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The 700 Club - April 30, 2019

A 5-year old survives a brain hemorrhage the size of a golf ball. Plus, Senator Mike Lee shares the “lost declaration” of our Founding Fathers. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up, the forgotten story

of the American Revolution.

Senator Mike Lee sharesthe lost Declaration

of our Founding Fathers.


- And we woke up inthe middle of the night

hearing her screaming.

- [Zoe] Mommy!

- She passed out and I knew

something was definitely wrong.

- [Wendy] A five-year oldwith a brain hemorrhage

the size of a golf ball.

- That is something that cannot be fixed.

- [Wendy] And parents thatimmediately went to war.

- I'm freaking out.

- [Wendy] Our week of prayer continues.

- And just told the Lordthis is in Your hands.

- [Wendy] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Welcome to this edition of The 700 Club.

It's finally happening.

The president of Venezuelacalling for a military uprising

against the terrible abuses ofthe dictator, Nicolas Maduro.

The question is will theUnited States intervene?

Will they call on us to help them?

John Jessup has more.

- That is right, Pat.

Venezuelan opposition leaderJuan Guaido took to the streets

with a political activistand a small group

of heavily armed soldiers early today,

calling for the military to rise up

and overthrow socialistleader Nicolas Maduro.

Guaido started the day's events

when he appeared in an early morning video

that showed him surroundedby heavily armed soldiers

outside a Caracas air base.

He said the soldiers were protecting

the country's constitution.

Guaido went to the streetswith activist Leopoldo Lopez,

who said he'd been set freeby members of the military

in response to an order from Guaido.

Lopez said, quote, I want totell the Venezuelan people

this is the moment to take to the streets

and accompany these patriotic soldiers.

One of the soldierssaid it's now or never.

Guaido is the head ofthe national assembly

and is recognized by dozens of countries,

including the United States,as Venezuela's president.

Maduro's government said it's putting down

a small coup attempt by military traitors

working with right wing opponents.

The country's supreme courtissued arrest warrants

for Guaido, Lopez, andother opposition leaders.

Florida Senator Marco Rubioencouraged Guaido supporters,

tweeting: Today there can beno bystanders in Venezuela.

Military, police, judicial,and political leaders,

you must either support restoringconstitutional democracy

or you are a supporter of Cuba's efforts

to colonize Venezuela.

The choice you make willdefine the rest of your life.

Stay with throughout the day

for updates on this story.

Meanwhile, Pat, back to you.

- The question is if Guaidocalls for assistance.

He can certainly ask theUnited States to intervene,

and I think it would belegitimate to come to his aid.

And I wonder if Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo

has gotten the option about doing that.

But you know, these droneswe have are very effective

and the hellfire missiles they can fire

can take out a lot of people

and I think it's timethat we offer to assist

if Guaido asks for it.

And that wouldn't bethe Yankees intervening

in a domestic dispute.

It would be thepresident-elect of the country,

the acknowledged, legitimateleader asking for assistance

against a dictatorship.

And the time has come now toget that man out of there.

We've got to take action

and we can't allow thiswonderful uprising to fail.

I appreciate Senator MarcoRubio saying the same thing.

Now is the time to move.

Once you start a movement of this nature,

you cannot back up until there is victory,

and I just think the time has come

for that wonderful country to be freed

from the terrible curseand the blight of socialism

that's been laid upon it.


- Pat, here at home, a26-year-old US Army veteran

is in custody in California.

Investigators say he wasplotting terror attacks

on several locations.

Meanwhile, the FBI isreleasing more information

about that deadly synagogue attack.

Mark Martin has more on both cases.

- Investigators arrestedMark Steven Domingo,

a military veteran whoserved in Afghanistan.

They say he converted to Islam

and wanted revenge for theNew Zealand mosque attacks

and discussed his deadlyplans with undercover agents

he met online.

- The terror plot culminatedwith plans to bomb

innocent people, causing dozens of deaths

and serious injuries.

- [Mark] Domingo livesin Reseda, California.

Federal authorities took him into custody

a short time after he received

what he believed were explosivesfrom the undercover agents.

- He allegedly purchased several hundred

three-inch long nails to beused in IEDs as shrapnel,

specifically because thenails were long enough

to penetrate the human bodyand puncture internal organs.

- [Mark] The FBI says Domingotalked about targeting Jews,

churches, and police officers,

and in addition to a Long Beachrally of white supremacists,

he even talked about detonating a bomb

at the Santa Monica Pier.

Domingo's family released a statement,

saying they're surprised by his arrest.

They also requested privacy.

This as Southern California continues

to deal with the deadlyshooting at a synagogue

in Poway over the weekend.

Residents on Monday mourned the loss

of 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye.

Friends say she steppedin front of the rabbi

to stop the accused gunman,19-year-old John Earnest.

- But we stand tall againstthe darkness of evil

and anti-Semitism in the world.

- Authorities say Earnest opened fire,

taking the life of Kayeand injuring three others.

Earnest was a standout scholar, athlete,

and nationally recognized pianist.

The Associated Press reports

his adherence to whitesupremacy and anti-Semitism

shocked the people closest to him.

