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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - May 14, 2019


- Here we go.- All right.

- This first one comesfrom Kyle Pat who says,

"Hey Pat, I know thesituation in Venezuela

"is getting worse withNicholas Maduro still in power

"and the opposition stillfighting to get him out.

"My question is, if theUnited States of America

"gets involved in the fight

"by backing the Venezuela opposition,

"even if the reasons are good,

"are we turning Venezuelainto another Iraq?

"I don't wanna be boggeddown with another civil war

"when we could bedefending our ally Israel

"or securing our borders

"to keep illegal aliensout of our country."

- Well

how will we keep these illegal aliens out,

well here's the deal.

It's very simple.

If Venezuela goes toward Russia

and toward Cuba,

we'll have another communist country

to our Southern border.

That means the Russians

will start having a big air base there,

and there'll be Russian planes flying

into the United States.

It means that hackers willhave an access, a base

to hack into all of the computer systems

throughout Latin America.

And this continent

of 300, 400 million people

will suddenly be our enemy,

and they'll be right on our border.

Iraq wasn't on our border,

Iraq was a screwed up mess,

Saddam Hussein had run a dictatorship,

and the people had noexperience whatsoever

of the kind of life thatwe have in this country.

In Latin America,

they are predominantly Christian,Catholic or Protestant.

Over in Iraq they were Muslim.

It was a seething cauldronof hatred toward America.

You don't have that in Venezuela.

But what has happened isthe Cubans and the Russians

and the Chinese aretrying to take it over.

And if we allow them to havea toehold on this continent,

you remember the Monroe Doctrine?

We've got to maintain that.

These are foreign adversaries

trying to enter into our hemisphere.

We can't let that happen, all right?

- K this is Dana, who says

"My husband keeps leaving me.

"He even left me on our wedding night.

"I have just seen himthrough tongue cancer,

"chemo, radiation and all.

"He is officially healed now.

"He treats me like garbage one day

"and nice the next.

"He is gone again now,

"and it's been almost 3 weeks.

"I never know if he'll come back.

"How long should I let him continue this?

"I keep thinking God will reach him

"and get through to him,

"but it's been 5 years,and he's still doing it.

"Help me, please!

"I don't know how to let go."

- I can't imagine anything

that on your weddingnight he'd abandon you.

What are you saying that this is strange.

I think there's somethingcalled constructive desertion.

Paul said "if theunbelievers please to depart,

"let him depart, the brotheror sister is not bound."

It's called a Pauline privilege.

But I...

Your friendly hosts have expanded that

to say constructive desertion.

If a husband makes it impossible

for the marriage to continue,

he has broken the marriage vow,

he's gone off,

and you're not bound ina situation like that.

I mean it's intolerable.

I don't understand what you're saying.

I've never heard ofanything quite like that.

But if he leaves you for several weeks,

you don't know where he's going,

is he having an affair, what's happening?

You certainly have a right to end it


I recommend that frankly you get a lawyer

so that you're not leftwithout any support.

And that man took on anobligation when he married you,

and that obligation isthat he'll support you.

And so I think that you have a right

to get some redress,

to get something.

You could set up a separate decree

where you could still be married

but you can have separateliving arrangements.

I mean a lot of things you can do,

but you don't have tokeep putting up with that,

that's your question,

and the answer is get out. (laughing)

- Change the locks.

- [Man] Okay, yeah.- Okay, this is Kathryn

who says "Several monthsago I made a promise to God

"that I would read threechapters in my Bible

"and have prayer timefirst thing in the morning

"every day before doing anything else.

"I now realize how foolishit was to make this promise

"because as a wife and soon-to-be mom,

"there have already been several times

"I've broken this promise.

"Am I still bound to keep this promise

"every day for the rest of my life?

"I feel as though I am living in sin

"because I usually have torepent multiple times a week

"for breaking the promise.

"I feel trapped, and Idon't want to keep sinning."

- Whoa.

You know,

the Bible talks about the fact

that God's in heaven, we're on earth,

and be careful what you swear to,

but at the same time,God knows who you are.

He knows your weakness,

and he knows that

it was a burst of piety

that was impossible to keep.

And so you pledged something

that you say you really can't do.

So as the result

I think you'd ask the Lord for forgiveness

and get on with your life.

That's what I would say.

All right.- K this is Bunn who says

"The Bible says wheretwo or more are gathered,

"what about when one is alone and praying?

"Are these prayers of no importance?"

- Of course not.

But there's a specialpower that comes about

with group prayer.

Where two or more gather,

then there I am in the midst,


Certainly the great prayersof the saints of God

and then by themselves

I mean Moses and Elijahand then various ones

they have prayed

so of course your prayers are valuable.


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