(dramatic music)
- The push for peace in the Middle East,
a look at how the puppetadministration is geared up
to release it's long awaited plan.
What Medicare for All couldactually mean for Americans
and migrant crisis in Mexico
as the President pushes theMexican government to do more,
South American migrants seeking asylum say
they're being treated unfairly.
All this and more tonight on Faith Nation.
(upbeat music)
The debate over Medicare forAll heads to Capitol Hill.
Welcome to Faith Nation, I'm John Jessup.
- And I'm Jenna Browder.
The Democrats gearing upfor their first ever hearing
on a plan to eliminateprivate health insurance
in favor of a government run program.
They will state their casenext week in the House.
- That is right, CBN NewsCapitol Hill Correspondent,
Abigail Robertson joins us now with more
on the Democrats' big plan, Abigail.
- Well, one thing Republicansand Democrats do agree on
is that the Americanhealthcare system is broken.
And Republicans and evena few Democrats contend
that replacing what'sbroken with a government fix
could be a recipe for disaster.
- Healthcare is a humanright, not a privilege.
(applause and cheers)
- [Abigail] Ever sincethe Democrat front runner
unveiled his single payer plan,
it has the central campaign issue of 2020.
- The best way to go forward in my view
is for a Medicare forAll single payer program.
- [Abigail] Now Bernie Sanders
is taking the Medicarefor All plan on the trail.
- We need to have Medicare for All,
that's just the bottom line.
- [Abigail] CaliforniaSenator, Kamala Harris
is also clamoring for agovernment healthcare takeover.
- And having a systemthat makes a difference
in terms of who receiveswhat based on your income
is unconscionable, it is cruel
and it is in many situationsI have witnessed, inhumane.
- [Abigail] But the visionof more affordable coverage
that lowers the number of uninsured
is meeting a political reality.
- So if I'm elected, I'mnot gonna force you off
your private healthcare plan.
- [Abigail] Congressman SethMoulton is the 19th Democrat
entering the race but he's no proponent
of a single payer system.
- I think every Americanshould have access
to good affordable healthcare
but I made a commitment to continue
getting my own healthcare at the VA
when I was elected toCongress, that's single payer.
And I tell you, it's not perfect.
- [Abigail] Bob Moffit ofThe Heritage Foundation
says that plan is theclosest thing in the U.S.
to Medicare for All.
- That is a very bad way torun a healthcare program.
What we've seen with theVeterans Administration program
is something that hasbeen positively scandalous
where you have thebureaucratic manipulation
of waiting lists resultingin the delay and the denial
of care and in a numberof cases Veterans died.
- [Abigail] Moffit contends that
cutting private insurancecompanies out of the equation
is a bad solution.
- The result would be something
like American medical clinics
being turned into the equivalentof Soviet grocery stores.
- Now President Trumpinsists a Republican plan
will be ready for a voteafter the 2020 election
but Moffit says that'stoo little, too late
and that the Presidentshould articulate a vision
of healthcare reform now.
- Abigail, what about the costof a Medicare for All plan,
many people wonder is that something
that's economically feasible?
- Well, right now the estimatesare very high for this.
Some estimate that thecost of Medicare for All
is anywhere from $25-$35trillion over just 10 years
and under the plan some180 million Americans
would see their privatehealth insurance replaced
with a public plan, soit's certainly not cheap
to implement this.
- Abigail Robertson reportingon Capitol Hill, thanks Abby.
- Well, it looks like healthcare
will be a big decidingissue in the 2020 election.
That's what we are seeing in the lead up
to the Democratic primaries.
A new poll from Morning Consult finds 25%
of likely primary voters say healthcare
is the most important issuein choosing a candidate.
22% say it's the economy.
That same poll finds Joe Bidencurrently leading the pack
of Democrats vying for theWhite House with 30% support.
He is officially planning toannounce his bid tomorrow.
Bernie Sanders is rightbehind him with 24%.
- Well, the President doesn'twant any White House aides
past or present testifying before Congress
in the numerous investigationsit has launched against him.
