- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thank you so much for joining us
for CBN Newswatch, I'm Efrem Graham.
Deadly storms and tornadoeshave ravaged the Midwest
this week killing sevenand injuring dozens
and it is not over yet.
The system is pushing east andflooding concerns do remain.
Here's a quick snapshotof the devastation.
A twister took out a three-mile section
of Jefferson City, Missouri,
but thankfully lives were spared.
The capitol city sits on thebanks of the Missouri River
and is expected to top a levee today
and flood the city's airport.
- So, not only are wedealing with the storm
we're also still payingattention to what happened
with the water rising.
So we have a coupledifferent things going.
- In Oklahoma people aredealing with the worst storm
in 30 years and thesebarges are not helping.
They actually crashed intoa dam on the Arkansas River.
Amazingly the dam held bu that barges sunk
and they are now blocking threeof the dam's 12 flood gates.
Our Heather Sells isfollowing the story for us
and joins us now.
So, those barges, what a catastrophe.
I imagine the wait as well.
- Yeah, people in the townwere really concerned.
Webber Falls, they evacuated all of them,
so that's the good news.
And the Army Corps saysthat the dam did hold.
It's integrity is still there,
but they are monitoring it
because three of thoseflood gates are blocked.
- So where is this stormsystem headed next?
- It is headed out east andso there was even a tornado
that touched down in Columbia,Maryland yesterday afternoon.
And so really Pittsburgharea, Maryland area,
Mid-Atlantic area and thenChicago and the Midwest tonight
are gonna be hit withthunderstorms, lots of rain.
So guess who's flying to Chicago tonight?
- Oh my goodness, I tell ya.
And I understand that this isa holiday weekend of course
and there's concerns as well.
- And that is the other issue is that
there is record heatprojected for the Southeast
and this is expected tocontinue into early June.
So we're looking at somethingthat is going to stay with us,
but people, forecasters inparticular, are concerned
about this weekend.
They're talking aboutupper 90s, lower 100s
and so they're advisingpeople to stay inside
when they can and to drink lots of fluid.
- All right.
Thank you so muchHeather, much appreciated.
President Trump is clearing the way
for Attorney GeneralWilliam Barr's investigation
into the origins of the Russia probe.
Thursday the president orderingU.S. Intelligence Services
to quickly and fully cooperatewith the investigation.
According to PressSecretary, Sarah Sanders,
he's also given the attorneygeneral full authority
to declassify documentsconnected to the probe.
This as Democrats in theHouse step up their calls
to begin impeachment proceedingsagainst the president.
So far, House Speaker, NancyPelosi, is opposing that move.
Embattled U.K. Prime Minister,Theresa May, is resigning.
She says she'll be stepping down June 7th.
She's been under firefor her stand on Brexit,
Britain's exit strategy toleave the European Union.
She told reporters she feltobligation to keep working
on Brexit because theBritish people voted for it.
- I have done everythingI can to convince MPs
to back that deal.
Sadly, I have not been able to do so.
I tried three times.
I believe it was right topersevere, even when the odds
against success seemed high.
But it is now clear to me thatit is in the best interests
of the country for a new primeminister to lead that effort.
- Prime Minister,Theresa May, will stay on
as caretaker prime ministeruntil a new leader is chosen.
The growing tension in theMiddle East is highlighting
the Iranian regimesabuses of human rights,
particularly the persecution of Christians
and other religious minorities.
In Washington, D.C., human rights experts,
religious freedomadvocates, and politicians,
met to hear about Iran'sescalating war against non-Muslims.
Victims of Christian persecution in Iran
also addressing the gathering,sharing first-hand accounts
of life in the Islamic regime.
- The Iranian governmentarrested and imprisoned us
because of our evangelicalChristian faith.
We were threatened and indictedwith execution by hanging
for charges of apostasy, blasphemy,
and promoting Christianity in Iran.
We have spent 259 days inTehran's notorious Evin Prison
where we learned why Iran is classified
as among the countrieswhere followers of Christ
face the most extreme persecution.
- Among those invited wereAmbassador Sam Brownback,
Senator Ted Cruz, and Dr. Mike Ansari,
head of one of the largestsatellite channels,
broadcasting Christian programs into Iran.
