about money

and then an astronomical hospital bill.

Where could she find a way out?

Then, later, yourquestions, honest answers.

Yvette asked, when Christiansdie and go to Paradise

do they enjoy the luxuries of Heaven?

Or are they just restinguntil Christ's return?

What will Pat say to that?

You'll find out when we come back.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- And welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN News Break.

Former Dallas policeofficer, Amber Geiger,

has been found guilty in the murder trial

of her 26-year-old neighbor, Bothom John.

The jury returned withits decision Tuesday,

only deliberating for a matter of hours.

She could serve from five to 99 years.

The case made headlineswhen Geiger shot and killed

a Dallas worship leader,while inside his own home.

Geiger says she entered the apartment,

mistaking it for hers, and shethought John was an intruder.

Turning overseas, South Korea's military

says North Korea fired aprojectile off its eastern coast,

after an announcementthat nuclear negotiations

between the United Statesand Kim Jong Un's regime

are set to resume.

The State Department saysthe two countries have agreed

to pick up the discussionwithin the next week,

ending a month-long stalemate.

This week, ousted nationalsecurity advisor, John Bolton,

publicly criticized thepresident's North Korea strategy,

saying he doesn't believePyongyang will ever give up

its nuclear program.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be back

with more of The 700Club right after this.

(adventurous music)

(upbeat music)

- From the City of Lightsto the Lonestar State,

Ali Master moved to Americawhen he was 18 years old.

Before long, this Pakistaniimmigrant learned about freedom

and embodied the American dream.

- [Narrator] Ali Master grewup in a typical Muslim family

in Pakistan, but he came tothe US to attend college.

Ali dealt with extreme culture shock.

But he also found freedomshe'd never experienced.

(light piano music)

Not only did he earn a degree,

but Ali embraced Christianity,found love and married,

raised a family, and went on to become

a highly successful tax expert and partner

at Ernst and Young.

In his first book, Beyond the Golden Door,

Ali shares his unique perspectiveon the American dream,

through an immigrant's eyes.

- And please welcome toThe 700 Club, Ali Master.

Ali, welcome to The 700 Club.

- Thank you, Wendy.

- Now, you made the stunning decision

to go to college in America,how did your parents react?

- That one was a much simpler reaction

than later reactions we'll talk about.

I think they knew and therewere some other cousins

that had blazed the trail.

So, it was like go,

get your degree,- But you're an only child.

So your mom, she didn't--- I was, it was hard,

but my dad was like no, he needs to go.

And then he's gonna come backafter he gets his degree.

- So, you were 18, you getto Texas, what was it like?

Was it a culture shock?

- Oh yes.

So, my dad was, we werea middle class family,

but even a middle classfamily has lots of servants.

So I had a chauffer, a maid, a gardener,

a country club membership,

everything.- Wow, that's middle class

in Pakistan.

- Well, he worked forthis affiliate of GE,

so the company paid for everything.

So, I didn't know that we weren't rich.

Then you come over hereand all of a sudden,

you were a diverse person.

I kinda like to jokethat I'm no longer tall,

dark, and handsome, I'm only dark.

And you're sweeping floors atMcDonald's two weeks later,

after you had all these luxuries.

So, it was a major awakening.

- So, at one point, you'refailing out of class,

and you actually thoughtI'm gonna kill myself.

How did it get that bad, tothe point where you thought

I'm gonna end it all?

- Yeah, a lot of us international students

come here with huge burdensto perform and succeed,

especially when you're theonly child and the only son.

And I was just not ready

for the decadent American lifestyle.

And I had ran into some bad company.

I had this girlfriend that wasjust leading me the wrong way

and I just wanted to getout of that situation.

I didn't know how to react.

And that's when I ended up in the hospital

with the slashed wrists.

- Wow, now you and yourfamily were devout Muslims,

and that was your, even when you came here

as a college student, whathappened along the way?

You became a Christian,how did that happen?

- Yeah, that's a big jump, isn't it?

So, first of all, my mom would always say,

when you turn 40, then youcan embrace faith more.

So I was like hey, I gota little bit of time,

so we were devout, my mom in particular,

and at some point, I ran into this girl

that shared Jesus with me at a McDonald's,

where we both worked.

We all come with lots ofstereotypes, from Muslim countries,

about Jesus, he is a prophet to us.

An important character, albeit, but still,

a prophet, never died for your sins.

Islam is a works-based faith.

So, she's the first onethat tells me about Jesus.

She gives me my first Bible.

And we start to see each other,

and she wants to get rid ofme, so she invites me to church

thinking I'm gonna say no.

I say yes, and thatleads to just a discovery

of who Jesus really is.

Ultimately we go our separateways, her name is Judy,

and I consider to see Christ on my own.

And then, seven or eight months later,

I give my heart to him.

- Amazing, now, Ali, youbelieve there is a link

between American freedomsand Christianity.

Why is that?

