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Faith Nation: August 2, 2019

Faith Nation: August 2, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] Tonight.

- And the Democrats spent moretime attacking Barack Obama

than they did attacking me.

- [Announcer] The President'spolitical analysis.

The first Trump rally since the Democratic

presidential debates.

- We've taken the toughestever action to stand up

to China's trade abuse.

- [Announcer] And the putting more tariffs

on Chinese goods, fromtoys to smartphones.

- This is not Washington, D.C.'scountry, it's our country.

- [Announcer] How to goabout restoring America,

a closer look at a possibleblueprint for success.

And check out this weathermap over Las Vegas.

That's not rain or snow or thunder.

- [Woman] Something isnot right in this world.

- [Announcer] It's a grasshopper invasion

of biblical proportions.

All this and more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(upbeat music)

- Well, happy Friday,welcome to "Faith Nation,"

I'm Ben Kennedy.- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Growing tension with North Korea,

the regime has launchedyet another missile,

its second this week.

The firing of at least twounidentified projectiles

into the Sea of Japan comeswith nuclear negotiations

at a standstill.

Secretary of State MikePompeo is in Thailand,

where North Korean diplomatsare skipping a summit

that Pompeo had hopedwould restart negotiations.

- And tonight the Pentagon is preparing

to withdraw troops fromAfghanistan as part

of a peace deal with the Taliban.

The agreement would require the Taliban

to negotiate a peace deal directly

with the Afghan governmentand guarantee the country

will not be a launch pad

for international terrorist activity.

Some U.S. officials have concerns about

how to keep the group accountable.

The Washington Post reportsthat if the deal is finalized,

troops would be reduced by nearly 6,000.

- The U.S. is blamingRussia for the demise

of a major nuclear arms treaty.

Today the U.S. withdrewfrom the Intermediate Range

Nuclear Forces Treaty after asix month warning to Russia.

Announcing the withdrawal in a statement,

the State Departmentsaid, "The United States

"willing to remain partyto a treaty that is

"deliberately violated by Russia,"

adding that "Russia is solely responsible

"for the treaty's demise."

As the U.S. prepares to testa new non-nuclear missile,

critics fear the withdrawalcould start a new arms race.

- And a bit of good newsfor the American worker.

Today's job report nearly hit expectations

with 164,000 new jobs in July.

The unemployment rate held at 3.7%.

Average hourly earning rose by .3%.

The numbers reveal the labor market

is keeping up with the population growth,

and the jobless rates will hold steady.

- And the new trade dealwith the European Union

is giving American ranchersreason to celebrate too tonight.

The President's deal with theEU will allow cattle ranchers

to send nearly 35,000 tons of beef

over the next seven years.

- My administration isstanding up for our farmers

and ranchers like never before.

We're protecting our farmers,we're doing it in many ways,

including with China.

- And the news comes afterthe President ramped up

his trade war with China.

New tariffs will go intoeffect September 1st,

and could affect howmuch you pay for things

like smartphones, clothes and TVs.

- And sticking with China,China is now threatening

to retaliate after President Trump said

he would impose newtariffs on their imports.

It is the latest exchangein the trade battles

between the two biggesteconomies in the world.

- And the big question is,

how much will this affect our pocketbooks?

Jennifer Wishon has the story.

- Experts say moretariffs on Chinese goods

means Americans could pay morefor a variety of products,

from toys to smartphones.

But President Trump saysit's time once and for all

to stop the Chinesetheft of American jobs.

- We've taken the toughestever action to stand up

to China's trade abuse.

- [Jennifer] Starting September 1st,

he's putting 10% tariffs onthe remaining 300 billion

in Chinese imports hehasn't taxed already.

- For many years, China hasbeen taking out hundreds

of billions of dollars ayear and rebuilding China.

It's time that we rebuild our country.

- [Jennifer] China is threateningnecessary countermeasures,

its Foreign Minister today saying,

"Imposing tariffs isdefinitely not the right way

"to resolve trade frictions."

