(light percussive music)
- [Reporter] Tonight, thePresident heads to Japan,
to rekindle a friendship,amid a trade war with China,
and continuing escalation in North Korea.
- What was my attitude when I walked in,
Did I ever scream?
- No, you were very calm.
- [Reporter] Thepresident on an even keel,
leaving behind a warof words with Congress.
And, as the Democraticpresidential candidates
continue down the trail,
we ask, "Is Joe Biden inevitable?"
Plus,- Trump is a unique
and peculiar victim ofwhat the press is doing.
- [John] A popular radio host
on how the mainstream mediaportrays the President.
And take a look at this,
- Do something historic for our country.
- [John] How video manipulation
is making fake news feel very real.
All this and more,tonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat thematic music)
The President is sendingtroops to the Middle East
amid rising danger with Iran.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
Jenna Browder has the night off.
Well, 1,500 troops areheading to the Mideast.
The US military force movement comes
as President Trump wasdeparting the White House
ahead of his trip to Asia.
The President callingthe US military force
a protective measure.
- We want to have protection.
The Middle East, we're going to be sending
a relatively small number oftroops, mostly protective,
and some very talented people
are going to the Middle East right now,
and we'll see how, andwe'll see what happens.
- [John] Before leaving for Japan,
the President said, "I don'tthink Iran wants to fight."
Well, President Trump is setto arrive in Japan Saturday.
Mr. Trump will be the guest of honor
during the three-day trip,where he's scheduled to dine
at an imperial banquetwith Japan's new emperor.
The President also plans to meet
with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
where America's ongoingtrade war with China,
and the President's diplomaticefforts with North Korea,
are sure to be front and center.
Well, the President is ordering
the US intelligence community
to, quote, "quickly and fully cooperate"
with the JusticeDepartment's investigation
into the origins of theRussia investigation.
- We want to be very transparent,
so as you know, I declassified everything.
Everything they want,
I put it under the auspicesof the Attorney General.
He's gonna be in charge of it.
It was an attempted coup,or an attempted take down
of the President of the United States.
- [Reporter] The orderswere given at the request
and recommendation ofAttorney General Bill Barr.
The White House said in a statement,
"In order to ensure that all Americans
learn the truth about the events,
Bill Barr has been givenfull and complete authority
to declassify information
related to 2016 campaign surveillance."
Well, while the presidentis moving forward
investigating Spygate,
he can't seem to shake off his dustup
with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
offering a boisterous defense
in both traditional and social media.
[Reporter] Before leaving the White House,
President Trump fired a parting shot
at his latest nemesis, Nancy Pelosi.
- Did you hear what she said about me
long before I wentafter her, did you hear?
She made horrible statements,she knows they're not true.
I have been watching herfor long period of time.
She's not the same person, she's lost it.
- [Reporter] And on Twitter, the President
showing the Speaker ofthe House has hit a nerve.
- Again, I pray for thePresident of the United States.
I wish that his family or hisadministration or his staff
would have an intervention,for the good of the country.
- [Reporter] He poked funat Pelosi's speaking ability
in this tweet.
It's a far cry from where they stood
at the beginning of the year,
when he withheld sayinganything remotely negative
about the Democratic leader.
- Nancy Pelosi, or Nancy as I call her.
- [Reporter] This turn of events,
set off by the speaker'saccusation of a cover-up.
- President Trump, storming out.
- [Reporter] Mr. Trump ischallenging the media's account
of that now infamous meeeting
where the Democrats say he stormed out,
throwing a temper tantrum.
- So I walked into the Cabinet Room,
you had the group, cryin'Chuck, crazy Nancy.
- [John] During a pressconference with American farmers,
the President said he acted calmly,
and asked his aides toback up his account.
- Kellyanne, what was mytemperament yesterday in the room?
- Very calm, no temper tantrum.
Mr. President, why would youhave to raise your voice?
You said to them, "Whenyou're done, your two tracks,
come back and we'll talkabout infrastructure."
- Mercedes, you'realways a straight-talker.
You were in that room yesterday?
- [Mercedes] Yes, sir.
- What was my attitude when Iwalked in, did I ever scream?
- No, you were very calmand you were very direct.
- [Donald] Just out ofcuriosity, you were there.
What was my tone yesterday at the meeting?
- Very calm, I've seen both,and this was definitely not,
(crowd laughing)angry or ranting.
- [Reporter] It's not onlyabout competing storylines.