- Because I think, if youreally, as I discuss in the book,

I discuss these five freedomsthat are very special to me.

And I trace these freedoms.

I go, where do these freedoms come from?

And I make a case that these are rooted

in our Judea-Christian values.

And freedom, ultimately,comes from Christ.

And as you look at how thefounding of America's happened,

you can make a case that there's a lot

of biblical values in there.

And apart from thosevalues, if you don't see

that we have unalienable rights,

you're not gonna beable to transport them.

And, so, in that role modelthat Christ lays out for us

of giving up his freedom,

I feel we have a direct linkage.

- Ali, you were a low-levelMcDonald's employee.

You said you started at the bottom,

and worked yourself up to a manager.

Now you're a partner ata major financial firm.

Tell us about that, how did that happen?

It's fascinating.

- So, what happened, wasonce I accepted Christ,

I decided I'm gonna go back home,

share Christ with my family.

So I went to the short-term missionary,

and Judy, the girl thatshared Christ with me,

we had sort of gone our separate ways.

We used to write to each other.

When I came back from that amazing trip,

that Beyond the Golden Door talks about,

that's when we got backtogether, got married,

she is like okay, no more McDonald's,

you're working crazyhours, go find a real job.

I was taking accounting courses.

One thing led to another andI got into the tax business.

And, I just loved theentrepreneurial culture

that America offers.

And eventually thatlead to Ernst and Young.

And I just continued to work hard

and found some great mentors and sponsors,

and made partner eight years later.

So, there are lots oftwists and turns to this,

it wasn't overnight success,but that's how it happened.

- And you said, even whenyou started at McDonald's,

you looked around and said okay,

if I work hard, I can be promoted here.

- Yes, I think that's a greatpoint you bring up Wendy,

because people behind the counter

don't mix with people ordering your food

in countries like Pakistan,there's this chasm.

But here, even the CEO ofMcDonald's at that time,

came from the grill.

And, so, I'm seeing thispattern, that no matter where

you are in America, youcan work hard, very hard,

but there is a path for you.

You don't have to just staywhere your circumstances are.

- And how did you family reactwhen you became a Christian?

Are they still Muslim?

- That's a wonderful question you ask.

It was a very difficultreaction when I went back.

I mean, literally, I wasin a psychiatric ward

for a period of time,

'cause they were like,did you get voodooed

by these rich Americansand this beautiful girl?

And all my family, obviously,was persecuting them.

They didn't raise me right.

But over time, drip, drip, drip,

it's like loving themunconditionally, loving them,

telling them about Jesus,and we built this bridge.

So, I have hope for bothmy mother and my father.

I actually got to pray withmy mother three years ago.

And both of them have passed away,

but I am hopeful thatI'm gonna see them again.

- They have, I love that there'sso many great family photos

in this book, and youwere a cute baby. (laughs)

And your parents arejust a gorgeous couple.

And this is a page-turner.

I could not put it down.

It's just fascinating,growing up, we don't know,

there's so much to learn about your life

in this book calledBeyond the Golden Door.

So, thank you so much for writing it.

And it's available in stores nation-wide,

and we hope that youwill get a copy of it.

Well, still ahead, like a tree near death,

that's how this mother described herself.

Find out how she got newlife and doubled her income.

And also, time to tackle your emails.

Kimberly says I have a hardtime accepting my daughter.

I can't stop thinking aboutwhat my life could have been.

How can I get better?

Your questions, honest answer, coming up.

Don't go away.

(upbeat music)

(light happy music)

- Well does worrying aboutmoney keep you awake at night?

It did for the singlemother in our next story.

How on Earth can she pay backall of the money she owed?

And one day, she was stunned to find out

the answer was right in her own backyard.

(relaxing music)- Oh is a single mom,

raising her young son alone.

Her husband abandonedthem before Tao was born.

(Oh speaks in foreign language)

- [Translator] Tao means everything to me.

When life is difficult, heinspires me to press on.

- [Narrator] Oh workspart time at a restaurant

to buy food for herson and elderly mother.

She's had to borrow for other things

like clothes and school fees.

(Oh speaks in foreign language)

- [Translator] I get stressed, and I worry

about how I will pay the money that I owe.

I can't seem to find a way out.

- [Translator] My daughtercould not sleep at night.

I wanted to help, but did not know how.

- [Narrator] Then GrandmaNa suffered an aneurism,

and was hospitalized for two months.

Oh borrowed more moneyto pay the medical bills.

(Oh speaks in foreign language)

- [Translator] When I saw herhospital bills, I was shocked.

I owed so much money, more than $2,000.

I did everything I couldto keep my mom alive.

- [Translator] I saw my mom cry.

I felt so sad for her.

- [Narrator] Then a neighbor told Oh

about CBN's Orphan's Promise.

We poured a concrete floorand installed other items

needed to start a smallrestaurant at her house.

Oh's income has doubled,and she has paid off

her mom's medical bills.

