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The 700 Club - July 8, 2019

A phone call changes a suicidal woman’s feelings of worthlessness. Plus, the search for the Ark of the Covenant and the researcher who says he knows where it is. Read Transcript

(upbeat dramatic music)

- [Voiceover] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up ...

- Here we are, approaching three arches.

- [Gordon] The search forthe Ark of the Covenant,

and one researcher sayshe knows where to find it.

Go on the greatesttreasure hunt of all time.

- We're really gonna to seehopefully in our lifetime again.

- On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat dramatic music)

- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.

California officials arecalling it a wake up call.

After two earthquakes in two days,

they're warning residentsto prep for the big one.

The state is already investing millions

in seismic sensors forearly warning detection,

and meanwhile many who endured the quakes

are still afraid to goback in their homes.

Amber Strong reports.

(air whooshing)

- Californian's are on edgeas aftershocks rock the region

just days after two major earthquakes.

Friday's 7.1 magnitude quakewas the largest in 20 years.

- We are really likelyto see a six's-size event

in the next few days.

- [Amber] This, after twoearthquake struck in two days.

- It was a hectic timeand everything was moving,

the walls were just moving, everything.

- [Amber] The powerfulquakes rocking homes

and tossing water fromusually placid swimming pools.

- I was screaming for my husband.

It was pretty scary withall the water coming out.

- [Amber] This news team feeling

the effects of Friday's quake live on air.

- We're experiencing very strong shaking.

I think we need to get under the desk.

- [Amber] The aftermath,

several house fires,

approximately $100 million in damage,

but no fatalities.

- And I lost so much ofcrystal and shinning things,

but it's only things.

It's only things.

- [Amber] Now experts warning residents

to be ready for the next one.

- Gonna have a lot more earthquakes,

and we're gonna have alot Stronger shaking.

- [Amber Governor GavinNewsom issuing a warning,

saying, "This is a wakeup call to be ready."

- We all, I think, have aunique role and responsibility

to prepare individually.

- [Amber] He and stateofficials are doing their part,

installing $16 million worthof quake detection sensors,

to give officials and trains second notice

before the earthquake begins.

Meanwhile, the cleanupand recovery is underway.

While some residents arechoosing to sleep outside

out of fear of aftershocks,

others have no choice.

- My ceiling is cracked halfway through,

I have a crack going up my wall,

so, it's just not safe for us to go home.

So at this point I'm just homeless.

- Now when it comes to the next big quake,

it's not a matter of if but when.

Experts predict a magnitude-six earthquake

will hit the region every few years.

Amber Strong, CBN News, Washington.

- Well, let's pray for California,

I hope that what happened to New Zealand

doesn't happen to them.

The whole area of (mumbles)massive city there,

that are now uninhabitable

because of the seriesquakes they experience.

If there's a need to watch and pray,

it's now because there's a big one coming.

In other news,

Iran is taking another step closer

to gaining a nuclear weapon.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.

John.(air whooshing)

- That's right, Gordon.

Iran's leaders announced Sunday,

they're increasing uranium enrichment

beyond limit set by the 2015 Nuclear Deal.

The nation is moving towardmaking weapons-grade uranium,

and increasing the pressure on Europe

to find a way around US sanctions

that are hurting Iran's economy.

Sunday, President Trump issued a warning

to the Islamic regime.

- International reaction came swiftly

with Britain warning Iran to stop,

Germany saying it is extremely concerned,

and Israel urging world powersto impose more sanctions.

Well, the admiral set to take over

as Chief of NavalOperations is stepping down.

Admiral William Moran alreadypassed in a confirmation,

but now he's retiring ratherthan face an ethics inquiry.

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer

questioned Admiral Moran's judgment,

after he revealed he's remained in contact

with a former officer whowas investigated and retired

after allegations ofinappropriate conduct.

Well, top immigration officialsays the Trump administration

is ready to take actionagainst one million immigrants

living in the United States illegally.

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Acting Head, Ken Cuccinelli,

told CBS's Face the Nation

that the matter is now inthe hands of Immigration,

Customs and Enforcement officials.

(air whooshing)

- They're ready to justperform their mission,

which is to go and find,

and detain,

and then deport theapproximately one million people

who have final removal orders.

They've been all the waythrough the due process.

- The President first announcedthe initiative two weeks ago

but put it on hold,

and hopes that Congresswould overhaul asylum laws.

We're turning now to the abortion debate

going on in states across America.

In Vermont, the republican governor

will allow a comprehensiveabortion rights bill

to become law.

Bill H.57 recognizes reproductive choice

as a, 'fundamental right',

and would prohibit public entities

from interfering or restrictingthe right of an individual

to terminate a pregnancy.

