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CBN NewsWatch AM: June 20, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: June 20, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this first edition ofCBN Newswatch for Thursday,

June 20th, I'm Efrem Graham.

Here's some of the headlineswe're following for you today.

Things heating up early forthe 2020 Presidential election,

a powerful prayer for the President,

some California lawmakers areattempting to tell pastors

what they can preach,and bringing Bibles to

the spiritually hungry people of Iran.

We've got all those storiesfor you and much more.

We wanna begin though, one dayafter President Donald Trump

launched his re-election campaign,

the race is already heatingup, the President raising

$25 million in the first 24hours after his announcement.

- When's the last time we saw

people stand outsidefor 36 hours in the rain

for a political rally?

I mean, his supporters are fired up

and they showed that not only

by showing up to his eventsbut donating to his campaign.

He's gonna have plenty ofmoney to run this campaign,

unlike he did in 2016.

- That's Real Clear Politics Tom Beven.

President of the--

he's telling the CBN's FaithNation that President Trump

is strong going into 2020.

On the campaign trail,the President will address

some of his strongest supporters next week

at Ralph Reed's Road to Majority.

This, as Democratic front-runner Joe Biden

faces headwinds aftercomments he made about

working with segregationistSenators in the past.

Biden's words receiving sharp criticism

from Kamala Harris and Cory Booker

but more than a half dozen members of

the Congressional Black Caucuscame to Biden's defense.

And Republicans are taking heed as well

as Congress holds hearingsfor slavery reparations.

Senate Majority LeaderMitch McConnell making

controversial comments of his own.

CBN's Jenna Browder joins usnow from Washington with more.

So Jenna, talk about thisstaggering $25 million

the President raised injust a matter of hours.

- Well that's a good wordfor it, Efrem, is staggering.

$25 million in less than24 hours after announcing

his 2020 re-election bid.

You know, if you look at

some of the Democrats in comparison,

Beto O'Rourke, he had the best rollout,

earning about six million in the first day

of his announcement.

Joe Biden in the firstquarter, has raised about

19 million so Donald Trump outperforming

all of these different candidates.

We'll have to see, you know,we see all of these people

also showing up at thisrally earlier this week.

Maybe that not showingup in some of the polls

so right now, it may bea little bit early to

put too much stock into a lotof these polls that we see

where President Trump is falling behind

some of these Democratsbut when you look at

the campaign money,President Trump is far--

is winning ahead ofall of these Democrats.

- Gonna be a long year, indeed.

What do we know about theRoad to Majority speech

the President will give next week?

- Yeah, so yesterday on Faith Nation,

we had Coalition President ofFaith and Freedom Ralph Reed.

And so he was talkingabout having the President

on next week.

Of course, Evangelicals aresome of President Trump's

strongest voters, theyare what propelled him

to the Oval Office in 2016 so

he feels a certain loyalty,Ralph was telling us

to this base of voters.

This is the seventh time President Trump--

Donald Trump will address this crowd.

The second time he'll addressthis crowd as President.

Last time was 2017.

So they're very excited to have him and

every time we've been therewhen Donald Trump's been there,

it is--

the crowd goes wild for him, Efrem.

- All right, thank you so much, Jenna.

Much appreciated.

- [Jenna] Thank you.

- On the same day as thefirst Democratic debate,

President Donald Trump, as you heard,

will address thousands ofconservative Christians

next Wednesday, he willtake the stage at the

Faith and FreedomCoalition's Road to Majority,

as we just mentioned.

A senior White Houseofficial tells CBN News

President Donald Trump willspeak at the conference

in Washington for about an hour,

marking the President'ssixth time speaking

to the influential crowd of Evangelicals.

The last time he addressedthis crowd was back in 2017.

Ralph Reed, the Chairman ofthe Faith and Freedom Coalition

told CBN's Faith Nation the President

has been able to focuson the important issues

to Evangelicals.

- He's been focusedlike a laser beam on the

faith vote.

And he's

on the issues that are a priority to them,

he's made promises and he'skept those promises, he's

protected the sanctityof innocent human life,

he's signed legislation making it

possible for states todefund Planned Parenthood

under their Medicaidprograms, he's restored

the Mexico City policyand strengthened it,

when it comes to religiousfreedom, he's ended enforcement

of the Johnson Amendment.

- The prayer of one of thePresident's faith advisors

is getting a lot of attention.

Pastor Paula White prayed for him

at his re-election rally in Florida.

She quoted scripture and declaredvictory for the President

and his campaign.

Here's part of that prayer.

- In your word, in Ephesianschapter six verse 12,

that we're not wrestlingagainst flesh and blood

but against principalities, powers,

against rulers of darkness of this world,

against spiritualwickedness in high places.

