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A Game-Changing Recipe for 2020? 'Pastors and Pews' Model Designed to Motivate Congregations Across the Country

A Game-Changing Recipe for 2020? 'Pastors and Pews' Model Designed to Motivate Congregations Across the Country Read Transcript

- Well, we don't have many answers

as this 2020 presidential race unfolds

but here is one thing that we do know.

With all the extra vitriolaimed at Donald Trump

this time around, thePresident is gonna need

an even better showing bywhite conservative evangelicals

if he's gonna win a second term.

The folks in the pewsare gonna need to show up

at the ballot box and it'sreally gonna be up to pastors

to get them motivated.

Now that effort begins inearnest Thursday and Friday

down at Liberty University.

This is a closed door event,

one of the largest evangelicaluniversities in the country

is gonna host it and it's organized

by the American Renewal Project.

It's led by influentialpolitical mechanic,

David Lane, they are bringingin hundreds of pastors

for the affair.

They dub all of this Pastors and Pews

and the goal is to get them motivated,

the pastors to speak outboldly to their congregations

about the political andcultural issues of the day.

So, in essence the flockwill end up being motivated.

Here's a past sampling.

- These politicians aren't good at much

but they're good at this.

(audience laughs)

Seeing which way the wind is blowing.

We need to change thedirection of the wind.


- [David] In edition many of these pastors

are also gonna take part ina political training session

as they mole whether to runfor local or statewide office.

Now it's something wehave talked about before

with the architectDavid Lane, have a look.

- If the Lord does it,we're gonna turn America

back to him and reestablisha Christian culture.

Some of these valuesare gonna reign supreme

so my guess is spiritually speaking,

we need mercy, the mercy of God.

- [David] You know in2016, David Lane's group

was influential and active in 60 days

before the 2016 general election,

the last two months, theyspent nine million dollars

in six battleground states including

some big prizes like Florida,Ohio, North Carolina as well.

Now the bigger goal here, of course,

is pastors getting trainedto run for political office

as we've mentioned.

In 2016, listen to thisroughly 200 pastors

stepped up to run for office.

2018, it was 300 more.

Missouri, specifically five pastors

became state legislaturesand this year, Missouri

passed a ban on abortionsafter eight weeks of pregnancy.

So you can see some of the result.

By the way the goal for2020, one thousand pastors

running for office, of coursethat would be a game changer

and the state by stateapproach to all of this

begins this week down in Lynchburg.

David Brody, CBN-


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