Well, here's our email
question for today, Gordon.
This is from a viewer who
says, "It's said that people go
to hell for willful sin, and the
unpardonable sin cannot bring
someone back to repentance.
So my question is,
isn't all sin willful?
Will we sin until
our last breath?
I want to love God more,
but sin holds me back.
What should I do?
Do I need to stand on
the promises of God
and words of Jesus?
Definitely stand on
the promises of God
and stand on the words of Jesus.
These words are wonderful.
They ring in your ears.
There is no sin that
cannot be forgiven.
Let those words ring into you.
Now, if you've got a
problem with willful sin,
if you're continuing in that,
you should get free from it.
Go to your pastor.
Ask him to pray for you.
Sometimes you need
to be delivered
from patterns of behavior.
You need to have accountability.
You need to say, I want to
be free from this thing.
I don't want this haunting me.
You absolutely do not
want to die in your sins.
It used to be in the
third, fourth century,
Christians would be
baptized right before death.
If they could possibly wait
until then, they would.
But don't let that concern you.
Let Jesus be your all and
all, and let his words ring
throughout your life.
We leave you these words
from second Corinthians,
"We are confident, yes,
well pleased rather
to be absent from the body and
to be present with the Lord."