As the Trump administration readies
to release its Middle East peace plan,
America's relationshipwith Israel could become
an even bigger issuefor Democrats in 2020.
Jenna Browder explains why
that has some within the party concerned.
- I think what I meant is the settlements
that are increasing.
- [Jenna] From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
- How has this administration responded?
- to Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib,
younger Democrats coming into Congress
are speaking out against Israel.
And in some cases, beingcalled anti-Semitic.
It's all causing a big headachefor Democratic leadership
and the party's 2020 hopefuls,
who will have to take up the issue
on the debate stage.
- Absolutely, I thinkRepublicans will make sure
it's an issue.
I think Jewish Democratswill make sure it's an issue.
- [Jenna] AB Stoddardwith Real Clear Politics
says this could create a big opening
for Republicans and Democrats know that.
- They're very concerned- Chuck Schumer is
with the party.- about the direction
of the party.
Support for the BDS Movement,any kind of skepticism
of Netanyahu is one thing,
but to go beyond that andquestion the unbreakable bond,
I think is really gonnacause a lot of strife
within the party.
- [Jenna] As well as potentialissues with their own voters.
A 2018 Pew Research poll
found just 27% of Democratssympathize with Israel,
down from 38% in 2001.
And younger voters aredramatically less supportive
than older voters.
- I think it's a big internalstruggle that they don't wanna
make too public, theydon't wanna have the debate
be out in the open,
but they're working behindthe scenes very aggressively
to try to make it clear to people
that we stand with Israel.
- [Jenna] A group ofprominent Democrats has formed
a pro-Israel group tocounter any skepticism.
But they may not be enough and in 2020.
- But President Trumpwhen he runs next year,
he's not gonna do nuance.
He's gonna hammer them overthis in simplistic terms
that will make it very complicated
for the Democratic nominee.
- [Jenna] Instead oftalking about other ideas,
Democrats may have to defendand explain themselves
on an issue few of them want to address.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- And CBN's Middle EastBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell,
joins us now.
So, Chris, how does theIsraeli people and government
view the difference
in the Republican andDemocratic policy toward Israel?
- Well Efrem, it's a huge difference.
For example, if you look atthe polls that we talked to
an Israeli pollster not too long ago,
President Trump is polling about 76%.
You compare that withwhat President Obama had,
just a few years ago,probably down in the low 20s,
Israelis know there's a huge difference
between the Republicanperception of Israel
and the Democratic.
They can just listen to the statements
by Rashid Tlaib, or AOC, or Omar Ilhan,
and this is a marked difference.
They look at PresidentTrump, recognizing the Golan
as Israeli sovereignty.
They recognize PresidentTrump moving the U.S. Embassy.
So, there's just anight and day difference
between the two Efrem.
- Do you think it'sgonna make a difference
in the 2020 elections?
And not just for the presidency,
but for Congress as well?
- I do because I think it'sgonna affect the Jewish vote
and I defer to our politicalexpert, David Brody,
he says just a few percentagepoints of the Jewish vote
could make a huge difference in some
of the key battle ground states
and I think that's gonna be true
for the presidential campaign in 2020
as well as many of thesecongressional seats.
I think the Democratic partyreally has a struggle right now
and Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi,
how does she manage this virulent,
anti-Semitism in her own party,
along with a more moderateapproach toward Israel
that has historically beenpart of the Democratic platform
and how she balances the twois gonna make a big difference
in 2020 during both the presidential
and congressional elections.
- Chris, what's the latest
with the U.S., Iran confrontation?
- Well I think it's summed up by maybe
Senator Lindsey Graham, whosaid, okay, let's everybody
take a deep breath, let's pull back,
let's try to de-escalate,
I think that's what's happening right now.
I think the escalationof the military presence
of the U.S. has really madeIran sorta take a step back
and pull back perhapsthe kind of provocations
that may have been planning.
So I think that's where we are right now.
Long-term Efrem?
There's still a hugeconfrontation between Iran
and the U.S..
Diametrically opposed of what happening
in the Middle East.
