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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - July 31, 2019


- We have some time forsome email questions.

You ready for them?

- Sure.- Can I ask you

the first one?- You can ask me, yeah.

- All right, this one's from Brianna.

I have a coworker whois in a deep depression

because she feels very lonely.

What can I do to help her?

I know being lonely can bea very dark place to be in.

- Well, Brianna, I think youshould just get to know her,

get to know her story.

I mean, why is she so lonely?

What's been happening in her life?

Most people that are depressed or lonely,

they just need a friend to talk to.

I mean, some people joke and say,

"If you just had a great friend,

"you wouldn't need to go to therapy."

I don't know if that's true,

but sometimes justtalking, and being heard,

and letting someone knowyou care about them,

can change their life.

Really, it can be something so simple

as, "Hey, do you wannago get a cup of coffee

"or have lunch?" and, "I'dreally like to hear your story."

So just those little things,just something really small

could really change somebody's life.

- Yay, great answer.

(Wendy laughing)You wanna take another one?

- No, (laughing) this is for you.

(Gordon laughing)Let's always stop

while I'm ahead, okay.

Richard says my girlfriendwants to get married.

I love her dearly, however,she is Mormon and I'm Baptist.

She said in order for us to marry,

I have to join the Mormon church.

I want her, but not her religion.

Can we have a successful marriage

without me becoming Mormon?

- Well, Richard, how can you become Mormon

and still be a Baptist?

That's sort of the open question.

And if you don't like her religion,

then why are you evenconsidering changing?

The apostle Paul talked about this.

He talked about don't be unequally yoked.

And can marriages across religions work?

The answer is yes, there'replenty of examples.

But what does it mean for the children?

How are the children gonna be raised?

And what faith are they going to have?

And what faith are theygonna be instructed?

And all of these thingshave to be worked out.

And so Paul says don't be unequally yoked.

I do know the Mormons have a doctrine

that you have to marryin the Mormon church.

And if you marry outside,

you're no longer (chuckles) Mormon.

So I kinda wish the Baptist had that.

They don't, they're a little freer.

But it's one of those,I would encourage you,

don't get unequally yoked.

This is what the apostle Paul said.

And you're going to starttriggering generational issues

when you do.

- Amen, I totally agree

with that one.- I got an amen.

(Wendy laughing)All right!

- A-plus on that answer.

(Gordon laughing)Okay.

This viewer writes in.

Can you explain paradise and heaven?

I've heard both mentioned in reference

to when we die.

Are these the same places,or do we go to paradise first

and then heaven later?

- When the Bible's talking about paradise,

or the bosom of Abraham, orheaven, it's all the same thing.

To be absent from the body isto be present with the Lord.

And where he is, that'sthe kingdom of God.

There's another explanationfor his kingdom,

and that's where God's will is being done.

In terms of end times,

there is a millennial reign here on earth.

There is also a newheaven and a new earth.

And what's that going to be like?

Is that gonna be more like thegarden of Eden than heaven?

And so you can get in a wholebunch of speculation here,

but at the end of the day,I think it all adds up

to the same place.

- All right, Chaffin writes I was saved

when I was a little girl.

I asked God to be in my heart and mind

so that I can live only for him.

My question is, as of rightnow, God knows my heart,

and he will forever.

I have not forgotten him,

and yet I still have beenmaking heavy mistakes

that not only affect me, but my family.

How many times will he forgive me?

- He'll forgive you asmany times as you ask.

But what I would encourage you to do

is make a determination once and for all

that you're going to follow him.

Jesus said, "If you loveme, obey my commandments."

And take that to heart, andlet that rule your heart.

I don't want to hurt Jesus.

I don't want to offend him in any way.

And when you live thatway, you live secure.


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