A tortured artist descends into darkness, but then finds his way back to God. Plus, a man miraculously overcomes paralysis…to run a half marathon.
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up,portrait of a tortured artist.
- I couldn't see past a week.
- [Narrator] His descentinto the darkness.
- [Michael] It was violentand it was fast and abrupt.
- [Narrator] And finding the light.
- It felt like I could do anything.
- [Narrator] Then, anearly morning accident.
- [Woman] He goes, "Ithink my back is broken."
- [Narrator] Leaves onebiker with no chance
to walk again.
- [Man] I think I'm paralyzed.
- [Narrator] See why he'snot just walking, he's racing
on today's 700 Club.
- Well welcome to The 700 Club.
For today's top headlines, let's go over
to the CBN News desk.
- Thanks Gordon, as Americansremember the sacrifices
of the men and women ofour Armed Services today,
President Trump is inJapan for a state visit.
Among the topics he's discussingwith Prime Minister Abe
are two of the world's hotspots, North Korea and Iran.
Dale Heard has the story.
- [Dale] The Japanese gave President Trump
a lavish state welcome,befitting the first world leader
to meet with Japan's new emperor.
Trump and Japan's Prime Ministerhad plenty to talk about.
- We are going to discussvarious challenges
of the international community,including North Korea.
- [Dale] The Presidenttweeting that he's not bothered
by the rogue regime's recentsmall range missile launches,
he's confident ChairmanKim will keep his promise
to get rid of the nation's nukes.
- I personally think thatlots of good things will come
with North Korea.
- [Dale] That seems in contrast
with National Security Advisor John Bolton
saying the test violated UNSecurity Council regulations.
But North Koreans responded
by calling Bolton a warmonger.
On NBC's Meet the Press,Trump Press Secretary
Sarah Sanders said the president thinks
a good relationship with Kim is essential.
- The president's focus in this process
is the relationship he has and making sure
we continue on the pathtowards denuclearization.
- [Dale] But on Fox News Sunday,
Trump ally Senator Lindsey Graham said
Kim will only give up hisweapons when forced to.
- The only way Kim willgive up his nuclear weapons
if he believes he'sbetter off without them
and you gotta make thethreat of military force
real if he continues todevelop missiles and bombs
directed at America.
What we do in Venezuelaand what we do in Iran
will make a difference as to how Kim
reacts to us in North Korea.
- [Dale] In Japan, Trumpalso talked about Iran.
And with Abe consideringvisiting the Islamic regime
next month, Trump could be open
to talks with Iranian leaders.
- I do believe thatIran would like to talk
and if they'd like to talk,we'd like to talk also.
We'll see what happens.
But I know for a factthat the Prime Minister
is very close with the leadership of Iran
and we'll see what happens,that would be fine.
Nobody wants to see terriblethings happen, especially me.
- [Dale] The administrationis sending 1500 more troops
to the Middle East as force protection
as tensions with Iran increase.
This after surveillanceshowing Iranian militia
moving missiles onto boats,
resulting in a carrier group and B52s
being sent to the region.
Dale Heard, CBN News.
- Europe is living in anew political reality today
after more conservativenationalist and environmentalist
groups did well in the European Union's
Parliamentary elections,shrinking the numbers
of the ruling pro-EU political parties.
Turnout was the highest in 25 years
at just under 51% asvoters took their concerns
about immigration, security,and climate to the ballot box.
The results mean the EUParliament will remain
highly fractured for the next five years.
Here at home, Democrats areangry over President Trump
giving Attorney General William Barr
power to declassifydocuments as he investigates
the origins of the Russian probe.
The president now callingthe FBI's investigation
into his campaign a criminal act.
This as more Democrats arecalling for impeachment,
but Republicans are hitting back.
- When we don't hold thispresident accountable
to the rule of law and to theUnited States Constitution,
just look at the fact that currently over
a number of abuses of power,
but the public's trust is at stake.
- Impeachment would be political suicide
'cause there's no reasonto impeach the president.
- This weekend thepresidents attorneys reached
an agreement with Congress,delaying the handover
of bank documents related to
Mr. Trump's business transactions.
Residents of El Reno,Oklahoma are cleaning up
after a suspected F2 tornado
ripped through their town this weekend.
At least two people diedand 29 others were injured.
The twister cut a path of devastation
two miles long throughthe Oklahoma City suburb,
making a direct hit on this hotel
and taking out a mobile home park,
turning homes and buildingsinto piles of debris.
