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Faith Nation: June 27, 2019

Faith Nation: June 27, 2019 Read Transcript

(upbeat music)

- Presidential hopefuls take the stage.

Who stood out on night oneof the Democratic Debate

and what to expect asfront runners Joe Biden

and Bernie Sanders get to the platform.

Plus, citizenship and the census,

more on today's SupremeCourt ruling on a question

the Trump administration wantedto add to the 2020 Census.

And faith and politics,we'll bring you the latest

from the Faith & Freedom Coalition's

Road to Majority Conference.

All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.

(mid tempo music)

The 2020 Democratic front runners

get their turn on thedebate stage tonight.

Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

It's round two, tonight JoeBiden and Bernie Sanders

will square off in Miami.- That is right.

It is a crowded field of Democratsvying for the White House

with eight othersalongside them and 10 more

who took the stage last night.

All of them hoping to set themselves apart

and win over voters.- Amber Strong kicks off

our 2020 coverage tonight.

- 10 candidates took to thestage for 2020's first round.

Up until now they've workedhard to stay above the fray.

But last night the gloves were off.

- There are a lot of politicians who say

"Oh it's just not possible."

What they're really telling you

is they just won't fight for it.

- [Amber] NBC News moderatorshitting on the top issues

like health care, but it was division

over Medicare For Allthat gave the viewers

the first spark of the evening.

- It's not working!(coughing)

How can you defend asystem that's not working?

That's right, so for thosefor whom it's not working,

they can choose Medicare.- Congressman...

- For the culinary workersin Nevada who I listen to--

- You gotta start by acknowledgingthat this is not working

for people.- Negotiated for this plan.

- I think we should be theparty that keeps what's working

and fixes what's broken.(applauding)

- [Amber] It took nearly 15 minutes

before any mention ofthe name Donald Trump.

But the administration's currentpolicies took center stage.

On Iran...- This president

and his chickenhawk cabinet have led us

to the brink of war with Iran.

I served in the war in Iraq

at the height of the war in 2005.

The American people need to understand

that this war with Iran wouldbe far more devastating--

- [Amber] The candidates also taking shots

at each other on immigration

and recent calls to decriminalizeillegal border crossing.

- The reason that they'reseparating these little children

from their families is that they're using

section 1325 of thatact which criminalizes

coming across the borderto incarcerate the parents

and then separate them.

Some of us on this stage havecalled to end that section,

to terminate it, some, likeCongressman O'Rourke have not.

- You're looking at justone small part of this.

I'm talking about a comprehensive rewrite

of our immigration laws.

Supporting criminal prosecution.

- If you did your homework on this issue--

- [Amber] When it comes to abortion

and keeping Roe V Wade in place

presidential contenders standing firm.

- I would make certainthat every woman has access

to the full range ofreproductive healthcare services

and that includes birthcontrol, it includes abortion,

it includes everything for a woman.

- I wold appoint judgesto the federal bench

that understand theprecedent of Roe V Wade

and will respect it.(cheering)

- [Amber] Lesser known candidates

Such as Ohio Representative Tim Ryan

were working hard to appeal to moderates.

- We could talk about climate,we could talk about guns,

we could talk about all of these issues

that we all care about.

We have a perception problemwith the Democratic Party.

We are not connecting tothe working-class people.

If you wanna beat Mitch McConnell,

this better be a working-class party!

- [Amber] The only biblicalreference of the night

came from senator Cory Bookerin his rebuke on gun violence.

- I'm tired of hearingpeople, all they have to offer

is thoughts and prayers.(applauding)

In my faith, people sayfaith without works is dead.

- The surprise winners, atleast according to the polls

and Google search trends, Tulsi Gabbard

and Julian Castro, nowit's time to break out

another score card as theremaining 10 candidates

including Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders

take to the stage tonight.

Amber Strong CBN News, Washington.