But the President says Chinaisn't acting fast enough,

as the world's largest economies work

to reach a trade deal.

He accuses Beijing of failingto stop the sale of fentanyl

to the U.S. and notfollowing through on promises

to buy large amounts of American soybeans.

(engine roaring to life)

The new tariffs are ontop of an existing 25% tax

on $250 billion in Chinese goods.

China retaliated to that move

by taxing 110 billion in U.S. goods,

dealing a blow to U.S. farmers.

But this new round oftariffs will affect a range

of consumer products, fromclothing to electronics.

The President says Chinesenegotiators are trying

to wait out his term in the White House.

- They're praying, they wouldlike to see a new president

in a year and a halfso they could continue

to rip off the United States.

- [Jennifer] In Congress,he has some support

from both parties.

- I think PresidentTrump was on to something

when he talked about China.

China has been abusing theeconomic system for a long time.

- And while she disagreeswith the President's tactics,

Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeting,

"We absolutely must be tough on China."

By setting this latestround of tariffs at 10%,

the President is leaving himself room

to ratchet them up higher if necessary

to put more pressure on China.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks, Jennifer.

President Trump is backon the campaign trail.

Last night's rally in Ohio was his first

since the highly-criticized"send her back" chant.

- And addressing a crowd in Cincinnati,

President Trump ramped up hisattacks on American cities run

by Democrats and the 2020presidential candidates.

For more on the rally, we now turn

to our Capitol Hill correspondent,

Abigail Robertson, Abigail.

- Well, just days afterPresident Trump called

Representative ElijahCummings' district in Baltimore

a rat and rodent infested mess,

he's now expanding hisattacks to other major cities

like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

- We can name one afteranother, but I won't do that,

(crowd laughing)

'cause I don't wanna be controversial.

- [Abigail] Morecontroversy, the President

renewing his attacks on Cummings Friday,

targeting the recent robbery

of the Congressman'sBaltimore home, tweeting,

"Really bad news, the Baltimore house

"of Elijah Cummings was robbed, too bad."

- The Democrat record is one of neglect

and corruption and decay, total decay.

- [Abigail] Trump alsoshared with the Ohio crowd

his take on "the so-calledDemocrat debate."

- The Democrats spent moretime attacking Barack Obama

than they did attacking me, practically.

- [Abigail] On the campaign trail,

former Vice-President JoeBiden defending his time

in the Obama administration.

- I'm proud of the job he did.

We faced a different problem 10 years ago

when the economy collapsedbecause of Republican policies.

Now we face a problem thatthe economy as well as

the soul of this country's collapsing

because of this presidency.

- [Abigail] And whilemany candidates continued

their attacks on the frontrunner's record after the debate,

- The Vice-President istrying to have it both ways.

- The first thing hehas to do is own up to

not just the mistakes he's made,

but how it's impacting people's lives now.

- [Abigail] Andrew Yangthinks it's a losing strategy.

- It seems like the game plan is to try

and elevate yourself by attacking Joe.

And I think it's really unfortunate.

- While not everyoneagrees with the strategy,

the majority of the candidates for now

are targeting their fire at Obama's legacy

to try and chip away at Biden's lead.

Back to you, Ben and Jenna.

- All right, thanks, Abby.

And here with us now is Marc Lotter,

Director of Strategic Communications

for the Trump 2020 campaign.

Marc, good to see you,thanks for coming in.

- Thanks for having me back.

- Marc, you have to berelieved that last night

there were no "send her back" chants.

- Absolutely, the Presidentmade it absolutely clear

that he did not appreciate those

and that he did not want that to continue.

And I think the fact that somany of the people listened

and respected the President'swishes, it was great

to be able to move on.

But what a great crowd in Cincinnati.

It just shows you theenergy that people have

in this country for our President.

And I'm absolutelyconfident Ohio will be among

those first states on theboard for the President.

- And Marc, there's video going viral

showing a Trump supporterbeating up a protestor

after a rally, and justthis week we also saw

a man wearing a MAGA hatget jumped in New York City.