- [Translator] My life was like a tree

that was near death, thenOrphan's Promise came

and gave us new lifethrough my new business.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile,Grandma Na is back on her feet

and helping Oh preparefood for the restaurant.

- [Translator] Now, Isee my mom and my son

smiling everyday.

You helped our family,and brought a bright light

into our lives.

- [Translator] Thank you!

- Isn't it interesting,we're helping people,

one family and a time,one person at a time,

all over the world.

And you didn't know about Oh,

and I didn't know about Oh, either,

to tell you both the truth.

But, Operation Blessing andOrphan's Promise help people,

hundreds and hundredsand millions of people

all over the world, are being helped.

And you are doing it, asa member of The 700 Club.

So, how do you do it, you might ask?

And I'm sure you want meto tell you the answer.

It's just $20 a month, $0.65 a day.

Less than a fraction of aprice of a can of soda pop.

And you can change the world.

And those that join, Iwanna give you something

called the Transforming Word,

it's proverbs versus thewisdom, favor, and anointing.

And I think you'll findthis very inspirational.

It's from the Bible.

And call, you could be a partner.

It doesn't take a wholelot, but we can help people

like Mrs. Oh.

Here, she's suffering, she's worrying,

she can't sleep at night,

because she can't pay her bills.

And all of a sudden, she needsan avenue, just an avenue

to say okay, here's the path.

We'll show you a new way.

And we poured a concrete floor,

helped her get a few pots and pans,

and next thing you know,she's got a restaurant

and she's doubling andtripling her income.

And paying off her bills and taking care

of her infirm relative.

It's just God can do.

And the Lord says, when he comes back,

he's gonna say to them, what did you do

to the least of these, my brother,

and you did it under me.

And he's gonna ask us, what did we do?

What did you do in your hand?

Well, I took it out,and I had a big dinner

at an expensive restaurant.

Oh did you, well I'm soglad that you're well-fed.

Too bad.

That's a negative.

What else did you do with the lawn mower?

And I said oh, clothes, oh did you?


What did you give unto theleast of these, my brother?

And he said you give unto me.

Join The 700 Club, it's 1-800-700-7000.

Well, let's take some questions.

- Yeah, let's start with Yvette.

She's got a good one.

She says Hi Pat, I was just pondering,

when Christians die and go to Paradise,

do they enjoy the luxuries of Heaven

or are they just restinguntil Christ's return?

- There are those whoteach so-called soul sleep,

I don't believe the Bible teaches that.

Jesus said to the thief on the cross,

this day, you'll be with me in Paradise.

What are you gonna do?

You've got a spirit, andyour spirit will be active,

it won't be asleep.

Paul says, I'm in a straightbetween two of the part

to be with the Lord.

I don't think God wantsus to leave this world,

and your spirit just is inan inanimate state in Heaven.

I don't think that'swhat the Bible teaches.

I think it will be activeand enjoying the pleasures

and joys of Heaven until he comes back.

And then, at the resurrection,

we'll have a heavenly bodyto go along with our spirit,

and that's something wegot to look forward to.

- And then Kimberlysays, I love my daughter,

and sometimes I just feellike I failed in life.

I have a hard time accepting my daughter,

and I can't stop thinkingabout what my life

could have been.

How can I get better?

- Well, what you can get better,

is to call it what it is,it's selfishness and it's sin.

What you're saying ismy beautiful daughter

kept me from all the partiesand all the excitement

and all the business and all the things

that I could have done to fulfill myself.

That's what you just said.

And you look at yourdaughter and you resent her

because she kept you from whatever it was.

Now, I don't know what elseis going on in your life,

but what you need to dois get before the Lord

and confess Lord, I ask you to forgive me

for my selfishness.

And I thank you for thisprecious child that you gave me,

and that this is a gift of God, right?

- Amen, well said Pat.

All right, this viewer says is John 10:28,

King James Version, afinal statement of Jesus

when he says and I giveunto them eternal life,

and they shall never perish.

- What is it you're asking?

I don't know, is it the final statement?

Well, he gives unto them eternal life

and they shall never perish?

Well, he does give us eternal life.

But in a sense, we live with him.

And he's going to,there's a so-called Bema,

the judgment seat of Christ.

So we'll give account forthe things we do in our body.

Does that mean we'regonna lose our salvation?

I don't wanna get into all that,

but there was to be someform of reward in Heaven.

And he said those thatknew the Lord's will

and didn't do it, will bebeaten with many strikes.

I mean, you know, there'sgonna be some judgments,

keep in mind.

Well, today's para minute is from John,

quote, "If anyone lovesme, he will keep my word,

"and my father will love him,

"and we will come to himand make our home with him."

Well tomorrow, insidethe mind of murderers,

what the FBI says is behindthe mass shooting epidemic.

For Wendy and all of us,this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you so much for being with us.

See you tomorrow, bye-bye.

(light music)


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