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The 700 Club - July 24, 2019

A woman’s lifelong dream of becoming a mother is nearly broken by reality. See one couple’s fight against the odds to hold on to a promise on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(gentle music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up.

- I would write in myjournal about having a girl.

- [Gordon] A lifelong dream.

- I would write about meeting her.

- [Gordon] Nearly broken by reality.

- The chances of me havingchildren would be very slim.

- [Gordon] One couplefights against the odds.

- She said, "I'm sick of the pain.

"I'm sick of dealing with these issues."

- [Gordon] By holding on to a promise.

- One day this will be me.

- [Gordon] Their story of hope.

- I was just numb.

I was wow.

- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Last night, the House of Representatives

passed a resolutioncondemning a global campaign

at aimed at destroyingthe state of Israel.

Among other things, theBoycott, Divestment,

and Sanctions movement urges companies

not to do business with the Jewish state.

- Most lawmakers supportedthe resolution of posing BDS,

but a few voted against it,

and as Charlene Aaron reports,

the issue exposes a riftin the Democratic Party.

- The anti-BDS resolutionpassed overwhelmingly,

but 16 Democrats, mostly progressive

voted against the measure.

Among them representatives,Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib

who support the BDS movement.

They claim the resolutionrestricts free speech,

and they've co-sponsoredtheir own resolution

supporting boycotts,

on the House floor to leaveinvoke boycotts of Nazi Germany

and South Africa, to opposethe resolution against BDS.

- Americans boycotted Nazi Germany

in response to dehumanization,

imprisonment, andgenocide of Jewish people.

In the 1980s many of us in this very body

boycotted South African goods,

in the fight against apartheid.

- [Charlene] Supportersof the resolution say,

BDS is unlike other boycotts

because it seeks to delegitimize Israel,

the world's only Jewish state.

Democratic Representative RoKhanna tells the CBN News,

the resolution does notrestrict free speech,

and that he's against BDS

because it seeks to undermine Israel

and the two-state solution.

- This resolution in no wayundermines the first amendment.

It says, "If people want to go protest

"or boycott, they absolutely can."

They can even boycottagainst the United States

or against Israel.

All it's saying is thatit's the sense of Congress

that Boycott, Divestmentthat delegitimizes Israel,

isn't gonna get us toa two-state solution,

and isn't what the Congressshould be supporting.

- [Charlene] Somelawmakers called for more,

seeking passage of a bill that gives state

and local governments,

the right not to dobusiness with companies

that participate in BDS.

A measure that hasalready passed the Senate,

- The bill that actuallyput teeth in the law

to stand up against the BDS movement

all around the world.

- [Charlene] The Democraticleadership is blocking

that piece of legislationfrom coming to the floor.

Khanna says the issuedoes reflect the divide

in the Democratic Party.

- There is, I'm gonna be candid.

I mean, this is an issue that has

divided the Democratic Caucus.

There are those of us like me,

who believe that theUnited States and Israel

have a special relationship.

There are other Democrats who believe

that Boycott, Divestment,

is the right strategy.

I mean, obviously there'sa difference of opinion.

But I think the vast majorityof Democrats, how I may view.

- In August Tlaib and Omarare scheduled to visit Israel,

including the West Bank.

Israel says, despite its policyof not allowing supporters

of BDS in the country,

the two representativeswill be allowed to visit

out of respect for the US Congress.

Charlene Aron, CBN News.

- Well, I applaud theHouse for doing this.

Behind BDS is absolutelyand attempt to wipe out

the state of Israel.

I don't think there's anyintention on the Palestinian side,

actually create a second state.

Every single opportunitythey've been given in history,

over the past 71 years,they've turned down.

At some point we needto start believing them

when they say, they wantto wipe Israel off the map.

That's their ultimate goal.

And so to engage in somekind of boycott of Israel

in hopes of a two-state solution,

flies into the face ofwhat the Palestinians

have actively been doing.

So congratulations to theHouse of Representatives,

for doing the right thing.

Well, the big news inWashington Day is not BDS.

It's former special counsel,

Robert Muller testifying to Congress.

Democrats subpoenaed himto answer questions about,

his investigation into the Trump campaign,

and charges of collusion with Russia.

Joining us to talk aboutthe potential fallout,

is CBN Chief PoliticalAnalyst, David Brody.

David, welcome back to the show.

- Thanks Gordon.

- Mueller didn't want to testify,

he had to be subpoenaed,

and now he's in these sort of locked

into the four corners of his report.

What are the Democrats hopingfor coming out of this?

- Well, there are a few things.

I mean, they're hoping to,in essence to do something

that the Democrats did back in the day

of Richard Nixon.

You know, back when RichardNixon wasn't impeached,

but obviously he resigned from office.

They did hold impeachment hearings.

And so the theory goes,

at least in the Democrat circles,

is that if they can holdimpeachment hearings at some point,

that all of a sudden the president

will plummet in terms of public support.

That's what happened to Richard Nixon.

But the problem here is that,

there were plenty of smokingguns with Richard Nixon.

There was the break in, have you heard,

there was secret tapes, of course,

Saturday night massacre, all of that.