The political temperature is no doubt hot,

people are angry, does the President feel

any sense of responsibility for this?

- I don't think the Presidenthas responsibility in it,

but I think what we as Americancitizens have to recognize

is that even though wehave political differences,

we don't let those resort to violence.

Our country was founded onbeing able to share your,

express your opinionsfreely, freedom of speech.

But it should never resort to violence.

We are still allAmericans, and I think that

would be the message thatthe President would want

to remind everyone that,regardless of those differences,

we are still all neighbors andwe are still all Americans.

- Congressman Will Hurd willnot seek re-election in 2020.

He, of course, is the onlyRepublican African-American

in the House.

Marc, a lot of politicaloperatives in the GOP are saying

this is terrible news forthe party, are they right?

- Well, I wouldn't read too much into

this specific retirement.

Congressman Hurd has servedour country in many roles

very admirably, but he also has taken

some very difficult positionswhich are out of line

with the Republicans, with the President,

especially as it comesto areas of immigration

and controlling our southern border.

That puts him at odds withthe majority of the party.

He made the decision to step down,

and I'm sure that theRepublicans are gonna have

a great candidate there to be able

to continue conservative leadership.

The thing that the peoplein that district have

to recognize is thatas we talk about things

like border security, likekeeping this economy going,

standing up to socialismand just the big government

takeover of healthcare whichthe Democrats are proposing,

you need more Republicans inCongress, not more Democrats

to stand up to that.

So it'll be a good race, but I'm sure

we'll have a great candidate for it.

- Marc, looking ahead to debate 2020,

you might not agree with her policies,

but Elizabeth Warren isgrowing in the polls.

How would you feel withPresident Trump facing her

in the general election?

- I think we look at all ofthese candidates about the same.

They are taking on such liberal policies,

to the affect we saw that on display

on the debate stage in Detroit

where they literally spent thefirst 30 minutes both nights

of debating about how quickly

to take away people's healthcare.

And that's big governmentsocialist takeover

of the healthcare industry,replacing your Blue Cross

Blue Shield and Aetna andUnited Healthcare card

with a government card.

I don't like going to the DMVto get my license renewed,

I certainly don't wanna wait in line

and have some bureaucrat tell me when

and what kind of healthcare I can get.

- The narrative thatfront runner Joe Biden

is a centrist, is a moderate,

how does the Trump orbit see Joe Biden?

- Well, that's absolutely a myth.

There is no reality to that.

We've gotta remember thatJoe Biden voted for NAFTA,

which shipped a millionmanufacturing jobs overseas.

He was actually thelead cheerleader for TPP

during the last administration,which would have shipped

even more manufacturing jobs overseas.

So when you look at thistime and time again,

the flip-flop on the Hyde Amendment,

Joe Biden for 40 years opposedtaxpayer-funded abortion,

and now because of the radicalshift of the Democrat party,

he now supports taxpayers footing the bill

for people to get abortions,and it's just out of touch

with what the American people believe.

And I think as more andmore people find out

about his record andhis current flip-flops,

I think it's just gonna show that he's

just another liberal likethe rest of the party.

- Well Marc, sticking with Biden,

how would you label Joe Biden?

- I would label Joe Bidenas currently just struggling

trying to figure out whatthe new Democrat party wants.

- Marc Lotter on Trump's 2020 campaign,

thank you so much for joining us, sir.

- Good to see you.

- [Jenna] When we come back,reaction from our panel

and what they have to sayabout last night's rally.

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(upbeat dramatic music)

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- And welcome back, timenow for a our panel.

Julia Manchester with TheHill, and David Brody,

CBN's chief political analyst.

Both of you, thank you for joining us.

- [Julia] Thank you.- [David] Thanks.

- We just heard from Marc Lotter

with the President's re-election campaign.

He says that the Presidentis not responsible

for the current politicaltemperature in our country today.

