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News on The 700 Club: June 20, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” June 20, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Iran shoots down a US drone

in what looks like neutral waters.

Are they looking for a war?

And there're swarms of earthquakes

in the Hayward, California region.

Is this a precursor, so a big one,

or just a phenomenon thattakes place right frequently?

We'll be talking about all of that.

Plus, the president in oneday has raised more money

than most of the Democrats

in all the time they'vebeen in gear combined.

Amazing stuff, but tensions are growing

as President Trump sends more US troops

to the region of the Iranian Persian Gulf.

But as Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson reports,

Congress is divided

over whether the presidenthas the authority

to enter into any furtherconflict with Iran.

Here she is.

(hollow whoosh)

- Now the tension betweenthe United States and Iran

has reached a new high.

The talk on the Hill isless about military action

and more about Iranian aggression.

This week Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell

still warned the risks ofa conflict are very high.

- But make no mistake they're being driven

by Tehran's decisionsto resort to violence.

- [Abigail] McConnell strongly supports

the Trump Administration's decision

to send 1,000 troops as a defense

against any further Iranianattacks in the region.

- There's no question thatIran is behind the attacks.

- [Abigail] Congressman AdamSchiff argues these kinds

of attacks were "eminently foreseeable"

after President Trump pulled out

of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

- And the fact that ourreneging on the deal

hasn't made us safer is part of the proof.

- [Abigail] Iran threatensunless sanctions are eased

it will exceed the limitof nuclear fuel allowed

in the 2015 Obama-eradeal in a matter of days.

- It's been our missionsince the beginning

of this administration toconvince the Iranian regime

not to move forward withtheir nuclear program

and not to continue toengage in development

of the missiles and allthe other activities,

the malign activities thatthey've been engaged in

around the world.

- [Abigail] Secretary ofState Mike Pompeo says

for more than a year theadministration kept up pressure

with the goal ofreestablishing deterrents.

- We need to make surethat we continue to do that

so that we ultimately get the opportunity

to convince Iran that it'snot in their best interest

to behave in this way.

- [Abigail] Remindingeveryone this is 40 years

of Iranian activity thathas led us to this point.

- Unprovoked attackson commercial shipping

warrant a retaliatory military strike

against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

- [Abigail] Senator Tom Cottonbelieves it's time to act

with or without congressional approval.

- The policy in Iran hasbeen erratic and opaque.

Nobody knows what their plans are

and why they're doing what.

- [Abigail] While MinorityLeader Chuck Schumer

acknowledges the problem in Iran,

he wants the president tolay out a clear strategy.

- As we have learned since the 60s,

unless the American people areon board with the strategy,

it ultimately is notgonna get their support

and Congress's support.

- Senate Democratscaution the administration

against taking action withoutthe support of Congress

or our allies.

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans were briefed

by a top diplomat from theState Department this week

on the heightening situation, an offer,

Leader McConnell says,Senate Democrats turned down.

Reporting from Capitol Hill,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- You know, folks, it is a little strange.

The president has abrogatedthe agreement with Iran

to limit their nuclear capabilities.

And yet, he's holdingthem to the same standards

that were in that treaty.

And he says they're exceeding them.

That is a little bit opaque, as was said.

It's hard to understandexactly what's going on.

But it is clear that we have said,

and many others have said,Iran can't get a nuclear bomb

because it has made clearthat if it gets one,

it's more than, well, readyto use it against Israel.

And they have that strangebelief in the Mahdi.

And you have to understandthat a lot of actions

that people take aroundthe world are motivated

by their deep-held religious belief.

Well, they believe

that in the latter daysthe Mahdi will come.

And the Mahdi will come in themidst of chaos in the world,

and he will bring an end to that chaos.

But before he comes therehas to be the chaos.

And so as they wait forthe 12th Imam of the Mahdi,

they are more than willingto start blowing people up

and to get the conditionsfor that Muslim savior

to come to them.

It's a strange belief, butthat's what they hold to.

So it wouldn't be outof anybody's disbelief

that the Iranians wouldwant to start a nuclear war.

And if they get the bomb,they have made it clear

they will use it against Israel.

So we have to say, and others have to say,

we will not let you do that.

But at the same time, thepresident, God bless him,

and Mike Pompeo have got tosay clearly what our views are,

what the parameters are, andwhat we're asking them to do.

Well, in other news,authorities arrested a Syrian,

Syrian refugee for planning an attack

on a church in Pittsburgh.

John Jessup has more.

(hollow whoosh)

- That is right, Pat.

