- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.
- And thanks for joiningus for CBN Newswatch.
I'm Heather Sells.
We begin with a major development tonight
involving an internationalfaith-based foster care
and adoption agency.
Michigan based Bethany Christian Services
announced this week it willplace children in LGBT homes.
Mark Martin joins us now fromthe CBN newsroom with more.
- Heather, Bethany changed course
after a recent legal settlement.
The international agency isresponsible for around 8%
of Michigan's more than 13,000 foster care
and adoption cases centeredaround kids from troubled homes.
The non-profit organizationissued a statement, saying:
We are disappointed with howthis settlement agreement
has been implemented bythe state government.
Nonetheless, Bethany willcontinue operations in Michigan,
in compliance with ourlegal contract requirements.
Michigan's DemocraticAttorney General Dana Nessel
announced the settlement last month
after homosexual couples sued in 2017.
The settlement bans faith-basedagencies like Bethany
from refusing to place kids
in LGBT homes for religious reasons
if the agencies have accepted the children
for referral from the Michigan Department
of Health and Human Services.
The Associated Press reports
that, of the faith-basedagencies in Michigan
who are known not to serveLGBT couples or individuals,
Bethany does more work forthe state than any other.
Bethany handled more than1,150 cases as of February.
AP reports CatholicCharities had a caseload
of more than 400, and St.Vincent Catholic Charities
had 80 cases.
Michigan State Human ServicesDepartment spokesperson
Bob Wheaton said the department was glad
it will be able to continueits long-standing partnership
with Bethany in providingservices to children and families.
Nessel tweeted last weekend:
Having more adoption agencieswhich don't discriminate
equals more children adoptedinto loving, nurturing
forever homes.
Thank you to Bethany Christian Services.
The Associated Press reportsthat Nessel is a lesbian
and, as a private attorney,battled to overturn
Michigan's ban on same sex marriage.
And Heather, ChristianityToday reports that Bethany,
which has been in existence for 75 years,
made it clear its missionand Christian beliefs
have not changed.
The change will not have animpact on infant adoptions,
international adoptions,or foster placements
in the 34 other stateswhere Bethany serves.
- Okay, and Mark, are there any agencies
fighting the Michigan settlement in court?
- Yes, Catholic Charities West Michigan
filed a lawsuit againstMichigan's new rule.
Also, St. Vincent Catholic Charities
filed a lawsuit in federal court,
claiming the settlementviolates the US Constitution
and Federal ReligiousFreedom Restoration Act.
Heather, back to you.
- All right, thank, Mark.
And DC Attorney Nick Reaves
with the Becket Fund forReligious Liberty joins us now
with more on what's happening in Michigan
and across the country whenit comes to religious liberty
for faith-based fostercare and adoption agencies.
Thanks for joining us, Nick.
- Sure, Heather, happy to be here.
- Tell us, Becket has several faith-based
child placement agencies thatit is representing right now.
and tell us what is happening
with St. Vincent CatholicCharities in Michigan.
What is it challenging in court?
- Yes, we represent twodifferent faith-based agencies,
one in Philadelphia and St.Vincent, like you mentioned.
We also represent a number of families
that work with these agencies
and that would lose the ability
to partner with an agency they can rely on
and have relied on for years.
For example, the Buck familyhas worked with St. Vincent
to adopt five special needs kids,
and if St. Vincent closes,they would lose the ability
to continue providingthat important ministry.
- All right, and ofcourse, critics are saying
that you're discriminating
when you won't work with LGBT couples.
What's the argument thatyou're making in court?
- The argument is that the state contracts
with a diverse array of agencies
and the state has recognizedthat that diversity
is important to helping kids in need.
For example, Catholicagencies like St. Vincent
have about 45% of thekids adopted each year
have special needs, andthat's a particular niche
and a need that these agencies fill
that no one else in thestate is able to accomplish.
Similarly, agencies likethe Catholic Charities
that we represent betterplace older children
and sibling groups in a waythat other agencies can't.
So when you lose thisdiverse array of agencies
serving Michigan's diverse population,
it hurts kids in need,and putting kids first
is really the most important thing here.
- Well and that's interesting
because the Michigan attorneygeneral and others, of course,
have made the argumentconsistently that more children
will be served if faith-based agencies
are forced to work with LGBT couples,
but it sounds like you'resaying the opposite,
that more children will be served
if you're allowed to stay in the arena
and carry out your beliefs.
- Yes, I think that's exactly right.
Agencies like St. Vincent,
consistent with Catholic teaching,
aren't able to endorsesame sex relationships
and that's a really minor partof the foster care system,
but an important part foragencies like St. Vincent.