What do you think, Julia, will voters

hold President Trump accountable,

especially those moderates?

- I think moderatesespecially will potentially

hold the Presidentaccountable, and I would think

if you look in certain districts

that have a lot of swingwhite suburban women voters,

that's where thisbehavior and this rhetoric

is really going to hurt the President.

However, I think withthe President's rhetoric

on a lot of these issuesat these campaign rallies,

his calculus is, I wanna turn out my base,

I wanna rally them up.

So that seems to be hisnumber one priority as opposed

to getting these moderateswing voters that he needs.

- Yeah, and a quick addendum to that.

78% or so of folks saythe violence is a problem,

or the violent rhetoric isa problem in both parties,

but just 61% of Republicans think that,

compared to 90% of Democrats.

So it is about turning outthe base, and Donald Trump

so far hasn't hurt hisbase with that rhetoric.

- David, Julia, I wanna talkabout Joe Biden for a bit.

A new morning console pollshows he's holding steady

after this last debate.

Does he have to be spectacular,

or are these average performances going

to get him to the primary?

- I think it would benice for his campaign

if he was spectacular because he seems to,

with the last debate, hestarted out really strong,

but then he wouldsometimes mix up his words.

There was a text Joe Biden to 3-3-0,

which he didn't get correctly.

But I think a lot of what'shelping him is the fact

that the other candidateson stage indirectly

went after Obama, and they're going after

the most popular Democratin the party right now.

So I think that in a way is helping Biden

because he's tied himselfso close to his former boss.

So I would say that's agood calculus on his part.

- They seem to go afterPresident Obama's record.

Julia, does this strategy for Democrats

have any staying power?

- I don't necessarily think it does,

and actually if you watchedthat rally last night,

President Trump said himself,"They attack Barack Obama

"more than they attackedme," and you're seeing

various Obama allies andadvisors like Eric Holder

and Neera Tanden from theCenter for American Progress

saying don't do this,you're only gonna hurt us.

Barack Obama left officewith a 95% approval rating

among Democrats, 99% approval rating

among African-American Democrats,

no wonder Joe Biden isdoing so well with this.

- We should be clear that this isn't,

we talk about Barack Obama,what this really is about

is defeating Joe Biden.

Everybody wants to tieBiden to Barack Obama

and have that represent the past.

And I think that's important.

A lot of these folks are looking forward

and say if we can bring Barack Obama in

to tie Joe Biden to that, that's a victory

for us possibly going forward.

- We asked Marc about this,

Congressman Hurd not seeking re-election,

what impact will this have on the GOP?

- It has a humongous impact on the GOP.

Congressman Hurd was theonly African-American

in the GOP serving in Congress.

He's the only GOP member on the border,

and he is the thirdRepublican member of the House

to retire from Texas, the 6th overall.

So this is having a negative impact.

- 18 seats they now haveto win back to flip,

they gotta flip 19 seats instead of 18,

so one more and it's a problem, yeah.

- All right, David andJulia, thank you so much.

- Thank you.- Thanks guys.

- [Ben] Well, comingup, we talk to the man

who wrote the book on restoring America

to its Judeo-Christian roots, that's next.

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- In today's society, manyconservative Christians

see a culture spiraling out of control

and they wonder how exactlycan America be restored

to its foundingJudeo-Christian principles.

- [Ben] A new book by TimGoeglein and Craig Osten

have a forward lookingblueprint for success.

It is called "AmericanRestoration, How Faith,

"Family and Personal SacrificeCan Heal Our Nation."

Goeglein, who is a vice-presidentwith Focus on the Family,

recently provided a fewanswers during a conversation

with CBN's chief politicalanalyst, David Brody.

- There are books thatdeal with this subject,

but tell me how thisbook is a bit different

from all the rest.- I'd be happy to.

In my role as one of the vice-presidents

at Focus on the Family, I travel a lot.

And whether I go to Maine or Michigan,

Texas, California or anyplace in between,

no matter where I speak,when it comes to the Q&A,

I hear people say the following,

"I've never been moreconcerned about my country

"and culture than I am now."

