Read Transcript
(upbeat music)
- Well, it's time for your questions
and some honest answers,let's start with this question
from Kristie.
"Heaven is supposed tobe the best place ever
so why will we leave it andrule and reign with Jesus
on earth during and after the 1,000 years?
Wouldn't we wanna be withGod in heaven instead?
Why would God want us to beon earth instead of heaven?"
Good question, Kristie.
- I wonder where you allget this stuff. (laughs)
Look, this earth is a beautiful place.
We have sin, we have dictators,
we have hatred andwarfare, we have disease,
we have satanic presence.
And when you look at what, the idea,
Jesus said I'm gonna sendmy angels of the Lord,
take out of my kingdom all that offends.
We've got the idea that thegood people get raptured
and the bad people get to run the earth.
My friend Speed Wilson who wasa colonel in the Marine Corps
said he thinks what's gonnahappen is the bad people
are gonna get taken out andwe're gonna get this earth.
The earth is a pretty nice place.
So you see they lived again
and they reigned andruled for 1,000 years.
Well, if you look atthe book of Revelation,
there's a lot of confusion but it says,
I saw the new Jerusalemcoming down from heaven
from God and the new Jerusalem was a cube
that was about the distancebetween say, New York
and Chicago, three dimensionsand that was the new Jerusalem
that came to earth so.
I wouldn't spend an awfullot of time worrying about
what's gonna happenafter the thousand years.
I mean, the big thingis occupy till he comes,
get to please the Lord right now,
that's the job we have, not to speculate.
Jesus told his disciples, it'snot for you to know the times
and the seasons but you'regonna get the baptism
of the spirit and you'll be my witness.
That's what your concern should be.
In all seriousness, I mean,this other speculation
is just a waste of time, all right.
- All right, Kathywrites, "My granddaughter
has seen angels a couple of times
and once an evil presence.
She's 12 years old andthis has been occurring
for many years.
I heard a pastor say seeingangels actually could be demons
instead of angels.
The angels were huge andgave her a peaceful sense,
the evil presence scared her.
What does this mean and whatif anything should we do?"
- Yeah, Jesus said their angels,
the little children, let them come to me,
said their angels always behold the face
of my father in heaven.
So it's as if these littlechildren have angelic beings.
And I have no questionthat little children
can look into the invisibleworld and they can see things
that most of us quote,"sophisticated adults can't see."
I don't know what your granddaughter saw,
how can I speculate onthat 'cause I wasn't there
but I do think thatangelic angels are huge
and they are very powerful beings
and if she feels peace in their presence
then I would say it's the real thing.
I wouldn't say every revelation to a child
is a demon, that's ridiculous.
I think their angels alwaysbehold the face of my father
in heaven so I think that's
what you wanna rest on, all right.
- All right, Jennifer says,
"I attended a church for many years
that taught strict obedienceto a pastor's teachings
whether those thingswere specifically noted
in the Bible or not.
We were told what type ofclothing was acceptable,
how long or short hair shouldbe not to wear jewelry.
I left this church formany reasons but several
of the church members said itwas because of disobedience
in my heart.
My question is does the Biblegive pastors the authority
to tell us can or cannot do these things?"
- There's was a group called Shepherding
that tried to get that kindof power over their disciples.
God never gave human beingsthat kind of authority
over one another.
It's wrong, it's demonic,I mean, there's a spirit
of witchcraft that wants tohave that kind of control.
It has nothing to do withyour spirit or disobedience.
You shouldn't have to be under the control
of some person who wants to dominate you.
- [Wendy] Sounds like a cultmore like than a church.
- Well, it does sound like a cult.
That's exactly the waycults, that's the Jim Jones
of Jonestown example,drink the Kool-Aid and die.
I just, if you'reinvolved in that, get out,
it has nothing to do with you.
We should have a teachable spirit,
we should be careful of thosewho have authority over us
because they're supposedto watch over our souls
and there's a pastor'ssupposed to shepherd the flock
and be good to them and makesure the wolf doesn't come
and eat them.
But I think as far astelling them who to marry
and what kind of car todrive and how much money
they're supposed tomake and what profession
they're supposed to be in,that's between them and the Lord.
And I think anybody who is a true pastor
wants to make sure his people
have their directiondirectly from the Lord
and by the Holy Spiritand from the scriptures.
That's where we should get our direction
not from some dominant pastor.
If you're involved insomething like that, get out.
- Good word, good advice there, all right.
Here's one from John.
He says, "Hello, Pat amI correct in thinking
that fear God really means respect God?
Also what do the wordsSelah and Abba mean?"
- Well, Abba is Aramaic for father,
Abba for father, he's speaking Aramaic
and it's kind of like, daddy,so that's what Abba means.
Selah is just the waythey close out a psalm
which was meant to be sungand so Selah just means
that's the end of the song, okay.
- It means pause right?
- Pause, hey, it's a pause,it's the end of the song.
- Right and then fear God,respect God, same thing, right?
- Well, it's reverence,I mean, you fear him
but we're told to love him and fear him
but the fear is to respect thefact that he is God almighty
and I remember Kathryn Kuhlman used to say
I think we're too familiar with God
and I think the idea of cominginto the presence of God
in dirty overshoes isjust not appropriate.
We need to be reverence indealing with God Almighty
but fear in me or afraid of him it means
that you respect him, okay.
- Here's one from Paul.
"If drinking alcohol isa sin, then why did Jesus
turn the water into wine forpeople to drink at weddings?
I once went to a church thatheld their services in a bar
before the bar opened for business
yet the pastor got mad at me for stating
that I thought about ordering a beer
to drink during service."
- I wonder where I getthese questions from.
Jesus turned water intowine and drinking wine
was not considered a sin.
The Bible says wine is a mockerand strong drink is raging.
And to misuse these thingsis what's called alcoholism
and this we turn ourselvesover to somebody else.
But I think you read theBible it says wine to glad
in the heart of man.
It's not a sin to drink wine.
Jesus wasn't sinning when heturned the water into wine.
(dramatic music)