So if the state doesn't allowthem to continue operating
as they have for the past several decades,
they will have to shut down,
and that's not good for anybody.
- Well several states, including Michigan,
have passed laws protectingthe religious beliefs
of child placement agencies,
but the Michigan attorney general
now says that law doesn't apply
if agencies are undercontract with the state.
So I'm wondering, are theselaws that we're seeing
not much of a protection?
- I think the attorneygeneral has just chosen
not to apply the law,
and I think that's the real problem here.
The law that was passed in2015 was specifically designed
to protect agencies like St. Vincent.
And several fosterfamilies and other agencies
that contract directlywith the state testified
in support of the law.
And much of the preambleof the law talks about
the value of these privatefaith-based agencies
working with the stateto help kids in need.
So I think the law does what it says
and the state has chosen to ignore that.
- Well we know there areseveral of these cases
around the country right nowand a lot of disagreement.
Do you see this ultimatelygoing to the Supreme Court?
- I do.
We just had a ruling in the 3rd Circuit,
which is covering Pennsylvaniain our case there,
and we're looking at thenext steps in that case.
There's a case developingin New York as well,
and there's some recent development
in South Carolina that's been in the news,
so I think this issue ispercolating nationally
and I think it's no surprise
because we see a large needfor more foster parents
with the opioid crisis and other things.
We need more parents helping these kids
who have been displaced from their homes,
and when the states look to do that,
one of the first lines of defense
is these faith-based agencies
because they're so goodat recruiting families
that might not otherwisechoose to foster or adopt.
- A lot of high stakes for kids.
Nick Reaves with the BecketFund, thanks for your time.
- Sure, thank you, Heather.
- Well in Kansas, a setbackfor the pro-life movement.
The Supreme Court ruled today
to block a 2015 ban ondismemberment abortions.
The decision prevents the state
from enforcing a previously passed law
that greatly limitedsecond trimester abortions.
The law was the first in thenation to ban the procedure
known as dilation andevacuation abortions.
Two abortion providerslater challenged the ruling.
The Kansas Supreme Court ruled
that the state's Constitutionprotects abortion rights.
Pro-life advocates are now calling
for amending the Kansas Constitution,
asking lawmakers to add an abortion ban
to the state Constitution
ahead of their next session next week.
President Trump is touting the US economy
as the number one economy in the world.
His comments come after theFriday morning announcement
that the US economy grewat a solid 3.2% annual rate
in the first three months of this year.
- We're doing great.
GDP is an incredible number.
But remember this, not only that,
we have a great growth, which is growth.
We have great growth, andalso, very, very low inflation.
Our economy is doing great,number one in the world.
We're number one economyright now in the world.
- The president made the comments
before boarding Air Force One for Indiana.
He is in Indianapolis today
to address the National Rifle Association,
the nation's largestgun rights organization.
We'll have more stories like this
from our Washington bureauthis evening on Faith Nation.
You can watch it hereon the CBN News Channel.
In New York State,Rockland County has issued
a second declaration of emergency
as the measles outbreak there continues.
- Our federal governmentcannot sit idly by.
They must ensure that anyoneentering this country,
for any reason, producevalid documentation
or appropriate immunization records.
This needs to be done.
This is not a Rockland County issue.
It's a nationwide, and somerespects, worldwide issue.
Not tomorrow, not ina week, not in a year.
It must be done immediately.
I would recommend eventhrough executive order
from the president.
We need to have immediate action.
To do any less is both a disservice to
and a betrayal of thepeople of this country.
- On Wednesday, New York Cityhealth officials reported
61 new cases since late last week.
Most of those cases havebeen in unvaccinated people
in Orthodox Jewish communities.
Officials say there isno religious exemption
for the vaccine within the community.
The CDC continues to recommend the vaccine
for every American over one year old.
This is the worst year formeasles in the US since 1994.
Well officials in SriLanka say Mohamed Zahran,
the suspected leader of the group
they say carried out thoseterrorist attacks, was killed.
He apparently died in the blast
at one of the hotels that was bombed.
Police have arrestedZahran's second in command.
Sri Lanka's prime minister says
militants may be planning more attacks.
- Well, just rounded up a lot of suspects,
but there are still some ofthe active people on the run.
They may be having explosives with them
or they may have hidden the explosives
so we have to find the suspects
as well as the explosives.
So that's still on.
- Australia's primeminister says the attackers
were supported by ISIS.
Orthodox Christians floodedthe streets of Jerusalem today
to observe Good Friday.
During the processionin Jerusalem's Old City,
the pilgrims walked andretraced Jesus' last steps
before his crucifixionas tradition dictates.
