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News on The 700 Club: April 26, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 26, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to the 700 Club.

The Democrats may befacing one of the longest,

toughest primary battles ever.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

could be in for a difficult fight

against Senator Bernie Sanders.

- Other Democrats arealso pulling their party

far to the left andthat could make it tough

for Biden to win the nomination.

Jennifer Wishon has the story.

- Joe Biden is a front runner

among Democratic primary candidates,

but holding on to his lead may prove

to be the greatest fight of his life.

- Hey guys, we're gonnahave plenty of time

to talk about his, okay.

- [Jennifer] Biden was right at home

leaving a pizza joint in Delaware

among a throng of reporters,

but liberal voters will have to wait

to find out where he stands on a variety

of left-wing causes like Medicare for all,

the Green New Deal, andsocialism in America.

- I gotta go.

- [Jennifer] JusticeDemocrats, a progressive group

aligned with New York'sDemocratic Socialist

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, labeled Biden

part of the old guard,warning his political ideas

could divide the party andsuppress liberal enthusiasm.

On day one of his campaign,

his message sounded a lotlike President Trump's slogan,

Make America Great Again.

- America's coming backlike we used to be,

ethical, straight, telling the truth,

moving in a way, supporting our allies,

all those good things.

- [Jennifer] The presidentdubbed Biden Sleepy Joe

and quickly warned him in the primary

he'll be dealing with people

who truly have some verysick and demented ideas.

- [Donald] I've known Joe over the years.

He's not the brightest light bulb

in the group I don't think,

but he has a name that they know.

- [Jennifer] Name recognition he has.

Money, he does not.

That's a problem, consideringthe other Democratic leader,

Bernie Sanders, is sitting on a war chest

of more than $26 million ashe works to rally Democrats

to support his socialist agenda.

- Our job is not justto win the White House,

it is to transform the economy

and government of this country.

- [Jennifer] For Biden to beat Bernie

and the 18 other Democrats,

he'll have to answerfor 45 years of votes,

public statements, and gaffs.

For example, in the '70s,he opposed school busing

and racial quotas.

In the '90s, he was part ofthe tough on crime crowd.

And as chairman of theSenate Judiciary Committee,

he presided over the Anita Hill hearings,

controversial then and even more so today

in the era of MeToo.

Biden reached out to Hill inadvance of his announcement,

but Hill told The New York Times

she was deeply unsatisfiedwith what he had to say.

Biden hits the campaigntrail in earnest Monday.

First stop, Pittsburgh.

- I think Joe Biden's probablythe best Democratic candidate

that they have right now.

I'm a Republican,

but I think that if somebody'sgonna vote Democrat,

it's probably gonna be Joe Biden.

- I think his time is overfor running for president.

I don't think he has it.

I think we need someone younger,

someone with better ideas.

- See ya guys.

Keep the faith.

- In Pennsylvania, Bidenwill play up his reputation

as a scrappy politician, popularamong working class voters,

workers enjoying record low unemployment

under President Trump.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.

- Well we now have 20 candidates,

get that, 20 candidates for 2020.

I remember back, growing up,that there actually used to be

a gap between elections andyou could actually focus

on governing the country,but it just seems like

we're into one continuouscampaign after another.

There's gonna be a free-for-all here

and we'll be reporting and stay tuned.

In other news, the key figure

in those Easter terroristattacks in Sri Lanka is dead.

John Jessup has that story

from our CBN news bureau in Washington.


- Thanks, Gordon.

Officials in Sri Lanka say Mohamed Zahran,

the suspected leader of the group they say

carried out those terroristattacks was killed.

He died in a blast at one ofthe hotels that was bombed

and police have arrestedZahran's second in command.

Sri Lanka's prime minister said militants

may be planning more attacks.

- We just rounded up a lot of suspects,

but there are still some ofthe active people on the run.

They may be having explosives with them

or they may have hidden the explosives

so we have to find the suspectsas well as the explosives.

So that's still on.

- Australia's primeminister says the attackers

were supported by ISIS.

Jews and Christians are calling out

Democrat Ilhan Omar of Minnesota

for promoting the idea thatJesus was a Palestinian

and not a Jew living inRoman-occupied Judea.