- Bodies everywhere, people everywhere,
don't know dead, alive.
- Pray for the families.
People have absolutely lost everything.
- About 177 tornadoes have hit the Midwest
in the past week.
The region is on alert formore in the coming days.
Across the country today,American's are remembering
loved ones lost in theservice of our country.
Sadly, a growing number aredying by their own hand.
In 2018 more than 7500retired and active duty
military members took their own lives.
But one organization hopes to change that
by helping Vets fight theirway back to restoration.
- [Narrator] Veterans fighting overseas
not only suffer physically,but emotionally as well.
Hidden battle scars that makelife difficult back home.
That's where OperationRestored Warrior comes in.
To find it, CBN News traveledto the heart of Colorado.
While the program welcomes all faiths,
its core Christian ministryis the five day program
called the Drop Zone.
- A Drop Zone is aplace in enemy territory
where you go take that ground.
And very often in kindof Christian environments
we refer to things as retreats.
I'm gonna go to a retreat.
And that just didn't set wellwith us in this profession,
military men, it's likewell why are we retreating?
How 'bout if we go gain ground.
So we specifically call
coming to a Drop Zone a counterattack.
And that appeals to warriors.
- [Narrator] Thatcounterattack is three-fold,
rescue, rebuild, and restore.
- Warriors come to this place
because they're looking for hope.
And often the enemyhas just beat 'em down,
but this is the place wherethey know there's some hope,
and then when they gethere what they find out
is that this is where healing is.
And that hope and healing ishere because Jesus is here.
- [Narrator] The intensive program targets
area of the heart that need healing.
ORW leaders hold to the belief
psychology reveals, Jesus heals.
And say it's been provenhundreds of times.
For participants like Navyveteran Paul Williams,
the program can be a literal lifesaver.
- I had written a noteand I was ready to go.
It just didn't happen.
I went back to my truck to go get the gun
and it wasn't there.
So I just started praising Jesus
with my praise and worship music and said
you know what, I need to give this ORW,
Operation Restore theWarrior a really good shot.
- [Narrator] And thatdecision lead to victory.
- I was able to open up to Paul,
the founder of ORW, about all the trash
that I've been carrying.
And it felt so good tofinally just let it out.
And I can't thank thisorganization enough.
I came here fighting for my life.
And I'm gonna walk away a champion, so.
I owe them a lot and I'msuper thankful for it.
- [Narrator] Former AtheistPaul Lavelle started ORW.
- Around 2008 I felt likeJesus just put in my heart
that he had gifted me my whole life
to rescue people and I felt like I had
a unique gift of healing as well.
But I had no idea it had todo with anything spiritual
and about 2008 I just felt this nudge that
I had to do something.
ORW, our focus it toheal and we bring Jesus
into that healing process.
- [Narrator] Army Veteran Braxton Dunbar
dealt with many thingsincluding suicidal thoughts
before coming to ORW.
- I was definitely a broken, broken man.
Had a lot of depression and anxiety,
lot of anger, a whole lot of anger.
And just felt lost,really just didn't know
where my place was, didn't knowhow to find my place either.
- [Narrator] Dunbar acceptedChrist during the Drop Zone
and decided to get baptized.
- The same individual thatprayed with me, Jordan,
kind of came to me and said, you know,
he accepted him yesterday and you verbally
accepted him into your life,
would you wanna show the action of it.
There was no question I had at all,
I said absolutely, I'd love to.
- [Narrator] Retired AirForce Chaplin Steve Frick
also received healing through the program.
- ORW doesn't just help, they heal.
And that's a little hard tohear when you first get here
but I'm telling you, it's true.
- [Narrator] RetiredCommand Sergeant Major
Chris Fields is the DropZone lead facilitator.
He too once contemplated taking his life
and also lost fellowservice members to suicide.
Fields understands theurgency of going through
this program before it's too late.
- Don't wait another moment to reach out
and to ask for help.
I used to think that I was10 feet tall and bulletproof.
I ate barb wire in the morning
and you can surmise of whatI did in the afternoon.
But when I reached out for help,
I'm stronger than I ever was.
And it just takes one moment,
one moment to say okay, letme see what this is all about.
And then let Jesus take it from there.
- Amen, and please remember to pray
this Memorial Day weekendfor those who have lost
friends and family members.
Gordon and Terry will be back
with more of the 700Club right after this.
(intense music)
- Well the president ofthe Southern Baptists
is calling on his churchesto renew its focus
on evangelism and he'spracticing what he preaches.