No smoking guns here with President Trump.

That seems to be a big difference

in terms of what Democratsare trying to accomplish here.

- Well, aren't they flying

in the face of the polls,

and there's a recent poll showing that,

Democrats are now viewingthe Mueller investigation

as unfair, and thesearen't elected officials.

These are rank-and-file voters are saying,

"We think this thing is unfair."

Aren't they flying in the faceof what the polls are saying?

- Absolutely, it's interesting Gordon,

I'm glad you mentioned that poll,

'cause that is a new poll out

with new information among Democrats.

And then just overall with American,

60% or so, and it's hope held pretty firm.

60% of Americans don't wanna see anything

to do with impeachment.

So what are the Democrats up to?

Here, we've heard a lot about how,

the Mueller report is the book,

but people like the moviebetter than the book,

and that the Muellerhearing will be the movie.

I don't really see it as a movie.

I see it more like a book on tape,

like "Stephen King" for example.

It's the scary novel when you read it.

But imagine if Stephen Kingwas reading it to yet bedtime,

how much scarier would it be?

And I think that's whatDemocrats are hoping for,

it's actually have Robert Mueller be,

our last Stephen King.

And read this, not just read the report

but actually explain tothe American people that,

indeed the president was not exonerated,

like the president said.

And that was some of the testimony

that we're hearing today,

that Robert Mueller in essence saying,

"No, the president was not exonerated."

And that flies in the faceof what President Trump

has publicly said.

And so this is the PR battle going on,

and something Republicansand the president

are gonna have to deal with.

- You have any anticipation

of what would be a line of questioning

to get to that kind of analysis?

- Well, it just depends.

I mean, first of all,

I can tell you this,

that Robert Mueller, it's interesting,

made clear in that opening statement

talking about basically,

I can't answer any questionsabout the steel dossier

that we've heard so much about.

And that is a line of questioning

that Republicans want totalk to Mueller about.

So he has already kind oflaid down a marker and said,

"I'm not gonna go there."

And then he laid down a few other markers.

And so, I just think this whole thing,

the way it's playingout is very interesting.

But ultimately I thinkthere's a lot of problems

for Democrats here,

because look, the networksare carrying this live,

and I don't just mean CNN and MSNBC,

I'm talking about the majornetworks, NBC, ABC, CBS.

When does it become overkill?

I mean at some point on CBS is that,

aren't people gonna wannawatch the prices, right?

I mean the point simply is,

when is enough enough?

And I think, that bodeswell for President Trump

to say, "Look, been there, done that.

"Nothing new here.

"Let's move on."

- Well the president hastaken heat in the media,

for his criticism of thefour progressive Democrats.

He's calling The Squad,

what kind of toll has that taken?

- Well, this is a toll thatwe're going to monitor daily,

weekly, monthly, and allthe way through 2020.

It's funny 'cause it started out

as a 24 to 48 hour news cycle.

That's typically howthings in Washington work.

But Donald Trump on Twitter,

and The Squad in person haveturned it into a new cyclone.

And now it really is, asI've said on Faith Nation,

a new contour in this race.

We've talked aboutsocialism being a contour,

a defining contour betweenDemocrats, vision for America,

and the president's vision for America.

Well now we have anothercontour layered on top of that,

which is, and it plays alonga little bit with socialism,

which is how American are you,

and what does it mean tobe an American exactly?

I mean there are folks within The Squad

who want to, as Donald Trumpsays, "Redefine America."

And then there's DonaldTrump talking about,

making America great again

and now keeping America great.

That is the major contour.

And he believes,

Donald Trump believes that,

if he can peep TheSquad verse his message,

that's a winning message.

Because even though Donald Trump

might not be the most popularpresident in the world,

his approval ratings are far more higher

than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar,

and the rest of The Squad.

- Well, is he willingto continue to do that

and other's pretty significant

push back to the, send them back, chant.

I, for one, don't wanna goback to the British Isles.

I think they're in worseshape than we are right now.

So is he going to respondto that kind of a push back?

Is he going to let that chantcontinue at future rallies?

- Well, we're gonna findout at the next rally.

He says he disavows it.

He says he didn't like it.

Then he seemed to walkit back a little bit,

a day or two after he said that.

So I guess we'll find outif the next rally for sure.

I do believe though,within the White House

that there's going tobe a modified approach,

but modified, what does that mean exactly?

Like I said, stay tuned.

But I'll just simply say that,

the White House believesthis type of contour at least

does work for themelectorally, politically,

and otherwise from a PR standpoint.

But the White House does acknowledge

that some of that rhetoric,

especially the sender back chants

and the actual words, go back,

are just, it's just fraughtwith all sorts of problems

for the White House, thatthey don't need right now.

- All right, last question.

The budget deal hammered out with Pelosi,

it looks like a runaway spendingis the order of the day.

Do you think that budget deal'sgoing to make it through?

- Yeah, I do.

Because I think in Washington nowadays,

this is what you get.

I mean, if you think about it,

you have Democrats who would love to spend

and you have a Freedom Caucus

trying to hold the line on spending.

But other than that,

you have pretty muchestablishment conservatives

that'll go along withwhat the Democrats want.