Both democrat-controlledhouses passed the bill.

GOP governor Phil Scottwho supports abortion,

will allow the bill to become law.

While he might not sign the bill,

his spokesperson said he won't veto it,

meaning it will becomelaw after five days.

Well, abortion statisticsin the black community

are alarming,

and many African American churches

have been silent on the issue.

Now, one of the country'slargest black denominations

is speaking out and taking a stand

by helping more women choose life.

Charlene Aaron has the story.

(air whooshing)

- According to US Census data,

blacks make up only 13%of the US population,

yet more than 30% of abortedbabies are from black mothers.

- It is the number one killer

of all African Americans in the nation.

You can add cancer,

you can add AIDS,

you can add car accidents,


crime, shooting ...

Name the gamut and put those together,

and it will not equal the amount of lives

that we lose to abortion.

- [Charlene] It is an issue Charles Blake,

the Presiding Bishop of theChurch of God in Christ,

also known as COGIC,

has spoken out about in the past.

- Black women according to the statistics

are almost four times as likely

to have an abortion as a white women.

And almost 65 of thosewho have had abortions

have never been married.

You're killing a human being.

It's a human being fromthe moment it's conceived.

- [Charlene] With morethan six and a half million

members worldwide,

COGIC is working with thepro-life human coalition network

to help black women choose life.

They call it the Family Life Campaign,

which challenges church members

to personally take actionin fighting for the unborn.

COGIC members are encouragedto act in various ways,

such as counselingoutside abortion clinics,

or working with expectantmothers inside pregnancy centers.

Campaign vice president Lesley Monet says,

this mission is vital to the survival

of both the black familyand the black church.

- We've placed this at thecenter of our missions department

where we are telling churches,

"Hey, this is what we needto be grilling our children,

our parishioners on."

We need to make surethat they are pro-life,

we need to make sure childrenare being taken care of,

in uterine and outside.

- [Charlene] Monet says churches,

specifically African American churches,

have been silent onabortion for far too long,

which is why COGIC isstepping up to the plate.

- I think one of the reasons is because,

we are afraid to confrontthat issue in our church

because we have been a part of that issue.

Two out of four women inchurch are post abortive.

And so, I think it'sa ruffling of feathers

of a great taboo,

a secret,

a darkness that peopledon't want to shed light on,

but we must shed the light on this issue.

- [Charlene] In the meantime,

COGIC hopes other denominationswill join in the fight

to make abortionunthinkable and unavailable

in the black community and beyond.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Thanks, Charlene.

Well, the women's US SoccerTeam is celebrating its record

Fourth World Cup Soccer Championship,

winning its second time in a row,

beating the Netherlands twoto nothing, Sunday in France,

with Meghan Rapinoeconverting a penalty kick

for the first goal,

and 24-year-old up andcoming star, Rose Lavelle,

clinching the game with this goal.

The American's never trailedin the entire tournament.

Their fans celebrated the big win,

and many supported the players

in their lawsuit againstthe US Soccer Federation,

claiming gender discrimination

and seeking equal pay with men's players.

President Trump hascongratulated the team,

and New York City plans aticker tape parade Wednesday

for the World Champs.

A hearty congratulations tothe women's US Soccer Team.

Gordon, back to you.

- Congratulations to them,

what a thrilling victory.

They've got a good argument,

that they're one of the bestteams in sports history,

not just in soccer history.

To be a repeat World Cupis quite an achievement.

Well, up next,

meet a real life Indiana Jones,

who's on a quest to track down

the long Lost Ark of the Covenant,

and he thinks he knows where to find it.

(air whooshing)

- And according to my theory of the Ark,

actually it was buried by King Josiah,

I think it was 568 BC,

in the back of these massive stones.

- [Gordon] Hear why this explorer says

the Ark will be seen in our lifetime.

So, don't go away.

(upbeat bouncy music)

The search for the Ark of the Covenant

has captured theimagination of movie makers,


and even the Queen of England.

Some legends say the Arkis in a faraway place

such as Ethiopia or even Ireland.

CBN's Chris Mitchelltalked with one researcher

who believes the Ark mightbe a lot closer to home

than people think.

(air whooshing)

- [Chris] Researcher andauthor, Harry Moskoff,

took CBN News throughthe Western Wall Tunnels,

up to the ramparts of the Temple Mount,

and into the chambers surroundingJudaism's holiest site.

His book, The Ark Report,

chronicles his two-decade quest

to find the legendary icon.

- So, here we are,

approaching three arches.

- [Chris] He says one theory is that

it was taken out of thetemple and carried to Jericho,

18 miles away.

