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Faith Nation: September 10, 2019

Faith Nation: September 10, 2019 Read Transcript

(cinematic thematic music)

- [Jenna] Tonight: lawmakersvow to pass gun control.

What has a chance of making itthrough the House and Senate?

And the American economy.

How trade with China isimpacting bank accounts

here in the United States.

Plus a preview of nextweek's election in Israel.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(upbeat thematic music)

President Trump's NationalSecurity Advisor is out.

Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm Eric Philips.

President Trump made theannouncement on Twitter today.

- Yeah, the news comingas a big surprise to many.

Amber Strong has the detailsfrom the White House; Amber.

(dramatic cinematic music)

- Yeah, that's right, Eric and Jenna.

There's been tension betweenthe two for quite some time.

Even still, this firing was a bit abrupt.

Here's how the presidentexplained it via Twitter.

"I informed John Bolton last night

"that his services are no longerneeded at the White House.

"I disagreed strongly withmany of his suggestions,

"as did others in the Administration,

"and therefore I askedJohn for his resignation,

"which was given to me this morning."

As we've seen with past administrations

and certainly with this one,

there's always two sides to every story.

Here is John Bolton'stake on what happened.

"I offered to resign lastnight and President Trump said

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Now in that tweet, the president said

he disagreed with JohnBolton on many things.

Two of those things we know: One is Iran

and the second is those recentdealings with the Taliban.

Eric and Jenna, back to you guys.

- All right, Amber, thank you very much.

And we're joined now by ourChief Political Analyst.

I gotta tell you that, you know,

looking at today happeningwas really something

because just an hour before the tweets

from the president came out,

we got word that he was gonna be involved

in a press conference today,

so I mean, was this asurprise to everyone there?

I mean, what can you explain about this?

- It was only, it wasa surprise to everybody

other than PresidentTrump and John Bolton.

That's pretty much the deal.

You're right, I mean, therewas a press conference

scheduled for 1:30 with John Bolton there,

and then all of, I mean what?

Did anybody tell thepress shop that, you know,

by the way, he doesn't work here anymore.

Anyhow, the question was posed

to Secretary of State MikePompeo at a press conference

that he was actually at,not with John Bolton.

That question was asked

whether or not he was taken by surprise,

and here is Mike Pompeo's comical answer.

- [Reporter] Were you twoblindsided by what occurred today?

That he's no longerwith the administration,

was it news to you today?

'Cause last night you weretold he would be here today.

- I'm never surprised.

(group laughing)

- [Reporter] Well, let me ask it this way.

- And I don't mean thaton just this issue.

And I think Secretary Mnuchinwould say the same thing.

We work very closely

with the President of the United States.

We, I think, we have apretty good understanding

of how he's thinking about things.

I think you'd agree,Steven, at nearly all times,

and so, you know, our mission set's

not to talk about these inner workings

and the palace intrigue that Iknow you are so curious about

but rather to talk about the things

that matter to American foreign policy.

(reporters clamoring)

- I think President Trump, or excuse me,

Secretary Pompeo sums it up when he says,

"I'm never surprised," and, at this point,

I think he represents theviews of every single American

watching Donald Trump's administration.

It's like Survivor Trump edition.

Who's out tonight?- Reality TV.

- Yeah, reality TV.

- David, so you were theretoday at this news conference.

It looked like Pompeo was a little more,

shall we say upbeat than he normally is?

He and Bolton clashed a lot.

- Yeah, you would call itupbeat; that's a good word.

I'll call it a bit smug.

Bolton and Pompeo didn'tnecessarily see eye to eye

and let's be clear: Bolton and Pompeo,

if Pompeo was a congressman,

and he used to be a congressman,

him and Bolton pretty much see eye to eye,

but as Secretary of State it's different.

He's serving the presidentof the United States,

he has to deal with allof the diplomacy here

and the truth of the matter is is that,

and this is what I reallycould never understand,

why did John Bolton takethe job to begin with?

He's a hawk, he is an interventionist.

Some called him a warmonger.

Even Donald Trump calledhim a potential warmonger.

Donald Trump is an isolationist;

doesn't want to get involved in all that.

So it really seemed like amismatch from the very beginning.