- Thanks Amber, and joiningus now is Julia Manchester

who covers the race and all ofthe candidates for The Hill.

Julia it's always a pleasure to have you.

- Thank you for having me.

- It seems like a lot ofpeople are talking about

Julian Castro today, who in your mind

stood out from last night's performance?

- So Julian Castro absolutely stood out.

But I think Elizabeth Warrenwas the real front runner

from last night, she wasable to so succinctly

continue to lay out her policieswhen it was on health care

and the economy, she got thefirst question of the night.

The moderators were asking her questions

and asking the othercandidates on stage to respond.

So clearly she was at thecenter of that attention.

But yes, Julian Castro reallygot quite a bit of attention

when he was really able to tell his story

and how immigration on theborder in Texas impacts him

as a Latino-American.

He talked about thedeceased father and child

that tragically drowned earlier this week.

And I think he was able to dothat in a very authentic way.

Another thing he did that was, I think,

a lot more authentic thanmaybe Beto or Cory Booker

is speak Spanish!

I think we saw so many candidatesspeaking Spanish tonight

but it was a little ironic hearing it

from two men who aren't Latino.

So I thought

Julian Castro really hada moment in that regard.

- He kind of got into it

with Beto O'Rourke over immigration.

Some are saying that heactually knocked Beto O'Rourke

out of this race, do you agree with that?

- I think it's very possible.

Beto O'Rourke had a very rough start.

You'll remember the Vanity Fair cover

and he got a lot of backlash for doing

some weird social media things like

Instagram Live-ing his tripto the dentist at one point.

He got a lot of backlash forthat, a very awkward start.

But I think a lot of candidatesgoing into this saw Beto,

he has that name recognition,he's probably below Warren,

the second-tier candidate on that stage.

So I think Beto was the candidatethat the other candidates

were looking to really punch out.

And I think Julian Castrodid that, being from Texas.

So I think he saw that opening there.

- Last night none of the candidates we saw

mentioned Joe Biden, doyou think other candidates

right there along stage withwill attack him tonight?

- I think it's very possible,

and I think you'll seeBernie Sanders most likely

attack Joe Biden becauseright here on stage tonight,

looking at the preview ofthis you're seeing two sides

of the Democratic Party being represented.

You had Joe Biden the establishment,

I guess you could say more moderate side

of the Democratic Party,but you have Bernie Sanders

calling himself a Democratic Socialist,

so very more so far leftprogressive policies

and I think Bernie Sanders hasmaybe been struggling so far

because Elizabeth Warrenhas similar policies to him

but she labels herself differently.

She calls herself a capitalist.

Bernie Sanders does notcall himself a capitalist.

So she's more well-rounded,but Bernie Sanders

has kind of been paintedas this far left figure

which he doesn't mind butit'll be interesting to see

if he's able to appeal to voters

outside of that progressive voting bloc.

- All right, JuliaManchester with The Hill.

- Thank you.- Thank you so much.

We'll all be watching tonight.

Well tonight John and I

and the rest of the Faith Nation team

will be live texting during the debate,

and you can join us and askus all of your questions

by texting that number on your screen.

Text CBN to 22415 and you can also

follow along online at

- Well the Supreme Courtissued verdicts today

in a pair of high-profile cases.

The justices blockedthe Trump administration

from adding a citizenshipquestion on the 2020 Census.

They also decided federalcourts have no role

in policing partisan redistricting.

CBN's White HouseCorrespondent Ben Kennedy

reports on the high court'sfinal rulings of the year.

- No doubt the Supreme Court dealt a blow

to the Trump administration

but it could be a temporary setback

given the five/four ruling.

It is true, the citizenshipquestion will not appear

in the 2020 Census but itcould next time around in 2030.

- I think when you have a census

and you're not allowed to talk about

whether or not somebody'sa citizen or not,

that doesn't sound so good to me.

- [Ben] President Trumpargued they needed the data

to improve enforcementof the Voting Rights Act.