- It says in Jeremiah,

that some of the vessels ofthe temple were (mumbles)

sort of escaped, as it were,

through this area,

the destruction of the First Temple.

- [Chris] But Moskoff took us to the spot

where he believes the Ark lies.

- This particular sectionof the Western Walls

it's really fascinating actually,

because this stone is 570 tonnes.

- [Chris] Moskoff believes a key clue

lies behind this giant rock,

and says high tech search toolsgive credence to his theory.

- Two years ago,

there were tests done bythe University of Nebraska;

sonar tests, et cetera,

using electromagnetic waves.

And they actually foundwhat's called a storage space

across from here.

Actually, there was a purposefor putting this giant stone,

this massive slab here.

One of the reasons, in my opinion,

is to protect whateverit is on the other side.

And according to my theory of the Ark,

actually it was buried by King Josiah,

I think it was 568 BC,

in back of these boulder,these massive stones.

- [Chris] In fact,underneath the Temple Mount,

lied dozens of undergroundtunnels and chambers.

- Back then, 150 yearsago, Charles Warren,

went in and actually did the survey.

Nothing's really been done

for political purposes, obviously.

Unfortunately, no one-- Since then?

- Since then.

No one's been allowed toeven put a shovel, nothing.

But, basically they were the ones

that surveyed the whole area,

and they were the ones whopicked out the tunnels,

et cetera.

They couldn't find the Ark.

(both laughing)

- Maybe it wasn't time.

Warren, a British explorer,

documented those tunnels atthe request of Queen Victoria,

just one of many throughout history,

looking for the Ark.

- When people like the Crusadersand the Knights Templar,

even the Palestine Exploration Fund,

which was originallycommissioned by Queen Victoria,

came over the centuriesto look for the Ark.

What they were looking for wasa golden box with the staves,

but what they really shouldbe looking for is a room.

They could have maybedivided up against the wall,

on the other side of the wall was the Ark.

- [Chris] Moskoff says theoriginal Holy of Holies

had another chamber directly below it.

- Actually, in the blueprintitself of the First Temple

a chamber should bebuilt exactly the same.

Holy of Holies is exactlythe same level of holiness

as the one rate above it.

It was set up right from thebeginning to house the Ark,

with a golden floor and everything.

- [Chris] That's how Solomonbuilt it, instructed.

- [Moskoff] Yes, instructed.

- [Chris] So the Ark itself could go down?

- Right, could go down.

- Do you feel like there'sa time when the Ark itself,

when the time is right,

will be revealed?

- I do, timing is incredibly important,

incredibly significant.

Obviously, it's a groundbreaking,

game changing,

biblical type of discovery.

My personal opinion is that,

when it does happen,

it won't be in a kind of destined way,

where we're sneakingthrough these tunnels,

you know what I mean,

and we're bringing it outunder cover of darkness.

It will be a a great occasion,

and it'll upbring the Messiah.

It'll be something that allnations will really rejoice in.

- [Chris] Moskoff creditsIndiana Jones and the Lost Ark

for the renewed interest.

- There are some thingsI got right about them,

the power of the Ark, et cetera,

and it's destructive forcesshould it get in the wrong hands

and then no one knowswhere it is, so to speak.

It suddenly became a thing.

"What is the Ark of theCovenant, what is that?"

"Oh, yeah."

It sort of put it intothe face of the public,

and maybe that was it's best success.

I loved it personally,

it's Hollywood.

- What do you think is the maintakeaway people need to know

about the Ark of the Covenant?

- It's a real thing.

Just like it did 2700 years ago,

it still exists today.

It's got the broken tablet

that Moses crashed downthere at Mount Sinai

and the second tablet.

It really does exist.

We're really gonna see it,hopefully in our lifetime, again.

It is a catalyst for the Messiah to come.

- [Chris] Until it is revealed,

the Ark of the Covenant builtby Moses in the wilderness,

will continue to fascinate the world.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

the Western Wall Tunnels, Jerusalem.

- Certainly there is alot of debate about this,

some debate about, "Does it still exist?

"Is it necessary for therebuilding of a Third Temple?

"Does the Third Temple need to be rebuilt

"before Messiah comes?"

All of these things are swirling around.

But here's what Jeremiah has to say,

and I would say Jeremiahis the definitive word.

Comes from Jeremiah 3:16-17,

"In those days,

when your numbers haveincreased greatly in the land,"

So, he's talking about the end times.

He's talking about afterIsrael is restored.

"people will no longer say,

"The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord."

"It will never enter theirminds or be remembered.

"It will not be missed,

"nor will another one be made.

"At that time,

"they will call Jerusalemthe throne of the Lord,

"and all nations will gather in Jerusalem

"to honor the name of the Lord.

