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Christian World News - August 2, 2019

Christian World News - August 2, 2019 Read Transcript

(compelling dramatic music)

- [George] This weekon Christian World News

all across Indiathousands of former Hindus

are turning to Christ.

See what's sparkling this amazing revival.

(loud booming)

- [Wendy] Plus, the place in Europe

where Christianity is making a comeback,

but not everyone is thrilledwith this new development.

- And the incrediblestory of the running man

who knocks out worldrecords at the age of 101

and his lifetime service to God.

(compelling dynamic music)

Hello, everyone, welcometo this week's edition

of Christian WorldNews, I'm George Thomas.

- And I'm Wendy Griffith.

Well, India is undergoingpolitical changes this month,

but is experiencing socialand religious change as well.

- That's right, manyIndians live in tribes

and traditionally they are Hindus.

In recent years, a majorshift has been taking place

in the highlands of Central India.

Hundreds of men, women, and children

are now being baptized as Christians.

(speaking in a foreign language)

Ask Dinesh Shur why so many tribal people

are accepting Jesus Christ,and he gets teary-eyed.

(soft tremulous music)

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Translator] When youdo God's work for years

and begin to see the fruits of your labor,

it is overwhelming.

You see the changed lives.

You see the eternal happinesson the faces of people.

And how can it not move me?

- [George] Here, in a corner of Rajasthan

where the majority follow Hinduism,

(people singing and clapping)

a Christian chorus is rising.

- [Translator] The transformationis almost immediate.

Families stop praying to their ancestors.

They stop drinking.

They stop their witchcraft.

Their entire life is turned upside down

when they accept Jesus.

- And Dinesh Shur is part of the reason

why so many are turning to Christ.

For 10 years, Pastor Dineshserved in a big city,

very much like this one, butthen God tugged on his heart

and told him he had togo back to his village,

go back to his roots, goback to his own people,

and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Translator] I waslike Jonah in the Bible.

I didn't want to live in my village.

I wanted to serve God in thecity where things are easier.

I wanted to reach others with the gospel,

not my own people.

- [George] Shur points to Sohan Lal's life

as fruit of his decision to return.

- [Translator] One day,Pastor Dinesh told me

about Jesus Christ.

He told me that if I put my trust in him,

I would be healed, that mylife would be different.

I did.- Sohan Lal joined 178

of his tribe's people recentlyat the edge of this river

not too far from their village.

Here they were baptized by Pastor Dinesh.

- [Translator] I know allthese men and women personally.

I know what their lives werelike before they met Christ.

And now to be part ofthis spiritual milestone

in their lives is an enormous privilege.

- [George] Theru Bhai hasbeen waiting for this day

with great excitement.

- [Translator] After I acceptedChrist I stopped drinking,

I stopped smoking, and Istopped getting into fights.

Getting baptized was myway to show the community

that I'm a changed man.

Today Jesus Christ is my Savior.

- [George] Mannu wasamong the dozens of women

who also got dunked in the river that day.

- [Translator] I feel veryhappy after my baptism

and thankful I receivedChrist in my heart.

I will now follow him the rest of my life.

- [George] And not just her,her husband and children

also decided to follow Christ

after Pastor Dinesh spentseveral occasions with them.

- [Translator] My family'sblessed because of Christ

and because someone was willing

to come and share the gospel with us.

- [George] Pastor Dinesh is amember of the Bhil community,

one of the largest tribes found

in the central states of India.

Dinesh says foreign missionarieshave been ministering

in this area for over 135 years

and have never seen theresults he's witnessing today.

Christians are still aminority within a minority

in these parts.

However, reports claimthat as many as 300,000

have become believers injust the last 10 years,

many of them from among the Bhil tribe.

- 42...- [Translator] We have 42

house prayer groups meetingin about 22 villages.

We also have 32 workers from our church

going from village to village

as evangelists sharing the gospel.

In the coming year, my goalis to send out missionaries

to neighboring states toreach other Bhil villages.

- [George] Jeevani Karadi is one of those

who travel from village to village.