His parents released a statement, saying:

How our son was attracted to such darkness

is a terrifying mystery to us.

The FBI says it did receive a tip

about a threatening social media post

about five minutes beforethe synagogue attack,

but it did not say whowas the author of the post

or the location of the threat.

The FBI says it tried toidentify the writer immediately,

but the shooting took place

before the suspect couldbe fully identified.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Thanks, Mark.

President Trump is ordering an overhaul

of the asylum process, releasing a memo

calling for newregulations within 90 days.

It includes charging afee for asylum requests

and requiring most asylum applications

be legally resolved within 180 days.

It also calls for forbidding work permits

to anyone who entersthe country illegally.

Border Patrol encounteredmore than 100,000 migrants

entering the US illegally last month,

many of them seeking asylum.

A new poll shows morethan a third of Americans

now see the situation as a crisis.

That's up 11 points since January.

The number of Democratswho see it as a crisis

has jumped 17 points.

Well President Trump is suing two banks

to prevent them from turning over records

to congressional committeesinvestigating his finances.

His children, Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka,

are also part of the suit.

The House Intelligence Committee

and the Financial Services Committee

issued subpoenas to DeutscheBank and Capital One.

The Trumps' suit claimsthose subpoenas aren't valid

because they violate privacy laws

and aren't for the purposeof creating legislation.

- Well swarms of government officials

are in charge of America.

Unelected bureaucratsare writing regulations

that carry the force of law.

Now one senator is reminding us

that's not how America is meant to be.

Take a look.

A rapidly expanding federal government

is stripping power fromthe states and the people,

creating a massive regulatory state

that's saddling citizenswith piles of red tape

and enforcing politicalagendas that no one voted for.

That's not the way America is meant to be.

The Declaration of Independence says

that all men are endowed by their creator

with certain unalienable rights,

that among these are life, liberty,

and the pursuit of happiness.

Today though, many Americansdon't seem to understand

or appreciate the Declaration's gravity.

As a result, it seems we've lost touch

with much of what makesour country so special,

the distinctly Americanbelief in the dignity

of every human soul.

In his new book, Our Lost Declaration,

Senator Mike Lee shares new insights

into the events that shape the ideas

in the Declaration of Independence

and makes clear how what he describes

as the many abuses offederal power we see today

are happening because we've forgotten

our leaders in Washington DCserve us, the American people,

not the other way around.

- Senator Mike Lee joins usnow from our Washington studio.

And Senator, it's such a pleasureto have you back with us.

Thanks for being here.

- Pleasure's mine, thank you, Pat.

- Could I ask you, theDeclaration was written

against the abuses of King George.

What were some of the thingsthat the Crown was doing

to the colonists that theDeclaration addressed?

- As I explain in my book,Our Lost Declaration,

King George III visiteda number of privations

of the dignity of the humansoul on the American people,

including, among other things,withholding his consent

for the convening of legislatures,

withholding his consent for legislation

that would have allowedfor the effective operation

of a court system.

I even refer to the fact thathe played a significant role

in the slave trade andin perpetuating that evil

on this group of people.

And I discuss in Our Lost Declaration

the fact that ThomasJefferson called the king out

for all these infractions,including the latter one,

including slavery itself.

That language unfortunately was eliminated

from the final draft, butlanguage acknowledging

that all men are created equal survived,

and that, in turn, helped usultimately get to the point

where we could eliminate theabominable scourge of slavery.

- You know, we did a serieson a nation of criminals

and I've had our staff researching

how many federal bureaushave put criminal sanctions

on some of their regulations.

As I recall, there weresomething like 300,000 crimes

that they have.

Could you tell us a little bit

about your feeling about that?

- Yes.

You correctly describe a problem

that we've got in this country.

We've got hundreds of thousands of pages

of federal regulations on the books,

regulations put in place not by Congress

but by government bureaucrats

acting pursuant to delegatedauthority by Congress.

Whenever they decide to make a particular

course of conduct criminalthat could become criminal.

We asked a few years ago

if we could find out the total number

of federal criminal offensesthat could be committed,

including those so-calledregulatory offenses.

We were told that the total number

was unknown and unknowable,but that there were

somewhere in the neighborhoodof 300,000, probably more.

This is insane.

This is absolutely absurd.

And this is exactly thekind of multiplicity

and unnecessary complexity within the law

that our Founding Fathers rebelled against

and decided was too much.

- Does the President have thepower to nullify those things,

just to say they weren'tput in by Congress

and, therefore, thesefederal regulatory agencies

are not authorized to putthese crimes on the books?

- The President is subjectto a series of laws

that created each of thesedepartments, agencies,

and bureaus, and he's got some authority

with regard to stopping thepromulgation of new regulations.

It's one of the reasons I'm pleased

that President Trump's administration

has made sure that, for everynew regulation it issues,

it gets rid of at least two.

They've taken a reallystrong, mature approach

to this problem, which Iwould like to encourage

and commend them on.

With regard to those regulations

that have already been put in place,

there are ways of changing regulations,

there are ways of getting rid of them.