The Minnesota congresswoman faced backlash

after she retweeted atweet from Omar Suleiman,

an American Muslim scholarand civil rights activist,

accusing conservativeChristians of being ignorant

about Jesus', quote, Palestinian heritage.

Michael Dixon, executive director

of Stand With Us Israel tweeted:

No, Ilhan Omar, Jesuswas not a Palestinian.

He was a Jew born in Israelunder Roman occupation

and your need to misrepresent history

and misappropriate his background

to further a politicalcause says more about you

than it does about anything else.

Well severe weather,including several tornados,

ripped a path of destructionacross the South,

killing at least fivepeople before moving north.

A twister tore the roof off this Ohio barn

with its powerful winds.

In Louisiana, the smalltown of Ruston was hit

by another tornado packing136 mile an hour winds.

Louisiana Governor John Bell Edwards

declared a state of emergency and says

search and rescue is a priority

as well as making sure bridgesand overpasses are safe

and beginning clean-up.

Well, the United Nationshas called the exodus

of Venezuelan refugees unparalleled

in the modern history of South America.

More than a million of thecountry's four million refugees

have fled to the neighboringnation of Colombia,

where many had anencounter with Jesus Christ

over Easter weekend.

Charlene Aaron has that story.

- [Charlene] A broken economy

magnified by a politicalcrisis and power outages

is forcing millions ofVenezuelans to flee their country.

CBN correspondent Chuck Holton

has described the desperate situation

for those crossing into theborder town of Cucuta, Colombia.

- So this is the illegal way to get across

from Venezuela into Colombia.

It's called La Trocha.

These guys are bringing products

either into Colombia tosell or back into Venezuela,

things that aren't available there,

things like tires, things like medicines.

Coming across from Venezuela,

we're seeing a lot of scrap metal

that they sell over in the Colombian side.

We see things like copper wire

because people are rippingthe wires out of the walls

and wrapping them and bringingthem over here to sell

just to get enough money to eat.

- [Charlene] Prostitution byVenezuelan girls is rampant.

Leonel Castillo and his wife

work with their church to help them.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] The wealthiest Venezuelans

have already escaped to Spain or Miami.

The middle class is goingto Ecuador or Chile.

But the poorest and mostvulnerable are coming to Cucuta.

- Venezuelans have been suffering

under one of the worsthumanitarian disasters

in modern times.

But this week, tens ofthousands of refugees

received the ultimate gift of hope.

- Tonight, if you're here andyou don't know Jesus Christ

as your Savior, tonight you can be sure.

- [Charlene] It was calledthe Festival of Hope,

and the Graham team chose thestrategic location of Cucuta

to share the gospel to Colombians

and Venezuelan refugees as well.

- The physical needs,I think, of the people,

God sometimes uses that toopen up the hearts spiritually.

- [Charlene] Christian ministries

like Graham's Samaritan's Purseand CBN's Operation Blessing

have sent teams to providefood, hygiene kits,

and medical care to the refugees.

As the humanitarian crisis worsens,

the US and other nationsare increasing pressure

on the Maduro government andhis allies, Russia and Cuba.

Graham considers the Cubanofficials and military personnel

who are propping up leader Nicolas Maduro

a big obstacle to change.

- It's really the Cubans.

The Cubans have takencontrol of the country.

And they have takencontrol of this government.

They've taken control of the military.

It's almost like Cuba hasannexed their country.

- [Charlene] As theVenezuela crisis deepens,

the US and other nations aren'truling out military force.

Graham says he hopesand prays for a solution

that does not involve military force

and more suffering forthe Venezuelan people.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Gordon, that humanitarian aid,

a bright spot in the middleof so much desperation.

- Well, the desperation is demanding it.

Just imagine a millionpeople leaving their country

just because they can't eat.

And we need to be there for them.

We're there, Operation Blessing is there,

we're there in your name.

But congratulations to Franklin.

What a wonderful idea.

Let's not just give humanitarian aid.

Let's also give them the gospel.

Let's give them hope for tomorrow.


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