So right now, let every demonic network

that has aligned itselfagainst the purpose,

against the calling of President Trump,

let it be broken, let it betorn down in the name of Jesus.

- As seen there, White waspraying against spiritual

demonic networks as thescripture teaches, of course,

and not against any news network.

She also prayed for theLord to establish him--

to establish him righteousnessaccording to God's word.

She went on to prayprotection over the President

as well as his family.

Recently, Evangelist Franklin Graham

and more than 200 other faithleaders called on the nation

to pray for the President.

At that time, Graham said it wasn't about

a political endorsement,but simply praying

for the President.

Graham said in the Call toPrayer that no president

has been attacked morethan President Donald Trump

and that the only hope forhim and this nation is God.

The Federal Reserve leftits key interest rate

unchanged Wednesday but signaled

that it's prepared to startcutting rates if needed

to protect the U.S. economyfrom trade conflicts

and other threats.

The Fed kept its benchmarkrate, which includes

many consumer and businessloans ranging from

two and a quarter totwo and a half percent,

where it's been since December.

On Wall Street, stocksrose and bond yields dip

reflecting investor expectationsof lower rates ahead.

The Dow Industrial Averageadded a modest 38 points.

California AssemblymanEvan Low and three dozen

other lawmakers are pushing a resolution

in the state assembly judiciary committee

that's aimed at tellingreligious leaders in California

what they should preachfrom their pulpits.

The California Family Councilreports the resolution

ACR-99 wants them to stop perpetuating

the idea that something iswrong with LGBT identities.

It also condemns attempts to change

unwanted same-sex attractionor gender confusion

as unethical or harmful.

Two formally gay individuals,Pastor Ken Williams

and Elizabeth Woning arespeaking out against it saying

it's discriminatory againstpeople like themselves

who came out of the LGBTlifestyle through faith

in Jesus Christ.

You can find more on theirstory of transformation

and more on thatresolution at

The Auschwitz Memorial andMuseum weights in on comments

by New York freshman Congresswoman

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezthat the U.S. is running

concentration camps onthe southern border.

The museum joined theconversation tweeting,

"The history of Auschwitzis far more complicated

"than as it combined two functions:

"a concentration camp and from March 1942

"an extermination center.

"See our online lesson,"

and it went on to link ahistory of the camps there.

It all started afterOcasio-Cortez tweeted,

"This administration hasestablished concentration camps

"on the southern border of theUnited States for immigrants,

"where they are beingbrutalized with dehumanizing

"conditions and dying.

"This is not hyperbole.

"It is the conclusion of expert analysis."

She then linked to an Esquirearticle where an author

of a book on the historyof concentration camps

defines them as massdetention of civilians

without trial.

The whole thing has causeda debate across social media

and even dictionary websiteslike Merriam-Webster

shows the word trendingwith people looking up

the standard definition which reads,

"A place where a large number of people

"such as prisoners of politicalwar, political prisoners,

"refugees, or members of anethnic or religious minority

"are detained or confinedunder armed guard--

"used especially inreference to camps created

"by the Nazis in WorldWar II for the internment

"and persecution of Jewsand other prisoners."

Many conservative politicians and analysts

have said Ocasio-Cortezowes every Jew an apology

for the comparison.

A 21 year-old Pittsburghresident and Syrian refugee

has been arrested for planning an attack

on a Christian church in the city.

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer

planned to bomb

Legacy InternationalWorship Center next month.

The FBI says that he thoughthe was plotting the attack

with fellow ISIS sympathizers

but they were actually undercover agents.

Prosecutors say the explosivethat he wanted to hide

in a backpack anddetonate by remote control

would've likely killed manypeople in the surrounding

Northside neighborhood evenif the church was empty.

He even suggested leavinga second explosive device

to kill first responders.

Pastor Michael Day says he is grateful

that no one was hurt.

- I am grateful that nothing did happen

and I'm grateful thatwe're able to show that God

covered us and protectedus and that people

are still alive and people areable to hug their children,

loved ones.

- Alowemer has been charged with one count

of attempting to providematerial support to ISIS

among other charges.

Today is World Refugee Day.

It is a time when theworld recognizes the plight

of 68 million displacedpeople around the globe.

One refugee we introducedyou to four years ago

was a little girl from Iraq.

Myriam touched peoplearound the world when she

said she forgave ISISfor chasing her family

from their city.

She is now back in her home of Qaraqosh.

Myriam told a Sat 7 reporterwhen her family returned home,

the discovered that theIslamic State Jihadists

had stolen many of theirpossessions but Myriam says

she still forgives them.

- About the house.

It's not about the placethat you're living in.

It's not about

the place that is aroundyou, it's about what you feel

in your heart.

It's about what you seethat God is doing for you.

It's about that God is always protecting

and you can just count on him.