The U.S. is trying to preservefreedom, protect Israel,
and many of the Suni-Arab allies.
But this is a battle that'sgonna continue until one day,
we expect a big confrontationbetween either Israel and Iran
or Israel and the U.S. and Iran.
- Chris, we know that youreported that there was
an arson attack against the Daystar studio
in Jerusalem several days ago.
What can you tell us about that now?
- Well, I checked withthe Jerusalem police,
no updates on the investigation right now.
But, when I went in thereEfrem on Monday morning,
saw the destruction,
literally the whole studio was destroyed.
Probably nothing theycould salvage from that.
They were looking at aJune 1st re-dedication
of their studio.
They had done a great renovation.
It was really quite beautiful looking
and that's all destroyed.
But in the midst of this,a lot of the ministries,
including CBN, TBN, havereally rallied around Daystar
and said that we'll helpyou through this process.
- All right, real quick before you go.
What's on Jerusalem Dateline today?
- Well we have an interesting story
about an Irish law proposed
that would actuallymake it illegal to buy,
if you were an Irishcitizen, to buy an ice cream,
a candy bar, or a bottle of water
in the Old City of Jerusalem.
We have a story onIran's military presence
in the light of all this confrontation.
We examine how strongis the Iranian military
and Efrem, we got a little story on beer.
Israeli research teams have really come up
with how to brew beer fromthousands of years ago
from yeast that's thousands of years old.
- [Efrem] All right, welook forward to that.
You can catch Jerusalem Dateline tonight
on the CBN News Channelbeginning at 9:30 eastern.
Stay with us, we're coming right back.
- [Pat] People wanna know,
is there a plan and how do you find it?
- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe Plan: Eight Keys
for Understanding God'sWill for your Life.
- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.
- Is there a plan for everyone's life?
- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's latest teaching,
you'll discover the secret to knowing
and living out God'sunique purpose for you.
- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life
in ways you couldn't believe possible.
- [Narrator] In The Plan,Pat reveals the principles
to understanding God's will,
so that you will be filledwith peace, provision,
joy, and satisfaction.
Plus see amazing stories of how others
are living out their individualpurpose intended by God.
- God is faithful and wedid what he told us to do.
- [Narrator] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.
- I hope that God works out a plan in you
that will bring blessing,joy, peace and happiness.
- [Narrator] Get The Plan.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
[Terry] Remember for a momentwhat it was like to be child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells
the only story truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Their's is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(children laughing)
- [Pat] People wanna know,
is there a plan and how do you find it?
- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe Plan: Eight Keys
for Understanding God'sWill for your Life.
- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.
- Is there a plan for everyone's life?
- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's latest teaching,
you'll discover the secret to knowing
and living out God'sunique purpose for you.
- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life
in ways you couldn't believe possible.
- [Narrator] In The Plan,Pat reveals the principles
to understanding God's will,
so that you will be filledwith peace, provision,
joy, and satisfaction.
Plus see amazing stories of how others
are living out their individualpurpose intended by God.
- God is faithful and wedid what he told us to do.
- [Narrator] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.
- I hope that God works out a plan in you
that will bring blessing,joy, peace and happiness.
- [Narrator] Get The Plan.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
- The Defense Advance ResearchProject Agency or DARPA
is responsible for some
of the most technologicalinnovations on earth.
DARPA is spearheading thedetection of a growing threat.
Disinformation and fakevideos, known as deep fakes.
CBN's Gabe LaMonica has the story.
- When you look at animage or a video online,
can you tell if it'sbeen manipulated or not?
- [Gabe] That's the central question
behind DARPA's latest endeavor.
Faking pictures is not new.
A portrait painter in 1865,stuck Abraham Lincoln's head
on this southern civilwar politician's body.
This 1902 image of Ulysses S. Grant
is actually a composite ofthree other photographs.
Stalin's army of photo retouchers,
removed this official afterhis execution in the 1930s.
But in the span of just a few years,
technology has harnessed the power
of artificial intelligence to create
and manipulate new worlds and new faces.
From the cityscape of thefirst AI-made streets,
to the creation of photo-realistic faces
that may or may not even exist.