- Switching gears just a little bit.

- Sure.- Something else that came out

of today's press conference:

Pompeo says that President Trump

would meet with Iran's leaderwithout any pre-conditions.

Now, that's a big deal.

- Yeah, it's a big deal, an honestly,

from a conservativeperspective, let's be honest.

If you're a conservativeand this was Barack Obama,

hey, you've got a real problem with this,

but it's President Trumpand he's got Teflon

associated with him atall times, and so, what?

He can do no wrong?

It's a bit hypocritical, butthe truth of the matter is

is that if you're meetingwith Rouhani, Iran's leader,

look, that opens up ahuge can of worms here,

and there's gonna be a lotof potential repercussions,

'cause remember, he's doing this with no,

potentially doing this,

with no pre-conditions atthe UN General Assembly

coming up later in September.

- David, this is anotheradministration official to leave.

What does this say about

just the revolving doorat the White House?

- Well, he's not a politician,Donald Trump, right?

We know this.

And so therefore,

he's not gonna do thingsthe traditional way

and this is what we get.

We get helter skelter.

I call him the human Etch-a-Sketch;

I've said it here beforeand I'll say it again.

That's what he is, and whenyou're a human Etch-a-Sketch,

you get an Etch-a-Sketch administration

and that's what we've got.

- I love your analogies,David, thank you very much.

- I'm gonna trademark that, Eric.

- I know, right, thank you.- You know I will.

- Thanks David.

Well up on Capitol Hill,the debate over gun violence

is reaching a fever pitch

and there's some newinteresting polling out

from the Washington Post and ABC News.

It shows six in 10 Americansfear a mass shooting

and more than half feel stricter gun laws

would reduce mass shootings.

CBN News Capitol Hillcorrespondent Abigail Roberston

joins us from the Hill with more; Abigail.

- Well now that Congressis back in session,

gun control is on top of the agenda

for House Democrats whoare blaming the president

and Republicans for not taking action.

(gunshots popping)

In the wake of dual shootingsin Dayton and El Paso,

Democrats want action.

- There's a historicopportunity for President Trump

to lead his party, finally,

toward passing sensible gun safety laws.

- [Abigail] 89% of Americans

in a Washington Post/ABC News poll

support background checksfor all gun purchases,

including private and gun show sales.

- We respect the Second Amendment

and we recognize that most folks

in and around guns and ammunition

are honorable, law-abiding citizens.

- [Abigail] New Jersey's Democrat Governor

unveiled measures Tuesday topressure banks and retailers

to force gun makers toconduct background checks.

After a Monday meeting at the White House,

a bipartisan group of mayorsmade their goal clear.

- Our goal is singular,

and it's to get passageon background checks.

- This president hassat down, trying to find

what is the best way to make sure

these are never duplicated again.

(gunfire popping)

- [Abigail] Republicans point out

the president's supportof a ban on bumpstocks

in the wake of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting

that killed nearly 60 people,

and after a Texas churchbloodbath that same year,

the signing of a Republican-backed bill

to fix the federalbackground check database.

(gunshots popping)

The shooter in Dayton carried

a hundred-round double drum magazine.

Democrats in the House want a ban

on such high-capacity magazines.

- If we can save even one life,

then by God, we've gotta do it.

- [Abigail] The FBI was warned twice

about the shooter in theParkland High School rampage.

But after sending mixed signals

on expanded backgroundchecks for gun buyers,

the president is clear on one thing.

- It's the people that pull the trigger.

It's not the gun that pulls the trigger.

- Now reporters questioned

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

on if there is any gun control legislation

he's planning on bringingto the Senate floor,

and he repeatedly answered

that he will only bringsomething to the floor

if he hears from the White House

that there is somethingthat the president supports

and will definitely sign.

- Abigail, House Whip Steve Scalise,

he's a well-known victimof gun violence himself.

I know you've gotten thechance to speak to him

about where he stands on this issue.

- Yes, we spoke to him this afternoon

and he said first and foremost,when these incidents happen

we need to remember to bepraying for the victims

and their families and hecriticized his Democrat colleagues

who he says are now jumpingin front of the camera

the day of these shootings

and calling for gun control legislation

which he says, in somecases, wouldn't even prevent

some of these mass shootings,

and he argues that therealready are hundreds

of gun control laws in place,

but the problem is they'renot being enforced.

