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CBN NewsWatch PM: June 27, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: June 27, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thanks for joiningus for CBN Newswatch,

I'm Wendy Griffith.

In Washington, pressureis building as lawmakers

race to find a way to provide aid

for the humanitarian crisis on the border.

The White House is warning that it's money

will run out in a matter of days

and lawmakers leave tomorrowfor their July 4th recess.

The evangelical immigrationtable is one group

that's pushing for this aid.

Their leaders visited theborder in El Paso last weekend

and found that the President'snew Remain in Mexico policy

is sending thousands ofimmigrants back over the border.

Heather Sells has the story.

- For months, churches in El Paso

have received hundreds of immigrants daily

but now all that is changing

and their numbers havedropped drastically.

Since October, border patrol officers here

have apprehended more than120,000 adults and children,

a more than 1,000% increaseover the past year.

Upon their release,churches here have tried

to fill the gap, tiny El Elyon,

a neighborhood congregation hascared for 70 people a night.

- We used to do this everysingle day, seven days a week.

- [Heather] Pastor Maribelshowed us pictures of families

as they arrived, received food, clothing,

shelter and prayer.

Most usually stay just one night

then caught a bus or flew out the city

to connect with family elsewhere.

- I never realize how far this would go

but I was always depending on the Lord

and saying Lord, whatdo you want me to do?

It's a multitude of people that need us.

- [Heather] Church leaders in El Paso

believe President Trump'snew Remain in Mexico policy

is behind the drop in numbers.

Not only do asylum seekers goback to wait on court dates,

Mexican police also deter immigrants

from crossing into Mexicoor seeking to enter the U.S.

- It's uncertain yet exactly why that is,

maybe they're beingreleased somewhere else,

certainly more are beingreleased back into Mexico

which is really gonna be probablya lot more of a challenge.

- [Heather] This past week, leaders

from the Evangelical Immigration Table

came to hear from border patrol officers

and tour one of the last church shelters

still open in El Paso.

- What we know about thissituation is that it's fluent.

It is changing all the time,

could shift back, we'll see what happens.

- [Heather] Sami Dipasquale

who leads a Christiancommunity center here

says churches are pivotingto support their counterparts

in the city of Jaurez, Mexico.

Evangelical leaders alsovisited a Methodist shelter

in Jaurez.

While there's a growing coalition

of evangelical churcheshere, it's not enough

to care for the thousandsof asylum seekers

waiting on a U.S. hearing.

- So they're waiting inMexico, the shelters are full,

they don't have authorization to work

while they're in Mexico.

- [Heather] World Relief's Matt Soerens

says legal help like hisorganization provides

is also difficult to find in Mexico.

That could mean greaternumbers will face deportation.

- They have a well foundedfear of persecution

under the Refugees Act of 1980

they should be allowed to stay

but the burden is on them to prove that

and that could be adifficult thing to prove.

- [Heather] Pastor Maribel says El Elyon

is ready to receive migrantsagain should it be needed.

And she won't forget the stories, courage

and faith of those she helped.

- They're very humblepeople, hard working people.

They're people very loyal,

once you have the chance tosit down with one of them

and listen, it will break your heart.

It will break your heart,it will change your mind,

the way that we think of them.

- [Heather] Experts sayasylum courts in El Paso

reject most cases but forthese desperate people

living in the U.S. remainsa dream worth fighting for.

Reporting in El Paso,Heather Sells, CBN News.

- And Heather's with us now.

Heather this group, theEvangelical Immigration Table,

who are they, first of all

and how are they involvedin this border debate?

- Right, they're low keybut they're high powered

and it's everyone from Southern Baptist

to Assemblies of God,World Relief, World Vision,

Bethany Christian Services,a lot of really interesting

and high powereddenominations and ministries.

- The who's who.- Yes and they are actively

involved in Washington,they have been advocating

for immigrants for a number of years now

but they just sent aletter to the President

to Speaker Pelosi andLeader McConnell today

saying please fund, we need to humanely

provide for these children in detention.

- So what's the latestwhether the law makers

will be able to pass a border aid plan.

I mean, tomorrow they leavefor their July 4th recess,

do you think they'll get it done?

- It is a stalemate right now.

Leader McConnell is saying he's not

gonna accept House amendments,

the House is expectedto vote this afternoon

but I think it's gonna be interesting

if they do not act today or tomorrow,

how are they gonna facetheir constituents,

people seeing theseimages from the border.

I don't know, Wendy, no one really knows

what's gonna happen in the next two days.

- Well, you were there,you saw it firsthand.

You saw stuff that we'renot even able to show.

