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- Ready for some email?
- All right, let's go for it.
- Okay, this first one,Pat, comes from Jennifer,
who says, "I watch The 700 Club every day,
and often when people arefaced with challenges,
they pray to God and receive an answer.
Why don't I ever receive an answer?
I pray every day and feellike God's not listening
or giving me any messages.
It almost feels like I'mpraying into the air".
- Well Jennifer, two things I'll tell you.
First of all, the Biblesays, "If I regard iniquity
in my heart, the Lord won't hear me".
So if there's somethingin your heart and life
that is wrong, that you're clearly doing,
and when you know it,and you begin to pray
but you've got this thing nagging at you,
that this is something I'm doing wrong,
then, of course, you'renot going to get an answer.
But the second is, youmight not be doing it.
There comes a time that you stop asking
and you start declaring.
You know, in the nameof Jesus, be made whole.
When Jesus spoke to the sick and the dying
and the lame and the hold.
He declared them healed.
He said, "In Jesus, be made whole,
be made whole, be made whole".
So maybe the time is comingthat you need to start
declaring what it is you want to see done.
If you speak to the mountain, it'll move.
You have to speak those things, all right?
- Okay, this is Rigby,who says, "Is it true,
that according to the Bible,
we should not participatein social events?
Should we not vote orkill anyone, even in war?
And if this is true, canyou tell me the scriptures
that speak of war and not getting involved
with the government that is so evil?
I want the truth".
- I don't know who in theworld told you that we're
not supposed to be involved.
Paul said if I don't associatewith sinners and immoral
and liars and so forth,that I'll have to go
out of the world.
We are supposed to bepart of the world and
we're in the world but we'renot part of it in a sense.
But there's nothing in the world.
For example, you asked about military.
The Bible clearly says,Paul in Romans says,
"He that yields the sword,yields it not in vain,
for he is a minister of God
to execute vengeance on the ungodly".
So this is a person whois in the military and
Paul says he's a minister of God.
So I don't know whereyou get the idea that
we're not supposed to be engaged.
Of course we are.
But you're in the worldbut you're not of it.
The world does not consumeyou and take over you.
But you are there and you're
supposed to have an influence, all right?
- Okay, this is Pierre, whosays, "Hi Pat, I am a believer.
I have been baptized since my young age.
I love church and I love God.
But now I'm going throughsome difficult times and
I don't see any way out.
I know that God loves and won't forsake me
but how can I keep faith in God?"
The Bible says it very clearly,
"There is no temptation taking you
but such as is common to man".
But God will, with thetemptation, make a way of escape
and you may be able to bear it.
Just remember, whatever you'regoing through right now,
the way out is through overcoming praise.
Begin to thank God, begin to worship God.
God, I thank you for what you're doing.
I thank you for this bad time.
I thank you for the good time.
I thank you and out ofthat overcoming praise,
you will find victory, all right?
- This is Larry, whosays, "Pat, when we die
and go to heaven, do we lose the things
that we learned to survive on Earth?
For instance, if we weretrained to be a doctor, plumber,
or auto mechanic, willwe lose those skills
that were stored in our brain,
which we will no longer have with us?"
- You know, I'm thinking,you're a mechanic
and you're gonna be toheaven and there aren't
any old Model T Fords in heaven.
God's got a whole otherkind of chariot where you
move with a speed of thought.
So you won't need any cars.
So the fact that you're a good mechanic,
I don't know that we need those skills.
But if you have certainskills of organizing
and ministering and giving and so forth,
those skills will stay with you in heaven.
You're not going to lose whoyou are when you get to heaven.
It'll just be intensifiedthousands of times more.
- But you have said thatwe will have assignments.
- Of course we will but notnecessarily fixing cars.
- Right.
- Okay?
- Or plumbing.
- Or plumbing.