Officials say the suspectis an ISIS sympathizer

who planned to bomb LegacyInternational Worship Center

in revenge "for our brothers in Nigeria."

Mustafa Mousab Alowemerallegedly recorded a video

of himself pledging allegiance to ISIS.

Prosecutors say thebomb he intended to hide

in a backpack anddetonate by remote control

would've likely killed many people

in surrounding neighborhood,even if the church was empty.

Undercover agents sayAlowemer even suggested

leaving a second explosive device

to kill Pittsburgh first responders.

He has been charged with one count

of attempting to providematerial support to ISIS

among additional charges.

Well, stock market futures surged

more than 200 points Thursday

on news the Federal Reservemight cut interest rates

later this year.

Fed Chairman JeromePowell announced Wednesday

it's staying put on itsbenchmark rate for now

and indicated it might lower rates

later this year if necessaryto strengthen the economy.

But the bond market responded negatively

with 10-year treasureyields falling below 2%

for the first time in 2016.

Well, President Trumpraked in campaign donations

after his Tuesday night reelection rollout

taking in nearly $25 million,this as Democratic candidates

are taking aim at front runner Joe Biden

questioning recentremarks about his ability

to work with segregationists in the past.

CBN's Jenna Browderreports from Washington.

(hollow whoosh)

- One day after President Trump

launched his reelection campaign

the race is already heating up,

Trump raising nearly $25 millionwithin the first 24 hours,

this as the Democratic candidates begin

to turn on one another.

- When's the last time wesaw people stand outside

for 36 hours in the rainfor a political rally?

I mean, his supporters are fired up.

- [Jenna] Tom Beven, presidentof Real Clear Politics,

tells CBN's Faith Nation the enthusiasm

among Trump supporters

and the money they're giving his campaign

are both good signs.

- The irony of President Trump

is he also fires up the Democratsin an unprecedented way.

- [Jenna] On the campaigntrail, Trump will address

some of his strongest supporters next week

at Ralph Reed's Road to Majority.

- He's been focused like alaser beam on the faith vote,

and he's on the issues thatare a priority to them.

He's made promises, andhe's kept those promises.

- [Jenna] Meanwhile, Democraticfront runner Joe Biden

is facing headwinds after comments he made

about working with segregationistsenators in the past.

- I disagreed with the viewsof the segregationists.

The point I'm making isyou don't have to agree.

- [Jenna] Biden's wordsreceiving sharp criticism

from Kamala Harris and others.

- But to coddle thereputations of segregationists

of people who, if they had their way,

I would literally not be standing here

as a member of the United States Senate.

It is, I think...

It's just it's misinformed and it's wrong.

- [Jenna] And Republicans taking heat too

as Congress holds hearingsfor slavery reparations.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

making this statement.

- I don't think reparations for something

that happened 150 years ago

for whom none of us currentlyliving are responsible

is a good idea.

We've tried to deal withour original sin of slavery

by fighting a civil war,

by passing landmarkcivil rights legislation.

We've elected an AfricanAmerican president.

- For a century after the Civil War

black people were subjected

to a relentless campaign of terror,

a campaign that extendedwell into the lifetime

of Majority Leader McConnell.

- Also, today, Democrats onthe House Judiciary Committee

are frustrated after formerWhite House aid Hope Hicks

refused to answer questionsabout possible obstruction

of justice regarding President Trump

and the Russia investigation,

President Trump insisting her work

as a senior White House aid was protected.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Thanks, Jenna, Pat, back to you.

- You know, this whole idea of reparations

is literally insane.

As Mitch McConnell said,there's nobody living today

who had anything to do with slavery

or the oppression of blackpeople back before the Civil War.

And if reparations are paid,how much are to be paid,

and to whom are they to be paid?

Who is the beneficiary of this?

A bunch of people who'vejust been born recently

are gonna pick up a windfall sometime

in the trillions of dollars?

How do you add it up?

How do you count it up?

What is the metric that is being used?

Nobody knows that.

The whole thing is absurd.

And to criticize Mr.McConnell because of his stand

is just ridiculous.

He's doing the right thing.

And no thinking person today

should really expectreparations to be paid

for something that wasdone 100, 150 years ago.

Makes no sense, it can't be done, John.

- Pat, some troubling news to report.

Suicide among 15 to 24-year-oldsis at its highest level

in 20 years.

A new report in theAmerican Medical Association

says it's the secondleading cause of death

in the age group behind auto accidents.

CBN health reporter Lorie Johnson looks

at some of the possible causes

behind this troubling trend.