And then here's the key, Gordon,

you have a president who hasdone a lot of great things

in conservative, in evangelical world,

and conservative world overall.

But let's be honest,

he's not a fiscal conservative

and this is not a bread and butter issue,

in terms of a deficit

and debt and all of that.

I mean, even though the economyis obviously very important,

that's number one for this president.

When it comes to spendingon infrastructure

and a lot of other different things.

He just wants to make sure

defense spending is taken care of,

and veteran benefits are taken care of.

That's what this budget does.

That's why, you see someskyrocketing numbers here.

The Freedom Caucus will hold steady,

but I think it'll pass.

- All right.

Well David, thanks for joining us.

- Thanks Gordon.

- I believe that the budget

is one of the biggest issuesthat is facing our nation.

And at some point intime, where is that point?

It was a 20 trillion we're already there.

In two years it's going to be 22 trillion.

At what point do we lose the ability

to continue to borrow,

in order to pay for current obligations?

Is that 30 trillion?

Is that 40 trillion?

What's the number?

And until we get seriousabout dealing with that

and paying off that debt,

not adding to that debt,

but actually paying off that debt.

We're actually putting our whole currency,

whole economy, ourgovernment system at risk.

One of the great dangers in a democracy

is when people figure it out,

they can vote the treasuryto benefit themselves.

That always leads to tyranny.

This is from ancient history

going all the way back to Greece.

If we continue to spend at this rate,

we are running off a cliff.

The other thing we'renot paying attention to

is the strive for Iranto get a nuclear weapon.

And we seem to be avoiding

any kind of confrontation with them,

to get them to stand down on that plan.

And it's all based on election politics.

So we're spending our time in politics,

as opposed to really spending our time

solving our nation's problems.

Well, another news of severe storm system

is bringing rain, and damagingwind to the northeast.

John Jessup has more of that story.

- That's why Gordon,

the storm's knocked out power

to more than 500,000people, in five states

from the Northeast to the Midwest.

In Cape Cod, high winds rippedoff the roof of this hotel.

In New Jersey and in New York,

torrential rains caused flash floods.

This woman waiting throughthe streets of Brooklyn.

Down trees caused damagethroughout the region.

In Maryland, a weather related death

claimed one man's life.

Forecasters are saying,

more heavy wind andrain is in store today.

Well, the Justice Department announced

a broad antitrust investigation

against technologygiants such as Facebook,

Google, Amazon, and Apple.

It's aimed at web-based platforms

that include Internet searches,

social media, and retail shopping.

And whether they've limited competition

and innovation, causing harm to consumers.

The investigations could lead

to more focused inquiriesinto specific companies.

Congress and consumer rightsgroups have expressed concern.

The big tech companieshave become too powerful,

Gordon, with too little oversight.

- Absolutely, they're too powerful,

and they seem to have theability to censor opinion.

And whether that's Amazon, or Google,

or Facebook, or Instagram, or WhatsApp,

or any of the other ones.

And the problem is they are monopolies

at this point in time,

you have to use them.

If you want to get a bookpublished in America,

you've got to be on Amazon.

If you want to be social,you've gotta be on Instagram,

or Facebook or WhatsApp.

You have to use these platforms.

And at the same time,

if they're throttling speech

or selecting certain typesof speech in order to,

bring them into greater prominence.

We're undergoing agreat social experiment,

and it's been proven already

that Facebook is doing this.

They're actually trying to gauge

what will happen to viewers based on,

what is showing up in their news feeds.

So it's not an open system.

It's all hidden.

And my issue is, I don'tthink our government

has the ability to,

on the tech side,

to really get involved and figure out

what it is they're doing.

So the legislation is alwaysgoing to be playing catch up,

because as soon as somelegislation comes out,

they're gonna figure a way around it.

So what do we do?

I'm not entirely sure,

but that is a good idea to say,

it's high time we regulate.

The European Union has already done it.

So can we come along and say,

what's the proper role ofthese massive platforms

in our society today.


- Coming up,

they're the bridge builders,

and we'll show you how they're bringing

the next generation ofChristians and Jews together.

(gentle music)

- Well, in February, Israel and the world

lost a champion with a sudden death

of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Founder of the

International Fellowshipof Christians and Jews.

As CBN Chris Mitchell explains,

Eckstein daughter Yael iscarrying on the family legacy.

- [Chris] Many knew him asthe ultimate bridge builder.

Rabbi Eckstein started,

the International Fellowshipof Christians and Jews in 1983.

Since then, it's generatedmore than one and a half

billion dollars to help Jews in Israel.

The former Soviet Union,

and more than 58 other countries.

In a video message tapedshortly before his death,

Eckstein charged his daughter Yael

with the mantle of his ministry.

- Watch over this ministry,

feed it, cultivate it.

Don't let anyone

say it's not of God.

- [Chris] Yael says her dad left a rich

and prophetic work for her to lead.

Yael says, she's gratefulfor the many prayers

helping her make thetransition from grief,

to building on her father's legacy.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Yael Eckstein joins us now.

It's a pleasure to have you on the show.

- Thank you Gordon, it'swonderful to be part...