- [Efrem] And you can hear more from

former Iraqi refugee Myriam

on tonight's episode of The Global Lane.

It is on the CBN News channel.

It begins at 9:30 Eastern Standard Time.

Coming up, behind all the world politics,

dealing with the Iranianregime are its people.

Next on Worldbeat, how the kingdom of God

is advancing in theirhearts and in their lives.

Stay with us.

(news music)

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(intense music)

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(intense music)

- With rising tensionsbetween Washington and Tehran,

one group is secretly putting the Bible

in the hands of thousands of Iranians.

George Thomas has this exclusive story

in this week's Worldbeat segment.

(uplifting theme music)

- Hello, everyone, welcome to Worldbeat

where we show you what'shappening in the world

and how you can pray about it.

Tensions between theUnited States and Iran

continue to build,following recent attacks

on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf.

Washington has blamed the regime in Tehran

for the attacks.

Now weeks after the U.S. deployedNaval and Air Force assets

to the region in responseto the escalating risk,

British Navy announced itwill deploy 100 Marines

to the region as well.

This all happening as Iranthreatens to break its promise

on uranium stockpilelimits in a matter of days

unless world powers can agreeon a new nuclear agreement.

My next guest is using therising political tensions

to bring hope and peace

to the people of Iran.

Vernon Brewer is withWorld Help and his group

is distributing Bibles inside Iran.

It is a dangerous mission but Brewer says

there is no better timeto share God's love

than in the midst of uncertainty.

Mr. Brewer, thank you somuch for coming on the show.

You're distributing close to about


the goal at least is about 20,000

Bibles, why are you doing this?

- Well, many people don'trealize, George, that

Iran is in the middle of a

explosion of Christianity.

They're the ninth mostpersecuted country in the world

and many Christians aretortured and beaten to death

and they're forbiddenfrom meeting in public,

they have to meet underground.

In 1979 during the Iranian Revolution,

there were fewer than 500Muslim background believers

and today,

there are more than 800,000 Christians

in Iran.

More people have come to faithin Iran in the last 40 years

than the past 13 hundred years combined.

And so it's a time of spiritual harvest.

And in the midst of all their persecution,

the main thing they ask foris that we need more Bibles.

This is their method of evangelism.

They strike up friendships,they'll give someone a Bible

and tell 'em it has theanswers to the problems of life

and this is the way thousandsof people are coming to faith

simply by reading the word of God.

And so we feel like thegreatest thing we can do

in the midst of all these

political tensions

and the threat of

war, the greatest thing wecan do is meet this spiritual

need and this greatrequest that they have.

- [George] Can you describe the challenges

Iranian Christians facetoday for their faith?

- Many of them are beingpersecuted, beaten,

some are even being torturedand killed for their faith.

It's a terrible, terriblesituation but in the midst

of this, many are coming to faith.

- There are about 20 legal--

legally registered churchesin Iran, the rest meet

in so-called underground churches, right?

- That's correct

and the underground churches can only be

from eight to 12 in attendance.

If they get larger thanthat, they have to divide

and multiply so that they cancontinue to meet in secret.

- [George] How can wepray for Iran, Vernon?

- Well, they've asked for Bibles,

our goal is

20,000 Bibles

in the next 30 days.

Every Bible will touch five people.

For only $10, we can print and distribute

a modern translation ofthe Persian New Testament.

So their greatest need is Bibles

so we need to pray that God will allow us

to supply this need.

- In the last few seconds that we have,

would you mind prayingfor the people of Iran

right now, please?

- It would be an honor.

Father, I pray for ourpersecuted brothers and sisters.

Give them strength, strengthen their faith

and help those of us in America

to do something that willoutlive us and last for eternity

and come alongside ourbrothers and sisters

in Christ.

In Jesus's name I pray, amen.

- Amen, Vernon, thankyou so much for coming

on the show today.

- Thank you, George.

My privilege.

- You're welcome.

That, well folks, thatis it for today's edition

of Worldbeat.

Until next time, goodbye

and God bless you.

(uplifting theme music)

(news music)

- [Efrem] Still ahead, Woody,Buzz, and friends are back

in a new generation of Toy Story,

ready to delight children and adults

with their next great adventureand some new characters too.

Stay with us.

(news music)

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(upbeat music)

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(banjo music)

- "Toy Story 4" opens thisweekend with much anticipation

after nine years between the sequels.

It picks up where "Toy Story 3" left off

with Woody and the othertoys being given away

to another child.

Here's a Studio 5 firstlook at what's ahead

for the beloved cartoon characters.

- Vacation!

- You need help with that?

- No, no, I got it.

I know, this is a little strange but

we all have to make surenothing happens to Forky.

- Woody!

- Pixar has had

a phenomenal success athitting them out of the park.