Take a look.

- Time and time againwe see it's not the fact

that there wasn't abackground check system,

it's that some of these peoplecleared a background check

and they shouldn't have been able to

because they had a criminal past

that wasn't fed into thebackground check system.

So we've passed legislationto address those problems.

Why not also go and close loops

on these people that saythey're gonna be mass shooters?

Even in the Parkland case,

he told people the FBI had a file on him

and the FBI chose not to act.

Who's been held accountablefor those kind of big mishaps?

- He also argues that the real issue

we should be looking at hereis that mental health issue.

- All right, AbigailRobertson on Capitol Hill.

Thank you.

- Well voting is almostfinished in North Carolina

in an election to fill avacant congressional seat.

It's a tight race viewedby some as a referendum

on President Trump's job performance.

The president knows North Carolina

is an important state towin if he's to be reelected,

so last night he held a rallytouting his economic success

and defending trade with China.

- And if China wants totalk, they want to talk.

China's lost 3 million jobs,

thousands of companies are leaving China.

The supply chain is crumbling

because they can't pay the tariffs.

And our country has taken over

things that you would have never thought.

As an example, hundredsof billions of dollars

have been and are coming into our country

in the form of tariffs,

and China's eating the cost.

- Stephen Moore is a formerTrump economic advisor

and an economist withthe Heritage Foundation

and he joins us now.- Hi guys.

- Stephen good to have you.

Thank you for being here.- You're welcome.

- So we heard fromPresident Trump last night.

He was talking aboutChina and the US tariffs.

You know, he says it's a good thing.

At the same time, farmershere in the United States

are feeling the pinch.

Stephen, what do makeof the whole situation?

- Well, first of all, Ithink most Americans agree

that Trump is fightingthe good fight here,

that China has become increasingly

a menace on the global scene

both economically through theirpredatory trade practices,

and also building up their military

in a very aggressive and dangerous way,

so, you know, China's no longer a friend,

they are an adversary,

and I think we're almost in anew cold war era with China.

This trade war and, you know,

I don't if we should call it atrade war or a trade dispute,

but it has gone on now for two years

and I think Trump is getting frustrated

'cause the Chinese are notnegotiating in good faith.

One day they say they'll do one thing

and the next day they do the next.

And so, you're right,this is hurting farmers

so, the way I put it, I think,

and I think Trump has said this, too,

I mean, there's some short-termpain here to the economy,

no question, from this trade war,

but if he can get this doneand we can get something

where they agree to buymore of our products,

more of our agriculture, moreof our manufacturing items,

it'll be good for both countries.

- Well, you know, according to

a new ABC News/Washington Post poll,

60% of Americans believe thatwe're heading into recession

because of all these woes,

these trade wars--- 60%?

- 60%.- I had not seen that poll.

I don't believe that for a minute.

- You don't believe it?- No.

No, we're not headed to recession.

Now, I would never say never,

but the economy's really strongright now, I mean, come on.

We just got this jobsreport out last week.

It's showing a recordnumber of Americans working.

Never have we had 158million Americans working.

We do today.

We have the lowest unemployment rate

and the lowest unemploymentfor blacks, for Hispanics,

for women, for peoplewithout a college degree

than any time in 50 years.

Wages are rising, so no,it's a strong economy.

Is it weakened because of the trade war?

Yes, it has.

- Stephen, shifting gears here.

Congress is now back in session.

They have three weeks to pass a budget

before we see another government shutdown.

- We've been through thisbefore many times, haven't we?

- Exactly.- Back to the future, right?

- Exactly, why are we here again?

- It's just the new way ofdoing business in Washington,

and it's a shame, isn't it?

It's like a teenage boywho won't do his homework

until the day, an hour before it's due,

and you know, it's become almost comical

but it has negative effectsbecause you remember

there've been years we've been running

up against the debt clock

where we have had toshut down the government.

That's not any way to run a government,

and so it's irresponsible behavior

and frankly, I'm gonnablame both parties for this.