When she's not on the road,

you'll find this spry 65-year-old

also co-leading a housegroup with Pastor Dinesh.

On the day CBN News met her,

she and dozens of believerswere having church

under this tree.

- [Translator] Our groupis getting so large

we don't have enough space in my house.

- Karadi's testimony isthe reason this meeting

is even happening.

About six years ago, sheused to roam the streets

of this remote village, inessence, as a mad woman.

She used to walk around naked.

But then she had an encounterwith this man Jesus Christ.

And today she leads a thrivingchurch here in Rajasthan.

- [Translator] The villagersused to make fun of me.

People said I was cursed.

Then I met Pastor Dinesh,and he prayed for me,

and I was healed, I was delivered.

- [George] Pastor Dineshsays these testimonies

are just another reminder for him

how important it is to obey and trust God.

- [Translator] I am livingthe fruits of my decision

to come back to my village.

Is it easy?

No, do we face challenges?

Yes, but we have Christ to lean on.

He's all we need to seechange among my people.

(soothing music)

- Well, George, India'shistoric election process

comes to an end next week.- That's correct, yes.

- Any predictions on the winner?

- In all likelihood, if Iwere to make a prediction,

BJP is probably going to win.

The Congress Party is really very divided

and hasn't had its sortof chance to bring all

of the various parties together.

So if I were to make aprediction, I would say,

probably the BJP, but it alsodepends on the Parliament

and who controls the Parliament.

In all likelihood, the BJP maylose some significant seats,

and they will have to reachout to create a coalition

for the next government.

- So the BJP, of course,

is the Hindu Party.- Correct.

- What does this mean for the Christians

in India?- Yeah, not good,

because they have suffered quite a bit

since the BJP came to power.

The number of persecution incidents

against Christians has skyrocketed.

Christians in India arevery, very concerned

about their future underthis particular party,

so we will need to continue to pray

for the Christians of India.

- Absolutely, thank you, George.

- You're welcome.- Well coming up,

the European nation that's going back

to its Christian origins

and passing faith andfamily-friendly laws.

(compelling dramatic music)

(upbeat contemporary music)

- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible promises

God has made to his children.

- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover The I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Narrator] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear

but to know the rewardsgiven to those who love God.

- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

(sustained choral music)

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at-risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every childshould have the opportunity

to dream, the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(poignant mid-tempo music)

(bells tinkling)(child laughing)

- Welcome back to Christian World News.

In Europe, one nation hasrediscovered its Christian roots

and rewritten its constitutionto protect the family

and the unborn.

- This is amazing, DaleHurd reports from Budapest

on a renaissance ofChristianity in Eastern Europe.

(inspirational contemporary music)

- In a time when most of Europe

is in the grips ofatheism, there is a nation

where Christianity seems tonot only be holding its own,

but some say is thriving.

Imagine a government thatis unabashedly Christian,

that thinks Christianvalues are worth defending,

that wants to protect, andeven nourish, the family.

Welcome to Hungary.

Hungary's constitutionis explicitly Christian.

It says that marriage isbetween one man and one woman

and that life begins at conception.

It even includes the phrase,"God bless the Hungarians."

Hungary's Faith Churchwith 300 hundred branches

is one of the largestPentecostal churches in Europe

with 70,000 attenders.

And the Hungarian governmenthas taken on the role

of protecting Christianity.

It's even set up an office

to help persecuted Christians worldwide.

When CBN News broughtto the world the story

of Sweden's threat todeport Iranian actress

Aideen Strandsson back to Islamic Iran,

only one nation stepped up andoffered her asylum, Hungary.

The Hungarian government says,

"Taking in persecutedChristians is our moral

"and constitutional duty."

- Hungary wants to protectthe European values,

the European Christian and Jewish values.

- [Dale] Hungarian policyanalyst Istvan Pocza

says Hungary has onlyreturned to its roots

as a historic bastion of Christianity

dating back over 1,000 years

and despite almost 200years of Muslim Ottoman rule

and after World War II'sSoviet communist domination.

