Read Transcript
(dramatic music)
- Well it's time to answer some
of the email that you all have sent in.
And Pat this first one comes from Starla,
who says "After feelingneglected in my marriage,
I started to fantasize about other men.
My husband has had multiplesexual affairs with other women.
He says I committed adultery as well
when I fantasized and it's thesame thing as a real affair.
Is this true?
Is fantasizing the same as the actual act
of being physical with another person?
I have never had an actual physical affair
or even talked toanother man in that way."
- Well, first what I wouldcounsel you is to see
if you could spice upthe marriage you've got
with your husband, something's wrong.
And if you have to fantasize
and you're missing arelationship with your husband
it is something you shouldn't be having.
But the answer is yes.
Jesus said if you evenimagine having adultery
with somebody elseyou've committed the act.
So if you're fantasizing having sex
with some other person than your husband
then that is spiritual adultery.
That's the way it is, at leastthat's what the Bible says.
So you asked me what the Bible says
and that's what it says, all right.
- This is Sue who says"If President Trump is not
re-elected and a far-leftDemocrat is president,
are they given restrictionson their socialist
ideas they want to implement?
Can they do what they want
or does it have to go through Congress?
I was reading that a socialist government
can takeaway our IRAs if theydeem it for the greater good,
is that really true?
Could that happen?"
- I think you're readingsome of these fantasy things
that are way out.
You have to pass somethinglike that through Congress.
You not only have a president,
you have a Congress andthen you have a court
that can review some ofthe things that are done.
So if I were you I wouldn'tspend a lot of time
worrying about stuff like that,
it's not the way it's gonna be.
But if a group gains power,
if they can take the White House
and they can take the Congress,
then they can pass almostanything they want to,
but you've got to haveeverything working together,
and if you don't then it'snot gonna happen, all right.
- Okay, this is Carroll whosays "Hello Pat, is it okay
to watch real-life TV murder mysteries?
The Apostle Paul tellsus in Philippians 4:8
our thoughts are to be onwhat is pure and lovely.
These shows are all aboutwhat is evil in this world.
What are your thoughts?
Should I stop watching these shows
based on what Paul teaches?"
- Well up to you.
If you feel somethingis sin, then it is sin
so don't do it but the Bible says
let the words of my mouth andthe meditation of my heart
be acceptable to you oh God, my redeemer.
And we do live in a world of evil
and especially if you'rein the film business
or you're in the book writing business,
you have to recognize thekind of plot structures
that you're dealing with.
So, but if you feel it'ssin then don't do it.
It's just that simple.
- Nicole says, "I was recentlyinvolved in a car accident
and expected a settlement.
Are you supposed to tithe settlement money
and if so does the tithecome out of the full amount
or after my attorney anddoctor take their fees?"
- Well again, you give outof the joy of your heart
and out of the love ofyour heart to the Lord
and in that case you askthe question, I think
you get a settlementsupposed to make you whole
but I don't know whether it's true or not
but whatever you getyou don't have to tithe
what goes to your attorneyand what goes to your doctors
so I think it'd be what comes to you
and if you feel in yourheart that you wanna share
some of that with the Lord's work,
well, I think by all means do so.
- Okay, Ed says, "Would you please explain
what Revelation 3:15 and 16 means."
This is quoting it.
"I know your works, that areyou are neither hot nor cold.
I could wish you were cold or hot.
So then because you arelukewarm and neither cold
nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth."
- Well, he's talking aboutthe Church of Laodicea
and the idea was if youwanna throw up (laughs)
you drink lukewarm water,
and to stick your fingerthere down your throat
it makes you wanna vomit.
So hot, you won't doit 'cause you can't get
it in your throat and cold isnot gonna make you get sick
so, what the Lord is saying, look,
you can't have it both ways.
I mean, either be really into it
and be fervently committed to the Lord
and that's hot or stay away from it
but don't be playing games
and there's nothing worsethan lukewarm Christians.
They really turn people off.
And the young people today, for example,
they want hot faith, theydon't want milk toast,
they don't want something in between
and so what the bookof Revelation is saying
get with it, if you're notgonna be on fire for God,
then don't play games with Christianity.
And so much that we seetoday is playing games
and don't do it, all right.
- This is Patricia who says, "Hi Pat.
What should Christians doabout the death sentence.
Does the Bible say anythingabout capital crimes?"
- Oh, it says a whole lot about them
and they used to kill people.
I mean, they've stone people to death
for breaking the Sabbathfor heaven's sakes.
I mean, in the Old Testament,there's an awful lot of that
and very little incarceration.
But they didn't have alot of penitentiaries,
they didn't have a lot of prisons.
They either whippedsomebody and let him go
or else they killed himand so the death penalty
was very, very prevalentin the Old Testament.
And so the idea thatthis is a barbaric thing.
For example, if you have Charles Manson,
why would we have to feed,clothe and house a serial killer
and keep him incarcerated at the rate
of 50 to $100,000 a month, I mean, a year.
Why would you have to do that?
And so I see nothing wrongwith the death penalty.
It's certainly in the Bible
and the thought that it's somekind of cruel and barbaric,
it's a whole lot to myopinion, cruel and barbaric
to put somebody in solitary confinement
for year after year,after year, all right.
- This is Mercedes whosays "I'd like to know
if there is a purgatory.
When I was young I was Catholic
and had heard about purgatory,that you go there first
when you die.
The churches I have attended
since I left the Catholic Church
don't ever mention purgatory."
- Well, the reason is that the Bible
doesn't mention purgatory,there is no purgatory.
Whether to die and be with the Lord,
which is far better.
The Apostle Paul said I'min the strait between two.
I'm either gonna die orI'm gonna be with the Lord.
But I can't there's nopurgatory, no in between thing
where we are somehowperfected a little bit
before we get to heaven.
The Bible doesn't teach that.
Jesus said to the thief on the cross.
He said, well rememberme when you come into
your kingdom, he said this day
you'll be with me in paradise.
Not you will go to purgatoryand then get to be.
It's not in the Bible,
that's why you don't read about it, okay.