- [Gabe] Using video of dancers like this,
scientists play puppet masterto make other researchers
put on the moves.
It's a level of deep fakescreated by deep learning
and artificial intelligence
that's getting harderand harder to detect.
♪ Jump in the cadillac ♪
The ability to synthesizedance patterns is one thing,
but the folks at DARPAare working to detect
these sorts of manipulations
to prevent much more sinister scenarios.
- You can constructmultiple instances of media
that all support an eventthat never happened.
- [Gabe] Matt Turek, isthe program manager behind
the media forensics program.
- While it's still beyondthe state of the art
to generate thatcompletely fictitious event
with multiple supporting media,
the potential for that is probably a year
or a couple years out.
- [Gabe] The worry is that state actors
could use deep fakes
to manufacture completelyfictitious events.
- We're entering an erain which our enemies
can make it look likeanyone is saying anything
at any point in time.
- [Gabe] The man behind thecurtain in this 2018 deep fake
featuring President Obama,is actor Jordan Peele,
but the warning is real.
- Moving forward, weneed to be more vigilant
with what we trust from the internet.
- [Gabe] DARPA's detectionteam is racing to keep pace.
- We have a bit of a cat andmouse game going on here.
- [Gabe] As the technology
behind AI-engineered videomanipulation accelerates
at breakneck speeds.
- The ability to detectwhether an image or video
has been manipulated mayprovide you some clue
that maybe there's adisinformation campaign
that's going on.
- [Gabe] Gabe LaMonica,CBN News, Washington.
- [Efrem] Still ahead,a family-friendly look
at a major new movie opening this weekend.
A remake of a well-known story, Aladdin.
Stay with us.
(light music)
- [Pat] People wanna know, is there a plan
and how do you find it?
- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe Plan: Eight Keys
for Understanding God'sWill for your Life.
- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.
- Is there a plan for everyone's life?
- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's latest teaching,
you'll discover the secret to knowing
and living out God'sunique purpose for you.
- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life
in ways you couldn't believe possible.
- [Narrator] In The Plan,Pat reveals the principles
to understanding God's will,
so that you will be filledwith peace, provision,
joy, and satisfaction.
Plus see amazing stories of how others
are living out their individualpurpose intended by God.
- God is faithful and wedid what he told us to do.
- [Narrator] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.
- I hope that God works out a plan in you
that will bring blessing,joy, peace and happiness.
- [Narrator] Get The Plan.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like
to be child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells
the only story truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Their's is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(children laughing)
[Terry] Remember for a momentwhat it was like to be child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells
the only story truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Their's is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(children laughing)
[Narrator] It's about the competition.
- I kinda put that pressure on myself
and I think people had an expectation.
- [Narrator] It's about overcoming.
- We use this phrase allthe time, keep chopping,
keep practicing hard.
- [Narrator] It's aboutgoing the distance.
- You know I think as afather, it's my job to lead,
just be the best husbandand father I can be.
- [Narrator] Watch Going TheDistance with Shawn Brown
Saturday night at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.
- The biggest movie openingthis Memorial Day weekend
is the remake of Aladdinas a live-action musical,
starring Will Smith.
Here's a review from Focus on the Family.
(electronic music)
- [Man] Get on the back!
- [Man] Stop thief!
(people yelling)
- The new Disney pic Aladdintells an Arabian fantasy tale
that we all know well.
(dramatic music)
A street urchin slash thief named Aladdin
meets a beautiful princess named Jasmine
in the dusty market of Agrabah.
He's there seeking a littlesustenance for the day.
She's secretly seeking insight
into the people of her kingdom.
But they both find alittle unexpected romance.
Of course, a meager thief can'twoo the daughter of a sultan
no matter how charming he may be.
- [Aladdin] What would I have to do?
- [Reporter] But when Aladdindiscovers a magic lamp
holding an incredible blue genie,
his life possibilities suddenly change.
(wind roaring)
- Oh great one who summons me.
I stand by my oath.
- With the genie's threewishes, he could be anything.
He could be rich beyond measure
or have castles and servants.
Those wishes can transform him
into a powerful man worth noticing.