You know, the spending that's going on

is highly irresponsible.

I talked to Pat Robertsonabout this, I mean,

and he agreed with me, it's both parties

that are responsible for this,

and they can't seem to,

we're gonna probably run a deficit

that's close to a trilliondollars this year.

That's a lotta debt.- Yeah, that is a lot,

I mean, considering this sort of

this back to the future type thing,

what happens if we see another shutdown?

- Well, I don't, there'snot gonna be a shutdown.

You know, they pretty muchknow what they want to do.

There's some, you know,outstanding issues.

The problem is that thecompromise that they reached

gave all the big spenderseverything they wanted.

So the military and the Pentagon people

got all their money they wanted.

The social, the Democratswanted more money

for social purpose; we put that in.

So the taxpayers, in my opinion,

remember that grand deal thatthey said a few months ago,

everybody in Washingtonwas happy in the swamp,

but people outside ofWashington are looking in.

I can't tell ya how manytimes I hear from people.

I'm sure I'll hear frompeople after this show

saying why won't they do something

about tightening theirbelt and cutting spending

and balancing the budget.

We're so far away from that today.

- All right, Stephen Moorewith the Heritage Foundation.

We have to leave it there,

but thank you.- Thanks guys.

- It's always great to have you.

- Thank you very much.

Up next, Congress is backand the fight continues.

A look at the push to pass aborn-alive protections act.

(cinematic thematic music)

- [Terry] Remember for a moment

what it was like to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

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What stories will the world's orphaned

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We believe the Bible tells

the only story truly worth believing.

We believe that every child

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the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle piano music)

(gentle twinkling music)(child giggling)

(upbeat dance music)

♪ Boy, and where there'sjoy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ It starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ With a little more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'roundbecause I know it, joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'roundbecause I've got it, joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I'm dancin' 'roundbecause I know it, joy ♪

♪ I'm movin' 'roundbecause I've got it, joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy is in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- Congressional Republicansare again leading the charge

to help save the lives of babies

that are born after an abortion attempt.

- As Paul Strand reportsfrom Capitol Hill,

most Americans believe in the message

of the Born Alive Protection Act,

but some Democrats arekeeping the legislation

from moving forward.

- Withholding medical care for a baby

that survived a botched abortion,

77% of Americans oppose that.

70% Democrats oppose that,and yet the Democrats

that head up the Househave refused 80 times

to let a baby Born-AliveProtection Act come to a vote.

Congress members held this hearing

to highlight the need to protectthese abortion survivors.

A number of witnesses decriedthis modern-day infanticide

and the House leadership'sunwillingness to stop it.

- Babies are born aliveafter some abortions.

And if we can't protect eventhe babies that are born alive,

then we know that theso-called right to choose

for abortion has gonecompletely out of control.

Now it's talking about outside the womb,

not just inside the womb.

- [Paul] House MinorityWhip Steve Scalise.

- There are babies that survive abortions.

In many different cases we'vehad witnesses talk about it.

And so to have medicalprofessionals testifying

that it's happening,

that there are states, including New York,

who ushered in a law that allow the baby

to be killed after it's born alive

because you don't havea federal protection.

- All babies, whether they are wanted,

whether they are premature,

whether they have a congenitalanomaly, are still people.

And all of them need to be treated

with the same standard of care.

- [Paul] Former abortionist Kathi Aultman,

now a pro-lifer, explained the mindset

of those who let theseabortion survivors die.

- Because the object of the abortion

was to have a dead baby, notreally to end the pregnancy,

they can be sued.

That baby can sue them later

because of defects from the procedure.

They may not do wellbecause they're premature

and they're gonna have problems.

The parents could sue.

They have every reasonto get rid of the baby

rather than allow that baby to live.

- [Paul] Former nurse Jill Stanek

found out first-hand abortionworkers were taking babies

from botched abortions offto die at her hospital.

- One night a nursing co-worker

was taking a little abortion survivor

to the soiled utility room,

and when she told me what she was doing,

I couldn't bear the thought

of this suffering child dying alone,

and so I cradled and rocked him

for the 45 minutes that he lived.