But the high court didn't buy it.

Chief Justice John Roberts sided

with the four liberal judgessaying "Altogether the evidence

"tells a story that doesnot match the explanation."

- We have to make surewhether that question

is on there or not, and Icertainly hope it is not.

But whether it's on there or not,

that the American peoplecome forward and be counted.

- [Ben] Democrats sayincluding the question

would likely cause an undercountin immigration populations.

- It would be a sad...

Occurrence if people said"Well since that's on there

"I'm not going to be counted."- The Supreme Court also ruled

federal courts have no rolein political gerrymandering.

Republicans in North Carolinaand Democrats in Maryland

are accused of redrawingpolitical districts

for partisan gain.

But Chief Justice Roberts wrote

that "Voters and electedofficials should decide

"this political dispute, not the courts."

- This is an issue that

both Republicans andDemocrats are guilty of.

- As for the citizenship question,

it now leaves here back tothe lower courts for review.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, The Supreme Court.

- Thanks Ben.

President Trump responded

to the high court's decisiontoday on Twitter saying

"It seems totally ridiculousthat the government

"can't ask aboutcitizenship on the census."

And that he's askedlawyers if they can delay

the 2020 census quote"No matter how long."

- Well John Malcolm is the Vice President

for the Institute forConstitutional Government

at the Heritage Foundation.

And John joins us now formore, John good to see you.

- Good to be with you.- You know on the census case,

John do you think the court got it right?

- No I don't, I think theygot parts of it right.

I think that theydetermined that it would not

be a violation of theconstitution to include

a citizenship question on the census.

I think they also gotright that Secretary Ross

acted reasonably among the various options

he was presented by sayingthat the best way to get

that information is by adding

a citizenship question on the census.

But what I think the court got wrong

was the Chief Justice'sportion that was joined

by the four liberals bysaying that the explanation

that he offered was pretextual,

and that this was not aboutenforcing the Voting Rights Act,

but that there must have been some hidden

or unexpressed meaning.

They've now kicked thiscase back to the lower court

to the Department of Commerce,

can offer a more fulsome explanation,

but whether they'll be ableto do so in a timely manner

is very much I think in doubt.

- John we saw the presidentin his Tweet today

saying that he's willing todelay the census over this issue

is that something that's reasonable

given that this is a constitutionallymandated requirement?

- Yeah no I'm not so sure about that.

I mean the constitution does require

a census every 10 years.

Next year is 2020.

So I'm not sure how hewould be able to justify

delaying the census.

That would certainly besubject to a court challenge.

- John what about the othercase concerning redistricting

and the limiting ofjurisdiction for federal courts?

Was that the right move there you think?

- Yeah no I think so.

So that had to do with whether or not

partisan gerrymandering which goes back

to the founding of ourcountry is unconstitutional.

We have been living with partisangerrymandering as they say

back to the time of our founding.

No court has ever said thatthis is a justiciable issue

or there's any methodologyfor accurately and reliably

determining how muchpartisanship is permissible

and how much is impermissiblewhen it comes to line drawing.

And I think the justices,the five conservatives,

in another opinion byChief Justice Robert said

"This is really not a matter for judges.

"And if you think thatthere's too much politics

"and line drawing, go to congress

"or go to your state legislatures."

- All right John Malcolmof The Heritage Foundation,

thank you very much.

- Good to be with you.

- Well on the topic ofimmigration tonight,

giving into pressure toact, the House will take up

a bipartisan senate measure on border aid.

It comes as the deadlineto act quickly approaches.

Earlier this week theHouse passed their version

of the $4.6 billion package.

Yesterday the Senate rejectedit offering their own.

And while Democrats and Republicans

have been taking jabs ateach other over immigration

and border security,

the humanitarian crisisat the border continues.

- I think it's not a question of blame,

it's a question of being prayerful.

Understand the consequences of policy.

