Read Transcript
- Welcome back, it's time for your email.
We're gonna start withthis one from Deborah.
She says my sister was permanently injured
by a doctor, can't live a normal life.
She hates the doctor and wants him dead.
I want her to be healed.
Can God heal her if she hates?
She is a Christian.
- Oh, you know what Jesus said,
when you stand praying, if you have ought
against any forgive,as your heavenly father
may forgive you.
If you want to be in a condition
of being born again, if you want to be
in a position where you're ready
for the power of God,
you have to forgive and I'm sure that she
has every reason in the world
to hate that doctor that maimed her.
She has every reason to hate him
and yet God says to herif you're standing praying
and you have ought against others,
forgive that your HeavenlyFather might forgive you.
If you want to be inthe place of miracles,
you must forgive.
And I'm sorry, I'm not sorry,
I'm just telling you the way it is.
You'll never have amiracle answer to prayer
if you hold hatred in your heart
against somebody else.
- Okay, all right, great word.
Scott says drag queens planon having local story hours
at public libraries inJacksonville, Florida.
What is the best wayto protest these events
that will point people to Jesus
and the word of God?
And Pat they've had thesedrag queen story hours
right here in Virginia Beach as well.
- Look, it's an outrage.
You know, I think it's time Christians,
you don't want to hate people,
you want to love people,
you want to always be loving and forgiving
and all that stuff.
But at the same time, you know,
the citizens of a city need to vote stuff
like that out.
Whoever's permitting that,
the head librarian, thesuperintendent of education,
whoever's permitting it needs to be voted
out of office.
And if the citizens won't do it,
then they're gonna take what's given them
and it's just the way it is.
So you need to exercise your authority
and if you don't exercise it,
you lose it, all right.
- All right, here's one from Jennifer.
She says Pat, I'm terrified.
I was told by a lady,and even found it again
on the internet that once you become saved
and become a Christian,if you commit adultery,
you cannot be forgiven.
She said that it isconsidered blasphemy of God.
I am absolutely terrified that this sin
has been committed byme and I am a Christian.
I was backsliding at the timeand didn't really know God,
but I do now.
She said it was Romanschapter 2 verse 1 through 25.
I looked at it myself, but it's a little
hard to understand.
Please help me, am I doomed to hell?
- Look.
You look a the model of David.
What did David do?
Not only did he commit adultery,
but he tried to cover it up by having
the husband of the woman killed and
then taking the childand then took the woman
and married her and so forth and so on.
You know David wroteagainst thee and thee only
have I sinned and donewhat's evil in thy sight
and he said, restore unto me the joy
of my salvation and quote take not your
Holy Spirit from me.
David still had the Holy Spirit,
but he didn't lose it.
He lost his joy.
I don't know where thatwoman got her stuff
that she's telling you,
but it's absolutely wrong.
You know, adultery is nodifferent than slander.
Sin is sin and the Lord doesn't put them
in various categories.
So adultery is a sin of the flesh,
but the sin of the spiritprobably are worse.
So, just take your salvation.
If you have committed sin,ask the Lord to forgive you,
but don't listen to some crazy woman
in town who thinks she knows the Bible
and she's totally wrong.