It is more time consuming,more cumbersome.

It is difficult.

But fortunately, we do have a president

who's committed to that.

In the long term, what we really need,

as I explain in Our Lost Declaration,

is for Congress to passa series of reforms

requiring that all new regulations

should have to be approved by Congress

before they take effect.

This would put yourelected lawmakers on record

before they put something into law.

- Do they not want to go on record?

Is that the problem?

- That is the problem.

And one of the things Idescribe in Our Lost Declaration

is this phenomenon that you have today

a group of federal lawmakers,

most federal lawmakers who perhaps see

achieving perpetualsmooth sailing reelection

as of paramount importance

to the point that they'renot even jealously guarding

and defending that oneprerogative that Congress

and Congress alone hasin our federal system,

which is to make federal law.

- What does the Declaration have to say

about the dangers of big government

in your book, The Lost Declaration?

- First and foremost,

it acknowledges that humanbeings have infinite worth,

they themselves are valuableand equal in the eyes of God,

and that, as a result ofthat, we have to understand

that governments are instituted among men,

deriving their just powers fromthe consent of the governed,

and that whenever governmentbecomes abusive of those ends,

it's the right of thepeople to alter or abolish

that form of governmentthat's harming them.

So in other words,

the message of theDeclaration of Independence,

and the message of mybook, Our Lost Declaration,

is that when governmentserves the people, great.

When it doesn't, it is up to the people

to fix it, to turn around.

Most importantly, that governmentis there to serve people,

not the other way around.

- You know, we have beendealing with the ACLU

and the abuses that have taken place

by the federal court system.

The Supreme Court has beenthe ultimate arbitrator

of our social norms inthe country for some time,

and a few unelected judges,

I mean it just takes a small number,

have changed the way Americans deal

with all kinds of things.

What can be done to rein in the courts?

- The best thing that can bedone to rein in the courts,

to make sure that we have better judges,

is to elect a president who says

that he will appoint judgeswho will read the law

and interpret the lawbased on what the law says

rather than on the basis of

one particular social policy or ideology.

That's one of the thingsI'd like to commend

President Trump for.

During his time in office thus far,

he's put people on the US Supreme Court,

on the appellate courts, andon the federal trial courts

who have done precisely that.

That is the biggest,strongest defense that we have

against encroachmentby the judicial branch

on the other branches,particularly the Congress.

- One last question,you've been considered

as a possible candidatefor the Supreme Court.

Is that something you'd like to do,

or is that in the cards for you at all?

- Well, at the moment, Pat,

I'm busy representing the people

from the great state of Utahin the United States Senate.

If at some point a vacancy came along

and the President of the United States

asked me to be considered for such a role,

I would not say no.

- Thank you, Mike Lee.

God bless you.

Hey, the book is calledOur Lost Declaration.

Something you need to read and understand

because we need to fight against tyranny.

And the deep state in our nation

has taken away the powerthat you have as citizens.

Isn't that great?

- So interesting, yeah.- It is.

- Absolutely.- Yeah.

Mike Lee's a good guy?- Are you done with the book?

Can I have it now?- Yeah, you got it right now.

(Wendy laughs)All righty.

- All right.

- Did you know that snowmeltcan cause earthquakes?

I've been talking aboutthe tremendous snowmelt

in the Sierras.

We're talking aboutmany, many feet of snow.

Let's go back to John for that story.

- Well Pat, before we get to that,

a quick update on Venezuela.

At the top of the show,

you mentioned Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo's

possible response to theuprising in Venezuela.

Here is what he tweeted shortlyafter nine this morning.

Today, interim President Juan Guaido

announced the start of Operation Libertad.

The US government fullysupports the Venezuelan people

in their quest for freedom anddemocracy cannot be defeated.

The US stands with Venezuela.

Well, as you had just mentioned, Pat,

new research shows heavysnowmelt may have contributed

to a series of earthquakes in California.

In 2017, about 100 minor daily earthquakes

shook an area near theMammoth Mountain area

over a period of a few weeks.

Scientists now believe runoffflowing from the snowmelt

may have caused a seismic movement.

High levels of floodingwere recorded, Pat,

during that seismic activity.

- We're also gonna have astory about the flooding

and some of the danger tothe dams in California.

It's much more seriousthan you could imagine

and we'll be talking aboutit on subsequent programs.

But the fact that the melting

of that enormous amount of snow

is actually causing seismic tremors.

That is a story.

Wendy.- It really is, Pat.

Well up next, a mothercries out to God in anguish

after her five-year-old isdiagnosed with a brain hemorrhage

the size of a golf ball.

- God, I don't know howI can look at a mother

and daughter again if youtake my daughter from me.

- See why this little girl's doctor says

it's a miracle that she survived.

Plus, we'll be prayingfor your prayer requests,

so stay with us.

(inspirational music)

(uplifting music)

We are in day two of ourannual Week of Prayer,

and so every day at noon this week,

our staff at CBN is joiningwith Regent University

to pray for the prayerrequests that you have sent us.

Yesterday, the pastor of oneof the ten largest churches

in America, Kyle Idleman,was our featured speaker.