We all want to have border security

and do what we need to doto protect our borders,

north, south, east, west,Gulf Coast, whatever.

We have to do that, butwe don't have to undermine

who we are as a country.

- And House Speaker Nancy Pelosiis facing mounting pressure

from moderate members of her party

to act on humanitarian aid.

Well coming up, Road to Majority,

the latest from theconference bringing together

faith and politics herein the nation's capitol.

(upbeat music)

Evangelical political leadersare in Washington this week

for this year's Roadto Majority Conference.

President Trump kickedoff the event yesterday.

And today capitalism versussocialism was a hot topic

as lawmakers from CapitolHill addressed the crowd.

- This is a time

of consequence.

This is a time

where the fate of the nation

is being debated.

Again in 2020,

our country is gonna face an assault,

we are going to see thebiggest turnout on the far left

this country's ever seen.

That means we need to awaken the church.

- But we have to wake up to this.

I never thought in mylifetime I'd be standing here

having to defend capitalism.

But I have to tell you this,our way of life is in jeopardy.

I never thought I'd besitting here talking about

capitalism versus socialism.

I didn't ask for this fight,but like you I'm up for it.

Democrats want to convertAmerica to a socialist state!

- If 2020 goes in the wrong direction,

frankly the president's not reelected

and we lose the Senate majorityand they keep the House,

all these things that we've just achieved

over the last three and a half years

won't just be gone, they'll be reversed.

And that cannot be allowed to happen.

- And Abigail Robertson andDavid Brody are with us now

to talk more about the RoadTo Majority Conference.

Both of you thank you for being with us.

Abigail you were out there today.

And we just saw those soundbites with Senators Perdue

Rubio and Cruz talking about socialism

which was a big theme.

But what were some of theother topics they talked about?

- It was really interestingbeing there today.

It's more apparent than everthat 2020 is in full swing.

It was very interesting to me that

there were a lot of senators we heard from

who ran against Trump in2016 in the GOP Primary

that were basically giving President Trump

stump speeches for 2020.

And they weren't just touting

President Trump's accomplishments,

but they were specificallysaying how they believe

he's kept his promises tothe Evangelical community.

They were talking a lot about Israel.

That was a big issue that came up.

Conservative judgesdefending religious freedom.

So they pretty much weregiving full endorsements

for the president, and I alsospoke with Senator Marco Rubio

as he came off the stagebecause there's been a lot

going on in the Senate withthis humanitarian aid crisis.

And these agencies are runningout of funding next week

if the House and Senate don't pass a bill

and send it to the president's desk.

So I asked does he thinkthey're gonna get that done,

take a look at what he said.

- I hope something gets passed,something should get passed.

Really there's onlyone ticket out of here,

only one bill that canpass and that's the one

that the president supported,Senate passed with 80 votes

including Democrats, andI think it's hypocritical

for some members of theHouse to be criticizing

how migrant children are being treated

but refuse to provide the funds

to improve their condition.

Look there's a lot to be done.

This doesn't solve theproblem of the migration.

But it most certainly provides funds

to be able to do what's already come.

- Both sides are acknowledging

there is a humanitariancrisis at the border.

So hopefully we will see that bill pass

before the money runs out.

- David I know you had a greatsense of Evangelical voters.

What's your sense ofbeing at this conference?

- Well they had 1000 or so there.

It was not that big of a ballroom.

They tried to get the largerballroom, they couldn't.

Anyhow they had 1000 there,but here's the thing.

They had 1000 that could not get in.

Ralph Reed telling methat he was frustrated.

They had to turn away 1000 people.

That was for Wednesday'sevent with President Trump.

But today Abby and I werethere and I gotta tell you

it was a very big crowd there as well.

Look, bottom line on Evangelicals

and overall on the electorate,

in 2016, 138 millionAmericans voted in 2016.

They expect in 2020 for that number to be

about 165 million.

What is that, that's about 30million more voters in 2020.