- I'd like for you toseeing video like that

and of your father praying for you.

(Yael exhales)

- It touches me, it moves my spirit.

It's something that's real.

I believe the soul is the lot more

wise than our physical beings.

And I think just as my father was a vessel

that God worked through,

his entire life to do good in this world.

God used him as a vessel to send me,

a personal message of strength,

and encouragement, and hope even before

he knew he was going to pass.

- Did he know, cause it seemshe's doing a transference.

It's similar to Moses and Aaron,

and as he

lay hands

and give you a mantle

to the next generation.

Do you think he knew?

- I think his soul knew.

I don't think in a conscious way he knew.

The day that he died,he woke up, he prayed,

he drank coffee,

he read the newspaper and he died.

I call it the death of the righteous.

But do I believe his soulknew that this was coming?

When I look back at somany things that he did

to prepare us, to prepareme for such a time as this,

yeah, I think his soul knew.

- Okay, well let's talk about the future

and the present now.

How's the fellowship doing?

- Thank God, (laughs)

thank God we are strongerthan ever before.

In the past five months,

I recognized immediately, I said,

for the funeral and for theshiva period of mourning,

I'm Rabbi Eckstein daughter,

I am not any kind of executive.

I'm morning as the daughter,

but as soon as I step into the office,

I need to put my emotions to the side,

and do everything I can

in order to ensure that thisministry only gets stronger.

And in the past five months,

we really have gotten stronger.

We're around 1.5% aheadof our projected budget.

We've actually seen historic things happen

in the past five months.

The Jewish community hasreached out their hand to say,

we wanna stand with you, Yeal.

We wanna stand with theChristian community,

who is doing so much good across Israel.

Wherever you throw a stone,

you see that there's a fellowship project,

there biblical project helping the orphan,

the widow, feeding Holocaust survivors,

providing clothing to every single orphan.

Bringing Jews and Aliyah

from the biblical land of the North.

Everywhere you look, thefellowship Christians are there

in a practical, tangible way,

on behalf of the fellowshipthat we get to say,

this is a gift of love

from Christians around the world,

who stand with you.

And the Jewish community, Donald Gordon.

It's amazing to see, isnot only recognizing that,

but they're appreciating that.

And they're not only appreciating that,

but they're partnering.

- That's a real change.

'Cause your father wentthrough a lot of opposition

from the Jewish community,

when he founded the fellowship.

How has the opinion changed

and then, I guess more importantly,

why has it changed?

- Well that's a great question.

And you know better than anyone

because your father wasone of the cornerstones

of the fellowship.

My father tributes.- They were good friends.

- Yeah, good friends.

And they shared in thiswhat was then taboo,

brand new and often verycontroversial vision,

of uniting Jews and Christian,

and shared brotherhood,

communication, respect,

mobilizing the Christian community

to stand with Israel inprayer and in action.

That was radical thing Gordon,

that was radical.

And so when...- It was the right thing.

- Amen, and that's what God blessed it.

But when I look back,

I kind of put this era ofJewish-Christian relations

in three very unique boxes.

At first it was my father going on behalf

of the Christian community,

to the Jewish community and saying,

we are friends to the Jewish community.

Wake up, for the first time in history,

we are friends, let's reachout our hands in return

let's cultivate this.

Let's invest in this.

Let's really believe in this.

And he was ostracized.

He had to stop his Bible,

going to Bible study classesat the local synagogue.

My sister's Bat Mitzvah

he was totally humiliated andhe wasn't allowed to go up

and pray, because heworks with Christians.

And it was a foreign concept

that the Jewish communitywas terrified of.

Once with a lot of help from your father,

on Wings of Eagles began,

and with the crisis of bringing Jews

from the former SovietUnion home to Israel,

suddenly the Christian community

in a tangible way said,

we wanna be part of this.

A biblical prophecy coming to fruition

of bringing Jewish people home.

Suddenly when my fathercame and said, okay,

this isn't just speech,

but it's action.

The Jewish community said,okay, they're helping us.


And I think now, Gordon,what my father saw,

was the very beginningof the third stage that,

I think through President Trump

standing with Israel so strongly,

moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem,

recognizing the Golan Heights.

Fighting, Iran that theywon't become nuclear.

Suddenly the Jewishcommunity is waking up,

and realizing what ourfathers said 37 years ago.

This isn't about money.

This isn't about being ahumanitarian organization.

This is bigger than this.

This is a strategic partnership of God.

(speak in foreign language)

How good and pleasant it is

when brethren dwell together in peace.

And then you see it how it has an effect

also that the fellowship

is the largest humanitarianorganization in Israel,

helping 1.4 million people in need.

But also that they support,

President Trump isn't supporting Israel

because of the Jewish community.

He is supporting it

because of his evangelical followers,

that they say this is a core value to us.

And we're seeing in every way now Gordon,

how the Jewish communityis waking up to this,

how they're recognizing this

and they're appreciating it.

And so it's just inspiring for me to see,

this is what I say,

is a testimony to my father's success.

It doesn't have to do with dollars raised.

It has to do with the vision,

the mission taken on a life of its own.

- What's your vision now?

what do you see in the future?