(hollow whoosh)

- Out of every 100,000 young people

between the ages of 15 and 24,

14 commit suicide, a sharpincrease over previous years.

Experts site a number of underlying causes

for this upward trend.

The CDC points to drug use,street drugs like heroine,

but also ones okayed by a doctor.

An alarming 200 prescription medications

list depressive symptomsor suicidal thinking

as possible side effects.

And the risk of suicide increases

with the number of theseprescriptions a person takes.

- Any drug that is affectingyour mind, your moods,

your feelings, has thepotential to cause a disaster.

Most of the school shootershave been on psychiatric drugs

and a great number of themwere on psychiatric drugs

at the time or shortly beforethey committed violence.

And violence and suicide go together.

It's are you gonna turn your rage out

or are you gonna turn your rage inward?

- [Lorie] Social mediaalso comes under fire

because studies show it increasesthe risk for depression,

anxiety, and bullying.

Christian psychiatrist DanielAmen is particularly concerned

about youngsters on these platforms,

warning that parental controls

can give a false sense of security.

- So even if it's safe, what it's doing

is setting them up to spendmore and more time on it

as they grow.

And all the research I knowsays that's a bad thing.

- [Lorie] As the presidentof the American Association

of Christian Counselors, Dr. Tim Clinton

says people of faithneed to face the reality

of suicidal depression in their community.

- The church, the communityof believers out there,

need to get more serious aboutmental health related issues

and themes in everyday life.

We need to bring thisto the front and center,

the forefront of the church.

- Suicide warning signs include talking

about suicide or feelings of hopelessness,

contacting people to saygoodbye, and giving things away.

If you or someone you lovestruggles with suicidal thoughts,

free anonymous help is available anytime

by calling 1-800-273-TALK.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Pat?

- We've been talking aboutthat swarm of earthquakes.

Normally speaking, a bunchof tremors has a tendency

to alleviate some of the stresses

that would cause a big earthquake,

and so this is not thesign of the big one coming.

It may be the sign of thebig one being alleviated.

But on the other hand,there're people who think

if there's a big swarm of earthquakes,

it's a precursor to the big one.

And we've all been waiting for the big one

that's gonna break overthe Los Angeles area.

They've had 'em up in San Francisco,

but when you've got several fault lines

that run through California,it is an earthquake zone.

And it is a thing thatneeds to be taken care of,

and it can't be ignored.

But here's the story aboutwhat's happening right now

in Hayward, California, John.

- Pat, those swarm ofearthquakes you're talking about

hit Southern Californiaover the last three weeks,

covering an area of lessthan one square mile

in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.

Residents say they have felt the shaking

and wonder if a big one is coming.

But geological researcherssay there's a slim chance

there will be a larger quake.

The swarms have anaverage magnitude of 3.0.

And Pat, this area is rightalong that Ring of Fire

that you talk about.

- Sure is, and the earth is, you know,

we have these big plates,where there's a magma

underneath us, and theplates float on the magma.

And there's a North American plate.

There's a Pacific plate and so forth.

And they come together.

And if they break apart just a little bit,

then all of a suddenyou've got a big fracture,

and you've got all kinds ofterrible things happening,

especially in a modern city.

And a lot of our architecturehas not been prepared

to withstand a quake.

Well-built structures usually stand up.

And the damages fromthings that hit people

when the buildings fallor when furniture falls

and so forth, but it's very scary

to undertake one of those things.

And when that Northside earthquake hit,

my son Tim was in it and started shaking,

and it was scary situation.

- Have you ever been in an earthquake?

- I was in one in Israel.

I was in a bed asleep, and allof a sudden I felt this bump

behind me, and I didn'tknow what was the matter.

And the curtain started shaking.

It was an earthquake, butit was far enough away

so it didn't affect me.- I felt one,

and I was in Arizona,- Really?

- and living right onthe border of California.

And back then was my firstTV job, slept on a mattress

on the floor, so when the earthquake came,

it felt like something cameinto the mattress like this.

- Wow!- And it felt

like a rollercoaster.

And my roommate and I, weran out into the middle.

Her bedroom was here and mine was here,

we ran out into the middle

and hugged each other.(both laughing)

And it was really scary!

That was my first and only earthquake.

- Yeah, well, I'd just assoon stay away from 'em,

but some of 'em can bevery, very devastating.

And we'll see, when you lookat some of the fictional movies

that have been about earthquakes,

but it could be that, youknow, parts of California,

with that San Andreas Fault,it could be significant enough

that you could have a largeportion of the state opening up

and the ocean coming in.

But right now we haven't had any of that,

and I hope we never do have to.


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