Secretary of State Zoltan Kovacs.

- You have to stick to yourtraditions and legacies.

Europe's legacy is a Christian legacy,

not necessarily in a religious form,

but most definitely in a cultural form.

- And it's this beliefthat has Hungary locked

in a battle with theEuropean Union over migrants.

Mister Orban has accused the EU of trying

to Islamize Europe.

And Hungary has infuriatedBrussels by building a fence

to keep illegal migrants out.

The European Union isticked because Viktor Orban

has told Brussels toessentially take a hike

when it comes to open borders.

Hungary has seen the terrorism and chaos

caused by migration in Western Europe

and has said, "Not here."

The European Union has even gone to court

to force Hungary, Poland,and the Czech Republic

to take in migrants.

Mister Orban has accusedBrussels of blackmail.

- Securing the bordersto stop illegal migration

is indeed a solution, andit's the only way, actually,

to reinstate law and order at the borders

of the European Union, andnot the other way around.

- [Dale] Kovacs says it matters that most

of the migrants trying toenter Hungary are Muslim.

And he says Western European nations

are paying a heavy price by pretending

that Islam doesn't matter.

- We've been living together,or living close to Islam,

for centuries in the past,and we all know about it.

So that's why it doesmatter who has come in

and in what manner people are coming.

- Orban is often portrayedin the Western media

as sort of a version of Vladimir Putin,

an undemocratic strongman.

In fact, at an EU summit a few years ago,

the European Commission presidentreportedly greeted Orban

with the words, "Hello, dictator."

Hungary is certainly not a dictatorship.

But Orban's criticsaccuse him of corruption

and using the instruments of government

against his political opponents,

including the recent billboard campaign

against billionaire George Soros.

- What we see today inHungary is the shameless use

of public money, of tax money,

to formulate pro-government messages.

- Since 2010, the Hungarian government

has been continuously weakening the system

of checks and balances in Hungary

and weakening democratic institutions.

- [Dale] But Orban, a manwho, even his critics concede,

is a skilled politician,

doesn't have a serious political rival.

He will probably remain in power,

meaning Hungary's standoffwith the European Union

over migrants is likely to escalate.

But it also means thatHungary will continue

to have a governmentthat thinks Christianity

is worth protecting.

Dale Hurd, CBN News, Budapest.

(loud booming)

- [Wendy] Thanks, Dale, up next, he's more

than 100 years old andstill running his race.

Meet a tireless servantof God when we come back.

(mid-tempo dramatic music)

(mid-tempo contemporary music)

- [Narrator] It's about the competition.

- I kinda put that pressure on myself,

and I think people had expectations.

- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.

- We use this phrase all the time,

keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.

- I think as a father it's my job to lead,

just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Narrator] Watch Going the Distance

with Shawn Brown Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

(mid-tempo contemporary music)

(exciting adventure music)

- Whoo-hoo, hi Superbook fans!

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(upbeat energetic music)

- [Narrator] Discover The I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,show him my salvation.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgiven me a second chance.

- [Narrator] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

(sustained choral music)

- Over the course of his101 years on this earth,

Orville Rogers has logged countless miles

both on land and high above it.

- But whether he was pounding the pavement

in his shoes, or pilotingan aircraft across the seas,

one thing has remained constant.

He has done it for the glory of the Lord.

- [Narrator] At 101 yearsyoung, Orville Rogers

still has a spring in hisstep and shows no signs

of slowing down.

The former airline pilotstill remembers the day

he fell in love with flying.

- I was a young boy, about ten years old,

and Lindbergh circled my school house 1927

after his transatlantic solo flight.

That cemented my desire to be a pilot.

- [Narrator] Around that same time,

Orville felt another call.

He came to faith in Christand has never looked back.

- In this little townof Sulphur, Oklahoma,

my mother took my sisterand me across the street

to a Southern Baptist small church.

And one Sunday night Ijust felt God calling

to repent of my sins and trust him

as my Lord and Savior.

It is a decision I have never regretted.