Here are some highlightsfrom that service.

(soft music)

- We do not help people whenwe make it sound like faith

is God doing whatever we want Him to do.

That's not faith.

Our faith is in who God is.

Our faith is in God's faithfulness.

Our faith is in the factthat my Redeemer lives

and that anything that happens to me,

whether it is broken, whether it is bad,

He can work it for good,He can make it beautiful

in His time.

And so in 1 Peter 5:7, Peter says

cast all your anxiety on Godbecause He cares for you.

The word cast here literallymeans transfer the weight.

But there's something withus that wants to determine

whether or not God caresbased on the circumstances

that we go through in life.

So Paul says look,

if you need proof that God cares,

then the way you measurehow much God cares

isn't by your circumstances,it's by the cross.

- [Man] Amen.

- Because the cross iswhat gives us salvation.

The cross is what allows us to have hope

in any kind of circumstance.

And so as we begin this Week of Prayer,

cast all your anxiety uponGod because He cares for you.

He wants to carry your weightand He wants to carry you too.

- Amen, well, we invite you

to join our chapel service all week long.

It streams live at noon eastern time.

Today's guest speaker withbe author Rick Rigsby,

who's also joining uslater on today's show.

And if you haven't sent usyour prayer requests yet,

just give us a call.

The number, 1-800-700-7000or go to

and let us know how we can pray for you.

- Thank you.

Just imagine a brain bleedthe size of a golf ball

and the increased pressure threatening

to cut off the blood flow to the brain.

What does that cause?

The brain starts to die.

And that's what a five-year-oldnamed Zoe was facing

after that poor child wokeup screaming one night.

- [Zoe] Mommy!


- We woke up in the middle of the night

hearing her screaming.

We found her in the kitchen.

She was just walking aimlessly.

Her eyes were wild.

I looked in her bed andshe had vomited in the bed

and I thought maybe she justhad a bad stomach virus.

- [Reporter] Chris and Ashlee Morris

knew something wasn't right

with their five-year-old daughter, Zoe.

- She passed out in myarms and, at that point,

I knew something was definitely wrong.

- [Reporter] They took Zoe

to a 24-hour emergency clinic nearby.

Dr. Kenneth Jones knewat once what to look for.

- The vomiting, passing out,

and then actually seeing Zoe unconscious,

I said something is going on brain-wise.

- [Reporter] He ordered a CAT scan

that confirmed his suspicions.

Zoe had a brain hemorrhagethe size of a golf ball.

- With a brain bleed, thepressure pushes brain tissue

down the spinal cord.

We call it herniation of the brain

and that is somethingthat cannot be fixed.

- I'm freaking out.

It's the worst thing you couldever have happen to your kid.

- That is when I started cominginto extreme warfare prayer

and I was just telling the Lord I need You

and You need to comedown and touch this baby.

- [Reporter] Zoe was transferred

to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston,

where she was put into amedically-induced coma.

Ashlee's parents andZoe's older brother, Zack,

arrived moments later.

They prayed over Zoe

before she was taken into ICU for testing.

- I'd definitely like totake her place at that point.

- [Reporter] Doctorsdiscovered a tangled mass

of abnormal blood vessels

known as an arteriovenous malformation,

or AVM, and it had burst.

- When you have increasedpressure in the brain

cutting off blood flow to itself, it dies.

- [Reporter] The bleedingstopped the next evening,

but the pressure wasstill at critical levels.

Hoping to avoid surgery,

doctors decided to wait a few days

to see if the pressurewould go down on its own

and then treat the AVM with radiation.

All her family could do was wait and pray.

- We weren't 100% sure thatwe would leave the hospital

with Zoe, and if we wereable to leave with her,

whether she would be the same Zoe.

- [Reporter] By now, Ashlee's brother

had created a Facebookpage to get the word out

about Zoe's condition.

Thousands posted prayers ofsupport and encouragement

for Zoe and the family.

- Because we were sotired and so uncertain,

there were times that wedidn't know what to pray.

And just knowing that therewere so many other people

standing in the gap andthere was a sense of peace

that came with that.

- [Reporter] Zoe had beenin observation for two days

when her brain pressure spiked

and doctors had to prepher for emergency surgery.

Doctors said Zoe had astrong chance of surviving,

but due to the location of the AVM,

her ability to talk and reasoncould be severely affected.

- A Zoe that loves to sing and dance

that cares for everyone.

- Okay guys, now I'm on video.

- She's so kind and loving

and just thinking God, I don't know

how I can look at amother and daughter again

if You take my daughter from me.

- And I said God, it's in Your hands.

I know You're gonna make thecall of what happens with Zoe

and there's nothing I can do about it.

I remember, I just felt atpeace and the tears just left.

I just let Him do His thing.

- [Reporter] As Zoewas taken into surgery,

friends and family gatheredin the hospital's small chapel

for worship and prayer.

- One of Zoe's favoritesongs is Thy Will Be Done

by Hillary Scott, and I just prayed that

and just told the Lordthis is in Your hands.

I don't understand it, but wegive it to You, we trust You.

