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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - May 28, 2019


- Well it's time to answersome of the email questions

that you all have sent in and, Pat,

this first one comesfrom Alberto who says:

"Is it okay to seek a newspouse when your partner

is not willing to seek restoration?"

- Oh, Alberto, big, bad idea buddy.

I mean I just wouldn't think of that.

You're asking yourself forall kinds of legal problems.

You say your spouse isn'twilling to seek restoration.

I'm not sure what that means.

You know the bible,you've got one exception,

the Pauline Privilege, ifthe unbeliever is pleased

to depart, let them departother than that you're

looking at adultery and,you know, immorality

and I don't know what groundsyou've got to do anything

but to begin looking around.

Do you break the bondwith your existing spouse?

No way, I'm sorry.

All right.

- This is Mandy who says:

"Hi, Pat.

My mom has just been diagnosed with ALS.

She is very worried about passing.

She worries that after she dies she will

be able to see us kids,

her grandkids and her husband from beyond.

She worries her husband willre-marry and she'll see it.

We tell her absent from thebody, present with the Lord.

But she hears stories ofothers who have passed,

and their family membershave weird things happen

like lights being turnedon or things knocked over.

She is scared she'll be in limbo.

She's 100% saved.

She has been the best momand this disease is so hard

for all of us.

What can we say to ease her worries?"

- Well the first thing isthat you're not gonna be able

to see anybody beyond thegrave, they're not gonna

be able to see you.

The second thing is whywould you worry your spouse

is getting remarried?

Most people who have had a happy marriage,

if their spouse passes, theywould like to get married again

which is a compliment to thefact that their first spouse

was a good wife and goodmother and they'd like to

restore that type of relationshipand so you're worried

that your spouse might getremarried after you die?

What kind of nonsense is that?

- I think some of that mightbe generated by her disease,

do you think?

By the ALS.

- Well ALS doesn't affectyour mind I don't think.

It means that you can't speakproperly but I know that's a,

you may have delusions because of it.

Your mother needs to be atrest to the fact that, indeed,

when you pass on you're not gonna be,

you'll be in paradise withJesus and you won't have

to worry about those things,let them go, all right.

- This is Terry who says:

"Hello Pat, I have beensaved for 10 years now and

have prayed to receive the Holy Spirit.

I attend a gospel based church.

However, when I read thebible I don't understand it

like others do.

I'm inspired and understandscripture when my pastor

teaches from scripture or whenmy friends quote scripture

in context, but I justdon't get excited by reading

the bible like others do.

I have always had a difficult time with

comprehension when reading.

Am I expecting too much?

I see how excited peopleare by what they read,

and I feel that maybe I'mnot really a Christian

since I don't get itwhen I read the bible."

- You might find at audiocopy of the bible that you

could play on a cassetteand listen to that if

that seems to help you but Itell you what my belief is.

Take a small portion, takea verse, take a paragraph

and just read it over andover again till it begins

to sink into your mind.

Don't just try to say I'm gonnaread the whole book through

but take one verse and say letthis thing sink into my mind

and read it and read itand read it until it begins

to sing in your heartbut you can get audio.

There are some wonderfulreadings of the bible

that are available.

There's just some superbreadings that you might

find very helpful, all right.

- Okay, this is Monica who says:

"Thank you for providinginformation concerning

the Equality Act.

I'm sorry to say that I wasunaware of this bill before

hearing you speak about itand provide the phone number

to Capitol Hill.

I did call!

My question is:

Shouldn't my church's pastorand elders speak of these

things to our church congregation?

In my church they avoidtopics that are attached

in any way to politics.

I spoke to my husband, who'san elder, concerning this

and while he agrees weare in a spiritual battle,

he doesn't think thechurch should speak about

political issues from the pulpit.

He and I are in totaldisagreement on this matter."

- Oh, you know it usedto be that the matters of

sexuality, of marriage andhome and all these things

were the province of thechurch but what's happened

is the government hasintruded into the church

and then they suddenly saythese matters are politicized.

They're not political,they're spiritual matters

that should be dealt with by the church.

In the old days, at thebeginning of our country,

the pastor instructed hiscongregation about the

issues of the day and thatwas part of what they did

and it was expected withthis man who was supposed

to be learned and who hadstudied the bible would

also study the issues beforethem and then he would

explain it to the congregation.

Of course churches should be involved.

I mean how could you dealwith stuff like abortion

and homosexual marriageand all the things that are

such issues today?

Why can't we speak about 'em?

Oh you say they're political.

How'd they get to be political?

The government reached intothe church and took it's

province away from it.

Take it back, all right.

- This is Mike who says:

"Dear Pat, you mentionedon your show a comparison

between Islam and the Mormon religion.

Can you explain what this is?

My best friend is Mormon,so I'm curious to know

what similarities are between the two."

- Well there are two things.

Mohammed claimed that an angelhad given him a revelation

and that revelation became Islam.

The Mormon church believesthat Joseph Smith had the

angel Moroni come and give him revelation

of the so called Book of Mormon.

It's almost the same thing andone allowed multiple wives,

for example, and the otherallows multiple wives,

there are a number ofsimilarities but the two is

the source of the revelationin both cases was from

an angel, one's called Moroniand the other's the one

that Mohammed met whenhe was out praying in

a cave some place, all right.

- This is Eliza who says:

"I've been reading the book of Revelation.

Can you enlighten me about the 144000?

Are they all that will besealed on the forehead,

out of the billions ofpeople on the planet?"

- It's 12 tribes of Israelmultiplied many times.

These are the faithful witnessesduring the tribulation.

They're Jews, it has nothingto do with all the people

in the world, it has todo with the faithful ones

who are sealed but Revelation,again, is a book of types

and shadows, you can't worrytoo much about the fact

that it doesn't correspondwith the number of people

in the world.

But that's what it is.

It's 12 multiplied, is what it was,

12 tribes multiplied many times.


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