"No longer will they follow

"the stubbornness of their evil hearts."

He's talking about a time

when the Messiah isenthroned in Jerusalem.

And if you have the Messiah,

you no longer need theArk of the Covenant.

Well, the Ark of the Covenantwas not the only treasure

that once was housed in the Jewish temple.

After the temple was rebuilt,

it has billions of dollars,

and gold, and silver reserves.

For the cash-strapped Roman Empire,

Those riches were too tempting to resist.

So, what happened to these treasures?

You'll find the answerto that in our new DVD.

Take a look.

(upbeat dramatic music)(explosions blasting)

(people screaming)

- On the night of July 18th, AD 64,

a fire broke out in Rome Circus Maximus.

For six days and seven nights,

the great fire raged,

leaving 70% of the city in ruins.

Five years later,

the Emperor Vespasian face the task

of rebuilding the capital.

But Rome was bankrupt.

So, he searched for a new source of income

and found it in a remotecorner of the empire,

the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

- The temple was a very rich institution.


It was actually treasury of the state.

The temple was very, very rich.

(upbeat dramatic music)

- [Gordon] The Romanarmy launched a brutal

seven-month Siege of Jerusalem,

killing more than a million Jews.

Then they looted andburned the great temple.

- The Romans had habit of,

when they conquer the city,

the temple of the Lord of the city,

to remove his statueand to burn the temple.

But when they come to thetemple, there is no God.

But what they found were the treasures

and they start to loot the city,

to take all the treasures,whatever they could.

(dramatic bouncy music)

- [Gordon] Eye witnessessay the temple treasures

survived for centuriesafter the fall of Jerusalem,

leaving behind it a trail of destruction.

- [Respondent] Whereverthose treasures were,

the city was destroyed.

Jerusalem was destroyed,

cottage was destroyed,

and if you bring it now to Constantinople,

the city is doomed.

(cool somber music)

- [Gordon] After 500 years,

the temple relics disappearedfrom the pages of history.

Or did they?

Ancient clues suggest that

they may be hidden in a secret location,

not far from the ruinsof the Jewish Temple.

- [Respondent] It became actually

the spiritual capital of the world.

They looked for the treasures.

They knew they are out there.

(upbeat dramatic music)

Enormous sub-structures were discovered,

which are very, veryimpressive to this very day.

(upbeat dramatic music)

- I think that it's quite possible

that some of thetreasures are still there.

(upbeat dramatic music)

- That's the latest effortfrom CBN Productions

where we're giving you a documentary

of what happened to theSecond Temple treasures.

For the full story,

just go to

and you can get a copy ofTreasures of the Second Temple,

a DVD.

It's yours for a donationof any dollar amount.

All you have to do is call us.


Well, still ahead,

an abused victim who couldn'thandle the pain any longer.

(air whooshing)

- I had the whole bottle of Valium.

I was curled up in a fetal position,

on my bedroom floor,

and just said, "God, if you don't help me,

"I will take my life"

- Find out what stoppedthis suicide when we return.

(high-pitched dramatic orchestral music)

(then moves to upbeat fastplaying dramatic music)

- For more than 20 years,

Dennin Finn endured the worst

of what humanity has to offer.

She was abused,


bounced from one bad situation to another.

Dennin tried suicide three to four times,

she just wanted to end the pain,

but she didn't know how.

(slow orchestral music)

- [Narrator] Dennin Finnhas always sought peace

by the water.

But her life story is one withlittle peace and much pain.

- I just felt like it wasn't gonna stop.

I couldn't take it any anymore.

And that's when I sliced my wrists.

- [Narrator] The motivationcame from years of abuse.

Dennin was only five whenher father started beating

and raping her and her sisters.

His threats kept them silent.

- I remember just gettingup and going in the tub

and trying to wash that dirty feeling off,

and just scrubbing tillmy skin was bleeding.

- [Narrator] For years,

Dennin thought herhellish life was normal,

but at 11 years old,

when she saw how her friendsfamily treated one another,

she realized just howbroken her life really was.

- Panic attacks, anxiety,


no self worth.

Very lost and no clue who I was.

- [Narrator] Followingher suicide attempt,

Child Protective Services put Dennin

and her sisters into foster care.

During her five years in the system,

she met a family that were Christians,

and they told her about God.

- I would think about God but I get mad.

How can you be God andlet this happen to me?

- [Narrator] Once she agedout of the system at 16,

Dennin was on her own.

By 21, she had two children,

and was married to a manwho had also been abused.

While their common bondbrought them together,

it also tore their lives apart.

- The beatings were so bad;

broken ribs,

broken cheekbone,

hemorrhaging in the brain.

I had no self worth really,

I was convinced it's what I deserved.