President Trump told The Washington Post
it's unnecessary because hefeels he already complied
with the Mueller investigation, saying
"there is no reason to go any further
and especially in Congresswhere it's very partisan."
It's a sentiment he expanded upon today
before leaving the White House.
- And I thought after twoyears we'd be finished with it.
No, now the House goesand starts subpoenaing.
Look, these like aren't impartial people,
the Democrats are trying to win 2020.
They're not gonna winwith the people that I see
and they're not gonna win against me.
The only way they can maybe luck out
and I don't think that's gonna happen,
it might make it even the opposite,
that's what a lot of people are saying,
the only way they can luck out
is by constantly goingafter me on nonsense.
- The White House reportedly is planning
to use executive privilege
after the House JudiciaryCommittee filed a subpoena
for testimony and documents
from former White HouseCounsel, Don McGahn.
Meanwhile, as Democrats decide
whether to go the route of impeachment,
President Trump isalready saying he wouldn't
let the move stand.
Warning today on Twitter,quote, "if partisan Democrats
ever tried to impeach, Iwould first have to head
to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Not only are there no highcrimes and misdemeanors,
there are no crimes by me at all."
The issue of impeachmentseems to be driving a wedge
among Democrats.
House Speaker, Nancy Pelosiis urging members of her party
to hold off but some saythey're ready to move forward.
- Well, John Sullivan isthe Executive Vice President
at The Hill and he joins us now for more.
John, good to have you.
- Good to be here.
- John, what do you make ofall this talk of impeachment?
- It's a moment ofcatharsis for the Democrats,
they waited two yearsfor the Mueller report,
didn't turn out the waythey thought it would
and I think they need to rally their base.
Remember a lot of peopleare raising money right now.
There is about 22, 23 candidatesin the 2020 primaries,
so it's a good fundraising thing,
it's a good rally at the base.
At the end of the day, I thinkNancy Pelosi had her words
when she says I don'tthink we're gonna go there,
that's why God made elections for.
And I think at the end of the day
this is more about election nearing
then it is about the progress
of an impeachment investigation.
- John, President Trumpsays that he's ready
to take this issue to the Supreme Court.
Some question if that's even possible
given that that's theprerogative of Congress.
What are your thoughts on this.
- Yeah, looking at thelegality, it's a tricky case.
Now, a good lawyer isusually gonna find any reason
to get before the court,a loophole or something,
I don't think it gets herethough, I really don't.
I think there could be some battles
over executive privilege.
I think the President mayinvoke executive privilege.
The Democrats in Congresswill challenge that
and they may end up in court there.
I don't think a case of over impeachment
will reach the courts at this point.
- Yeah, the House, ofcourse, has the votes
to impeach the President but
with a Republican controlled Senate,
it is very unlikely thatthey would convict him.
John, is President Trump gettingout ahead of his skis here
by even bringing up the Supreme Court?
- I think the President saw
what the last two years was like, right?
He passively sat there, for the most part,
cooperating with investigationand got bombarded.
I think you're seeing himon a more offensive strategy
which is getting ahead ofany move by the Democrats
and letting them know you want a fight,
it's gonna be a real fight this time.
And I think that that'sgonna be the strategy
heading into the 2020 election.
You're gonna see a moreassertive president
and if you're the Democrats,you might wanna watch,
I think this president's gonnastart to release information
about the other party,
he's seen enough released on him.
Keep an eye on that dynamic,I think you're gonna see
an effort of transparencythat may put the Democrats
on the defensive.
- John, to the other investigationDemocrats are pursuing,
President Trump is tryingto block their efforts
denying witnesses totestify on Capitol Hill
also withholding his taxreturns or any other documents
he wants to keep private.
By not cooperating doeshe in a round about way
make a stronger case forimpeachment for the Democrats?
- Listen, there's a dynamicin the American people,
we always expect ourPresident to be transparent.
It's one of the thingsthat comes with the job
whether we like it or not.
This feels like an openingnegotiation from here,
the President's gonnaput down a hard line,
I'm not cooperating atall and maybe they'll come
to the table and reach some agreement.
If you take the President in the way
that he conducted himself duringthe Mueller investigation,
you have an enormousamount of cooperation.