What's your sense of how urgently

this border funding is needed?

- Well, it's interestingbecause of course they did not,

border patrol, customs did not allow us

into these processing centers,these detention facilities

and that's one of the issues

but I was with borderpatrol for an entire day

and they are, because theydon't have enough funding,

the border patrol agentsare the ones who are caring

for these immigrants and theirstations are overflowing.

And so from that perspectiveI know that the money

is urgently needed.

- In the church, I mean, that tiny church

helping like 70 families

a night.- Right, right.

They are, what's happeningis when ICE, immigrations

and customs enforcementfinishes with these families,

they drop them off at church shelters

and now there's more of aburden on the Mexico churches.

So we're gonna put up alink for you, it's Amazon

and you, if people want to helpfund these church shelters,

they can go on to Amazon andbuy diapers, underwear, food,

you name it and helpthese church shelters out.

- [Wendy] 'Cause let'sface it, the government's

not gonna be able to do it all.

- Absolutely.

- [Wendy] They could neverdo it all in a crisis

and the churches are the ones,thank you so much, Heather,

I appreciate that.- You're welcome.

- Well, Democratic presidentialcandidates squared off

in their first debateWednesday night in Miami.

10 of the candidatesvied for the attention

in the crowded race totake on President Trump.

Charlene Aaron has a look atwhere some of the candidates

stood on the issues likeimmigration, foreign policy

and abortion, as well as what to expect

for tonight's debate.

Charlene, this is getting pretty hot.

- It is getting pretty hot, Wendy.

The Democratic candidatestook shots at each other

on immigration and recent calls

to decriminalize illegal border crossings.

The issue of abortionand keeping Roe v Wade

also a major talking point, take a look.

- The reason that they'reseparating these little children

from their families is thatthey're using section 1325

of that act which criminalizescoming across the border

to incarcerate the parentsand then separate them.

Some of us on this stage havecalled to end that section,

to terminate it, some likeCongressman O'Rourke have not.

- You're looking at justone small part of this,

I'm talking about a comprehensive rewrite

of our immigration laws.

- That's not important.

- If you did your homeworkon this issue you would know.

- I would make certainthat every woman has access

to the full range ofreproductive healthcare services

and that includes birthcontrol, it includes abortion,

it includes everything for a woman.

- And Tulsi Gabbard, one ofthe lesser known candidates

caught the attention ofmany for her criticism

of the Trump administration'sactions on Iran.

- This president andhis chicken hawk cabinet

have led us to the brink of war with Iran.

I served in the war in Iraq,

at the height of the war in 2005.

The American people needto understand that this war

with Iran would be far more devastating.

- [Charlene] And formervice president, Joe Biden

will take the stage withtop rival Bernie Sanders

and eight other candidates inthis second debate tonight.

CBN News Political ChiefAnalyst, David Brody

says it will interesting tosee how many of the candidates

will take on Biden who istheir early front runner.

- There is a bit of DonaldTrump, if you will in that,

the chutzpah factorwhen it comes to Biden.

I think we'll see that on stage tonight

if he gets attacked, the question is

how much will he get attacked?

I think Bernie Sanders is gonnago after him a little bit.

Kamala Harris might aswell on the race issue.

We'll have to wait and see.

- And tonight's debate isset for 9 p.m. on NBC, Wendy.

- We'll have to wait and see for sure.

Thanks Charlene.- Definitely.

- Well, the man the Democratsare hoping to replace,

President Trump arrived in Japan today

for the annual Group of 20 summit.

Leading topics on the agendainclude tensions with Iran,

climate change andinternational trade disputes.

China says it intends to defend itself

against more U.S. moves topenalize it over trade practices.

And Japan's Prime Ministeronce to make this summit

all about the environmentincluding climate change.

And we'll have more on this story

and others on Faith Nation this evening.

You can watch it right hereon the CBN News Channel.

- Well, a case of freespeech stifled popular author

and expert on Islam in theMiddle East, Raymond Ibrahim,

is the latest victim

of politically correct speech on campus,

this time at the U.S. Army War College.

Ibrahim is the author of thebook, Sword and Scimitar,

Fourteen Centuries of WarBetween Islam and the West.

The college postponed his lecture

after the Egyptian-Americanwas labeled an Islamaphobe

who's rhetoric would quote,"foster white nationalism

and war crimes againstMuslims in the military."

On tonight's episode of the Global Lane,

Ibrahim discusses how the Council

on American-IslamicRelations and Mpower Change

convince the tax payer funded institution

to cancel his scheduled speech.