Pastor J.D. Greear'sown church is on track
to plant 1,000 more churchesover the next 50 years.
Heather Sells has his storyfrom Durham, North Carolina.
- The Summit believes that all believers,
not just pastors andmissionaries, are sent
and in the last 17 yearsit's done just that.
- Being called by Godmeans taking what God
is giving you and leveragingit for the purpose
of the great commissions.
- [Heather] Pastor J.D.Greear has been leveraging
his church for 17 years andthe results are off the charts.
This 10,000 member congregationhas 40 church plants
in the U.S. and more than 200 overseas.
It's also working closeto home in Greensboro.
- The Mercy Hill churchplant started six years ago
in this park with just 40 people.
Today, more than 2,000 attend Mercy Hill
on three campuses and close to 800 here
have been baptized.
- When we came here and yes,it's a small team of 30 people,
but when they're all incredibly bought in,
I mean to one vision.
- [Heather] And that single vision is
The Great Commission.
The Summit calls it sending
and it starts when parentsdedicate their children.
- We have them covenant.
As part of this parent commissioning
that when they're gonna raise them
for the purposes of the Great Commission
and when God calls theirson or daughter perhaps
to Afghanistan, or southeast Asia,
to take the gospel thatthey covenant as parents,
they're not gonna stand in the way.
- [Heather] The children'sarea looks like an airport
to plant the thought with kids
that they're sent eachweek to share Jesus.
- We want them to feel like they are part
of the mission and theyare part of the work
that they get to goand tell their friends.
- [Heather] By middleschool, the Summit wants
its young students to have experienced
a short term missionstrip with their family.
In high school that growsto three weeks overseas
with Summit missionaries, and in college,
it encourages a summer of missions work
along with a big ask,
that college pursue theirfirst job near a church plant.
- When we plant churches,we just throw this out
and say, hey you're graduating,you gotta move somewhere.
Move with one of our church plants.
- I wanna be a missionary.
I believe that God hascalled us to go anywhere.
It's not a question of when or anything,
it's where and how.
- The whole idea is you'rea missionary with your life.
You don't have to go across the ocean,
you don't have to do anything special,
your life is your mission field.
- [Heather] The Summit's focus on youth
and college mobilizationhas helped pave the way
for its incredible successwith church plants.
The week CBN News visited Mercy Hill,
it commissioned a church plant team,
including recent collegegrads to Philadelphia.
- They've equipped meand given me the tools
the be able to send me out well.
- [Heather] The team alsoincluded several retirees,
another Summit strategy.
It asks those headed for retirement
to tie their first two yearsand give them to a plant.
Greear admits that whilemissions and church planting
have been a lifelong passion,his goal of 1,000 churches
came almost as an afterthought.
- I came up with it inthe middle of a sermon.
It felt right and I just said it,
we're gonna plant 1,000churches in 50 years.
And then I walked off the stageand one of our pastors said,
"Did you say 1,000 churches in 50 years?"
I said yeah, we're gonna haveto figure out how to do that.
- [Heather] Greear acknowledgesfiguring out that growth
can be painful.
Each year they encourageseveral new staff pastors
to headhunt, recruiting thechurches best for new plants.
- 100 of them stand onstage and I'm looking out
and I'm like, those arevery talented people
who serve in our ministries,lead our ministries.
Some of them are big givers.
How are we gonna do without them?
- [Heather] Greear wants topush the Southern Baptist
denomination to cultivatethese same priorities
of evangelism and church planting.
As part of this, he's also committed
to raising up more peopleof color as church leaders.
This timely decision comes in an era
of declining Southern Baptistmembership and racial discord.
And his strategies appear to be on target.
- I don't know how long hishad will be on us like this,
but while it is it's time for us to go
and to reach people.
- We tell our students, and everybody,
but especially our students,God made you good at something.
So whatever God made you good at,
do it well to the glory of God
and do it somewhere strategicfor the mission of God.
- [Heather] Reporting inDurham, Heather Sells, CBN News.
- That's a wonderful storyand it's wonderful news.
And the Baptists are actually going back
to their roots on this.
Back in the 1820s there was a division
that there would be aBaptist home mission board
and a Baptist farm mission board.
And the home mission board was designed
to set up missionariesand mission churches
and church plants right here in America.
And to see them come back to that and say
America needs evangelizing,America needs the gospel,
it's wonderful news.