A million of a half documents wavered,
all of his privileges, hisattorney-client privilege,
his executive privilege.
He's a President that hasa history of cooperating,
now we need to see whatsort of deal he'll strike
with the Democrats on cooperating.
At some point I think there'll be a deal
to get some insight into these issues.
- And there's talk thatthis also buys him time.
This slow rolls in theinvestigations to really kind of
put Democrats in a tough position.
- Yeah and I think the President,
I think if you look at the polling data,
people are little bit tiredof the investigations,
they've had enough, they'veheard it for two years.
I think there's a momentwhere America wants to
suck in some fresh air andstart on some other topics.
Also you saw the Presidentmeeting with Nancy Pelosi.
There's a dynamic going on in trying
to get other things done,like infrastructure,
legislation we need tomove the country forward
and sometimes by holdingthese investigations at bay
you can get some of that other work done.
So I think it's a two trackapproach to immigration
and infrastructure beingimportant to the President
as policy items that aren't right yet.
Jerry Nadler's gonna be there today,
he's gonna be there six months from now
and I think he's trying tobalance that equilibrium.
- And John in your latest piece,
you write that the winner ofthe Robert Mueller sweepstakes
as you call it is not PresidentTrump, is not the Democrats
it's Vladimir Putin.
What do you mean by that?
- Well, it's funny deep in the story
there are some prettyimportant intelligence voices,
one of them being theformer CIA station chief
from Moscow.
If anyone understandsRussian spy trade craft,
it's the guy that used to beour station chief in Moscow.
He says when we look back at the evidence
and you read everything from Mueller,
he has a complete different interpretation
of what went on in 2016.
So Obama left this narrativewhen he left office.
President Obama left us anarrative that Putin tried
to swing the election,get Donald Trump elected
and then defeat Hillary Clinton.
There's clear evidence the Russians
hacked Hillary Clinton'semails and the DNC.
The assessment about whetherthey were really trying
to help Hillary Clintonhas always been in doubt.
In fact, I think the NSA Spy Chief
once testified at best he had medium
or mediocre confidence in that conclusion.
What experts are nowsaying is when we look
at the whole thing, it lookslike the Trump Tower meeting
may be the stuff that wasbeing fed to Glen Simpson
was what is known inthe spy trade craft as
discoverable influence operations,
meaning Vladimir Putin intendedfor these things to be found
so that the American publicwould be in a tizzy about it,
a very interesting thing.
But if you look at hisphilosophy or his underpinnings
for this, alright, they sentthe lawyer to the Trump Tower
who was declared as a Russian lawyer
and in the country only by the graces
of the Justice Departmentwho gave her a special visa.
If you were trying todo a secret handshake
with the President thathijacked the election,
would you send someonewho was that identified
and monitored, you wouldn't.
Same thing about if you take a look at
who Christoper Steele'salleged source was,
it's a former Russian intelligence source,
would you really use that person
for secret clandestine communications?
I just don't think that's it.
So I think there's a rethinking going on
among intelligence professionals
and if that happensVladimir Putin's already won
'cause he has us doubtingfor another six months
in our democracy.
- John, as you just pointedout, it's clear that Russia
did meddle in the 2016 elections
but because it was all thrown in
with the Mueller investigationit seems as though
it makes it harder for thePresident to accept the findings.
Is that a loss for us as we head into 2020
knowing that the Russiansprobably want to disrupt again?
- I think you have to takethe President on two levels,
what he tweets and says sometimes
and then what he actuallydoes as President.
If you take a look at the sanctions
he's issued against Russia,they're far more sweeping
than anything Barrack Obama did.
And keeping in mind BarrackObama had seven months warning
that these things had happenedand didn't do anything.
He's also if you take a look
at the way the HomelandSecurity Department
and Justice Department dealt with states
in 2018 during theelection far more proactive
communication warnings,
the second of any sort of hacking attempt
everybody gets alerted.
That didn't happen in 2016, soin his actions the President
has been fairly assertive on the issue
that we don't havehijacking of an election
through hacking andother things in his own.
Then he's trying to defend himself
and it's a little more nebulous
to the American public I think.