- CAIR sent out a hysterical scream

in the guise of a pressrelease and also Linda Sarsour,

her group MPower Change,she created this petition,

even more hysterical andso the long and short

of these press release andthe petition is that I,

a man of 100% Egyptianancestry and heritage

am a racist and a white nationalist

and that the U.S. Armyalready has a big problem

with racism and white nationalism

and that if they give me, ifthey go ahead with the talk,

I am going to radicalizethe American military

to the point they'regonna go on the street

and start killing Muslims.

- Wow, watch more of RaymondIbrahim on the Global Lane.

It's on the CBN Newschannel,that's tonight at 9:30 Eastern.

(dramatic music)

Coming up, how one of the country's

largest black denomination iskeeping up the pro-life fight

in the black community.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

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(slow music)

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- Abortion statistics in theblack community are alarming.

And many pro-life advocates believe

that trend can be traced to the founder

of what would become Planned Parenthood.

More than 100 years ago, MargaretSanger encouraged abortion

and sterilization to limitthe size of black families.

For the most part manyAfrican American churches

have been silent on abortion.

Now one of the country'slargest black denominations

is speaking out.

Charlene Aaron has the story.

- According to U.S. Census data,

blacks make up only 13%of the U.S. population,

yet more than 30% of abortedbabies are from black mothers.

- It is the number one killerof all African-Americans

in the nation.

You can add cancer, you can add AIDs,

you can add car accidents,homicides, crime, shooting,

name the gambit and put those together

and it will not equal the amount of lives

that we lose to abortion.

- [Charlene] It is an issue Charles Blake,

the presiding bishop ofthe Church of God in Christ

also know as COGIC, hasspoken out about in the past.

- Black woman according to the statistics

are almost four times aslikely to have an abortion

as the white women.

And almost 65 of thosewho have had abortions

have never been married.

You're killing a human being.

It's a human being fromthe moment it's conceived.

- [Charlene] With more thansix and a half million members

worldwide, COGIC is working

with the Pro-life Human Coalition Network

to help black woman choose life.

They call it the Family Life Campaign

which challenges church membersto personally take action

in fighting for the unborn.

COGIC members are encouragedto act in various ways,

such as counselingoutside abortion clinics

or working with expectantmothers inside pregnancy centers.

Campaign Vice President Lesley Monet says

this mission is vital to the survival

of both the black familyand the black church.

- We placed this at the centerof our missions department

where we are telling churches,hey this is what we need

to be grilling our children,our parishioners on,

we need to make surethat they're pro-life,

we need to make sure childrenare being taken care of

in uterine and outside.

- [Charlene] Monet says churches,

specifically African American churches

have been silent onabortion for far too long

which is why COGIC isstepping up to the plate.

- I think one of the reasonsis because we are afraid

to confront that issue in our church

because we have been apart of that issue.

There are two out of four womenin church are post aborted.

And so I think it's aruffling of feathers,

a great taboo, a secret, a darkness

that people don't wanna shed light on

but we must shed the light on this issue.

- [Charlene] In the meantimeCOGIC hopes other denominations

will join in the fight tomake abortion unthinkable

and unavailable in theblack community and beyond.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

(dramatic music)

- [Wendy] Still ahead a human rights group

uncovers hundreds ofpublic executions sites

in North Korea.

We'll find out what's been happening there

and get the story from a leadingreligious freedom advocate.

Stay tuned.

(dramatic music)

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(dramatic music)

- A South Korea based grouphas uncovered more than

300 sites used by North Korea's regime

to publicly execute it's citizens.

In this week's edition of World Beat,

George Thomas speaks to a leadingreligious freedom advocate

who is speaking out on behalf

of North Korea's oppressed people.

(inspirational music)

- Hello everyone welcome to World Beat

where we show you what'shappening in the world

and how you can pray about it.

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo

said the Trump administration

is ready to resume talkswith communist North Korea

at a moment's notice if theregime signaled a willingness

to discuss denuclearizationof the peninsula.

Talks between our twonations, by the way, stalled

following Trump's secondmeeting with Kim Jong-un

in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, testimonies from more

than 600 North Korean defectors

claim the government routinelycarries out public executions

often at river banks,markets or in schools.

The South Korea basedTransitional Justice Working Group

released a map showing dozens of locations

where North Koreans werereportedly publicly executed

for crimes related to theft,violence and politics.

North Korea is one theworst human rights violators

in the world.

Christians face persecutionand severe punishment

for worshiping outsidestate controlled churches.

Joining me is Tony Perkinsthe newly appointed chair

of the bipartisan U.S. Commission

on International Religious Freedom.