- [Narrator] Her husbandalso abused cocaine,

and eventually, so did she.

- For the first time,

it stopped.

All the pain stopped.

I instantly hated myself,

disrespected myself,

but it was a new way toget the pain to stop.

- [Narrator] After 11years, they divorced,

but Dennin was left withtwo children to raise,

and a growing dependency on cocaine.

- When I couldn't handle life,

what I had been through,

and who I was because of it,

I just numbed it.

- [Narrator] Over the next decade,

Dennin gave her best as a mother,

suffered through anotherabusive relationship,

and continued to treather demons with cocaine.

Then one day in 2009,

Dennin felt she couldtake the pain no longer.

- Just hating myself and thinking

"If this is life, I want it out.

"My kids are better off if I die."

I had the whole bottle of Valium.

I was curled up in a fetal position,

on my bedroom floor,

and just said, "God, if you don't help me,

"I will take my life"

(phone ringing)

And my phone kept ringing,

it was my mother.

And I didn't wanna answer it.

I had a whole bottle of pills in my hand,

and the phone right here,

ringing, ringing.

Then by the end I'm like, "What!"

And just like, "What's wrong?"

Like she knew.

I just dropped the pills all over the bed,

and I laid in a fetal position,

crying out to God.

- [Narrator] Dennin's desire to use

was gone the next morning,

but she still had the heartof a hurting young girl.

- I didn't know how to change my life.

I didn't have a clue what was healthy,

what love was.

I just wanted to be loved,

that's all I wanted.

- [Narrator] One day,

Dennin found a card afriend had given her.

It was an invitation to church.

- I'd wanted to know something normal,

something healthy,

and I figured maybe I'd find it there.

I'm like, "I think I'll go check it out."

- [Narrator] A reluctant visit

turned into regular attendance.

She even got connected with thewomen's group at the church.

- They were like,

"We are gonna love youtill you love yourself."

And they did.

They actually taught me how to live again.

- [Narrator] But itwasn't until years later

at an altar call thatDennin finally understood

and accepted the truth of God's love.

- And I lost it.

I just cried outwardly in church,

and then I said it wholeheartedly,

just asked God to

just come into my life.

- Not long after,

she was baptized.

- I loved the fact that we weregetting baptized in a river,

just made it seem more Godly,

like what Jesus did.

So, it was pretty powerful.

I had written all my pain

and just fears,

everything on a little note.

And then I held it in my hand,

and the pastor prayed.

When I came out of the water,

I felt like a new person.

It was amazing to feel new.

- [Narrator] Through continuedgrowth and healthy community,

counseling and Bible study,

Dennin's abuse-riddenstory finally has peace.

- I can finally say that I like me.

I know Jesus loves me

because the world has triedto take me out so many times.

He ain't let me go anywhere.

He has saved my life,

He has shown me that Iam worthy and I am loved,

and he loves me just the way I am.

- I love that phrase,

"I finally like me."

What a wonderful thingto say, "I like myself."

"I have gotten through it,

"and on the other side,

"I have now dignity,

"I have worth,

"I have purpose."

And that can happened to you.

When you realize thatyou are worth the price

that Jesus paid for you,

that He loves you so much Hewas willing to die for you,

He was willing to stand inyour place and suffer and die,

and He would do it again,and again, and again.

He would do it just for you.

He would leave that 99to come and find you.

When you understand thatworth that his love gives you,

how precious a treasureyou are in his eyes.

When that finally breaks through,

then behold all things are made new.

And yes, you can have a fresh start.

Yes, you can have a new beginning.

Yes, you can have a life with purpose,

a life with dignity.

The old is passed away, and behold,

all things are made new.

Now, Dennin's story Ithink is a familiar story.

I think it's a story a lotof people have gone through,

where you make a profession of Christ

and you say in yourhead, "I believe this."

And with your mind youaccept that Jesus is real.

He was born of a virgin,

He lived a sinless life,

His blood is divine,

He died on a cross,

and yes, he rose again from the grave.

But for whatever reason,

you keep that truth from your heart.

For her, journey was, "Idon't know how to get past.

"I can make a profession of faith,

"I have faith,

"but I don't know how to getpast what happened to me.

"I don't know how to getpast what I've done."

And how do you forgive yourself?

How do you forgive thosewho have harmed you?

How do you do all of that?

And for her, she wandered untilshe finally surrendered all.

She surrendered thosesecret places in her heart.

Those places that she hadn'tlet the truth come in.

She said, "God, only thisfar but not all of me."

If that's you,

if you've struggled,

today is your day.

Where you can finally say,

"God, I let you into every place.

"I let you into what happened,

"I let you into what I did.

