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Was President Trump Making a Point When He Called Out American Jews for Supporting Democrats? 

Was President Trump Making a Point When He Called Out American Jews for Supporting Democrats?  Read Transcript

- President Trump causeda firestorm of controversy

Wednesday when he criticized Jews

who support the Democratic party,

accusing them of disloyalty to Israel.

Was it, as some allege, anti-Semitism,

or was it a point that needed to be made?

Dale Hurd has more.

- [Dale] It all started with this comment.

- In my opinion, you vote for a Democrat,

you're being verydisloyal to Jewish people

and you're being very disloyal to Israel,

and only weak people wouldsay anything other than that.

- [Dale] And that outragedsome American Jewish leaders.

- I will be exactly clear onwhat that was: anti-Semitism.

The charge of disloyalty or dual loyalty

has been used against Jewsfor thousands of years.

- 75 to 80% of theAmerican Jewish community

regularly vote for the DemocraticParty and oppose Trump,

and calling the vastmajority of that community

disloyal and unintelligentis a disgraceful smear.

- [Dale] But the president doubled down.

- [Reporter] Isn't that anti-Semitic?

- No, no, no, it's only in your head.

It's only anti-Semitic in your head.

- [Dale] President Trump hasraised a strange contradiction.

Why do so many Jews still support the left

when it has largely turned against Israel,

and why are so many AmericanJews still Democrats

when some allege the party

has been infected with anti-Semitism?

This store owner in Jerusalemsays Trump is right.

1,000,000%, the Democrats are not loyal.

They were always againstus, against the people,

against the country, against Israel.

They brought us Clinton and Obama,

and what did Obama do?

Only trouble, and thisIsraeli says if Trump said it,

in my opinion, I agree with him 100%.

This week, Trump wasdubbed the king of Israel

on social media becausehe has supported Israel

more than any other American president.

His daughter and son-in-law are Jewish,

so it's an awfully longstretch for liberals

or even Jewish leaders to saythat Trump is anti-Semitic.

- I think they enjoy this 'cause they feel

that it distracts from

them defending Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar.

The truth is the presidentstands up for American Jews.

He stands up for Jews around the world.

He's been a great friend toour community and to Israel.

- [Dale] The Jerusalem Posttook American Jewish Democrats

to task, saying in a commentary,

"Much of the hostility to Israel within

"the Democratic Party can beattributed to the passiveness

"of non-orthodox American Jews.

"Many of these considersupport for social radicalism

"to be a far higher prioritythan support for Israel."

- Interesting story.

Dale joins us now.

Dale, why are so manyAmerican Jews Democrats?

- It goes back to their history in Europe,

that they associatedthe right with danger.

What was the Jewish prayer?

Bless the czar and keep him far from me.

They associated nationalismand patriotism with danger

long before the Nazis.

The right in Germanywas dangerous for them.

They supported Marxism when it came along,

many of them, because theyhoped that it would bring

equality for Jews in Europe,

and that has sort of carried on here.

- Yeah, and as you reported,

this raises some interestingcontradictions, doesn't it?

- Well yeah, I mean if youlook at the BDS movement,

the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement,

aren't a lot of Republicansin that movement.

That's a left-wing movement,and it targets Israel.

The corrosive kind of approach to Israel,

that's not coming fromthe Republican Party.

You're going to pretend that Donald Trump,

the Republican president,is somehow bad for Israel.

Sorry.- Or racist,

Which is ridiculous.- Yeah or anti-Semitic.

I mean he grew up in New York.

He's worked with a lot ofJewish people his whole life,

like his son-in-law is Jewish,his daughter is Jewish.

- His daughter's a converted Jew.

- His grandchildren are Jewish, so yeah.

Well I guess thesecontradictions get even stranger

when you go over to Europe, don't they?

- Let me tell you a story.

A Swedish city where Jews areunder attack from Muslims,

and I wanna do a story,

and I call the Jewish leader in the city,

said I want to do a storyabout the threat to Jews

in your city from Muslim refugees,

and he said, "Well I'll do a story about

"how Jews and Muslims are cooperating."

He did not want to be in a story

that he thought was politically incorrect.

Well guess what.

Most of the Jews have left that city,

and that is an example of,

and I have confrontedthis all across Europe

where Jews are in great danger,

and many Jewish leadersdo not want to look

like they're conservative or like

they're politically incorrect

because their roots are sodeep into the left wing.

- Wow, and then of course there are those

who are making aliyah, going to Israel,

and trying to get outof all that nonsense,

but then there's awhole host like you said

that are just very politically correct.

And Wendy, I think they'rebeing forced to make a decision.

This can't continue.

They're allied withforces that hate Israel.

- Wow, wow, great reporting.

Thanks Dale, we appreciate it.


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