If they have children orgrandchildren, they say,

"What kind of a country andculture am I leaving them?"

And the third thing that they say is,

"And I don't know what to do."

In our book "American Restoration,"

we set out 15 chapters,every single chapter

begins with the word restoring.

Restoring biblical values,

restoring family and marriage,

restoring human life, restoringthe idea of the gentlemen,

restoring the idea of theUnited States Constitution.

There's never going to be a conservative

or a Christian equivalentof the great society

of the 1960s, there'snever gonna be a moment

where the federal governmentis going from the top down

to restore our country.

It's not gonna happen from Washington.

It's not gonna happen from Hollywood.

It's not gonna happen from Silicon Valley.

It's not gonna happen fromthe Financial District

of New York, right?

This is not Wall Street's country.

This is not Hollywood's country.

This is not Washington, D.C.'s country.

It's our country, and thebasis of it is self-government.

And all of our founding fathers and all

of our founding mothers, andthis is a central narrative

of American restoration, they all believed

that it was from the bottom up.

Show me what's happening in homes.

Show me what's happening in families.

Show me what's happeningin my neighborhood,

my community, my church, my synagogue.

If we are going to have theseeds of restoration in America,

if we're gonna actuallysay that's where acts

of renewal start, it's notgonna be from the top down,

it's gonna be in the places where we live

and in the places where we work.

- What's the church's role in this?

I'm guessing you'll say crucial,

but to unpack that even more,

there's even some disagreementwithin the church about

whether to engage in theculture, whether or not to,

the social justice wing, the Donald Trump

white, conservative, evangelical wing.

What are we to make of all of this

as it relates to the restoration?

- If we are to have anAmerican restoration,

if we are to have a country 50 years

and a hundred years fromnow that is really restored

and that is thriving,the church is absolutely,

almost without peer,foundational to the way forward.

I'm gonna take some very easy examples.

If we wanted a successfulAmerican Revolution,

it would not have beenpossible without the church.

If we wanted a CivilWar that was concluded

with the country united again,

it would have been impossiblewithout the church.

If we wanted a Civil RightsMovement that was successful,

it would have been impossible

without the role of the church.

And, of course, now we are engaged in one

of the greatest civil rightsdebates in American history.

And we talk about this atlength in "American Restoration"

in our chapter on humanlife and the question

of pro-life, pro-choice.

The church has been absolutely central

in the success of the pro-life movement.

If we are to have arestoration in the kind

that we write about in this book,

the church is absolutely foundational,

and the church has to step up.

It is far beyond whathappens on Sunday mornings.

What happens on Sundaymornings and Wednesday nights

in America in church is crucial,

but it's back to the book of James.

It's faith and action together.

And this will not be possible,

a restoration will not be possible

without the active role of the church.

- [Jenna] When we come back,if grasshoppers are lucky,

these days there's a lot of luck in Vegas.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Life, it'smeant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it, "I came to give you life,

"life to the fullest."

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind and spirit.

Life in your every day.

(bright music)

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

(bright music)

We're here to help you discover life.

(bright music)

Life, live it fully,

(bright music)

- [Announcer] On October 1, 1961,

history was made when a tiny station

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- [Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.

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CBN News.(dramatic music)

- Welcome back, Sin City is in the midst

of an invasion of biblical proportions.

- The swarm of bugs inLas Vegas is so large

it appeared on a weather radar last week

in this green font you can see there.

But this is no OldTestament plague of locusts,

it's an avalanche of grasshoppers.

It's not normal, but similar hopper hordes

have been seen before,usually after wet weather.

And Vegas had more rain in six months

than in most average years.

They say grasshoppers are lucky.

I don't know, Ben, but in this case-

- [Ben] I don't know about that.

- Yeah, I think we'relucky that what happens

in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

- And on that note, that'sgonna do it for Faith Nation.

- All right, have agreat weekend, everybody.

- Take care.


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