- [Narrator] Orville receivedhis bachelor's degree

from the University of Oklahomaand was enrolled in seminary

in 1940 when World War II broke out.

- I asked them if I couldenlist in the Army Air Corps

in order to fly instead ofbeing in the walking Army,

and they said, "Sure."

So that was God's way of turning me around

from what I perceived to be a career

in vocational Christian service

to one of every bit as important,

a layman in God's servicedoing his work for his glory.

- [Narrator] That workincluded a 30-year career

as a commercial pilot, as wellas flying missionary trips

to South America and Africa.

- In 1965, I met the founderof Wycliffe Bible Translators,

William Cameron Townsend, andsaid, "I'm a airline pilot.

"Is there any way I couldplug into your program?"

He said, "Well we havean airplane in Miami."

And then they asked meto fly it to Bogota,

which was my first ferry flight experience

with Wycliffe or Southern Baptists.

I eventually ended up ferrying46 missionary airplanes,

20 of them inside the United States,

26 of them were in South America

or over the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

And that was quite a challengeto fly across an ocean

in a single engine airplane.

- [Narrator] Orville andhis wife moved to Dallas

where Orville began flyingfor Braniff Airlines.

- Most of my flying forBraniff was domestic,

inside the United States.

But the last 15 or 16 months,I flew to South America

flying the stretchedDC-8, which at that time

was one of the largest airplanesin the airline service.

We had one flight that flewfrom New York to Buenos Aires,

10 hours and 40 minutes.

But at that time, I thinkwe had the longest flight

in the airline industry.

- [Narrator] Along theway, Orville and his wife

also began investing in real estate

and the oil and gasindustries, which enabled them

to, later, support many ministries.

- My wife and I determined that we had

to increase our giving, which we did.

And God blessed our investments.

In the course of my wife and I,

our marriage together,and since her death,

she and I have given away

over $35 million to God's work.

Now to put that in perspective,

you need to realize that my total earnings

from Braniff and the AirCorps and the Air Force

were about $1,600,000.

So God was able to multiply that, I think,

because of our faithfulness.

- [Narrator] One missionstrip to Russia in 2004

brought Orville full circle.

- In 1952, I was flying a B-36,

the largest airplane in the world.

And our primary retaliatorystrike force against Russia,

if war had broken out, my target

was located just on thenorth side of Moscow.

52 years later, in 2004, my wife and I

were on a missionary team.

We docked on the northwest side of Moscow.

We had our medical clinicsand did street witnessing,

all within about five milesof where my target was

to drop an atom bomb.

Instead of death anddestruction from above,

we were carrying in God'sword, the word of life,

to the Russian people.

- [Narrator] He also becamea long-distance runner

after reading several studieson longevity and exercise.

- Doctor I-Min Lee, fromBrigham and Women's Hospital,

she complied a study.

Her conclusion was that peoplewho exercise very vigorously

for long periods of time,could expect to get back

in added lifespan nine hours of added life

for every one hour of physical exercise.

That is phenomenal!

- [Narrator] Orville not onlyran a number of marathons,

he holds two world records inthe 90 to 100 age category.

- I entered two racesin Boston, Massachusetts

March the 23rd, 2008, the 800-meter

and the one-mile run.

And three weeks beforethe race my wife died.

And I talked to my children about it,

and we agreed she'd wantme to continue to compete,

so I did, and I won the 800meters, set a new world record.

The mile record, I really slaughtered.

I ran it in 9:57.

- [Narrator] Two years ago,Orville wrote his life story

in his book, "The Running Man."

- It tells of my experiences in life:

my flying, my running, mygiving, and my family life.

And I hope it's of abenefit and a help to people

who may be questioning how they need

to serve the Lord better.

- [Narrator] Orville sayshis desire has always been

to run the race well, as theapostle Paul encourages us,

and to finish well.

- I never asked God forfame, riches, or long life,

and he's given me all three.

I don't want to fail my Lordin the last days of my life.

I have seen too many people,too many examples of people,

in public life who failed somehow or other

in their later years to keeptheir high moral standards.