- [Reporter] After five hours of surgery,

the doctors gave the news

that they had safely removed the AVM.

- We just said thank You, God.

That was awesome to get that news.

We needed it.

- [Reporter] Again,they would have to wait,

this time to see if therewould be any long-term effects.

Several days later, theystarted bringing Zoe

out of the coma.

- When she began to wake up,I said can I sit with her,

and they released me tojump in the bed with her.

She could feel my presence.

It really seemed like a turning point

for what we were going toexperience in the days to come.

- [Reporter] Then, a few days later.

- Her grandma came inand she yelled, "Mimi!"

- Mimi?

- [Grandma] What?

Look, somebody's happy.

- That was the first time she had spoken.

We didn't think she wasever gonna talk again.

So that, that was awesome to see.

That was God again.

- [Reporter] With physical therapy,

Zoe began regaining her strength.

After six weeks in the hospital,

she went home.- Very pleased

with her walking.

- When this happens,in a kid in particular,

usually they don't make it.

But with her with a golf sized ball bleed,

I tell you, it's just amiracle that she's here.

(Zoe squeals)

- [Reporter] Today, Zoe isstill that happy, energetic,

loving little girl.

She and her family are grateful

for the prayers that brought them through.

- They say when two or morecome together in prayer

that He hears us, andit's absolutely true.

- There's just no doubtabout that she is a miracle.

She's just 100% back to where she was

and even better than ever.

- Thank you for praying for me. (giggles)

- Boy, God does miracles.

What a wonderful miracle.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- When you think of what thatchild's future could've been

and what it is now becauseof the intervention of God

and also the skill of thosedoctors down in Houston.

All right, we have some prayer requests.

We've asked for people to send them in

and we have thousandshere on the set before us,

thousands and thousandsof people who wrote in

their prayer requests.

Here's one that says asuccessful TAVR procedure

to repair an aorticvalve taking place today.

This one, it said my sonneeds a full-time job

to support his wife and two children.

There are a lot of jobs in America.

We just pray that hewill find the right one.

Restoration of a brokenfamily relationship.

- Pat, this person needshealing from cystic fibrosis

and an episode of Bell'spalsy that won't end.

That my daughter be deliveredfrom anger and depression.

I fear for her life.

A miracle to be healed ofdiabetes and high blood pressure.

- You know, God looks down from heaven.

And He's with us actually, you know.

He's like the air we breathe.

And Jesus said look, whateveryou ask the Father in my name,

that will I do that the Fathermay be glorified in the Son.

He said hitherto you've asked nothing.

Ask and you shall receive,that your joy may be full.

Now to glorify God and tobring joy to His people,

God says ask.

Ask largely.

The psalm says open yourmouth wide and I will fill it.

Let's ask largely.

Whatever your needs are.

We've seen miracle after miracle,

we show you on this program,

but what is your need?

Don't say it can't be done.

Don't say well I'm too sinful for that

or, no, it can't happen.

God loves you.

Now we're gonna join hands together

and I'm gonna ask you to pray with us.

Father, I join with Wendy andwe pray together right now

and we speak the word.

May the anointing of the Holy Spirit

come down to people's lives.

May the deliverance comein the name of Jesus.

We bind the spirit of fear.

The fear is torment andthe perfect love of God

casts out fear.

Now we bind the same spirit of fear.

Right now, in the nameof Jesus, touch them.

- [Wendy] Thank you, Lord.

- Wendy.- There's someone,

you're being healed rightnow of chronic bronchitis.

In the name of Jesus, just receive it.

Also, there's a lady named Mary.

You're contemplating suicide.

The Lord wants you to know He sees you,

He hasn't forgotten you, and He says Mary,

I know the plans I havefor you and they are good.

In Jesus' name.

Thank you.- There's somebody

who's morbidly obese.

You are really, really fat.

And you've been saying I've got to be,

I've got to slim down or I'm gonna die.

And God right now has heard your prayer

and He'll just reach out to you and say

it's going to happen.

Now believe God and beginto walk down the lane.

God is going to hear your prayer,

and from this moment forth,you shall be delivered.

Wendy.- Someone being,

many people, actually,you've been crying out

to the Lord to deliveryou from depression,

- [Pat] Yes.

- almost like a chronic depression,

and God has heard your prayers.

Just start praising Him rightnow because it's happening.

In Jesus' name.- One last thing.

There are people, you're asking for jobs,

you're asking for financial help,

and God is going to bless His people.

He is going to bless His people.

Give us this day our dailybread, He said in His prayer,

and we pray that, and right now,

God is gonna supply your financial need

in Jesus' name, amen.

- [Wendy] Amen.

- Amen.

Praise God.

Give us a call, please.

Let us know what we can do for you,

you want further prayer requests.

But again, we've gotthousands and thousands

of people praying and thousands of people

have asked for prayer.

God has heard and He knows your need.


You want prayer.

We're not talking aboutany financial anything.

Just call and somebody'shere that loves you.


- They sure do.

Well still ahead, his viral video

has been seen by more than200 million people worldwide,

and today, he's bringinghis message directly to you.