So applause, kudos to the wonderful work
that that church is doing.
- Summit Church and I've heard him preach,
he's a good preacher.
- Good preacher, all right.
- Very good preacher.
Well up next, an art prodigy's work
starts taking on a disturbing tone.
- There wasn't a lot ofjoy in those paintings.
There wasn't any happiness.
I was waiting for my life to come together
so I could start again and paint
and draw like I did when I was younger.
- Hear how he conquered his inner demons
when we come back.
(upbeat music)
As a child, MichaelBollinger was an introvert,
but he was fine with that.
He was more than contentto just sit down by himself
and draw for hours on end.
He was good at it too.
But after this quiet boybecame an awkward teen,
he soon discovered alcohol.
And his art and his life took a dark turn.
- [Michael] I always feltlike God gave me this talent
for a specific reasonand I shouldn't waste it.
And it was a big part of my life.
- [Narrator] MichaelBollinger would sit for hours
coloring and drawing.
It was his connection to God,
but for a shy kid whofelt he never fit in,
it was also an escape.
- I didn't enjoy school at all.
There was a lot of uncomfortablesituations and moments.
It was definitely a problem being shy.
- [Narrator] Despitehis social awkwardness,
Michael still enjoyedthe attention he received
because of his talent.
- [Michael] It was a good way to stand out
and put yourself outside of the crowd.
It made me feel like I had some value.
- [Narrator] But inhigh school that changed
when he found others wereas talented as he was.
No longer the artist of distinction,
he looked elsewhere foracceptance and escape.
At 17 he found both through alcohol.
- [Michael] I liked theway it made me feel,
I liked the excitement, thegamble that came with it.
It gave me courage and that made me happy.
- [Narrator] He continuedhis study of art in college
but by then alcohol wastaking over his life.
- It was the same home Ifound with art as a child.
It was a different, moresinister place to be,
a darker place.
- [Narrator] After finishinghis associate's degree,
Michael spent the next 10 yearsas a functioning alcoholic,
going from job to job.
He painted on occasion,but his creations were rife
with dark, depressing tones.
- There wasn't a lot ofjoy in those paintings
like when I was a child and drawing.
There wasn't any happiness.
I was waiting for my life to come together
so I could start again and paint and draw
like I did when I was younger.
- [Narrator] His familysent him to a number
of medical professionals for help,
but he resisted their efforts.
- I just didn't wanna deal with it,
I didn't wanna stop drinking.
I just wanted to continue that lifestyle.
- [Narrator] And addingto Michael's growing
depression and addiction was knowing
that he had abandoned God.
- It was definitely somethingthat as I grew older
and got away from andgot into other things
I missed and felt guilty about.
That I wasn't using this gift,
I felt like I had disappointed God.
- [Narrator] Even then he never tried
reaching out to God.
- It was always thatlining of hope that I had
and waiting and waiting and waiting
for God to appear or forlife to change on its own.
- [Narrator] By his mid-30s, Michael was
in the worst state of his life,
physically and emotionally.
- I was a wreck so itdidn't look promising,
it looked like a dead end.
The alcohol had taken over my organs
and I wasn't functioning properly,
I looked unhealthy andI didn't have a future
that I couldn't see past a week.
- [Narrator] One night he gotinto a fight with his brother.
Michael had been drinkingand made disparaging remarks
to their female friend.
- It was violent andit was fast and abrupt
and it could have devastated
my relationship there,but the aftermath of that
made me reconsider what I was doing.
- [Narrator] The brothers made amends,
but it made Michael realizehe didn't like the person
he had become.
Two months later, after waking up
from a night of drinking, hewas ready go ask God for help.
- I had just had it and got on my knees
and prayed and asked God to forgive me
and told him I couldn't do it anymore
and I need you and I surrendered.
I just told God I give up.
You know, take me and change my life here.
It felt like freedom andthis burden was lifted
off my shoulders and allI had to do was surrender
and it felt like I could do anything.
It felt like I could conquer anything.
It was the greatest gift of my life.
- [Narrator] Michael saysGod instantly set him free
from addiction and he'sbeen sober ever since.
And the creative spark hethought he had lost was restored.
- I didn't need recovery or rehab.
I just needed God and thatwas my recovery and rehab.
Brought me back to my childhood,
it made me feel whole again like I was
when I was a child, drawing.
It was the same feeling.
It's a home there
and you have endless possibilities.
- [Narrator] In 2012 he married Lauren
and they have three daughters.