Orthodox Christians whofollow the old Julian calendar
are marking Easter this weekend.
Roman Catholic andProtestant congregations
that observe the new Gregorian calendar
held their Easter celebrations last week.
Coming up, how oneorganization in California
is helping victims of human trafficking
get back on their feet.
And here's a look at what'strending on CBNNews.com.
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- Many victims of sextrafficking who escape
find out they have a major barrier
when it comes to goingto school, getting a job,
or finding a place to live,
and that barrier is their criminal record.
It often comes from law enforcement
that mistakenly sees them ascriminals rather than victims.
Many states are working to provide
criminal record relief for victims,
and now, a new legal tool promises
to truly give victims a second chance.
It's called vactur, and here to explain it
is Jamie Quient, a San Diego attorney
who founded a non-profit, Free to Thrive,
for trafficking survivors.
Jamie, thanks for joining us.
- Thank you for having me.
- Talk a little about,
many people have heard of the practice
of expunging or sealing criminal records,
but vacatur goes a step further.
How does it work?
- It does go a step further.
So vacatur helps victimsof human trafficking
completely clear their criminal records,
and it's a special law justfor victims of trafficking.
And the way it works is that,
at least in California,the law works in that,
if you expunge your record,it actually still shows up
when an employer or anybodyelse runs a background check.
You still have to answer yes,that you've been arrested
or charged with a crime in the past,
and it's very hard to gointo any licensed profession.
The vacatur law is a findingof factual innocence.
It's as if it never happened,
and they actually have todestroy the records completely.
So it's a complete clean slate
for victims and survivorsof human trafficking.
- I know that you just usedit to help a San Diego woman
who was trafficked foryears starting at age 16.
How did vacatur help her?
- Well it's an incrediblefresh start for her.
Not only did it help her,it will help her get a job,
help her get housing,help her go back to school
and get student loans, butit goes to her identity
of who she is.
This fresh start is sayingto her she's not a criminal
and she never should've been treated
like a criminal to begin with.
- Talk a little bit moreabout some of the barriers
that criminal records are creating
for trafficking survivors.
What are you finding from their stories
that they're up against whenthey do have these records?
- So this goes across ourcriminal justice system.
Once somebody has been,even arrested for a crime,
even if the charge is dismissed,
but if you're arrested andconvicted or you plead guilty,
that stays with you the rest of your life.
It's really hard to get a job.
Most housing, whether it's public housing
or private landlords,all do background checks
and it's hard to getanybody to rent to you.
It's hard to get student loans.
I've had clients turned down from jobs
like a dog walking job.
They can't get jobs in themedical profession, retail jobs,
jobs that you wouldn't even think
that you would run a background check for,
they can't get those jobs.
I actually have one clientin particular who, right now,
is working minimum wageat a grocery store,
and she's been hired for a job
helping children who've been trafficked
start their lives and move forward
and she really wants to useher experience to help others.
She has a job offer andall she's waiting for
is to clear her record becauseyou can't work with children
if you have a criminal record.
So once we clear her record,
she's gonna be able to start this job,
no longer be working minimum wage,
and more importantly, helpothers who've been through this
so that they can moveforward with their lives.
- Jamie, it does seem thatthe process of vacatur
is complicated and expensive.
How realistic is it thatmany survivors of trafficking
will be able to access it?
- Well it is complicated,
and it's expensive onlyin time, attorney time.
Luckily, we have many pro bono lawyers
who are volunteering theirtime to help our clients.
One of the things that I'm doing
is training lawyers notjust here in San Diego,
but around the state ofCalifornia and around the country
to do this work so they can join us.
The reality is the hardest part is, first,
for our clients to identifyas a victim of trafficking,
and then to have lawyers equipped
with the skills to clear their records,
and if we can do those two things,
identify victims, help them self-identify
that they've been trafficked,and connect them to lawyers,
they can all clear their records.
- All right, good news there.
Jamie Quient with Free toThrive, thanks for your time.
- Thank you so much for having me.
- [Shawn] It's about the competition.
- I kind of put that pressure on myself
and I think people had expectations.
- [Shawn] It's about overcoming.
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keep practicing hard.
- [Shawn] It's about going the distance.
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- [Shawn] Watch Going theDistance with Shawn Brown
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- And welcome back.
Here to bring us the top trending stories
from Faithwire, CBN's Jessica Chacko
and Faithwire's Dan Andros.
- Well a Canadian fatherhas been convicted
of, quote, family violence
after refusing to call his daughter a boy.
In addition, he's alsoreceived a protective order
preventing him from speakingto the media about the case.
Here to tell us more about it,
managing editor ofFaithwire.com, Dan Andros.