The President says he'schallenging Democrats to give up
on the do-over on theMueller Report, arguing,
they can't investigate him,
and pass bipartisaninfrastructure legislation
at the same time.
As it stands now, neitherside appears willing to budge.
- Well, for all things political,
we now turn to our ChiefPolitical Analyst David Brody.
David, this Trump-Pelosiskirmish is getting personal,
what's next?
- (Laughs) And we didn'tthink it was gonna,
we weren't sure if itwas gonna get personal.
Remember he had a nickname foreverybody except for Pelosi?
- I call her Nancy.
- (laughs) That's right, I call her Nancy,
now she's crazy Nancy.- Right.
- Now he's putting upthis video on Twitter,
where he's basicallysaying she's stammering.
So is it gonna be stammering Nancy?
I don't know, all Iknow is that this thing
is going into the gutter,
and it's going in pretty fast, John.
But look, here's thelesson with Donald Trump.
You punch him, he's gonnapunch you twice as hard,
look I'm not saying it'sin the Bible, necessarily,
but the truth of the matteris, in Donald Trump's Bible
in Washington, he willdefinitely make sure
you feel his wrath, if you start it.
She started it by saying "cover up"
and that's when he took control of that.
- He always seems topunch back twice as hard.
- For sure.
- Now the President is allowingfor the declassification
of intelligence documentsthat shed light on the genesis
of the Russia investigation.
Does this potentiallyhave the makings of a win
for President Trump?
- Oh I think it definitely does.
- How so?
- Well, here's the thing, a win,
but potentially a loss, here's why.
He's talked for, over and overagain on Twitter especially,
the witch hunt, the witchhunt, the witch hunt.
Well, we're about to find out
all of this declassification information,
was it a witch hunt or not?
In other words, what was Comey's role,
what was John Clapper,Brennan, all these guys,
the Obama administration,potentially Joe Biden, who knows.
But if it was a witchhunt, you would think
declassificationinformation that comes out
would indeed give him credence to say so.
If for some reason there'snot the smoking gun
that Donald Trump thinks is in there,
then the witch hunt scenariogoes down the tubes.
- David, turning overseas,Trump announced today,
1500 more troops in the Middle East.
How should we read into this?
- Well let's be clear about this.
The Democrats have said for a while now,
that all of this posturingthat we've been hearing about,
regarding everything, allof the troops moving into,
I say the troops, butthe ships and everything,
moving over to Iran,they believe that this
was all because Donald Trumpwas gonna do, dot-dot-dot,
exactly what he did today,
which is give arms sales to Saudi Arabia,
under an emergencydeclaration, in essence,
and go over Congress's head.
That's what happened today.
This is what Democrats havebeen saying for a while.
That this was a way to getSaudi Arabia arms to fight,
whether it be in Yemen or other places,
and he was gonna use theIran emergency situation
as a way to do it.
That's the Democrats' story.
Trump and the White HouseI'm sure will deny that,
but that is gonna befodder as we move forward.
- A narrative that's out there.
Turning to the 2020 race
'cause we can have you onwithout talking about 2020.
- I get paid per question on this.
- (laughs) Is there a certaininevitability that exists
with Joe Biden as theDemocratic candidate?
Eventually maybe becomingthe Democratic nominee?
- Yeah I think so, I mean twothings that might stop him,
are his mouth obviously,and his opponents.
Because the truth of the matter is,
those opponents aregonna have a lot of intel
coming their way intotheir camps against Biden.
But look, Biden and theDemocrat party overall,
are simpatico, I'm talkingabout average Democrats.
These progressive Democrats,
they are much, muchmore further to the left
than the average Democrat voter.
Joe Biden plays to theaverage Democrat voter,
that's why I think therecould be an inevitability,
did I say it right?
Eventually with Biden.
- David Brody, thank youso much for your analysis.
- It is a pleasure, havea great Memorial Day.
- We always enjoy having you here,
and happy Memorial Day to you.
- Thank you John.
- Thanks David.
(dramatic whoosh)
- [Reporter] Well when we come back,
our interview with Mark Levin,
what he has to say about the President,
and his relationship with the press.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back, conservativeradio host Mark Levin says,
"The media has turnedPresident Trump into a victim."
And he's calling out the media for it,
in an interview with our own David Brody,
Levin says, Levin rather laysout the constitutional issues
surrounding Special Council Bob Mueller,
and the court fight ahead.
(dramatic whoosh)
- Mark Levin, great to see you, sir.
- A great pleasure my friend.