- Well, I see,

I see the fellowshipreally clearly defining

what it is we do.

And so that we could do it even better.

When my father started the fellowship,

there was no organization,

bridging Jews and Christians.

And so the mission statement was simply

to bridge Jews and Christians,

and transform 2000 yearsof hate, and mistrust

into a new relationship of love,

and appreciation, and communication.

A testimony to my father's success is

that there are so many other ministries

doing this now.

The fellowship doesn't need to be

in every single place,

focusing on every area ofJewish-Christian relations.

Our niche,

what we have been blessed tobe able to do so effectively,

is be part of biblicalprophecy coming to fruition

through humanitarian aid,

being that voice ofChristians on the ground,

in the 5,500 bombshelters that we've built.

In the former Soviet Union,

the Holocaust survivors, to the orphans.

I was just in (mumbles)on the border with,

the Gaza Strip that theyget endless rockets attacks.

- There's rocket attack.

- And I went to an elderly club

that the fellowship built.

And an elderly woman cameto me, a Holocaust survivor,

and she said, "Before you built this club,

"I didn't leave my house for nine months.

"I was too weak and I had nowhere to go.

"I had nothing to livefor, nothing to live for."

And now she was dancing.

She was laughing, she was happy.

This is a testimony ofhow much Christians love,

and stand with Israel.

- Well, may the bridge your father built

become a super highway. (laughs)

- Amen.

- May be.

- Something I'm realizing though, Gordon,

you know as well as that,

it's not a given thatthis is going to continue,

that we've gotten to this place in history

where Jewish-Christianrelations are strong.

But dare we think that this is a given

for the next generation,

and stop investing in emotional, physical,

spiritual prayers toensure that this love,

this partnership is passedonto the next generation.

- Yeah, absolutely.

- We have to do ourpart in our generation,

to make sure that thelegacy that we have received

not just goes on to the next,

but grows into the next generation.

And how do we do that?

And you have to be very intentional.

It can't be by accident.

You have to be very intentional.

This is a good thing.

This is the right thing to do.

Let us endeavor to do it.

- Amen.

- Alright, well thanks for being with us.

- Thank you Gordon.

- If you want to learn more about the work

of the International Fellowshipof Christians and Jews,

go to our website @CBNNEWS.COM.

Wendy, over to you.

- All right. Thanks Gordon.

So inspiring.

Well up next.

A woman who always wanted to be a mom,

and was shattered when shefound out about her infertility.

- I just had no more faith.

Because I had dealt with itfor so long and I was fed up.

- [Wendy] See how a chancemeeting outside a hotel

erased nine years of heartache.

When we come back.

(gentle music)

- Davida Daniels alwaysdreamed of having a daughter,

but a series of medical issuesmade that all but impossible.

After years of heartbreak,

the Davida hopes had dwindled,

until she and her husbandmade a prayer request

in a parking lot.

- I would write in myjournal about having a girl,

combing her hair andus the dressing alike.

I would write about meeting her

and what will be like to have a daughter.

- [Narrator] Davida Danielsalways wanted to be a mom.

At 22 she startedjournaling about her desires

to have a child, rightbefore she was diagnosed

with polycystic ovarian syndrome,

a hormonal imbalancethat causes infertility.

- They gave me thedetails of what it meant

for my body, and how the chances of me

having children will be very slim.

It was very discouraging.

- [Narrator] And painful.

Now married to Tyrone.

Davida wanted a hysterectomy,

but Tyrone's still hope tohave children of his own.

- She became angry because shesaid, "I'm sick of the pain.

"I'm sick of dealing with these issues.

"I want to have thisprocedure done right now."

I said, if you can just giveme a little bit of time,

and just let God work,

I believe that He can healyou, when we can have children.

- [Narrator] Tyrone convinced Davida

to try to have children,

but the odds only got worse.

At 26 Davida learned,

she was an early menopause.

And doctors told them,

any chance of getting pregnant were gone.

Even then, Tyrone held on to a hope.

- Tyrone always believed,and he always had the faith

to push me.

My faith was the hell,

I just had no more faith.

Because I had dealt with itfor so long, and I was fed up.

- [Narrator] At times, thecouple went to the baby store

to stay focused on thepromise of having a child.

- I was just browse atnursery beds, look at clothes.

It gave me hope to know thatone day this will be me.

- [Narrator] The Daniels triedfor nine years to conceive,

but had no success.

Then in 2016 the couple were at a hotel

when Tyrone met an evangelistin the parking lot,

who asked if he neededprayer for anything.

- Said to him, well, mywife and I are trying

to have a child, andshe's in a car right now.

Do you mind praying for her?

- They prayed for God's will to be done.

I remember he said, whether it's spring,

summer, winter or fall to give us a baby.

- [Narrator] A month later,Davida went her ob-gyn doctor,

after she woke up feeling nauseated.

At once, the doctor ordered blood work.

- The doctor comes in andsay, "Congratulations!"

And I looked and I said, congratulations,

and the doctor said,

"Well, where you trying to get pregnant,

"cause you're pregnant?"

And I stopped.

I'm what?

At that time I was just numb.

I was, wow.