That's the primary prayerof my life these days,

that I would live well for Jesus

as long as he gives me life and breath.

(inspirational music)

- Wow, what a story!

Well, you can see moregreat stories like this

on our website,

We'll be right back.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] The worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell

and get the biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- Orphan's Promise is committed

to loving and serving at-risk children,

to helping keep families together,

and to creating opportunities

for strong and sustainablecommunities around the world.

We're working in over 60countries around the world,

and with your help, we can do even more.

There's an old African proverb I love

that says if you wannarun fast, run alone.

But if you wanna run far, run together.

At Orphan's Promise we want to run far

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change the world one child,

one family, one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(inspirational upbeat music)

(bells tinkling)(child laughing)

(dynamic upbeat music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

in a fresh, fearless way.

(dynamic upbeat music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.

Join me each week for Next Gen Voices.

(dynamic upbeat music)

And watch God transform a generation.

(dynamic upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Christian World News.

The world's most populous nation

is facing an abandoned baby crisis.

More parents in China arewalking away from children born

with physical disabilities.

- Mm, so sad, Gary Lane shares the story

of one Chinese couple that saved a child

and called on God to do a miracle.

(child laughing)

- [Gary] For seven years, Fu Chun Zhi

and his wife, Xiao Li,tried to conceive a child.

Finally, in 2011, they decided

to adopt an abandoned baby.

The Christian couple was thrilled

when they found the perfectbaby at a local orphanage.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Translator] As soonas we got the phone call,

we were so happy.

My wife and I couldn'twait to see this baby.

We have been waiting for this day forever!

- [Gary] In the midst of their happiness,

they received disappointing news.

The baby that theythought has been perfectly

and wonderfully made wasborn with a small tumor

in his mouth and was notable to eat and drink.

- [Translator] We didn't know what to do.

We wanted to keep the baby.

Meanwhile, the cost for thesurgery was so expensive.

We were heartbroken.

We lost hope and direction.

- [Translator] These church members

went through a through time.

They didn't ask for anything

except for prayers and guidance.

So I invited all Christiansto pray for a miracle.

- Half a world away,Americans Audrey and Rob Post

heard about the Chinese family's struggle.

A church member shared the story

and then asked them to pray.

They did so and remainedfaithful, believing

that God would answer their prayers.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Translator] My husbandand I always know the Lord

can do miracles.

Jesus answered prayersmany times in our life.

And we believe that nothingis too difficult for the Lord.

(people singing)

- [Gary] Other Christians also prayed

for the Chinese couple and their baby.

As time went by, although nothing changed,

they still believed thatGod could work a miracle.

- [Translator] God's favor will show up

when we are down to nothing.

Just because they didn't see a way,

it certainly didn'tmean God was not working

behind the scenes.

I told the couple to remainfaithful and patient.

(couple speaking in foreign language)

- [Gary] Amazingly oneday, Zhi and Xiao Li

saw the baby just spitsomething out of his mouth.

They gave it a closer look

and discovered it was the tumor

that had been lodged in his mouth.

The couple was brought to tears.

- [Translator] It's a miracle!

Only Jesus could do suchan unthinkable miracle.

When all Christianscome and pray together,

we can move mountains.

- [Gary] Not only did God

give an abandoned child a new home,

but he also performeda life-changing miracle

for an entire Chinese family.

(woman speaking in foreign language)

Gary Lane, CBN News.(child laughing)

- [George] Adorable!

- That's a cute little baby- Wow, that is so cute!

- right there.- God bless them!

That's a awesome story.- I love it.

- Well, folks, that is it.

That is it for this week's edition

- It went by fast.- of Christian World News.

It went by (snappingfingers) bop, bop, bop, bop,

like that.- You know what they say?

- What?- Well, if you're having fun,

it goes by fast.- That's right.

And we have a lot of fun.(Wendy laughing)

Thanks for joining us, folks.

- Until next week, from all of us here

at Christian World News,goodbye and God bless you.

(upbeat inspiring music)


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