- Here it is, yet anothernumber one best seller.
Are you gettin' sick and tired of winning?
- You're gonna get sosick and tired of winning!
- Never, but you know what,here's the way I look at it.
You spend a year or moreresearching, writing a book,
going over it, editing it,carefully checking your words,
putting in notes, sources,
giving credit where credit's due,
trying to make your point.
And you hope that thebook is received well,
you're giving birth to this book,
you've put everything you can in there,
I wear my emotions on mysleeve, and in the book.
And the fact that peopleenjoy these books,
they learn from these books,is why I keep doing them.
I do TV, I do digital TV, I do radio.
I don't have to do all these things.
But I do all these things
'cause I care about thecountry very, very much.
That's the theme in allthese books, liberty.
It's the theme on myradio show, on my TV show.
And everything builds around that for me.
So, am I glad it's number one?
I'm glad it's getting outthere, people are reading it,
because I think this is anenormously important topic,
the press.
- Why now?
Why did you feel theneed to write this book?
- You know that's a great question,
I wouldn't normallywrite a book like this,
on freedom of the press, butthe title is the giveaway.
The mass media today'sdestroying freedom of the press,
not the government, not thePresident, the mass media, why?
Because they've abandonedthe patriot press
that founded this country,
they've abandoned seeking objective truth.
Nobody's perfect inseeking objective truth,
but you'll be more perfectif you give it a try
every now and then.
The newsrooms, there'sa monopoly of ideology,
it's clearly progressive,every survey and poll shows it,
I looked at every surveyand poll, they admit it.
But what's different today,is they're social activists.
And that is a big difference today,
and that's coming outof journalism school,
that's coming out ofthese, out of the left.
And so now we actually have journalists
who are social activists,Democrats, progressives,
who are pushing their agendas.
That is destructive, that's not news.
And so 80% of Republicansdon't trust the media,
and rightly so.
80% of Democrats do,because the Democrat Party
is reflected in the media, and vice versa.
- What is it with the pressas to why they're so angry
at Trump because, in thebook you talk about how
the press kind of looked the other way
on some of these Presidents,
based on the agenda thatkinda matched theirs.
Now, with Bush and Reaganyou can make that case
that the press did that,and to a degree, Trump.
But there's somethingdifferent about Trump.
Why is this all on steroids,if you will, with Trump?
- The press protected FDR,
the press protected John Kennedy,
the press protected Lyndon Johnson,
matter of fact they workedwith them, on their agenda,
and against their opponents,it's an amazing thing.
Why Trump?
Because Trump is a vocal opponentof what the press is doing
and because Trump is aunique and peculiar victim
of what the press is doing.
The press laughed off this man,
the press thought he didn't have a chance,
the press threw in with the Democrat party
and the Republican establishmentto try and stop him.
We now know what the FBI was doing
with spies in his campaign,
I mean absolutely outrageous stuff.
And later in October with the FISA Court.
The press had access tosome of this information
and did nothing with it.
I think the press wanteda third Obama term,
they lined up ideologicallyand politically,
with Hilary Clinton, oranybody but Trump, they lost.
(Trump talks in background)
Donald Trump was runningagainst the Democrat Party,
the Republicanestablishment, and the press.
And they all lost, and they're all angry.
and I think the press wants to show
that they don't get to lose.
'Cause it's an unfree press,
it's an idealogically drivenDemocratic party press,
and so they have spenthis entire presidency,
and even before his presidency,
trying to destroy hisreputation and his character,
his family, his businesses.
They'll grab onto anyone or anything,
like Michael Avenattiwho they never vetted,
they didn't care, he had hada lawsuit already going on
about how he had stolenmoney out of his firm,
they ignored it completely,they'll grab onto a porn star,
they'll grab onto anyone and anything.
Remember there was thispsychologist out of Yale,
and all this is in the book.
There was this psychologistout of Yale, 26 others,
they never met the President.
Right after the election theygo out, they write a book,
and they talk about how thePresident is mentally unstable,
they're briefing members of congress,
they talk about the 25th amendment.
I have never, ever seenanything like this.
If the deputy director of the FBI,
leading a cabal against thePresident of the United States,
and he's celebrated by Jeffrey Toobin,
the legal analyst,Democrat, Liberal, on CNN.
You have police-state activity going on.
The greatest interferencein the last election
was by the Obama Administration.
The Russians, look, they're our enemy,
and they're gonnainterfere in our election,
and we need to fight that.
