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Are Economic Warning Signs Pointing to Recession?

Are Economic Warning Signs Pointing to Recession? Read Transcript

- If it truly is the economy's stupid,

then, the President

and the Trump Administrationwould say, "they're winning.

"Big time".

- Our economic policy can be summed up

in three very beautiful andsimple words, jobs, jobs, jobs.

- [Amber] The unemploymentrate is at it's lowest

in 50 years and stocksare in the midst of one of

the longest bull markets in history.

(bell ringing)

Although things may look good for now,

many Wall Street analystsare concerned about

the warning signs ahead.

Economist at Morgan Stanleyand Bank of America warn

of a possible recession

with fears of the President'sback and forth with China

as one of their top concerns.

The President and hisAdministration possibly calming

those fears, Tuesday,delaying plans for 10% tariff

on billions of dollars in Chinese goods,

on things like cell phones and laptops,

just ahead of the busyChristmas shopping season.

- We had a very good talk,yesterday, with China,

a very, very, productive call.

I was not sure whether ornot they wanted to wait

till a


has a chance to get in,

hopefully, that's not going to happen.

- Speaking of the election,

while a majority of Americans approve

of the President's overallhandling of the economy,

his average approval ratingstill sits below 50% making

the economy a potentialmake or break ahead of 2020.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

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