- [Narrator] Unable tograsp what she was told.

Davida bought a home pregnancy test.

It was positive, atonce she called Tyrone.

- I just kept telling the Lord,

thank you for honoring your prophecy.

Thank you for not leavingme in that place of despair,

and hopelessness.

Thank you for blessing us with a child.

- [Narrator] Months later,the couple went to the doctor

to see their baby for the first time.

- When the lady said it was a girl.

I was excited.

I was ready to go to the store

and go shopping (laughs) right then.

- We will hear the heartbeat.

We would see her handsand her feet moving,

and I would just get so excited.

I would say, God thank youso much for this baby girl.

And it just took me toa place of just joy.

- [Narrator] Then on June28th, 2017, Lauryn Denay Helen

met her parents.

- When I first held her,

I looked at her and Ijust said, hi Lauren.

I remember kissing her.

It was just so amazing to know that

something you prayedfor, for nine years just

you're holding in your arms.

It was just beautiful.

- That was a very special day.

When I saw her pop upfrom behind that sheet,

I knew that God didn't lie to me.

I knew that God didn't forget about me.

I knew that

(gentle music)

she was here for a reason


it was amazing.

♪ Happy birth day to you ♪

♪ Happy birth day to you ♪

- [Narrator] The Danielshave been enjoying

every moment with Lauren,

as she celebrated her second birthday!

(crowd clapping)

As I used to journal andwrite about dressing her up,

I love for us to dress alike,

and to wear the matching dresses

and combing her hair,

and her looking in the mirror and say,

oh, that's pretty,

That it's just...

- She sings all the time.

She likes to run and play.

She jumps up in my armsand gives me kisses,

and gives me hugs and just says,

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy

just says it over and over again.

All of those things they just,

makes me more in love with her each day.

You have to trust Him

no matter how you feel,

no matter what you may be going through,

God is able to fulfill His promises.

- The greatest revelationGod has given me is,

to just hold on.

If He promised it, it will happen.

- Great words, hold onto the promises of God.

For all the promises ofGod are yes and amen.

Look to what father Abraham did,

and here is God lookingto the whole earth.

All he wanted was someonewho would, amen Him.

And Abraham believed God.

He didn't consider thedeadness of his own body.

He just said, if God has promised,

he who Has promised is ableand He will perform it,

because God watches overHis word to perform.

Now I've got a greatmiracle update for you.

Last week we asked for prayer for Piseth,

who is our Cambodian, a regional director.

And there's a picture of him

when he was in perfect health.

And here's another picture of him,

last week when he's in amedically induced coma.

And what had happenedis a fungal infection

had invaded his body.

He was cleared fromthe hospital from that,

went back to Cambodia,

and then got dengue fever,

and another fungal infection took over.

And took his red bloodcell count down to four,

which doctor said, you're notgoing to come back from this.

And the doctors,

some of the attendingphysicians had given up,

but there was one doctor,

Dr Robert Dang, who didn't give up.

And you didn't give up.

And we asked for prayer.

And a whole staff here at CBN was praying,

our 700 club audience was praying,

and a miracle happened in Ireland hospital

in Penang, Malaysia.

And there's Piseth today,

his red blood cell count now, 27,000.

A what a turnaround.

The doctors are now anticipatinga complete recovery.

He still has some remains ofthe infection in his lungs.

So we need to continue praying it through

until we see the absolutevictory of Piseth,

back in Cambodia doingthe work of the Lord.

But what a great victory.

Victory of prayer.

When we gather together to pray

and mean business with God.

Well, God will mean business with us,

and He watches overHis word to perform it.

I shall not die but live anddeclare the glory of the Lord.

Let's declare that today.

Now we're gonna prayfor you, before we pray,

we've got some other miracle reports.

Here's Carole from Lewiston, Idaho

who was diagnosed with arthritis.

One day in particular,she had the worst pain

she ever had in her left thumb.

Well, that same day Caroleturned on The 700 Club,

and Wendy said, "Someoneis dealing with arthritis,

especially in your left thumb.

It's been very painful and debilitating.

While after prayer, Carole felt no pain,

lots of joy.

- Amen.

Well, Timothy of Middle River, Maryland,

had a lung infection on his right side

which causes breathing to be labored.

It was so serious that hewas hospitalized twice.

One day Timothy was watching The 700 Club

and he heard you give a word of knowledge.

Gordon's saying,

"You've got recurring lung infections

"and it's remarkably painful right now,

"in your right lung."

The very next day the infection was gone.

Timothy's doctor examinedhim and confirmed he is fine.

Hallelujah, I didn't know Timothy.

God know her.

God knew what she needed andshe needed a word in season,

so He sent His word to heal their disease.

That's a promise.

And so we're going tobelieve, we're going to pray.

And we're gonna pray for you

and we're gonna let God do all the rest.

- Amen.- Lord, we lift the needs

of the audience to you,

and as people are praying

and they're crying out for healing,

they're crying out fortheir pain to be relieved,

for their family members to be restored.

Lord God, we just comeinto agreement with them,

and we declare over them,

the wonderful promise of God in Psalm 103,

"That you forgive all our inequities

"and you heal all our diseases."