Motivational speaker Rick Rigsby

talks about the life lessons he learned

from a third grade dropout

and how they can empoweran entire generation.

(inspirational music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

The Trump administration might designate

the Muslim Brotherhood as aforeign terrorist organization.

That's from The New York Times.

The move would bring American economic

and travel sanctionsagainst the terror group.

Meanwhile there's evidenceconfirming ISIS leader

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is alive.

He appeared in a new video Monday

congratulating the SriLanka suicide bombers.

He also mentions the recent ISIS losses

in Syria's civil war.

Well Iran, Russia, and China

are top offenders on the US Commission

on International ReligionFreedom's 2019 report.

Tier 2 countries includeCuba, Iraq, and Turkey,

which held American pastorAndrew Brunson hostage

for nearly two years.

The Commission asked President Trump

for a special adviser oninternational religious freedom,

sanctions for top offenders,

and funding for State Department efforts

to help protect places of worship.

Well you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.

(dramatic music)

(uplifting music)

- Dr. Rick Rigsby is anaward-winning journalist,

motivational speaker, and author.

He says the wisest man heever met was his father.

Rick's father was a third grade dropout

whose simple wisdom helped Rick

through the darkest days of his life.

- [Reporter] When RickRigsby's wife passed away,

life as he and his youngsons knew it was over.

But at the funeral, Rick's dad, Roger,

reminded him of a powerful life lesson.

In 2017, Rick made a speechabout his dad which went viral,

with more than 200million views worldwide.

In his book, Lessons Froma Third Grade Dropout,

Rick reveals some of his dad'ssimple, yet profound, wisdom

so you can live lifewith high expectations

no matter what your background.

- And please welcome to The700 Club Dr. Rick Rigsby.

Dr. Rick, so great- Hello, Wendy.

- to meet you.

- What a thrill to be with you.

- You're just as friendly in person

as you are on TV.- Oh, you're so kind.

- Well, we gotta get serious for a second.

Take us back to that day.

You're standing over yourwife's casket at her funeral

and your father gives you some wisdom

that really was life impacting.

What did he say to you?

- This is 24 years ago.

I'm 40 years old and my father,

the wisest man I've ever metin my life, he is grieving.

I'd never seen him cry before.

My mother's grieving, mylittle boys are grieving.

And my father looks at me

and he says three wordsthat changed my life.

He says, "Son, just stand."

And you know, Wendy,there are a lot of folks

who have lost hope thatare watching us right now

and I want to encourage you

the way my father encouraged me.

How can you lose somethingthat God gave you?

What we lose is perspective.

But you can't lose hope.

If you're still breathing,you still have hope.

And what he was sayingwas, son, no matter what,

you keep standing.

- Wow.

He taught you so many lessons

and we're gonna get intothat, but your wife's death,

that was a pivotal point,Rick, in your life.

How did it change you?

- For 40 years, I'd live life for me

and I had nothing to show for it.

I think I was a pretty good dad,

I was a pretty good provider,pretty good husband,

but it was all about me.

In one split second, now I have boys

that need a daddy and a mother

and it could no longer be about me.

And I realized at that casket

that I was never created byGod to make life about me.

And I remember God whisperingin my heart, do you trust Me?

And I remember my response.

I trust You, I don't likeYou a whole lot right now,

but I trust You.

In fact, I can remembershaking a fist at God,

but holding on for dearlife with the other hand.

And it was at the casketthat He showed me my purpose.

I can remember Himsaying, if you trust Me,

I will take your painand I will bless people

all over the world ifyou'll be an ambassador

of hope and encouragement for Me.

- And He's certainly

done that.- Yeah.

- What do you think your dad meant though

when he said keep standing, just stand.

- You know, a yearlater, my dad goes home.

And I'm at his hospital bed before he dies

and he told me, he said,"Son, I had to know

"beyond a shadow of a doubt

"that everything I put in you

"would manifest at that exact moment.

"At that exact moment,I needed you to know

"that you didn't die also,

"that those boys need to see hope,

"that those boys need areason for which to live."

When my father said, "Son, just stand,"

he was speaking a generational blessing

not just upon me, but forgenerations of Rigsbys to come,

throughout the world,don't quit, don't give up.

- That's what it means.- Stay at it.

Be an Abraham.

Stay at it no matter what.

- I love it.

Why do you say that your dad

was the wisest man you ever met?

He only went to the third grade.

- You know what's amazing to me

is that, when you're a kid growing up,

you would hear your parents' words,

and I remember behind their back,

I would roll my eyesand those same words now

bring tears to my eyes.

Listen to these words

and just think from abiblical perspective.

Son, don't judge.

No one is beneath you.

Son, you'd rather be an hourearly than a minute late.

Could you imagine our Christian witness

if we showed up an hour early

- Oh Lord, help me Jesus.- then out,

then outworked everybody else?

Son, how you do anythingis how you do everything.

It's never wrong to do the right thing.

Kind deeds are never lost.

Make sure your servant'stowel is bigger than your ego.

Ego is the anesthesiathat deadens the pain

of stupidity.- Ooh, ouch.

