Former Clinton Impeachment Manager: Intelligence Operatives Sabotaging Trump
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(dramatic music)
- Democrats in the mainstream media
characterize the personwho filled a complaint
about President Trump's phone call
to the Ukrainian Presidentas a Whistleblower
The impression is that he orshe is an intelligence officer,
a true patriot, protecting America
and the Constitution from abuse,
but our next guest suggests
the person is not a Whistleblowerat all, but a saboteur.
Former Congressman Bob Barrwas House Impeachment Manager
during President BillClinton's impeachment.
Mr. Barr is also a former CIA analyst.
He's now president and CEO of
the Law Enforcement Education Foundation.
Congressman Barr it'sgood to see you again sir
and tell us why do youthink this Whistleblower
is actually a saboteur.
- Thank you.
Well I'm very familiar withthe Federal Whistleblower Act
including the WhistleblowerProtection Act of 1998
that applied to the intelligence community
and the whole notion of a Whistleblower,
particularly in the intelligence business
is someone who uncovers somethingthat is an urgent matter
that would not otherwiseget out and that relates to
foreign intelligenceclassified information.
Now what we see in this particular case
involving the July 25th conversation
between President Trump andthe President of Ukraine
is, or has nothing whatsoeverto do with the foundation
for an intelligence community
whistleblower in the first place.
It does not concern classified materials
relating to foreign intelligence
and abuses relating toforeign intelligence
and when you look at the complaint that
was compiled by thisso called whistleblower
it becomes clear when you look at that
that this person has deepanimus toward the President
and has been putting orhad been putting together
a compendium of informationgathered from various sources,
second and third hand informationover a long period of time
at least going backseveral months this year,
and then sort of struck
when he or she though the moment was right
to basically go after President Trump.
This is not a patriot.
This is not somebody that has pure motives
such as was characterized by
the Director of NationalIntelligence last week,
and more over, when the Inspector General
for the intelligence community,
which is the person to whomthe so called Whistleblower
sends his complaint beforesending it to congress,
when that person reviewedit, Mr. Atkinson,
is the intelligence communityInspector General's name,
he did not even listen tothe underlying conversation,
or read the transcriptof the July 25th call.
So how in the world
this Inspector Generaldecided legitimately
that this was an urgent matter
involving foreign intelligenceand classified material
without even looking at, orlistening to the underlying call
is really a mystery to me.
It's either gross incompetence,
or he was trying to enable
and assist the so called Whistleblower.
- Well it seems like there's
political bias here in ourintelligence community.
Now President Trump istaken on the deep state
of the U.S. intelligence community
and Senator Chuck Schumer you remember
warned President Trumpbefore he became President
that intelligence officials have quote,
"Six ways from Sundayat getting back at you."
Is this what's happeningright now, Congressman?
A serious game of Gotcha?
- It definitely appears to be that.
There has been tensionbetween President Trump
and the intelligence community,
particularly career operatives
within the intelligence community
since even before PresidentTrump was sworn in office
in January of 2017.
So it's not surprising in a sense
that it would be intelligence operatives
that are behind the sabotageof the Trump administration.
- Now you managed theimpeachment of Bill Clinton
for the House.
What's the different with
this impeachment inquiryof President Trump?
- The difference is like night and day
between what we looked at in 1998
and the impeachment of President Clinton
and what the democratmajority in the House
is doing now with regardto President Trump.
Back in 1998 we of coursestarted with the Starr Report,
the very lengthy report that was compiled
by independent council Kenneth Starr.
He sent that to the Hillin September of 1998
and that was an exhaustive compendium,
an exhaustive analysis if you will,
of potential impeachable offenses,
which Judge Starr was required by law
to send to the House of Representative.
What we did in the House
and in the Judiciarycommittee at that time
under the leadership of Henry Hyde
is we took that report, we held a hearing,
we supplemented it with updated material,
and passed out of the Judiciary Committee
four articles of impeachmentagainst President Clinton
that were very clear, veryprecise, very well supported,
showing that the President had committed
four violations of federal criminal law.
Very different now what's happening.
The House seems to have been throwing
everything they canthink of up on the wall,
see if anything would stickof an impeachable nature.
They finally now have seized on
this July 25th phone conversation
and this so called Whistleblower report.
So that apparently is the worstthey've decided to run with,
but it's still is very unclear
that there is anythingat all in this incident
that would rise to the levelof an impeachable offense.
I certainly don't see it
and I've looked very carefullyat all of the material
that's been made available publicly.
- Well what do you think,
quickly we're running out of time here,
what do you think's goingto happen in all this?
- I think the democratshave gotten on their horse.
They're gonna run with itno matter how bad it is,
no matter which direction it takes it in,
because they are absolutely committed
to anything they can between now
and the next year election to undermine
and destroy President Trump.
So they're gonna proceed with it.
I don't think it will helpthem, but they will proceed.
- Okay, former Congressman Bob Barr,
President and CEO of
the Law Enforcement Education Foundation.
Thank you for providing those insights.
- My pleasure.