Nothing is left out from y'all.

When you say, I heal all, I forgive all,

nothing is left out.

So Lord God, stretch forth your hand

to do miracles today.

May there be healing and restoration


Now there's someone,

you've had recurring pain in your sternum,

from open heart surgery

and it just never seems to go away.

And you're not even asking for relief.

But God sees your pain right now

and He's saying be healed

and that entire bone be restorednow, cause no more pain,

no more discomfort in Jesus name

be healed and be set free.


- There's a lady and youwere watching that story

about the lady whocouldn't conceive indeed

and you're saying, Lord, I want that.

You've been told also that

it's probably not gonna happen.

You got your hand on your tummy right now.

And God is saying,

I'm no respecter of persons.

What I did for her I can do for you.

Just believe and God'sgonna do it in His time.

There's also someone,

with a liver condition

and you've got your handright now on your stomach,

and God is healing yourliver in Jesus name.

- There's someone else witha problem with the sternum

and this is not based on surgery,

but it's a congenital condition

where your sternum literallygoes into your body,

and your rib cage startsto protrude on both sides.

God's able to restore that.

He is able to completely reverse that

and make everything normal for you.

And no more pressure onyour lungs, on your heart,

no more discomfort, but in Jesus name,

be restored and be made whole.

Take a deep breath and realize all of that

is gone now, in Jesus name.

Someone else you've hadrecurring acid reflux

and you're actually having problems with,

closure muscles on bothsides of your stomach.

And God is able to heal.

He's able to restore.

He's able to do a completeredo for you in Jesus' name,

be healed.

Someone else you've gotproblems with your aorta,

and God is able to heal that

and completely restore that blood vessel,

in Jesus name,

in Jesus name.

Lord, we thank you for you are the healer.

You are the provider.

You are our everything.

We thank you for all that you're doing.

In Jesus name.

- [Unison] Amen and Amen.

- If you've been healed, let us know.

Share your good report and give us a call,


And if you need prayer,we're here for you.

We believe in prevailing prayer,

the prayer that gets an answer.

So 24 hours a day

if you need prayer, give us a call.



- Still ahead.

A young girl who was at risk

of having a fatal heartattack, and had no way

to pay for the surgery.

See how CBN partners helpedsave her life, when we return.

(gentle music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washington

for this CBN News break.

Mark Esper has officially been confirmed

as the secretary of defense.

The Senate approved thepresident's pick Tuesday,

with broad bipartisan support.

Esper we'll be the firstconfirmed secretary of Defense,

since Jim Mattis left the administration,

late last year in December.

The longest period oftime the Pentagon has gone

without a Congressionally approved leader.

Most recently, Esper has beenserving as an Army secretary.

He was confirmed in a vote of 90-8.

Well, the federal judge has blocked

three new abortion restrictions,

from taking an effect today, in Arkansas,

including one supporter said,

would force the state's

only surgical abortion clinic to close.

The law required doctorsperforming abortions

to be board certified, or board eligible

in obstetrics and gynecology.

The judge also blocked a law

banning late term abortions,

and one that banned abortionsif only being sought,

because the fetus wasdiagnosed with down syndrome.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News,

by going to our website @CBNNEWS.COM.

Gordon and Wendy will be back

with more in The 700Club, right after this.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- YunQiu felt like herchest was being torn apart.

She had a crippling heart condition

and her family had no wayto pay for the surgery.

- [Narrator] YunQiu alwayshoped that her classmates

would ask her to play with them,

but they knew she had a weakheart so they never did.

- They said, we don't wantto be friends with you.

So I would just go to my quiet place,

and wish I'd get betterand not to be so alone.

- [Narrator] Her motherabandoned the family

and her father died.

So her grandmother took care of her.

And YunQiu she didn't always tell her

when she was sick.

- Grandma is old andher house is not good.

So I didn't want to worry her,

even though my chest was being torn apart

and it's felt like there wasa big rock crushing my heart.

I really wanted someoneto take the pain away.

- [Narrator] She often lookedat an old picture of her dad.

- I'd say, dad, I'm dying.

But I knew my daddycouldn't talk back to me.

- [Narrator] So she turnedto a doll for comfort.

- I slept with her and thankher for being my friend.

I told her,

I'm afraid of having a heart attack.

I want to be healthy and happy like you.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile,YunQiu kept getting worse.

- The doctor said,

I will die if I didn't get surgery,

I was so scared.

- [Narrator] As much as she wanted to.

Her grandmother couldn'tafford any kind of operation.

So when CBN heard about YunQiu situation,

we paid for her heart surgery.

- I used to feel so alone.

But when you told me about Jesus,

and how I have a Father in heaven.

I started to pray to Him.

I know He hears me,

my heart doesn't hurt anymore.

And I'm all better, so I canjump rope and make friends.

Now, I can grow up, andbe happy and healthy.

- YunQiu had nobody.

Her father was dead.

Her mother abandoned the family.

Her grandmother was old, but she had God.

God was on her side andshe had you CBN partners.

Boy, if that story doesn'tpull at your heart,

I don't know what will,but just be encouraged.