"I ask for your forgiveness,

"I ask for your cleansing.

"But most of all,

"I want to believe in your love,

"and I want to receive that."

For Dennin, when shefinally surrendered all,

then she experienced somethingthat was absolutely divine.

It's supernatural.

It's a complete rebirth.

And then she went through water baptism,

the old is all dead to me.

I've risen anew.

New life in Christ.

New life in the anointing

New life with Him.

If this is for you,

if this is what you want,

Jesus is just a prayer away.

All you have to do is bow your head,

pray a very simple prayer.

But the biggest part is,

are you willing to give him all?

And if you're willing to do that,

then bow your head with me.

Let's pray together,

and let's let Jesus do all the rest.

Pray with me.

"Jesus ..."

That's right, say his name.

Say it out loud.


"I come to you today,

"and Lord, I surrender all.

"I've tried to do it my way,

"I've tried to do it with my will,

"but Lord, today I want your will,

"your will to be done in my life.

"So, God, I surrender all,

"all to you.

"All the secret places,

"all the secret behaviors,

"all the secret ones,

"all the secret hurts,

"Lord, I surrender it all.

"And I ask that you come in and fill me

"with your love and with your cleansing.

"Cleanse me, and I will be clean.

"And Jesus,

"if you do this for me,

"I want to be with youall the days of my life.

"Hear my prayer,

"answer my prayer.

"Come into my heart,

"for I ask it in Jesus' name."

Father, for those who just prayed,

I ask for a baptism in your love.

I ask that you fill them to overflowing.

Let them know that theirprayer has been heard

and has been answered today.

Do it Lord,

for we ask it all in Jesus' name.

Amen, and amen.

If you prayed with me,

there's one more thing I want you to do.

I want you to let somebody else know.

And we're here for you.

We're not here to judge you,

we're here to love you,

and we're here to tell youthat God loves you, too.

And if the things that are on your heart

"Can I be free from this?

"Can I be set free?"

We're here for you.

All you have to do is call us.


When you call,

I've got something free for you.

It's a free packet,

there's no financial obligation at all.

It's called A New Day,

in there is a CD teaching,What Do You Do Now?

There's also a booklet available.

You can even get it digitally if you want.


call it now.

Still ahead,

a woman who suffered from aterrible breakout of hives.

(air whooshing)

- If I would scratch that,

everywhere I would scratch it,

there would be a line of blisters.

- [Gordon] Even worse,

doctors couldn't find a cause or a cure.

Find out how she was finallyhealed later on today's show.

(fast playing dramatic music)

(moves to upbeat dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News break.

A government commission in Egypt

recently legalized 127 churches there.

They had been operatingwithout official permission.

The government move bringsthe total number of churches

that have been granted legalstatus to more than 1,000.

The process had been verydifficult for decades,

but a 2016 law sped up the process

of legalizing and granting permits.

However, many churches arestill awaiting legal status,

and Christians still facedpersecution by the government

and radical Islamic groups.

Well, Superbook's Gizmo is in Guatemala,

helping a Christian TV station

celebrate its 25th anniversary.

Channel 27 has airedprograms like the 700 Club,

Superbook, and Flying House,

in every major market acrossthe country for years.

CBN and Gizmo help the stationto celebrate the milestone

in a special taping,

in which Gizmo greeted fanswith gifts and Superbook DVDs.

The 25th anniversaryprogram will air July 24

for audiences all over Guatemala.

You can find out more

about what CBN is doing around the world

by going to

Gordon will be back withmore of the 700 Club

right after this.

(upbeat dramatic music)

(moves to upbeat bouncy music)

- Saida thought she was going to die

and she knew exactly why she was so sick.

The day before she drankwater from a dirty pond

filled with dead animals.

- [Gordon] Saida and hermom have come to depend

on this small collectingpond at the end of the path.

It's far from their home inthe mountains of Honduras.

- We walked more than one hour each way

to get just a few gallons of water.

Then we had to do itagain later in the day.

- [Gordon] The water is dirty

and filled with E. coliand other bacteria.

- We have to change the dirty water

because there was no other water near us.

- [Gordon] One day, sideand her mom found a person

that had died in the water.

- When I saw it, I said,

"Mom, you have to getit out of the water."

- Even so, I took it out.

I didn't feel comfortablecollecting any water that day.

We knew it was already contaminated.

- We didn't drink in the morning whole day

because of the dead animal.

- [Gordon] The next daythey collected water again.

This time, Saida got reallysick from drinking it.

- I thought I was going to die.

I felt so sick.

- My daughter was really bad.

But then I had to leave her

to go collect water from the pond.