Now Michael is using his artand his life to glorify God.
- He turned that wreckageand that mess into this.
It's not a perfect life, but it's pretty,
it's a pretty beautiful life now.
- Well I think what Michaelexperienced isn't really
particularly unusual for a lot of people
who are raised by Christian families,
Christian parents, raised in the church.
And then life gets busy and it happens
and you start growing up andthings influence your life
that weren't there whenyou were very young.
And things happen likejust wanting to belong.
I think we all have that need to feel like
our lives are somehow significant.
People search for meaning in their lives,
there are all kinds of things,
all kinds of reasons,all kinds of thoughts
that pull us away from the love of God
that we knew as a child, that we accepted
in a child like way.
Love is difficult growing up
and I think sometimes we even look back
on those childhood years and we say well,
it can't be that simple.
It can be that simple.
Because in the end, in the end,
you need to choose to change.
And anybody can do it.
You know Michael'sparents tried to help him,
they tried to get help for him.
He didn't wanna deal with it he said.
The easiest choice for us is to just
keep on keeping On the way that we are.
But we have been promiseda life of abundance,
a life of joy, a lifewith purpose and meaning.
Why would you wanna nottake advantage of that?
When you have the opportunity to say
okay God, help me walk through this.
You know it's not easyto deal with the stuff
that's pulled us down, with the sin
that we've given room to.
With the thoughts and thebehaviors that control us
and that are ruining our lives.
You know the enemy says he comesto rob, steal, and destroy.
He wants to take you down.
Are you gonna let him or areyou gonna choose to change?
You don't have to change yourself,
you just have to say yes to the process.
God loves us right where we're at,
but he loves us too muchto let us stay there.
You were created by a Godwho is a masterful designer
with purpose and intention.
God has a plan for yourlife, are you walking in that
or are you stumblingaround trying to make it
on your own feeling empty,feeling hopeless even?
Even embracing destructivebehavior like Michael was.
You know it kills the joy that's in you,
it kills the gifts that are in you.
Every one of us is born with something
that is valuable, somethingthat is purposeful inside of us.
With gifts and talents and abilities.
Maybe like Michael you'velost track of yours.
You can get it back.
You know I don't knowanywhere else in the world
but a the foot of the crosswhere you get a second chance,
you get a do over.
You get to come and do what Michael did
and say God, I have blown it.
I've walked away fromyou, I've tried to do this
on my own, I've sold my soulin a sense for foolish things.
And I am so sorry forthat, will you forgive me.
Jesus, will you be the lord of my life,
the savior of my soul.
Will you teach me yourways, will you lift me up
out of the pit and setmy feet on the rock.
The rock of Jesus, thetruth, there is a truth.
You can know him, he loves you.
He paid a great price foryou, gave all that he had
so that you could spend eternity with him.
Now the question is, willyou choose to change?
You don't have the powerto do it on your own,
but in him you can do all things
and he will walk through that with you.
Difficult I know, I'mnot saying it's easy,
I'm saying it's worth it.
So today if you havelost that joy of life,
if you've sold your personality, your soul
for things that now control you,
if you've just walked awaythinking that God isn't it,
come back, come back, come back.
This is him calling you.
You know it's not chance
that you're watching this program today.
God's speaking to you right now.
Come, come to the father heart of God.
Come to the foot of thecross and be forgiven,
that alone will lift ahuge weight from you.
And then commit to change,
commit to allowing him to change you.
You just have to ask, it's that simple.
Then stay close to him
and let him walk out that process in you.
It will give you an abundance of joy
like you've never known before.
It will give you a freedomlike you've never known before.
The Bible says that thewarmth of the sun sets free
is free indeed.
That's your inheritance.
Don't walk away from it, take it now,
right this minute, don'twaste another day of your life
with anything less than Jesus Christ,
with anything less thanforgiveness and eternal life.
If you'd like to pray thatprayer and you need to talk
to someone about somethingtoday, our number is toll free.
It's 1-800-700-7000,you can call right now.
There's a friend who'salready prayed that prayer
standing by to talk to you.
We have a great littlepacket called A New Day
and we'd love to send this to you.
So please, give us a call, Gordon.
- Still ahead, a girl getslifesaving heart surgery
thanks to people like you.
See how it happened when we come back.
(upbeat music)
(intense music)
- Welcome back to The 700 Club.
For Newsbreak, thepresident of Israel says
he's shocked by a warningfrom Germany's commissioner
on anti-Semitism that Jewsshould not wear skullcaps
at all times everywherein Germany out of fear
for their safety.
