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- Well, we've got some email questions.
- All right, let's go for it.
- Ready?
- All right.
- Okay Pat, this firstone comes from Brittany,
who says, is there any way the devil
could enter into our dreamsand plant false images
and/or testimony?
- Let me tell you, there is no question.
There are demonic spirits,
and especially when you'reasleep, and vulnerable,
they will try to putfalse things in your mind.
I'm writing a book abouthaving walked with the Lord,
and there's some instances in that book
where demonic spiritstried to implant things
into my mind.
You ask me, can it be possible?
It happens very much so.
So you've got to be careful.
If you have a thought, it'snot because of your dear wife
or your dear husbandor your mother-in-law,
or your employer.
A lot of this stuff comes from the devil,
and there are demonic forces,whether you call evil spirits
or demons, they're very,very prevalent in the world
and the answer is yes,they can implant thoughts
in your mind, all right?
- So when that happens in a dream,
and you say that, youknow, you've had that.
- Oh yeah.
- What do you do?
- Well, in my case, Istruggle to get awake,
and when I do, I'll rebuke the spirit.
I realize what it is is happening,
and I say, "I rebuke you,devil, and the forces of evil.
"Leave my alone."
And they will do it, if you'refilled with God's power.
But if you don't know the Holy Spirit,
you are super vulnerable.
You need to be as filled with God's power
as the devil is filled with his power.
And the Lord has allauthority in Heaven and Earth,
and so He says go and teach all nations.
I'm giving you the authority.
I've got it, I have authorityover these spirits, all right?
- Okay, this is Kristina, who says,
Dear Pat, my husband and Iboth come from failed marriages
and have been hurt in the past.
I'm self-employed, workfrom home when I can,
and homeschool one of our, my, two kids.
My husband wants me tocover the cost of groceries
and my own gas with my own money.
I have to ask him if I need some money
for an appointment for thekids or gas, et cetera.
This upsets him, and hebegrudgingly gives me some
to cover the immediate expense.
I feel like I'm back tostruggling like a single mother.
I hate the position he has put me in
to have to ask and the wayhe makes me feel when I do.
I know that we are supposed to be one,
and any money that wehave is ours collectively,
but I'm afraid that's not the case here.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
- Oh, yes, I would have suggestions.
That's an outrageous situation.
And if the husband wasthe sole bread winner,
what he and his wife should do
is determine how much she needsfor the household expenses,
for her personal care, and so forth,
and that amount should beput into a separate account
every month without fail.
And then it shouldn't beany discussion about it,
and she has her own checkingaccount and pays her own bills.
In this case, the wifeis earning the money.
And she needs to set up herown personal bank account
and pay bills out of it, and if she wants
to give a little piece of her money
back to the common account,by all means, let her do it.
But set up some boundariesand limits and live with them.
This nickel and diming candrive you out of your mind,
it can destroy your marriage,
and instead of havinga loving relationship,
you'll start to hate each other.
You don't want that, all right?
- Money's often the numberone cause of marriage failure.
- Well, you know, my wife, God bless her,
has left me alone, and she trusts me
to look after things,
but I have made some colossal screw ups,
and she has very patientlygone along with it.
But the Lord has blessed us,
but we also do what I just said.
I mean, there's a set amountthat we've agreed upon
that she needs, and she gets it.
That's the end of it, you know?
- This is Renan, whosays, the apostle Paul
wrote in his letter to theEphesians, chapter two,
verses eight and nine,that salvation is by grace,
through faith, and it's not by good deeds.
But in James 2:24, he wrotethat we are made right
with God by what we do, and not by faith.
Could you clarify this?
- Well, you know, Luther calledJames the Epistle of Straw.
He wasn't too keen about that,
because he really believedin salvation by faith.
But what James says is, youbelieve, and that's great,
but I'm gonna believeand I'm gonna show you
that I believe by the way I live.
So in truth, just making a profession
doesn't mean a whole lot,unless you back it up
with your deeds.
So you say, well, I believe God by faith.
And everybody says, well that's lovely.
How do we know that?
Well, look at the way I live.
And so, what James is saying,
by all means, have allthe faith you want to,
but prove it by the way you live.
There's no contradiction in the Bible.
All right, what else?
- This is Steve, who says,why would God create man
when He knew that some of them would fail
and be subject to aneternity spent in hell?
- You know, I thinksome of these questions,
God bless you, I thinkwe overanalyze stuff.
What is it, the thing they talk about,
paralysis of analysis.
But look, God made man in His image,
and part of His image is the ability
to make free, moral judgements.
God is not under compulsion,and if He made a man
and all that man could dowas love Him on command,
like the Stepford Wives, I mean,
God didn't want people like that.
He wanted people freely to love Him.
And in order to have that freedom,
they also had the freedomto fail, all right?
- Barbara would like to know,
should be tithe on the gross or the net?
- If you'd believe, when Jim Baker
was Secretary of the Treasury,
we had this discussion, (laughs)
and he said, Ronald Reagansays it should be on the gross.
And I think it depends onwhat your gross and net is.
I mean, if you're agrocery store, for example,
and you have $100 million in gross revenue
and you've got onlyabout $3 million in net,
you would tithe on thenet and not the gross.
But it depends on how yourincome is constituted,
for me to give you an answer on that.
But you ask the Lord.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver,
and that's what He wants with you.