- [Gordon] When OperationBlessing learned about Sonia

and Saida, and how all thepeople in the community

were suffering from the bad water,

we offered to help.

First, we built a new water storage tank

that is not exposed to the elements.

Then, we piped water from anotherlocation to fill the tank.

Finally, we purified it,

so everyone had clean water to drink.

That day, I was really happy

because we don't have clean water.

- Now, we don't have to gofar away to collect water.

God used Operation Blessingto bring water to us.

- The water is delicious,

thanks Operation Blessing.

(high-pitched orchestral music)

- And thank you.

If you're a member of the 700 Club,

you're part of that blessing.

You're part of creatingthe whole water system

for a village.

Just imagine what we take for granted.

You go the faucet,

you turn it on,

and you're going to get clean water.

But for many people around the world,

they don't have access to it.

And we can be there for them.

We can make a difference in their lives,

and it's wonderful what happens

when you provide fresh water.

You lower the infant mortality rate,

you allow women to do other things

other than you spend hoursevery day just getting water.

It's a tremendous blessing for them.

So if you want to be a part of it,

how do you do it?

Why don't you join the 700 Club

and a portion of every gift

will go into the workof Operation Blessing

to help people around the world.

Another portion will go intothe work of CBN International

to preach the gospel around the world.

You are a part of everything we do

when you join the 700 Club.

So how much is it?

Well, it's $20 a month,

and that breaks out to 65 cents a day,

but you're joining withtens of thousands of people

that said, "Yes, Iwanna make a difference.

"I wanna be a part of it."

And when you get tensof thousands of people

working together to say,

"Yes, let's preach the gospel.

"Let's help people very tangibly,"

wonderful things can happen.

So if that's you,

if you wanna join with us,

call us now.


When you call and join,

I've got something free for you.

It's a wonderful premium.

It's a teaching on the wills of God.

How do you understandwhat the will of God is?

It's called The Plan.

It's a life teaching of my Father's.

Put it on this DVD.

I want you to have it.

It's yours when you join us.

So call us.


And if you want to make aspecial gift to water wells,

there's a designated fun we've got set up.

All you have to do is go and on the Giving page,

there's a place where youcan designate your gift

if you want all of itto go to water wells.

So either way,

call us 1-800-700-7000

or go to

Well, coming up,

for years, a woman suffersphysical and emotional pain.

(air whooshing)

- The thing that really got to me the most

was when I began to let thosewords that the doctor said

really hit home with me,

and that is, there's no cure.

- [Gordon] See how thisincurable disease vanishes

in an instant.

(cool bouncy music)

- Sue Reeves stopped going out in public

and unsightly itchy rashturned into a recluse.

Doctors said or condition was incurable,

but the doctors were dead wrong.

- [Narrator] It doesn'tmatter how small something is,

if it's painful,

life will inevitably beaffected in big ways.

In 2015, Sue Reeves reallystarted experiencing

a breakout of tiny hiveson her hands and arms,

and the itching was unbearable.

The ongoing irritationdidn't only affect her,

but eventually everything around her,

including her husband, Ed.

- When it would start,

it would start getting redhere and it would progress,

the itch getting worse all the time.

If I would scratch that,

everywhere I would scratch it,

there would be a line of blisters.

Rarely would I go two to three days

without having a breakout.

And I would wake up at night,

and it would be itching.

And I think that thatprobably in the beginning

was the thing that bothered me the most,

because it was getting to bedifficult to sleep all night.

- [Narrator] The hives began to spread

to other parts of her body,

including her face and feet.

Sue had had enough ofthe tiny big problem.

So, she went looking for answers.

- I sought my family doctor,

he didn't have any ideawhat was causing it

and the fact that it wasn't localized,

where it showed up in thesame place all the time,

it was kind of perplexing to him.

But he did put me on twodifferent medications.

It suppressed it somewhat,

but it didn't stop it.

- It wasn't the loss of a leg,

it wasn't cancer,

but it was just the everyday I experience

of her going through that,

and going through it and no answers.

- [Narrator] After aboutfour months with no progress,

Sue's doctor center to an allergist

who diagnosed her withsubcutaneous mastocytosis,

a skin disease related toan autoimmune disorder,

for which there is a no known cure.

I think the thing thatreally got to me the most was

when I begin to let thosewords that the doctor said

really hit home with me,

and that is, there's no care

I just kind of went awayfor a while and withdrew,

and I didn't wanna be in public.

I didn't want to have toexplain to my grandkids

why I can't go swimmingin the swimming pool.

- We couldn't go out,

we couldn't do anything.

She had to wear longsleeve shirts all the time.

It didn't just affect Sue

and it didn't just affect me,

it affected everything,

what our whole life was about.

