Read Transcript
- Welcome back to The 700 Club,it's time for your questions
and some honest answers from Pat.
Let's start with Sheila's.
She writes, I had someonedo me wrong recently.
I have asked the Lord to helpme to forgive this person
and what they've done.
I'm still mad over what happened.
Is it okay to still bemad, or does that mean
that I have not trulyforgiven the person yet?
(hollow whooshing)- Well, what does Jesus say?
He says, "When you stand praying,
"if you have ought against any,
"forgive as your heavenlyFather may forgive you."
If you want to be in acondition of being born again,
that's what you have to be in order
to get your prayers answered.
And so in order to getyour prayers answered,
you have to be in a conditionto being born again.
In order to be born again,you've gotta forgive,
even as God has forgiven you.
And so what I recommend that you do,
you say, look, (chuckling)somebody done me wrong song,
somebody done me wrong.
Yeah, they did you wrong,but think what you did.
Think how many times you'vebroken God's commandments.
What's the greatest commandments?
You love your Lord yourGod with all your heart,
your soul, and your mind, andyour neighbor as yourself.
Have you kept that?
And you say, "Well, no, I haven't."
All right, well you thinkof what God's done for you
and you forgive.
That's what is gonna have to be done.
It's tough, I know it's tough,
but that means the flesh has got to die.
That's what it's all about.
If Jesus didn't mind,I'm crucified with him,
nevertheless, I live, that'sthe whole idea, all right.
- Amen, all right, Stan saysmy wife and I have been married
for two and a half years.
She has a temper, and weget into a lot of fights.
She starts the fights,and I'm very defensive.
Typically I say I'm sorry first.
She rarely apologizes andsays she doesn't have to.
I say it's biblical to confess your sin
and seek forgiveness.
She says she talks to Godand asks him for forgiveness
(Pat chuckling)and doesn't have
to say she's sorry to me.
When she says this, Iquestion her Christianity,
which makes her doubly mad.
I think seeking forgivenessfrom those we wrong
is what bing a Christian is about,
and this is an issueof pride, who's right?
- Wow, I tell you, I'm sorry for you.
You may have made the wrong choice,
but you're stuck with it, baby,
so you'll get used to it.
Here's the deal.
You want...
Here's the thing.
When you are praying,
if you remember somebody'sgot ought against you,
go to that one in a spirit of meekness
and reconcile with that person.
I mean, and so your wife shouldcome and ask for forgiveness
and you should come andask for forgiveness.
If you remember somebody'sgot ought against you,
go to that one and ask for, getreconciled with that person.
See, one thing is forgivingin your own heart.
Something else is knowing they'vegot something against you.
And the idea of I've justtalked it out with God,
it doesn't work that way.
That's not what the Bible says, all right?
- All right, Michael saysI've been reading the Bible.
There is a John after Luke anda John later on after Peter.
Were they John the Baptistand the disciple John?
- No, John the Baptistwasn't writing any books.
It's the disciple Johnwho wrote the books.
He was a disciple of Jesus
and he was known as PastorJohn or Presbyter John.
He was supposedly be an oldman who lived in Asia Minor.
And he wrote, supposedly wrote Revelation.
He wrote the book of John andthen One, Two, Three John.
So that's not John the Baptist, okay.
- All right, Cheryl saysI have spent 20 years
as a Christian, but have struggledwith addiction on and off
throughout those years with pain meds.
I even went into aChristian rehab and did okay
for a few years, but Istill depend on them.
Some of it is due tosome medical conditions,
but even when I'm not hurting,
I still catch myself taking them.
I don't want this tokeep me out of heaven,
but I don't know what to do.
I know there couldpossibly be something else
underneath it all, but it's really been
throughout my bloodline.
This curse needs breaking, but how?
- That's not gonna keep you out of heaven.
I just wanna tell you thisso you can rest in the Lord.
We've got this opioid addiction,
and this Sackler family is being forced
to pay millions, billions, ofdollars actually in damages
for Purdue Pharma, what they've done.
And this oxycodone and OxyContin,
are almost impossible to kick.
It's much worse thancocaine and other drugs.
So you've been on apainkiller, mostly, probably
were prescribed by a doctor.
In order to come off of that stuff,
you've got to have someintermediate medication
that'll take you down, becauseyou can't go cold turkey
off of OxyContin, you just can't do it.
It's just impossible, soyou ask God to help you,
and he can deliver you.
That's gonna take a divine intervention.
But in the meantime, justknow you're a child of God
and rejoice in the fact.
The fact that you havebeen hooked on a painkiller
is not gonna keep you out of heaven.
Trust me, what brings youto heaven is the forgiveness
of Jesus Christ for your sins.
And you confess your sinsand you receive him as Savior
and let him take charge ofeverything from then on,
all right?- Amen.
Charlie says are we presentwith the Lord the second we die,
like when the Bible saysabsent from the body
present with the Lord?
But then the Bible alsosays the dead in Christ
will rise first at the end of tribulation.
That leads me to believethat the dead in Christ
have been waiting a longtime to rise up to Jesus.
Can you help me with this?
This one always gets me too, Pat.
- All right, when you die,
your spirit leaves your body, all right?
And Jesus said to the thief on the cross,
"This day you will bewith me in paradise."
So the spirits are in paradise.
But what we're talkingabout is the resurrection,
which has to do with thejoining of the spirit
and the body together with a new body
in the resurrection of the Lord.
And that's what those who die in Christ
will not go behind thosewho sleep and all that.
But this has to do with theresurrection of the body.
Your spirit will be withthe Lord, all right,
but it will be joinedwith a resurrection body
at that particular time, okay?