- Yeah, we've been following this story,
and the family, whiletheir names are anonymous,
the daughter, who is14, is only referred to
as Maxine in court documents.
But basically, what happened here was,
back in February, the SupremeCourt of British Columbia
ruled that she could receive her desired
male hormone treatmentsthat she was seeking.
The father had actually requested
that she not get this, but- Wow.
- they went to court over it,
and the family is, it's a broken family,
there's a divorcesituation happening there,
so it gets complicated, butthe bottom line is this dad...
And it's not like the girl is 18 or 19
and approaching that age of adulthood
and independent decisions.
This is a 14 year old girl and the court
vehemently has ruled againstthis father multiple times.
It's a sign of, you know,there are a lot of candidates
out there now who are pushingfor a single payer system,
health care system, and that'swhat they have in Canada.
And these are some of the decisions
that you can potentiallyexpect to see in the future
where the hospital actually declined
to listen to the father,
so it's a pretty scary situation.
The father had actuallybeen reprimanded for
even showing her conservative commentary
and prohibited him fromdoing so in the future.
- Wow, we'll keep you allupdated on that story.
But we all could use some positive news,
and this Good Samaritanstory is just that.
James Cunningham was down and out
battling addiction, suicidalthoughts, and homelessness
until a stranger steppedin and changed his life.
Dan, what do you know?
- Yeah, this is a great, fantastic story,
and it really should, itconvicted me a little bit
because, I mean I thinkwe've all walked by somebody
who's begging for changeand shaking the cup,
and that's exactly what James said
he had basically been reduced to
after a series of events in his life
left him homeless, on drugs, on alcohol,
and he was basically hopeless
and had actually toldhis friends on the street
that, you know what, I don'tthink I'm gonna make it
to the next month.
This was in August.
He said I don't think I'mgonna make it to September.
He was contemplating suicide.
But it was during that time,
it was a very difficult month for him,
but towards the end of the month,
he ran into someone named Manny who,
instead of just throwing money in his cup,
said you know what, let'sgo eat a bite of pizza.
And so he bought him pizzaand he talked to him.
And that's when Jamessaid, you know, it hit me.
He was treating me like a human being
and I'd almost forgottenwhat that felt like.
And so just through a couple interactions,
Manny kind of helping him,using his own computer
to sort of get him his birth certificate
and help him get a job again,
just those couple simple little acts
got him back on his feetand now he's got two jobs,
he's going to church, hisfaith is strong again,
and he's praising God the whole way.
Beautiful story.
- Thanks, Dan.
Well if you want tofind stories like these,
just visit Faithwire onFacebook or on the web
at Faithwire.com.
- [Heather] Up next, wehear from pro-life activist
Abby Johnson and how shehopes the movie Unplanned,
based on her life, makes an impact.
(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.
- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.
- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.
- Israeli archaeologists aretalking about a discovery
that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.
- [Announcer] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief Chris Mitchell
and get the biblical perspective
on the events shaping the world.
- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.
- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline
Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
- Orphan's Promise iscommitted to loving and serving
at risk children, to helpingkeep families together,
and to creating opportunities for strong
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We're working in over 60countries around the world,
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There's an old Africanproverb I love that says:
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(uplifting music)
(child giggles)
(upbeat music)
- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel
in a fresh, fearless way.
I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.
Join me each week for Next Gen Voices
and watch God transform a generation.
- The box office success forthe pro-life movie Unplanned
continues to grow.
Last weekend, sales hit 17.2 million
for the film about the transformation
of former Planned ParenthoodDirector Abby Johnson.
With only a $6 million budget,
the Pureflix film started making a profit
on its opening weekend afterdebuting with 6.1 million.
The movie overcame theobstacles of an R rating
by the Motion PictureAssociation of America
and having its ads banned onmajor television channels.
Johnson, who quit herjob at Planned Parenthood
after seeing an abortion via ultrasound,
now works to help othersleave the abortion industry.
She spoke with CBN News aboutthe success of the film.
- We've seen a lot of pro-lifemovies sort of come and go
and people have said what's the difference
here with Unplanned and Ireally think it's about timing.
We look at what's happening
and these crazy laws that are being passed
all across the country,late term abortions,
infanticide laws, and I thinkthat people are just ready.
I think they were ready to see the truth.
I think people were seeking truth
on the issue of abortion,and this film, hopefully,
will be a really powerfultool that people can use
moving forward to showthe truth of abortion,
and also, to show the powerfulredemptive nature of Christ.
- Beautiful.
Well that is it for thisedition of Newswatch.
We hope that you'll join us next time.
Have a great weekend.
(dramatic music)