But we have a problem from within,
and I would argue it's a fifth column,
and when you have the head of the FBI,
and the Justice Department,
the top intelligence agenciesunder Obama, and the media,
trying to take out a candidate,
and using the police powers of the state,
and now trying to take out a President,
what I call a silentcoup, that's the news.
That is a big deal.
But when the news throwsin with that activity,
that's a big deal too.
And the American peopleneed to understand,
that's why they're never gonna apologize,
they're the problem.
- Trump the mostpersecuted President ever,
in this nations history?- Certainly in my lifetime.
- Modern era.
- I think so, I mean theywent after Nixon pretty hard,
but the truth is Trumphasn't done anything.
(dramatic whoosh)
- [Reporter] Thank you David,well both sides use the term
"fake news", when we comeback, see how that concept
is being taken to a completely new level.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back, well you mayhave heard of deep fakes,
it's the growing threatwhere videos and pictures
are manipulated and disseminatedfor public consumption.
One of the latest examplesof it happened this week,
involving house speaker Nancy Pelosi.
CBN National SecurityCorrespondent Eric Filbes
joins us with more on thisdisturbing trend, Eric?
- John, over the lastcouple of years fake news
has become almost a household phrase,
used by both sides ofthe political spectrum.
Well, now, so cold "deep fakes",
like the ones you're about to see,
bring a whole new dimension to fake news.
(Nancy Pelosi talks in the background)
- [Eric] On Wednesday,house speaker Nancy Pelosi
spoke at an event shortlyafter a meeting that day
where President DonaldTrump abruptly walked out.
Look at this 17 second clip
posted on the PoliticsWatchdog Facebook page.
- And then he had a pressconference in the Rose Garden,
with all this sort ofvisuals that obviously
were planned long beforeI said, most currently,
that he was engaged in a cover up.
- [Eric] Now, look atthis 12 second version
of the same clip.
- And then he had a pressconference in the Rose Garden,
with all this sort ofvisuals that obviously were
planned long before, Isaid, most currently,
that he was engaged in a cover up.
- [Eric] The five second difference
is because of editing thatslowed down the video,
and simultaneously adjustedthe pitch of her voice
to make her seem sluggish.
It prompted comments like this one.
"Good Lord lady... How manydrinks did you have today?"
- When you look at animage or a video online,
can you tell if itsbeen manipulated or not?
- [Eric] An organizationcalled DARPA which stands for
the Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency,
is spearheading the detectionof this growing threat
of engineered images.
Faking pictures is not a new trick,
a portrait painter in 1865stuck Abraham Lincoln's head
on this Southern Civilwar politician's body.
This 1902 image of Ulysses S. Grant,
is actually a composite ofthree other photographs.
But in recent times, technologyhas harnessed the power
of artificial intelligence,
to create and manipulatenew worlds and new faces.
(Bruno Mars That's What I Like plays)
Look at this, using videos of dancers,
researchers at NVIDIA, play puppet master
to make other researchersput on the moves.
- That was created bymachines, it's not me.
- [Eric] The ability tosynthesize dance patterns
is one thing, but the folksat DARPA say what's at stake
is something much more sinister.
- We're entering an erain which our enemies
can make it look likeanyone is saying anything
at any point in time.
- [Eric] The man behind thecurtain in this 2018 deep fake,
featuring President Obama,is actor Jordan Peele,
but the warning, is real.
- We need to be more vigilant
with what we trust from the internet.
- [Eric] Its why DARPAis racing to keep pace,
as the technology behindartificial intelligence
engineered video, acceleratesat break neck speeds.
- The ability to detectwhether an image or video
has been manipulated, mayprovide you some clue that maybe
there's a disinformationcampaign that's going on.
- And speaking of campaigns,rhetoric and tricks
are only expected to rampup, the closer we get
to the 2020 Presidential election.
DARPA hopes they can uncoversome of these deep fakes,
so that voters won't cast their ballots
based on misinformation, John.
(dramatic whoosh)
- [John] Thanks Eric, well this weekend,
Americans across the country will pause
to honor our fallen heroes.
When we come back, ourtribute to our veterans.
(upbeat music)
- We end tonight's programwith images of the marching 24,
CBN News photographer Patrick Robertson
captured these images
of the United States MarineCorps' silent drill platoon,
in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
The precision performance this week comes
as we remember our fallenheroes on Memorial Day.
And as Americans pause
on this national momentof remembrance, we do too.
(slow drum beat)
(reverential trumpet music)