Wow.- Oh, I feel like rockin'

and rollin' right now.(Wendy laughs)

And you know what's amazing,

it was all based on one principle.

The third grade dropout dad said,

"Son, execute these basicsbetter than anybody else

"and your capacity for thethings of God will grow."

- [Wendy] Where did he get

that wisdom?- My father was born in 1920

in rural Texas.

Had to make a decision in his teens.

He's growing up in aracially segregated America

and he decides that he'sgonna stand and be a man.

Not a black man, not a brownman, not a white man, a man,

which meant, despite his skin,

he wasn't gonna use it as an excuse,

he was gonna stand and command respect,

and when he stood againstall odds with that exigence,

he respected others andhe commanded respected.

He was creating an impact, a legacy,

that he would pass along.

My brother is a judge in Washington DC.

I have four degrees.

We're not the smartest ones in our family.

The third grade dropout dad

who said, "No excuses, take ownership."

- Dr. Rick, you gave aspeech about your dad

in a video that has gone viral.

That's an understatement.

More than 200 millionpeople have viewed it.

What did you say that captured so much

attention?- You know what's amazing?

I'd been giving thatspeech all over the world

for the last 25 years, right,

and I think what happened is,

once Goalcast was kind enoughto put it on the airwaves,

I think it resonated withpeople because of the times.

Isaiah talks about thedarker the time gets,

the greater the possibilityfor the glory of God to shine.

And I believe that speechcame at a right time

when people are saying I wanthope, I want encouragement,

I want to be lifted up.

And I think when youget 200 million views,

it's not about a person.

It's about the glory of Godmanifesting in the land.

Isn't that something?- That's incredible.

- [Rick] People crying out

saying help me.- Help me.

- Encourage me.- Absolutely.

- Uplift me.

- Well your book does that,

and there are so many morelessons from your father

and things that you've gone through.

Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout.

This is a phenomenal book.

It's available wherever books are sold.

You can also hear more fromRick today at noon eastern time.

Just log on to forour livestream prayer meeting

from the Regent University Chapel.

You don't want to miss it.

I will be there.- Oh, Wendy,

thank you- God bless you.

- for having me.

- Well still ahead, we've got your email.

Rachel says today, whilewaiting to go to work,

I was approached by missionaries

who spoke to me and gaveme the Book of Mormon.

Should I read this or justkeep only reading my Bible?

Your questions, honestanswers from Pat, coming up.

(uplifting music)

(inspirational music)

- Well most of us takeclean water for granted,

but not Jenny Lin.

From the time she was very young,

Jenny was forced to drinkand bathe in filthy water.

But not anymore

thanks to the generosityof people just like you.

- [Reporter] Every day, four times a day,

Jenny Lin wades through thegarbage along this stream

to collect water for her family.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] I rememberseeing disgusting things

in the water, but we had no choice.

- [Reporter] Since the time she was young,

Jenny Lin has also watchedpeople use the river as a toilet.

- [Translator] I had to take a bath

and water got in my mouth.

I got sick with a fever and stomach aches.

- [Reporter] Jenny Lin is now married

with a baby of her own.

She still visits the stream every day

to get water and to giveher daughter a bath.

- [Translator] It's hard to watch her wade

into the dirty water.

She might get a disease or infection.

I know a neighbor who died

because of the contaminated water.

- [Reporter] When CBN heardabout Jenny Lin and her baby,

we dug a well right next to her home.

Now, the need of theentire community is met

with plenty of clean water

for washing, bathing, and drinking.

- [Translator] I'm gratefulthe water is so close

and that it's safe to drink.

It feels good to taste the clean water.

I'm confident that mydaughter will now be safe.

Thank you so much.

- Isn't that wonderful?

You know, you take so much for granted.

We can make a difference.

For those who engage inwhat we call Pledge Express,

all you have to do is tellyour financial provider,

your bank or whatever,that they send $20 a month

to CBN and you are a 700 Club member.

But if you do it that way

so we don't have to send receipts

and you don't have to write checks

and all the rest of that,

it's cheaper for us and easier for you.

And because it makes it easier,

we want to give you somethingcalled Power for Life.

So along with your monthly pledge,

we send you a teachingthat either Gordon or I do

and we hope it's a blessingto strengthen your faith.

So call in right now andsay you can count on me

as a 700 Club member.

I want to help peoplelike Jessie and others

to have a better life.

That's what we're hereto do, to help people.

All right, let's take some questions.

- Okay, let's start withthis one from Rachel.

She says, I read the Word daily and pray.

Today while waiting to go to work,

I was approached bymissionaries who spoke to me

and gave me the Book of Mormon.

They prayed with me and left.

I'm not sure what to do now.

I don't understand the Mormon religion

and need some direction.

Should I read this or justkeep only reading my Bible?

- Mormonism has many of thecharacteristics of Islam

because the idea was a guy waspraying in a remote location

and an angel named Moroni comes

and reveals these things tohim and he writes this down,

this Joseph Smith or whoever,

and out of that came whatis called the Book of Mormon

and then the Mormon faith.