You helped that little girl,

if you're CBN partner and itonly takes 65 cents a day,

$20 a month, is all it takesto become a CBN partner.

If you would like to helppeople all over the world

that are in need.

And right here at home,it's so easy to do.

We invite you to go, goto your phones right now.

The numbers on yourscreen, it's toll free.

1-800-700-7000 or log on to CBN.COM

and just say, I wanna give, I wanna help.

I wanna make a difference in lives.

And when you do that,

we wanna make a difference in your life

with pastor teaching called, "The Plan"

eight keys to understandingGod's will for your life.

This is a phenomenal teaching

that will bless you and your family,

and you can share it with friends.

We want you to have this,

is our gift when you call us right now.

Well, still ahead.

Gordon's gonna weigh in onthe issues that matter to you.

Your email questions comingup, so don't go away.

(dramatic music)

(gentle music)

- (mumbles) in the gospels,

Jesus predicted thedestruction of the temple.

And within a generationthat prophecy came true.

Before the temple wasalluded by the Romans,

it has billions of dollarsin gold and silver reserves.

So what happened to these treasures?

You will find the answerto that in our new DVD.

Take a look.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] On the night of July 18th

AD 64, a fire broke outin Rome, Circus Maximus

for six days and seven nights,

the great fire raged

leaving 70% of the city in ruins.

Five years later,

the emperor Vespasian faced the task

of rebuilding the capitol,

but Rome was bankrupt.

So he searched for a new source of income

and found it in a remotecorner of the empire,

the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

- The temple was a veryrich institution, Why?

It was actually treasury of the state.

The temple was very, very rich.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] The RomanArmy launched a brutal

seven months siege of Jerusalem,

killing more than a million Jews.

Then they looted andburned the great temple.

- The Romans had habit off,when they conquer the city,

the temple of the lord of thecity, to remove his statue.

And to (mumbles)the temple.

But when they come to thetemple, there is no gods,

but what they found, where the treasures.

And they started to loot the city.

To take all the treasures,whatever they could.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] Eyewitnessessay the temple treasures

survived for centuries,

after the fall of Jerusalem.

Leaving behind it a trail of destruction.

- Wherever those treasures were,

the city was destroyed.

Jerusalem was destroyed,

cottage was destroyed,

and if you bring it now to Constantinople,

the city is doomed.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] After 500years, the temple relics

disappeared from the pages of history,

who did that?

(gentle music)

Ancient clues suggeststhat they may be hidden

in a secret location,

not far from the ruinsof the Jewish Temple.

- [Dan] It became actuallythe spiritual capital

of the world.

They looked for the treasure.

They knew they are there.

(gentle music)

Enormous substructures were discovered,

which are very, veryimpressive to this very day.

(gentle music)

I think that it is quite possible that

some of the treasures are still there.

(heavenly music)

- Well, to see more on this great mystery.

What happened to the temple treasures?

Where did they go andwhere are they today?

Get your copy of the DVD,

Treasures of the Second Temple.

It's yours for a donationof any dollar amount.

The reason we're asking for donations

is we want to fund

more documentaries ofarcheology in Israel,

as well as our ongoing seriesfrom CBN documentaries.

We are coming out with the life

of Saint Patrick, next March,

and we need funding in orderto publicize it and shoot it.

So we're asking for donation.

So for gift of any dollar amount,

you can get the DVD,

Treasures of the Second Temple.

If you'd like it, call us now.

1- 800-700-7000


- Okay, we've got time fora couple of email questions.

- Okay.- You're ready?

- (mumbles) talk fast.


- Jenny says,

"I'm having trouble dealingwith my mom's death.

"I prayed and believes she was healed,

"messaged many differentchurch social media pages.

"We had her anointed by elders.

"I never lost a grip of God's word,

"even when others told meI was having false hope.

"I lost my mom in May,

"and I haven't been back to church.

"I'm just numb.

"She was the most importantthing to our family

"and our hearts have an emptiness

"to them that just aches so bad.

"I'm struggling to pray for healings

"and be hopeful for others.

"How do I reconcile this?"

- Jenny, I share this,

one thing that is a source of comfort

is the knowledge thatyour mother's in heaven.

And so for her, all the suffering is over

and she's actually havinga really good time.

To be absent from the body isto be present from the Lord.

But the fundamental why wasn't she healed

is one of the great mysteries,

particularly when you'regetting words of encouragement,

and you're having faith to believe.

I had a very dear friendof mine get cancer,

we prayed,

and he got completely healed,

and then he went to Indiaand he got typhoid fever

and the typhoid fever

was cured by antibiotics.

But then the cancer came back

and came back with a vengeance.

And I got a word for him,

the cancer is dying and you are living.

And he received that word with joy.

And then he died.

And I had to go off to God

you know, what is this?

What just happened?

And I got a curious response from him.

His symptoms were screaming at him.

Sometimes our words offaith can be overcome by

the physical reality,

and it's very hard to fightthe good fight of faith

when you're having that,

but be comforted with this.

Your mother is in heaven today.

We leave you these words from Deuteronomy,

"He is the rock.

"His deeds are perfect.

Everything He does is just, and fair."

(gentle music)


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