- In one 11-year period,

the CDC reported 143 babiessurviving abortion attempts,

and the number's far likely higher

because so few of theseincidents get reported.

Now, if a Born-AliveProtection Act should pass,

an abortionist who deliberatelykills one of these babies

could face charges of murder.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Capitol Hill.

- [Eric] Voters prepare tohead to the polls in Israel.

A look at what to expectas Benjamin Netanyahu

once again fights to stay in power.

That's coming up next.

- Give me that.- Come on, let's go.

- (laughing) Bye.

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(upbeat pop music)

- [Man] Young people, millennials,are flocking to church.

- [Woman] It's not an exaggeration to say

that we love to meet them,

and that we love to know their stories.

- Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu

is vowing to begin annexingWest Bank settlements

if he wins reelection next week.

- Yeah, the vote willmark the first time ever

Israelis will go back to the polls

for national elections twice in one year.

CBN Middle East Bureau ChiefChris Mitchell has that story.

- [Chris] Israeli voters areexpressing different priorities

as they plan for theSeptember national elections.

- Security matters more than anything else

and the issues like Iran, like Hamas.

- The most important issue for me

is to stay a Jewish State, a strong state.

- [Chris] According to political scientist

Dr. Emmanuel Navon, however,there's only one real issue:

- Netanyahu.

- [Interviewer] Uh huh, okay.

- That is the topic ofthe election, basically.

That is what Blue and White is all about,

being against Netanyahu.

Likud is about supporting Netanyahu.

And that's also why we arehaving an early election.

- Israelis will have morethan 30 political parties

or lists to choose from on September 17th.

The parties will be competingfor 120 Knesset seats.

The party winning the most seats

will likely be asked toform the next government.

And that's where it gets complicated.

According to opinion polls,

Netanyahu's Likud party is running even

with the liberal Blue andWhite party led by Benny Gantz.

That means all eyesare on Avigdor Liberman

of the Israel Beiteinu partyas the potential kingmaker.

- Neither Likud nor Blueand White have a coalition.

In other words, it's veryclear from most polls

that Netanyahu will not have

a right-wing coalition without Liberman

and Benny Gantz will not have

a center-left coalitionwithout Liberman either.

- [Chris] Libermanwants a unity government

made up of elements from bothLikud and Blue and White.

- In other words, we're notgoing to go to elections again.

Forget about it.

There's no such scenario.

- [Chris] Over the summer Netanyahu

became Israel's longestserving prime minister.

Supporters credit himfor the strong economy,

improving relations withneighboring Arab states,

and helping make ties withthe US stronger than ever.

His detractors point to his legal problems

and upcoming indictmenton corruption charges.

Israelis are divided.

- Our government is very corrupted.

I myself very hate Benjamin Netanyahu.

- If all your life you went to a dentist

or a car person that fix your car

and he doing a good job for years,

why will you replace him, right?

The same Bibi.

He's doing a good job for years.

- [Chris] So, come theelections, the world will see

whether or not Israelisstill believe Netanyahu

is the only viable choiceas leader for Israel.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- [Jenna] Still ahead on Faith Nation

an amazing story of survivalafter a boat capsizes

off the coast of Georgia.

Stick around for that.

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- [Woman] And I wish that otherpeople throughout the world

could see this side of Israel.

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Will you join us?

(bright pop music)

(gentle twinkling music)(child giggling)

- It's being called a miracle.

Four men were feared lostwhen their boat caught on fire

and capsized near Georgia.

- Yeah, but after 30hours and non-stop efforts

from the US Coast Guard, wordcame all men were still alive

inside the now-overturned boat.

- This is historic.

I have never seen anything like it.

Absolutely it was a miracle.

Amazed to be in there for 32 hours

with nothing to eat, nothingto drink, 140 degrees,

covered in oil and water,could not see anything.

Those four men are trulyblessed to be alive.

- And the Coast Guardjumped into immediate action

and came up with the safest plan

to remove all four menfrom inside the boat,

first making small holesto let fresh air in

to reach the men, then passing them food,

and eventually wideningthe holes big enough

for all of the men to safely get out.

- Proof positive thatmiracles do still happen.

- Yeah, indeed, goodness!

- Thanks for joining us.- Have a great night.


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