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'Impeachment Referral': Why Democrats Says Mueller Just Gave Them a Cue to Impeach Trump

'Impeachment Referral': Why Democrats Says Mueller Just Gave Them a Cue to Impeach Trump Read Transcript

- Robert Mueller chose his words carefully

in a well-crafted public statement,

especially on the issue of obstruction.

- Under longstanding department policy,

a present president cannot be charged

with a federal crimewhile he is in office.

That is unconstitutional.

- [Jenna] Mueller walkedthrough the highlights

of the 450 page report explaining that

charging President Trump withobstructing the investigation

was not going to happen from the outset,

adding though that he didnot exonerate the president.

- If we had had confidencethat the president

clearly did not commit acrime, we would have said so.

- [Jenna] And that's whereMueller and his boss disagreed.

After receiving Mueller's report,Attorney General Bill Barr

determined the president hadnot committed obstruction.

Mueller also reiteratedthat there was no evidence

of a Trump campaignconspiracy with the Russians.

But it was this statementthat many Democrats

and presidential candidatestook as their cue

to move forward with impeachment.

- The Constitution requiresa process other than

the criminal justice system

to formally accuse a sittingpresident of wrongdoing.

- It falls to Congress torespond to the crimes, lies,

and other wrongdoing of President Trump.

We will do so.

- [Jenna] Senator Kamala Harris saying

what Mueller basically did was quote,

"Return an impeachment referral.

"Now it's up to Congress tohold this president accountable.

"We need to beginimpeachment proceedings."

And Senator ElizabethWarren, one of the first

to call for impeachment, quote,

"It's up to Congress to act.

"They should."

Others though, includingHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi

are urging caution.

- You don't bring animpeachment unless you have

all of the facts.

- [Jenna] Mueller madeit clear he doesn't want

to appear before Congressand that the report

is his testimony.

- Beyond these fewremarks, it is important

that the office's writtenwork speak for itself.

- [Jenna] President Trumpappearing undeterred

and tweeting, quote,

"Nothing changes from the Mueller Report.

"There was insufficientevidence and therefore,

"in our country, a person is innocent."

And President Trump'sattorney, Jay Sekulow

speaking to Fox News's Sean Hannity.

- [Jay On The Phone] There'snothing that Robert Mueller

said today that is of anydifferent than what was in

that report.

There was no conspiracy, no collusion,

there is no obstruction.

- And perhaps, the pointMueller wants Americans

to remember most is Russian interference

in the 2016 election.

That, he says, deservesall Americans' attention.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.


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