Israeli president ReuvenRivlin said in a statement
we will never submit,will never lower our gaze,
and will never react toanti-Semitism with defeatism
and expect and demand ourallies act in the same way.
German government statisticsthat came out this month
showed a rise in anti-Semiticand anti-foreigner incidents.
In other news, Superbook isreaching children in Ghana.
CBN held a special Superbookshow in the country
which was later recorded and broadcast.
500 people danced, sangthe Superbook song,
recited Bible verses andplayed Superbook activities.
At the end of the program, children prayed
and received Bibles.
The show will help benefitchildren at the country's
juvenile prison and otherneedy kids in the region.
Great to hear.
And you can find out moreabout what CBN is doing
around the world by goingto cbn.com/international.
Gordon and Terry will beback right after this.
(intense music)
- Today Juan Lynn isan active, happy child.
But not long ago thislittle girl from China
was so weak she could barely play.
For years, Juan Lynn only had two friends.
- One was my kitten, Iplay with her all the time.
- [Terry] The other washer big brother Wong Yu.
- He was like a big, strong tree to me.
Every time I thought I got him,
I was happy as when you eat a marshmallow.
- [Terry] Juan Lynn wishedshe had more friends,
but she was diagnosed witha serious heart problem
when she was one and neverhad a normal childhood.
- Juan Lynn was like a caged bird
who tried to fly freely but she couldn't.
- Her lips turned dark a lot
and she got dizzy, shehad horrible fevers.
I was scared that shemight die at any time.
- The doctor said she needed surgery,
but we didn't have enough money.
- [Terry] So Mrs. Wongworked hard doing odd jobs
to make ends meet and saveup for Juan Lynn's surgery.
Her brother helped too.
- It was my way of showingmy sister that I loved her.
During vacation, I workedfrom nine a.m. to 10 p.m.
And I gave my mother all of my wages.
If I could get my sister surgery,
it will all be worth it.
- [Terry] But it wouldbe years before the Wongs
could save enough.
Meanwhile Juan Lynn struggled to breathe
and got progressively worse.
- One day my whole body was in pain.
I looked in the mirror andsaw I'm not pretty at all.
- [Terry] Shortly after, JuanLynn ended up in the hospital.
- Her hands trembled and she looked pale,
but I just believed thatGod would have mercy
and save my sister.
- [Terry] Then CBN heard about Juan Lynn
and we helped set up andprovide her with surgery.
- Now I'm healthy!
I don't feel any painanymore so I can ride by bike
and play with other children.
- Juan Lynn is completely different
and her laughter is like birds singing.
I'm just so happy to see her happy.
You gave us a handwhere we needed it most.
If everyone showed love like this,
the world would be such a better place.
- When I grow up, I hope to be
kind and loving just like you.
- This little girl isso loved by her family
and so just debilitated by this condition
that she had.
A condition that was fixable,
they just didn't have the means to do it.
And she could have died easily
at any point along the way.
700 Club members, wejust wanna say thank you.
Isn't it a privilege to know that together
you and I can make thiskind of a difference
in the life of someone who's so precious
and in such desperate need.
This is just one of the things
that 700 Club members aredoing around the world.
We do lots of work here at home as well.
So we wanna invite the restof you to join with us.
If you haven't joined The 700 Club yet,
a general membership is 65cents a day, $20 a month.
We have lots of clublevels and we're happy
to share those withyou, but the easiest way
to join is to just use ourtoll free number right now.
It's 1-800-700-7000,it's easy to remember.
You can also logon to cbn.com.
But when you call,immediately, your gift will be
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and we'd like to share them with you.
You'll get one every month,I think you'll love it.
- Well up next, a bicyclerider is hit by a car.
- I remember Dean specifically asking,
am I not ever gonna walk again?
He said, "I don't know."
And that's when I just rememberthis wave of nauseausness
came over me.
- See how this man not only walks again,
but ends up running a half marathon.
(intense music)
After Dean Otto suffered asevere spinal cord injury,
he issued a challenge to his neurosurgeon.
The following year, the doctor would run
a half marathon with him.
Well Dean's doctor immediately agreed
because he thought he'dnever have to follow through
with the promise.
He thought the idea of Dean
running a half marathon was impossible.
- [Narrator] September 24th, 2016,
Dean Otto was taking anearly morning bike ride
through the suburbs ofCharlotte, North Carolina.