Tony, thank you so muchfor coming on the show

and congratulations on your appointment.

There are as you know, severalstate sanctioned churches

in North Korea but these arejust show churches, right?

- Yeah, they're nothingmore than a facade.

Look, North Korea is oneof the worst countries

in the world when it comesto religious freedom.

I mean, look, repressivegovernments hate religious freedom.

They're fearful of theirpeople having the ability

to express their faith becausethere is no moral foundation

for a repressive governmentand so they're very concerned

about religious freedom and the tyranny,

the repression that we see in North Korea

is again, it's unparalleled.

- What price does a North Korean pay

for following Jesus Christ?

- Well, we know that there arecamps, concentration camps,

if you will, in North Koreawhere political prisoners,

Christians we know, bestestimate's a very closed country

but maybe 50,000 of them are Christians.

They are singled out for harsh treatment

for torture forced hard labor.

And there is in North Koreait's more of a worship

of the ruling family and so no religion

of any sort is tolerated andit's a very repressed regime

and hopeful that the engagementby this administration

which is all in when itcomes to religious freedom

around the globe, that byengaging in these conversations

and negotiations with North Korea

that possibly the door might be opened.

The North Korean peopleclearly have been locked away

from the rest of the world

but if they get a glimpse ofwhat true freedom is like,

maybe, maybe, we could seefreedom coming to North Korea

in the future.

- Yeah, Tony, talk tothat very specific point.

As you know, talksbetween our two countries

have so far focused ontrade and denuclearization.

Why isn't human rightsand religious freedom

apart of those discussions?

- Well, I actually think they have been.

It's not been publicizedmuch but I know that

in the first meeting the President had

that those issues did comeup, obviously at the top

is the denuclearization of the peninsula

that's the top priority.

But those other issues havefactored in to the conversation.

- As I mentioned, you are the new chair

of the U.S. Commission onInternational Religious Freedom,

Tony, what's going to be yourfocus during your tenure?

- Well, there is a lothappening around the world.

We're seeing unprecedentedlevels of persecution

of people of faith.

Christians being probablythe largest religious group

that is persecuted butthen we look at China,

we have the weaker Muslims

that are being put intoconcentration camps.

Somewhere between 80, 800,000to two million of them.

We see the Middle East beingvery unsettled right now

but here's the good news, George.

What we're seeing happenand because of the focus

of this administration, many countries

are paying attentionnow to religious freedom

or at least the freedom ofworship in their country.

So I'm engaging with leadersat the highest levels

all around the worldin moving them forward

toward recognizing thatfundamental human right

of religious freedom, meaningthe ability to worship

as you please, not to worship,to change your religion.

That's a fundamentalright of every human being

and this administration, this commission

is advancing that around the world.

- Are there any areas ofthe world that you hope

during your time as chairto draw attention to?

- I do, I think there's greatpromise in Egypt right now.

I think President el-Sisi,I've met with him twice.

He's certainly trying to move his country

at somewhat outside ofCairo, it's very difficult.

There are threats topeople of faith there.

We're working with the State Department

to provide more securityto places of worship.

But also I'm very concerned about

what's happening in Nigeria.

That country, I thinkcould be another Rwanda

where you have genocide whereyou have right now violence

taking place betweenMuslims and Christians

and in fact, I've adoptedas a prisoner of conscience,

Leah Sarabou who is a 15 year old girl

who was kidnapped byBoko Haram and being held

as a prisoner.

And so I hope to bring greater attention

to what's happening in Nigeria as well.

- Okay, terrific, we'llhave to leave it there.

Tony, thank you so muchand congratulations

on your new position.

- Thank you very much.

- You're most welcome.

Well, folks that is it for today's edition

of World Beat until next time,goodbye and God bless you.

(inspirational music)

(dramatic music)

- After the break, a remarkable rescue

caught on an officer's bodycam footage is going viral.

We'll bring you that story, stay tuned.

(dramatic music)

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- Well, check this storyout a police officer

in Georgia is being hailed a hero after

rescuing a newborn babyoff the side of the road.

Body cam footage shows theofficer discovering the baby girl

tied up in a plasticbag and she was crying.

The officer told alocal news station WSPTV

that his fatherly instincts took over

and he did what any father would do.

ABC6 another local TVstation reported the family

who alerted police saythey were led to the child

through an act of God.

The baby named India wasimmediately taken to the hospital

and officials say so far is doing well.

Praise the Lord, wow, that's exciting.

Well, that's gonna do it forthis edition of Newswatch.

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anytime on our CBN Newschannel, take care.

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