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Unlikely Recovery for Trooper Struck by Texting Driver

State Trooper Carlos Rosario nearly died after a texting driver struck him. His physical recovery didn’t look promising, but two years later, he’s back on the job. Read Transcript

(rhythmic piano music)

- [Narrator] March 17th, 2017

(horn honks)

40-year-old Florida highwaypatrolman Carlos Rosario

clocked a speeding car on State Road 836

and then signaled the driver- You!

- to pull over.- Over!

- Following close behind was another car.

The 26-year-old driver was texting.

He didn't notice the carin front slowing down.

(screeching tires)

- I heard some tiressqueaking, so I look up

as his car kinda swervingaround another car.

And that's when I see thevehicle collide with Carlos

(screeching tires and crashing metal)

and send Carlos flying right by our cars.

(static radio chatter)

- I was a traffic homicide investigator

for a couple of years,and I've seen death.

Unfortunately, I've seenfatalities on the highway

that looked less injured than he did.

Really, it just feelslike your heart breaks,

it really does.

(sirens and radio chatter)

- [Narrator] Carlos'swife, Anna, was at work

when she got the call.

- My heart dropped.

(door slams)I was just scared.

I didn't wanna imagine the worst.

- [Narrator] Carlos was life-flighted

to Jackson Ryder Trauma Center in Miami.

Trauma surgeon Doctor CarlSchulman was one of a large team

that fought to save him.

- So I'd say Carlos's situationwhen he first got here

was about as serious as it gets.

His blood pressure was very low.

The transfusions werehaving to go constantly,

and we were really struggling

and doing everything we knowhow to do to keep him alive.

There were multiple times

where I thought he wasn't gonna make it.

- [Narrator] Anna arrived at the hospital

where Carlos's brother, alsoa trooper, filled her in.

- I knew that it had to be really bad

because the way he looked at me,

I could see the fear in his eyes.

- He had a lot of facial injuries.

He had a traumatic brain injury.

I mean, his orthopedic injuries

were devastating, devastating.

- The biggest thing that crossed my mind

was how long is he gonna live,

and am I able to see him,

of course, you know,see his eyes once more?

(tremulous foreboding music)

- [Narrator] For hours Annaand a room full of friends,

family, and Florida state troopers waited.

Then doctors told her theydiscovered a brain bleed

that might require additional surgery.

- I started to cry.

And my oldest son says, "Mom, no, you know

"that we serve a God thathe performs any miracle."

And we went on our knees to pray.

Everyone in that room, theyalso went on their knees too.

And I said, God, I know whatyou can do for my husband.

I believe it.

Right there and then the doctors walked in

and said he was able to reactto what we were waiting for.

We don't have to performsurgery on the brain

in the area where he was bleeding.

- [Narrator] Carloslived through the night,

but was still in a coma.

For 17 days his lovedones waited and prayed

until he finally woke up.

- And I remember seeingmy wife there with me,

hugging me, kissing me.

The doctors, "How do you feel?"

asking me a lot of questions.

- It was joy, like, joy,and I had so much peace.

He could not talk becausehis mouth was wired shut.

But the movements that he would make,

that's how I understood that I knew

that he was gonna be okay.

I just felt it.

I know that Jesus was with him.

- [Narrator] But with multiple fractures

in his legs, arm, back, and jaw,

Carlos began a very long,steep road of physical recovery

that didn't look promising.

- To be honest with you,in those early days,

I didn't see him getting back to work.

- Not being able to bethere for the family,

having Anna clean me,

and until I could becomeindependent again,

those days were the worst.

- [Narrator] In the face of their fears,

the Rosarios turned toGod for hope and strength.

- Then Anna would encourage me,

and my brother would encourage me and,

"Hey, no, man, throughChrist you can do it.

"Let's just pray."

(tremulous piano music)

- [Narrator] Just shy of threemonths after the accident,

Carlos stunned everyone

when he took his first steps on his own.

- So when I started walking,

it was exceedingly, abundantly

above all we asked or think of.

It was all him.

And I knew that day thatI was gonna be coming back

to work one day.

- He has a lot of faith,

and I think that reallydrove him and pushed him

to know that he could see the end.

He knew he was gonna get better.

- [Narrator] For the next year and a half,

Carlos worked hard in histherapy and leaned hard on God.

(cheerful chamber music)

The support he received

from all kinds of peoplefueled his determination.

Carlos not only learned to walk again,

but in time began to run.

He went on to recover fully.

And to everyone's amazement,

(people clapping)Carlos returned to work

less than two years after the accident.

- I didn't think he was gonnarecover the way he recovered.

It's pretty near miraculous.

(ball bouncing)

- [Narrator] Carlos receiveda long letter of apology

from the driver who hit him,and he chose to forgive him.

The young man receivedfive years probation,

a suspended license,and community service.

As for Carlos and Anna, they're thankful

for each day of life.

- He's still here.

He's still here, and I'm so grateful.

He means the world to me.

He's my husband, he's my love.

I'm one big believer inprayer, the biggest believer.

- That's just unimaginable,that love he's got for me,

and for you, and for the world.

It's to good to be true, that's all Jesus.


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