At the same time, WillHuffman and a friend
were heading out on a road trip.
- [Man] Lots of condensation,the air was heavy
so it was difficult to see.
- [Man] I heard the brakes lock up
and then I felt the impact.
(tires squealing)
- [911 Operator] 911, what'sthe nature of your emergency?
- [Man] There's been a bicycle rider hit.
- [Dean] When I wokeup, Will and his friend
were trying to pull the bike off of me
and I was like stop, I think I'm paralyzed
and you might do somemore damage than good.
Just leave it.
- [Narrator] Dean was takento Carolina's Medical Center
with no feeling or mobilityfrom the waist down.
His wife, Beth, met him there.
- When I walked in, immediately I'm like,
so what is, he goesBeth, they hit my back,
I think my back is broken.
- [Narrator] X-rays and CTscans showed Dean's spine
was dislocated and therewere several fractured
vertebrae pinching his spinal cord.
Dr. Matt McGurt was theneurosurgeon on duty.
- It was almost taking a right angle turn.
Somehow wasn't severed, butI knew that it was dying off
and time was criticalto restore blood flow,
restore alignment, andunpinch the spinal cord.
- I remember Dean specifically asking,
"Am I like not ever gonna walk again?"
He said, "I don't know."
and that's when I just rememberthis wave of nauseausness
came over me.
God please, don't take hisability to walk away, please.
- [Narrator] By the timeDean was in surgery,
word had gotten out onsocial media and people
around the world were praying.
Working against, theclock, Dr. McGurt removed
the broken fragments, realigned the spine,
and installed two metalrods to hold it in place.
What should have been a four hour surgery
took only 90 minutes.
- It went so smoothly,it was so efficient,
and I told Dean's wifesomething in the consult room
immediately after surgery,there's just maybe
a 2% chance that he'sgoing to be able to walk
and get around on his own.
Those aren't great chances,
but I feel really good about the case.
- He said if I can seemovement in his toe,
then I know that that neuro pathway
was not completely damaged.
- [Narrator] The next morning, Dr. McGurt
came in to check on Dean's progress.
- I was able to barely wiggle my right toe
and I mean we all just started crying
because we knew that I had a shot
and it felt like my prayer was answered.
- [Narrator] Three days later,Dean took his first steps.
- It was like the hardestthing I've ever done.
And luckily it was a shorttrip to the bathroom.
Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the door,
the day after that I'mgonna go down the hall.
The day after that I'mgonna get out of here.
- [Narrator] During his stay,
Dean had a lot of well wishers stop by.
One of them was Will, theyoung man who hit him.
- I apologized to him,told him that I was sorry
for what had happened.
- I just said, Will I forgive you.
I know that what you did was an accident
and I don't want you to carry this around
for the rest of your life,I want you to be able to
process this and move on.
- It was just like this weight was lifted.
- [Narrator] The twostayed in contact as Dean
kept making exceptional progress.
He set a goal for himself,
which came with achallenge for Dr. McGurt.
- How 'bout you and Igo run a half marathon
and go raise a bunch of money
for spinal cord injury patients.
- My first thought was I'mso inspired by your optimism.
And I'm in, but I walked away from that
thinking I wouldn't be runninga half marathon with Dean
because I didn't thinkit would be possible.
- My goal, kind of a crazy goal,
was to run it in under two hours,
which was kind of insane.
- [Narrator] On September 24th, 2017,
Dean and Dr. McGurt ran and finished
the Napa Valley half marathon.
- I crossed the finishline and stopped my watch,
I looked down at my watchand it said 1:59:55.
- The outcome he's had,which is able to run
a half marathon, live his day to day life
without pain, one in 1,000.
- [Narrator] And they weren't alone.
Will also ran in the race.
- At the end of it all, there we were,
arm in arm, kind ofcrossing the line together
and that's the way we've approached
the whole healing processhas been together.
- I don't believe thatthis was man's doing.
Human will, I just believethat it's God's grace.
- I am a true believer in prayer
and I'm a true believer in miracles
and there's just no otherexplanation for this.
- It can control basicallya hula hoop around us.
God's pretty much got the rest of it.
So if I just do my end, God'sgonna take care of his piece.
- Do your end and God willtake care of his piece.
What is his piece, he does the impossible.
What doctors say can't ever happen,
with God all things are possible.
So start thinking, how big is that?
How big is possible?
How big is god's possible?
Don't limit him, realizethat he is an unlimited God.