And there's some very finepeople who are Mormons,

but I want to say that the Book of Mormon

is not something that I wouldencourage somebody to read

and if somebody comes atthe door and wants you to...

You can always be gracious,

but you just say look, I'm aChristian, I'm evangelical,

or I'm a Catholic or I'm a whatever,

but I just don't believethat, thank you very much,

and shut the door.

You don't have to receive people

who are hustling anerroneous book, all right.

- All right.

Sheila says, Pat, I learned in church

that the time of creationwas 6,000 years ago.

How does that workcompared to science saying

dinosaurs are thousandsor millions of years old?

- One of the reasons thatI have added a course

in what's called cosmologyto the curriculum

at Regent's School of Divinity

is that I wanted to counter this business.

There was a Bishop Ussherwho added up all the years

the Bible speaks aboutbetween Adam and Eve and us

and he added up 6,000 years.

Well the truth is that the dinosaurs

were extinct maybe 200, or 100, 50,

excuse me, I'll get it right,about 50 billion years ago,

and this planet has got alot much longer than that.

And there's a course that theywere trying to hustle around

called Creation science.

It was just nonsense andit was so embarrassing.

So we wanted to makesure we told the truth.

You know, this universe that we live in

is at least 14 billion years old

and there's no question about it

and we have tremendous geological records

and all the rest of it.

And that 6,000 years stuffjust doesn't compute.

But we as Christiansneed to know the truth,

and when you know the truth,

you stand in awe of theGod who created everything.

And that's His name.

His name is He whocaused everything to be.

And He brought it all into being.

When you look at the vast solar system

and the galaxies and the stars,

there are about a billion trillion stars

this side of our sun andthe universe, it's huge.

So let's give God credit for what He did,

and I try to limit him to 6,000 years.

(Wendy chuckles)

- I'm glad you cleared that up.

All right, Terri says:

Dear Pat, Romans 3:22 states

God makes people right with himself

through their faith in Jesus Christ.

This is true for allwho believe in Christ.

Later, in Romans 4:3, itsays Abraham believed God,

and God accepted Abraham's faith,

and that faith made him right with God.

Does this mean a sinnerwho hasn't repented

but still has faith has a pass to heaven

since Jesus' blood wassplit for all sinners?

- God bless you.

I think you're misquoting scripture,

you're adding a little to it,you're changing the words.

Abraham was already God's anointed person

and God said, Abraham, I'mgoing to make your seed

as multiplied like the stars of heaven

and the sands of the seas.

The Bible says Abraham believed God

and God counted it tohim for righteousness.

But what was he promising him?

He was gonna promise him ageneration of descendants.

That's when he didn't have any children,

he didn't consider, his bodywas now dead and so forth.

So that's what it says.

It's got nothing to do witheverybody being forgiven

and all the stuff.

You're adding to it and that's just,

you don't have to do that, all right.

- Okay, here's one from Geoff.

He says: I'm doing thedaily readings from

In 2 Samuel 24:1, itsays the Lord told David

to take a census, yet David is punished

for doing so later in verse 12.

Can you explain this?

- I tell you, if I could,

I'd have a mystery that Ican't understand myself.

I have prayed about that and said look,

what is the deal?

I think that, somehow,there was something in there

that didn't compute becauseif God told him to do it

and he did it, then hewouldn't have disobeyed God.

But it seems like thereason for that census

was to make himself feelbig and have a big army

and know how many troopshe had out in the field.

And his man, Joab, said don't do this

but he went ahead and did it.

There's something in the scripture that,

I think there's a mistranslationor something because I,

you ask me, I don't understandit any more than you do,

tell you the truth.

If God told him to do itthen why would God punish him

for doing what he told him to do?

All right.- That is a biblical mystery

- It's a mystery to me.- that we will have to ask God

when we get to heaven.(Pat stammers)

- I'm telling you though isit looked like an ego thing

to try to say this ishow big my army is, okay.

- Yeah, all right.

Jaime says I know the Rapture

is at the end of the Great Tribulation

according to scripture.

Therefore, we'll all go through it.

Since the Bible says thewicked will be destroyed

in God's wrath and wewill meet Him in the air

and be changed like Him inthe twinkling of an eye,

then who is left in flesh bodies

to re-populate the earthduring the Millennium?

- (chuckles) You know, look.

God is going to create anew heaven and a new earth.

When Jesus comes back to earth again,

those who believe in him

will be called up tobe with him in the air

and those who are dead in Christ will rise

to be with the Lord.

There will be plenty of people

in a new heaven and a new earth,

and that's what the Lord said to me.

And I said what's in it for you?

He said look, heaven's a big place

and your job is to populate it

with as many people as you can.

There will be plenty of people alive

after the Rapture and afterthe Lord comes back again.

All right, well Today's PowerMinute is from 2 Corinthians.

For no matter how manypromises God has made,

they are Yes in Christ.

For Wendy and all of us,this is Pat Robertson.

Thank you so much for being with us.

And Lord willing, you'll be here

tomorrow?- I'll be here tomorrow.

- We'll both be here tomorrow.

We'll see you then.


(inspirational music)


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