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- Time for some email are you ready?
- All right, let's go for it.
- Okay, this first onecomes from Jean who says,
"I got involved with a guywho practiced witchcraft
before I knew better.
We are no longer together andhe's no longer practicing,
however, years later I'mbeing followed by the curses
and spells that were put on me.
Dark spirits are being sent to my house.
How do I break free from this?"
- All right, it's very simple,
in the name of Jesus we have authority.
Jesus said all authorityof heaven and earth
is given unto me, go ye therefore.
We have all authority,that means authority
over devils, over demons,over sickness, over death,
we got authority overall of it in his name.
Now what do you do, you say Satan,
in the name of Jesus, I bindyou in the forces of evil
and I command you to leave me alone.
Now they must obey the voice of the Lord
but you've gotta in yourheart believe it as well.
So if you believe, the Lordwill give you the power
and you will be free from these things
but one thing the Biblesays, don't give place
to the devil.
So if you continue to saywell the devil is after me,
or you give him credit for it.
He's looking for worshipanyway he can get it
and that becomes worshiping,
you don't wanna do that, all right.
- This is Angela who says,
"My doctor prescribed antidepressants
as life's situations arebecoming very difficult for me.
My question is aretaking these drugs a way
of saying I'm not trustingGod enough to help me?
What is the Christian perspectiveon these medications?"
- The Christian perspectivewould say the medication's
not gonna hurt you but I thinkfrom a practical standpoint,
if you've got depressionand you've got all kinds
of mental problems, let me suggest
that you have a so-called second brain
and it's located in your gut.
You have trillions, literallytrillions of little bacteria
that wanna do good things for you
and if you have badones, they will lead you
into doing bad things.
So, when they talk about probiotics,
I really think you needto adjust your diet
and stay off of sweets,stay off of starches,
stay off of that kind of thing
and go more into vegetables and fruit
and wholesome type of food.
And then take probioticsand then prebiotics
and see if that doesn't make a difference
and I would stop the antidepressants.
I'm not a doctor so if I'mgiving medical advice (laughs)
you've gotta say you don'twanna see your doctors
and doctors just love to, well,I'll give her a few Prozacs
and somebody said all yougotta do is just stay high
and you'll be fine.
No you don't wanna stay high.
- And the crazy thingabout some antidepressants,
not all of them but theyactually create suicidal thoughts
which seems counterproductive.
- They really do and not only suicidal,
they also bring about the rage and I think
many of these people areon these shooting sprees
are in the hold of these antidepressants
and I think they have anextremely dangerous blueprint,
so don't take them, if you canpossibly avoid it, all right.
- Okay, this is Barbara whosays, "What is your take
on people who seem tolie, even about things
there is no reason to lie about?
Why is it that most people are liars
and whatever happened tohonesty is the best policy?
It seems you can't reallybelieve anyone anymore," wow.
- Well, the Bible says the devil is a liar
and the father of lies andthere's something about
this business you'dalmost rather tell a lie
than tell the truthand they get caught up,
it's like a web of deceit and it's hard
to keep track of them.
If you're telling the truth,you know what happened
but if you've made a fantasy out of lies,
then how do you supportit, you've gotta think
of all the collateralhaving to do with that lie
and one lie leads toanother lie which leads
to a whole web of problems.
I think people need toget delivered from that.
There's a spirit of deceit andit's come from Satan himself.
He is the father of lies.
And whenever things arehonest, the Bible says,
whenever things are honest,think on those things,
you need to be honest and it's tough
but you need to look at yourselfand stop making excuses.
I'm fat but I've got a genetic problem.
Yeah, yeah, you eat toomuch, just talk about it,
I mean, be honest. (laughs)
And I lied about somethingand I did something wrong
and I'm ashamed of myself and I'm sorry,
I mean, we need to getthat feeling in our minds,
all right, what else.
- This is Lou who says, whyare there never any words
of knowledge about mental illnesses?
Will God not heal this?"
- First he does, the word of knowledge
is not something we're supposedto be cooking up ourselves,
it comes from the Lord andit comes from the Holy Spirit
and why he hasn't givenus anything having to do
with mental illness.
The trouble with mental illness
and it is a trouble andit's more complicated,
we had a Dr. Braidison onthe show not too long ago
who had tried to dosomething about Alzheimer's
and he had brought out two things
that people had to do but hecouldn't get it through the FDA
because they said we need one pill,
give us one pill, they can take one pill
that with this result and he said well,
it's a whole treatment of things
and they said, well we won't certify that
because there are a number of things.
People need exercise, for example
and they need a certain type of diet
and they need other thingsthat they need to do
and they need a socialenvironment that is affirming
and so forth and it's just not one thing.
So, that's the problemwith mental illness,
you have a word of knowledge, that people
just don't instantly get healed
because there's so many factorsinvolved in it, all right.