- Havoc is attacking me.

(intense music)

- Change of plans.

Jessie, Ham, Buzz, Bo,

Rex, Potato Head.

- Hey, watch it, buddy.

- What do we do?

- The way Pixar

takes a story and thehighs and the lows and

how it just pulls at yourheartstrings is really

something everybody should experience.

- Do I need to be worried?

- [Woody] My guys are veterans,they'll hang in there.

- On my way, Woody!

(intense music)

(Buzz yelling)



- Aw.

- I read the first draft and it was

that was good and then there was a

working animation that was almost

like, I think better than "Toy Story 1."

I mean, the technologythat overall this thing

is so beautifully shot.

It's so rich, it's almost startling.

- Duke Kaboom, Canada's greatest stuntman.

Oh yeah.

- Huh?

- He's posing.

Duke, we need to--

- Hold on, one more.

Oh yeah.

- It ends up being, Ithink just as profound

and new as the previous movies were.

- Everyone, Bonnie made a friend in class.

- Oh, she's already making friends.

- No, no, she literally made a new friend.

I want you to meet Forky.

- Hi?

- And here comes

Forky and he's,

I mean, he wasn't even a thing,he was just this collection

of pipe cleaners and Iguess, some Play-doh maybe,

a little bit, and a disposable utensil

to eat pudding with.

- [All] Hello.


- He's a spork.

- He's innocent.

So innocent but he's got

a personality tic thathe thinks he's trash

'cause he's literally made of trash.

- This is Forky.

- I'm trash.

- There's so many thingsI love about Forky.

- I am not a toy, I wasmade for soup, salad,

maybe chili, and then the trash.

- He's new to the world and

when you're new to theworld, everything is curious.

- You're Bonnie's toy.

You are going to helpcreate happy memories

that will last for the rest of her life.

- Huh, what?

- I think the tremendous beauty of this is

if you really think aboutit, he sees himself as trash

and Woody is like,

"No, no, no, you're madefor something a lot more."

(Woody stuttering)

You're made to be loved.

- Bonnie, I'm coming!

- You know, if anybody thinksof themselves as trash,

it's like no, no, you'remade for so much more.

- Everything's gonna be okay.

- That's a daily devotional.

- [Toy] That's where Forky is being kept.

- How do we get that key?

- What about the old plush rush?

- There you go.

- Oh, where did you two come from?


- Well we're not doing that.

(news music)

- [Efrem] Coming up, NFLplayer DeSean Jackson

takes to the streets of Philadelphia

to help those in need.

Stay with us.

(news music)

- [Announcer] Life.

It's meant to be lived fully.

Jesus said it.

I came to give you life.

Life to the fullest.

Life in your family.

Life in your finances.

Life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Life in your everyday.

At, we're takingwhat Jesus said seriously.

We're here to help you discover life.


live it fully.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] On October first, 1961,

history was made when a tinystation began transmitting

the first signals of theChristian Broadcasting Network.

- [Broadcaster] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network.

- [Announcer] And now, a new era has begun

with the all new CBN News channel.

- Just moments ago, theIron Dome intercepted

an incoming rocket righton the Gaza border.

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- [Announcer] All your favoriteshows now in one place.

Go to to find out

how to get the CBN News channel on your TV

all day, every day.

CBN News.

(news music)

- NFL wide receiverDeSean Jackson was drafted

to the Philadelphia Eagles in March

and he's already givingback to the community.

He hosted a free footballcamp and told reporters

he feels a responsibility to give back.

- [DeSean] We out herefeeding the homeless,

late night visit.

- He was also out recentlygiving meals and t-shirts

to homeless people.

Video of Jackson and others was posted on

the Bleacher ReportTwitter feed and shows them

hand delivering the food andclothing to the homeless.

Jackson was cut from the Phillies in 2014,

there were rumors at thetime the team was concerned

about alleged connections to gang members.

Jackson strongly denied therumors and said at the time,

he knows God has a plan for his life.

Now the coaches are giving him high praise

for showing leadership in his position

on the team.

Right now, time for your Thursday Thankful

and today I leave you withthis prayer of gratitude.

Father, I thank you for the many promises

found in your word and there are many.

Today, I specifically recall your promise

that I can do all things throughChrist who strengthens me.

With that word, Iencourage you to make today

a thankful Thursday, indeed.

That will do it for this first edition of

CBN Newswatch.

Remember, you can get more on the issues

you care most about at

You can also watch CBNNews programs anytime

throughout the day onthe CBN News channel.

We love to know what youthink about the stories

you've seen here.

Please email us, the addressis

And of course, you canreach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you'll join us againright here next time.

Again, make it a thankful Thursday.

We'll see you back heresame time tomorrow.

Goodbye and God bless.

(news music)


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