- [Narrator] For years,

Sue depended on medicationsto suppress the disease.

When a knee surgery in 2017forced her to stop taking them,

it came back with vengeance,

once again leaving Suein throes of physical

and emotional pain froman incurable disease.

- I was in bondage,

and I was the point where Iwas just crying out to God,

"I lift up your Holy name,

"I exalt your Holy name.

"Help me (mumbles) with my family,

"help me (mumbles) with my weakness.

And I think it's when I beganto cry out in prayer like that

and say, "God,

"you know what they saidbut I know who you are."

- [Narrator] Then on August 2nd 2018,

like many mornings before,

Sue and Ed were watching the 700 Club

when Terry got a specificword from the Lord.

- There's someone else, you have ...

This is so ...

I don't know what this is,

a subcutaneous infection.

And it is both painful and itchy.

It spreads across the top of your skin.

The evidence of it,

nothing has seemed to stop it,

but today is your day.

Jesus is healing you right now,

just receive that.

- And we felt a bolt oflightning in the room.

And we just looked ateach other and Sue said,

"That's me."

- He jumped up and he startedraising his hands and saying,

"Praise the Lord,

"praise the Lord.

"She's healed.

"Please praise the Lord.

"Thank you, Lord.

"Thank you, Jesus."- [Ed] It was just amazing.

- And after the joy,

then there was just thiswonderful, wonderful peace.

- [Narrator] The hivescleared immediately.

And after about three monthsof no further breakouts,

Sue went back to her doctor

who did a checkup andheard her story of healing.

- He said, "That is wonderful news,

"that's great.

"And you haven't had any more breakouts?"

"No, I haven't had any."

"And how long has that been?"

I told him.

He said, "That is a great testimony."

And he said, "Let's pray."

So he thanks God again.

- [Narrator] Sue and Edhave plans to travel more,

see more and live more.

Above all, both have been transformed

by the enormous love of the Father.

- It changed our lives.

It's basically changed,

especially mine.

- The thing that we wereleft with was to love.

It just really affected us

that God really does love us an awful lot.

- He really does love you.

He really does.

And when you get that settled,

then you don't have tobargain with Him anymore.

You don't have to beg and plead.

You just lean back into that love,

you rely on Him.

And reliance is another word for faith.

It's not an acceptanceof the way things are,

it's relying that Hewants to change things.

He wants to have the willof God be done on earth

as it is in heaven.

Now, Jesus said it clearly,

"I came that you might have life

"and have it more abundantly."

He didn't come so that youwould suffer in silence,

He came that you might have life,

and have it more abundantly.

When you understand that

as a governing principleof the kingdom of God,

well, then you start tounderstand that all sickness,

all illness is illegal in His Kingdom.

Now, here, check this,

and think about heaven.

Is there anybody with an itch there?

Anybody with a rash?

Anybody with a problem?

Anybody with cancer?

Well, the answer clearly is no.

Well, we see that,

and we see that that's God's will.

And Jesus told us,

"Pray this.


"Our Father who art in heaven,

"Hallowed be your name.

"Thy kingdom come,

"Thy will be done onearth as it is in heaven."

When he sent his disciplesto go and preach the gospel,

he would say, "Go heal thesick and declare over them,

"The kingdom of God has come near to you."

So I'm declaring that over you right now.

The kingdom of God is right here.

It's right at hand.

All you have to do is lean into it.

Rely on Jesus.

Don't rely on your prayer,

don't rely on your faith,

rely on Jesus,

what he has already done.

For by his stripes we are healed.

There is no disease too small,

there is no disease too great.

So right now,

let's pray,

and let's believe.

What I want you to do in an act of faith,

lay your hand on that area ofthe body that needs healing.

And you and I are going to agree,

and we're going to agree

for your complete and total healing.

The Bible says,

when two or more agree,

touching anything,

it shall be done.

So we're going to agree,

and you are going to touch,

and God is going to do the rest.

Let's pray.

Lord, we lift the needs ofthe audience to you right now.

We declare that the kingdom ofGod is at hand and it's near.

And we pray over them

that Thy will would bedone in their bodies

as it is in heaven.

And in your heaven,

there's no sick.

There's no one in pharm.

There's no one with a rash.

There's no one with cancer.

So in Jesus' name,

we say out loud,

"Be healed and be made whole.

"By the stripes of the living Savior,

"I am healed,

"I am restored,

"I am pain free now,

"and I receive it in Jesus' name."

Now what I want you to dois just lift your hands,

begin rejoicing over your healing,

just as that couple did.

He lives in the thanksgivingand praise of his people.

Here's a word from Psalms,

"Wait patiently for the Lord.

Be brave and courageous.

Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

(upbeat dramatic music)


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