He wants to help you,he wants to heal you.
He wants to set you free.
You don't have to bargain with him for it,
he's already promised,I will do this for you.
All we have to do is believe it
and then we have toact like we believe it.
And certainly Dean did that,
he said I'm going to be running a marathon
and I'm gonna do everything I can
and let God do his part.
Now we're gonna pray for you.
Before we pray we've gotsome wonderful miracles
from other people that heal.
Here's Carol Ann fromReading, Pennsylvania.
Diagnosed with arthritisthat affected her hand,
she longed to do thingsthat she had to stop to do
due to constant pain.
Then in may Carol Annwas watching this program
and heard Terry say youhave arthritis in your hand,
you can hardly open jarsor turn anything anymore.
Well Carol Ann claimed the healing
and the pain disappeared.
She now enjoys sewing again,which she couldn't do before.
And that is, yay.
- How wonderful, that's good for you.
Yay God.
Well this is Andrea wholives in Las Vegas, Nevada.
She loves spending timewith her grandchildren.
While playing badmintonwith her granddaughter
10 years ago, she injuredher right shoulder
and she's been in pain ever since.
Then one day Andrea waswatching this program
and she heard you, Gordon,say you have problems
with your right shoulder,it's a variety of things.
Damage from an injury,damage to the ligaments,
damage to the joint, damage to the nerve.
The pain immediately left,she was completely healed
and can now spend timewith her grandchildren
pain free after 10 years ofenduring that shoulder pain.
God is able.
- God is able.
Here's what he told hisdisciples to declare:
declare to people, you canfind this in Luke chapter 10,
declare to them the kingdom of God
has come near them.
Then he says, heal the sick.
The very next thing whenthe kingdom of God comes,
healing comes too.
Now we're supposed topray thy kingdom come,
they will be done onEarth as it is in heaven.
Now in heaven is anybodysick, anybody have
a spinal cord injury, doesanybody suffer paralysis,
does anybody have problemswith their joints,
problems with arthritis,problems with their shoulders?
Well the answer to all that is no.
So let's pray that God'swill would be done,
let's declare the kingdom of God
has drawn near to us andlet's believe the good news.
Pray with us.
Lord, we just lift thosein the audience right now
who are suffering.
Suffering from pain,suffering from paralysis,
suffering from cancer,suffering from any disease,
any infirmity, and we declare over them
that all things are possible.
With you, all things are possible.
So kingdom of heaven come now.
Will of God be done in their bodies now.
Let there be healing,let there be restoration.
Let there be just incredibleoutpouring of your power,
Lord God, stretch forth yourhand to do miracles now.
For we ask it in Jesusname, amen and amen.
Someone with a back injury,and it's to your scapula
and your right shoulder,and it's just deep pain
and God is just healing everything.
He's bringing that bonetogether, he's making sure
there's proper alignment to everything,
proper movement, properorientation, everything is now fine
with that bone, in Jesus name.
Now do what you couldn't do before,
begin to lift that right arm and realize
that pain is not there anymore,
it's all gone now in Jesus name.
- Yeah, there's someoneelse, you think you have
history of migraines,actually you have a deformity
where your spinal cordconnects with your brainstem.
But God is healing that for you right now.
You'll know this is youbecause those headaches,
when you have them comelike right from the back
of your head over the top of your head.
You've had them for years,but today they are gone
in Jesus name, just received that healing.
- Someone's been diagnosedwith arthritis in your spine
and it's just debilitatingand very painful.
God is healing all of that.
He's able to restore everything.
Make everything normalagain, so just receive that
now in Jesus name.
Someone else with problemswith your left knee,
and just incredible fluid build up
and the knee justliterally doubles in size
and gotta get it drained,God is healing you.
He's just making restorationof that dire joint
in Jesus name, receive it now.
- Someone with curvature of the spine,
you know that you haveit, it's the pain from it
that's so debilitating, Godis just taking that pain
from you right now you'llnot have it anymore.
- Someone with a growth inthe right side of the jaw,
and it comes from youchewed tobacco for years
and God is just healing you.
He's able to take away that growth now
in Jesus name be restored,be healed, and be made whole
in Jesus name.
If you have been touchedby God, share your goodwill
for it, let us know, 1-800-700-7000.
If you need prayer, we're here for ya,
all you have to do is call us.
Here's a word from Jeremiah,
blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in Him.
From Terry, from me, forall of us, God bless you,
we'll see you again next week.
(uplifting music)