But will they make him a better one?
This live-action adaptationof the 1992 animated classic
is glittery and fun.
- Make you a prince.- Oh, no.
- [Genie] Ya'll see my powers?
- And like its predecessor,
it delivers solid musicalmessages about choosing truth
and wisdom over the emptypromises of wealth and power.
But parents of youngkids should keep in mind
that this is also abroad fantasy featuring
a foul villain, evil sorcery,and loud perilous dangers.
So I'm giving Aladdin a four out of five
for family friendliness.
For an in-depth review on this film
or anything else at your local box office,
visit us at pluggedin.com.
Plugging you into themovies, I'm Sheryl Wilhelmy,
Focused on the Family'sPlugged In movie review.
- [Efrem] Coming up, rap music's Lecrae,
performs before a different crowd,
bringing a message of hopeto those who need it most.
(upbeat music)
- [Pat] People wanna know, is there a plan
and how do you find it?
- [Narrator] CBN presentsThe Plan: Eight Keys
for Understanding God'sWill for your Life.
- We're going to talk aboutGod's plan for your life.
- Is there a plan for everyone's life?
- [Narrator] In PatRobertson's latest teaching,
you'll discover the secret to knowing
and living out God'sunique purpose for you.
- The plan of God willbe unfolded in your life
in ways you couldn't believe possible.
- [Narrator] In The Plan,Pat reveals the principles
to understanding God's will,
so that you will be filledwith peace, provision,
joy, and satisfaction.
Plus see amazing stories of how others
are living out their individualpurpose intended by God.
- God is faithful and wedid what he told us to do.
- [Narrator] Live the lifeGod has designed for you.
- I hope that God works out a plan in you
that will bring blessing,joy, peace and happiness.
- [Narrator] Get The Plan.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or visit CBN.com.
- [Terry] Remember for a moment
what it was like to be child.
You believed every story you were told.
You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.
What stories will the world's orphaned
and at-risk children believe?
We believe the Bible tells
the only story truly worth believing.
We believe that every childshould have the opportunity
to dream, the chance to take challenges
and turn them into possibilities,
the chance to stand onthe promises of God,
to recognize their place inthe greatest story ever told.
They have their whole lives ahead of them.
Their's is a world ofendless possibilities.
They are looking for a story to believe.
We will tell them that story.
Will you join us?
(children laughing)
(upbeat music)
- And welcome back to CBN Newswatch.
This next story's sure to give you hope.
Grammy-winning rapperLecrae, is used to playing
to sold out arenas, but he took a gig
in a rather unusual venue just last month.
He performed at the Carol S. Vance Unit.
That is a prison inFort Bend County, Texas.
Lecrae met with inmates tohear some of the stories
of how many of them had come to Christ
and he even offered hopeand some words of wisdom
of his own.
He talked with one man
about how he came to Christ behind bars.
♪ Put in time ♪
♪ I aint never crime ♪
- So beautiful.
The acclaimed artistvisited in partnership
with Prison Fellowship.
That is a ministry dedicated to serving
the 2.2 million men and womenbehind bars in America today.
Lecrae says he lovesto connect with people
that society has forgotten.
He said, quote, God still loves them
and so do I.
Now that sounds a lot like Jesus indeed.
All right now, it is timefor your Friday Faithful
for a holiday weekend.
And I'd like to leaveyou with this thought.
What appears the be aset-back is often a set-up
for God to step into themiddle of your situation.
So, don't despair and don't fear.
Remember this, God has not abandoned you
and he's also never forgotten you.
He is indeed, right there inthe middle of your situation,
willing and able to work allthings out for your good.
That is gonna do it for thisedition of CBN Newswatch.
We thank you so much for watching.
Wanna remind you, you can always get more
on the issues you caremost about at CBNnews.com
and you can watch CBN Newsprograms throughout the day
on the CBN News Channel.
We would love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can do that by email.
The address is newswatch@cbn.com.
And of course you can alwaysreach out and touch us
on Facebook, on Twitter, and Instagram.
Hope you'll join us again,right here next time.
Make it a fabulous Fridayand a wonderful weekend.
We'll see you back here come Monday.