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- Well we have some time leftto take the email questions
that you all have submitted,
and have this firstone comes from Merritt,
who says, "I'm saved.
"I believe that Jesus died on the cross
"and rose again for our sins.
"But I'm still a heavy beer drinker.
"Does that mean I'm not really saved?"
- Well I don't knowwhat it is in your life.
The Bible, it says, you know,
"Wine is a mocker andstrong drink is raging,"
alcohol can distort your reality,
but you're a heavy beer drinker,
I don't know what that means.
It has really nothing todo with your salvation,
it just has to do with
whether or not you're living for the Lord.
And what I don't know is, you say,
"I believe in Jesus,"
but have you truly been born again?
Has His spirit come into your life?
Have you been transformed,
but you are, you know, another person?
If any man's in Christhe is a new creation.
Now you're a heavy beer drinker so,
it seems like to me maybeyou haven't gotten that far.
only God can tell youif you're saved or not,
I can't possibly tell you that.
But if I were you,
I'd do everything I can to make sure that
you're living for the Lord,that's what's important,
all right.
- Okay, this is Taylor, who says,
"Hi Pat, is it possibleto get baptized again,
"even though I was as an infant?"
- You know,
in the Middle Ages,
there was a group called The Anabaptist
that wanted to be baptized again.
And some of the strongCalvinist took them out
and said, "You want to get baptized again
"we'll put you in the water and kill you,"
so there was some dunking,
I mean, serious persecutionon this so called Anabaptist.
But, you know,
I came to the Lord in a Baptist Church,
I went forward and I was baptized.
But I really didn't know Jesus.
And later on when Imet Jesus as my savior,
I was born again,
I personally, was baptizedagain as a believer
because I really had been born again
but I wasn't born again before.
you ask me,
"What about you?"
I'll tell you whathappened to me, all right?
- This is Carol who says,
"Pat on your show yousaid you don't believe
"that the Earth is 6000 years old,
"but really 66 million years old.
"I've heard an explanation
"that the dating methodsare totally wrong,
"dating current items asmillions of years old.
"What is it that convinces you
"that the dating process is correct?"
- Well, I know Hugh Ross,
who's one of our guys.
He's written some tremendous books,
and the thought is thatthere was a so called
"Big Bang" that started it all,
it was about 14 billion years ago,
and out of that came these gaseous
and from those modules the planets formed,
and it took a long time to get it done.
Hugh Ross has written abook of our amazing planet
that shows how long it took
to get all the processes in place,
to bring about an Earth whichis suitable for human being.
We've only lived on thisplanet a short period of time.
Mankind after that timethat it wasn't suitable,
we had too many gasses,
the wrong kind of minerals,
and out of that,
God has put together a beautiful universe.
But it didn't happen in6000 years, I'm sorry.
That so called creationscience isn't scientific.
It is wrong.
And they've geology to prove it,
they've got cores inthe oceans to prove it,
they've got ice cores to prove it.
You can go down the line of the geology,
and there is no question
that this Earth has be aroundhere a long time, all right?
- Okay, this is Johnny who says,
"Dear Pat, I am having a serious problem
"with my future wife.
"She has not been faithful.
"I overheard her talkingto her friend about it.
"When I confronted her,
"all she said was that shecouldn't talk right now.
"I feel like I have to recordeverything in my own house
"just to learn the truth,
"so that's what I've been doing.
"To make things even more stressful
"is the fact that she recentlytold a couple of people
"that I hit her,
"but it's not true.
"I'm not sure why she'sbeen acting like this.
"She did just find out thather mother has breast cancer,
"and that might be playinga role in her behavior.
"What should I do?"
- Johnny, there's a song.
- [Terry] Yup. (laughs)
I knew it was coming.
- "Back Jack leave off thekey, Lee, get yourself free."
That woman, you're not married to her,
get out now!
I mean, if she's cheating onyou, before you're married,
and you can't trust her,
and now you wanna spendyour life together,
you have a legal obligation,
get out of it.
I mean, why do you ask me?
I mean, common sense isthis gal isn't for me.
- Run Johnny.
- Okay. (laughs)- Okay. (chuckles)
This is Michael who says,
"My mom and I have beenstruggling for nearly three months
"since she lost her job.
"She's still lookingfor a desk job position.
"Out of desperation,I made a deal with God
"by telling Him, if Hegives my mom a desk job
"within two weeks or a month's time,
"then I'd be as patient as possible
"with anything that comesmy way for a whole year.
"Is this deal I made withGod a good or bad idea?
"I'm not the most patientman in the world."
- Well, you know,
the problem with pledgingthings to the Lord
is you're supposed to keep them.
And if you've pledged tobe patient for a year,
well, you be patient.
- What do you think aboutmaking deals like that with God?
- Well I think people do that,
you know,
they have a Nazarite vow,
you know, you give me ababy and I'm going to...
You know, look at the storyof Samuel and his mother.
So, I don't think that's necessarily bad,
but remember, I mean,
when you swear to God,
you have done a major thing,
so, if your mother gets the job,
you've got adhere, you'vegot to behave yourself
and that's going to be hard,