- Abby this group assembledtoday is very influential,

very active, is theresome sort of checklist

in terms of issues,

policies that are reallyimportant to them?

- Definitely, the life issueI would say is number one.

And I think more so thanwe've seen in previous years,

this pro-life pro-choiceissue is going to dive

so much deeper in 2020 because now we have

what both sides are sayingextreme laws being passed.

Whether it's verypro-life bills in Alabama

or what we've seen passed in New York

on the pro-choice side.

So that is going to playa huge role in both sides

getting their voters out for that issue.

Israel is incrediblyimportant to this crowd,

and religious freedom,today we heard a lot of talk

about not just confirmingconservative judges

on the Supreme Court, but the importance

of the lower courts as well

and what President Trump has done

with the Republican Senate to get I think

over 130 lower court judges on the bench.

Those are definitely the big things.

- David real quick we onlyhave half a minute left.

But I understand from your reporting

that the sponsor of theFaith & Freedom Coalition

is going to make aspecific push for Latino

and Hispanic voters, Evangelicals, how so?

- 15 seconds I'll tell you bottom line.

They have a $15 million budget.

They're gonna spend $4 of that

on Latino and Hispanic outreach.

And it's not just here,let's throw $4 million.

They're going to actually have it.

It's gonna be targeted with volunteers

and everybody on theground making a big push.

- All right.- All right.

David and Abigail thank you so much.

- Thanks.

- [John] Well the G20Summit is underway in Japan.

The latest on the meeting of world leaders

when we come back.(upbeat music)

- President Trump is in Japangearing up to meet leaders

from around the world.

The president arrived in Osaka

for the State of the G20 Summit today.

And one of his majorpriorities while there

is meeting with his Chinesecounterpart, President Xi.

The discussion set to include trade talks

in hopes of coming to an agreement,

and ease the trade warbetween the two countries.

Also on the agenda for thepresident during the G20,

a meeting with RussianPresident Vladimir Putin,

and discussing rising tensions with Iran

and other world leaders.- Well Christians in Turkey

face growing hardship when it comes

to living out their beliefs

without fear of government backlash.

The US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom

convened a congressionalhearing on the issue today

in which Pastor Andrew Brunson spoke.

He saw firsthand the currentstate of religious freedom

in Turkey after being falsely imprisoned

in the country for two yearsover his Christian faith.

- I want to underlinethat less than two months

after my release, theUnited Nations Working Group

on Arbitrary Detention which only takes

about 30 cases a year,I'm glad they took mine.

They concluded thatthe Turkish authorities

targeted and arrested me on the basis

of my nationality and my faith.

They confirmed that I was avictim of religious persecution.

The Erdogan regime hasstoked an already deep seated

suspicion and animus towards Christians.

And one of the ways theydid it was through my case.

There's still a high degreeof freedom for Christians

relative to other Muslimcountries in the region.

But I'm concerned that all the signs

point to this changing soon.- Pastor Brunson

is writing a book that will detail

his religious persecution in Turkey.

It's set to be published this fall.

- Still ahead on Faith Nation,

more good news for the US economy.

But could it be overshadowedby the country's rising debt?

Finally tonight some goodnews for the US economy.

The Commerce Department reporting today

healthy growth in thefirst quarter of the year.

The economy grew at3.1% during that period.

- But it's not all good news.

Debt in the country is also on the rise.

The national debt is projected to reach

unprecedented levels in the decades ahead

according to the non-partisanCongressional Budget Office.

The agency predicts the government's debt

will reach 144% of thetotal economy by 2049.

That would be the highest level ever.

But those estimates actually are lower

than they were last year.

Well that's going to do itfor tonight's Faith Nation.

- Have a great night.

Also don't forget to join us tonight

as we discuss the night of theDemocratic Debate night two.

You can join us once again by texting CBN

to 22415 and for instructionshow to participate.

See you tomorrow.(upbeat music)


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