- And John looking at the 2020 Democrats,
Joe Biden expected toannounce his bid tomorrow,
it keeps getting pushedback and pushed back.
What does this say anddoes it hurt his chances
for fundraising?
- I don't, I think he'll beable to raise plenty of money,
he's the heir of the Obamaera, the former Vice President.
He had a great following inthe Senate, he's very likable,
the base particularlyestablishment Democrats,
maybe not the far left wingbut the establishment Democrats
will certainly raise money.
I see some fundraisers alreadyscheduled in Hollywood.
I don't think it willhurt himself in all that,
I think what he's really trying to gage is
can I win this primarywith how far the party
has moved to the left.
We're talking about the otherday there was a town hall
and we were talking aboutgiving voting rights
back to a terrorist, right?
And that's how far the party's moved,
that's not the Joe Bidenof the last 35 years
and his record and Ithink he has to figure
where do I fit in thisparadigm and can I win it
and I think that's all that's going on
behind he scenes, I would expect him in.
- John, we only half abouta half a minute left.
You just heard at thebeginning of our show
Abby Robertson reportingon Medicare for All
by the Democrats, does thePresident put Republicans
at a disadvantage by holdingoff releasing the GOP plan
until after the election?
- That's a great question, I think, listen
every polling we've doneat The Hill has shown
that people want a Republican plan
that's an alternative to this.
I think at some point theRepublicans are gonna come up
with a plan, I bet you it willoccur before the election.
Maybe not the President'splan but something general
that Republicans can rally around.
- Alternatives, sort of.- Yeah.
- John Sullivan thank you so much
for doing this.- Good to be here thank you.
- Thank you John.
Well, President Trump'sMiddle East peace plan
is set to be released in June
after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
The Palestinian leaders saythe long awaited proposal
will be dead on arrival.
CBN News White HouseCorrespondent, Ben Kennedy
joins us to explain, Ben?
- Well, Jenna Palestiniansactually cut off diplomatic ties
with the U.S nearly two years ago
so finding common groundwith them on Israel
just does not look good.
Presidential Advisor,Jared Kushner stopped short
in releasing details of their proposal
but said the plan willrepresent a comprehensive vision
for peace.
- Our focus is really on the bottom up.
- [Ben] That focus aims to
tackle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
with a fresh perspective.
The President's son-in-lawand advisor, Jared Kushner
says there will need to becompromises on both sides.
- How do you make the lives
of the Palestinian people better,
what can you resolve to allow these areas
to become more investible?
We deal with all the core status issues
because you have to do it but we've also
built a robust businessplan for the whole region
and I think that the two together
have the opportunity to push forward.
- The challenge lies
with the Palestinian Authority leaders
who have refused to speakwith the White House
since President Trump recognized Jerusalem
as Israel's capital.
How do you get them tothe table to even talk?
- Well, I don't know ifthey're gonna be able
to get them to the table becausethe Palestinian Authority
from Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas
to many other Palestinian officials said
this peace plan is really dead on arrival.
- CBN Middle East BureauChief, Chris Mitchell
says President Trump facesobstacles on both sides.
Do you think the plan willcall for a two state solution?
- I think it's gonna stopshort of a two state solution.
I think Secretary of State,Mike Pompeo signaled that
just a few days ago whenhe spoke before Congress.
- [Ben] That plan could alsobe a hard sell for Israel
given recent election results.
- Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu
right now is forming a government.
Part of that government arethree major religious parties
and if they see anythingin this peace plan
that touches anything they consider holy,
especially the city of Jerusalem,
they will reject it out of hand.
- Now Chris says itwill be key to watch for
how other countries like Egypt,Jordan and even Saudi Arabia
react when the plan is unveiled.
Those countries have shown frustration
with the Palestinian issueand could actually seek
their own peace deals with Israel, Jenna.
- Ben, we're also hearingPrime Minister, Netanyahu
seeking to name one of theGolan Heights settlements
for President Trump.
- Yeah, Jenna, you're right,pending government approval,
a Jewish settlement in theGolan Heights would be named
after the President.
This move is one way tosay thank you to Trump
for recognizing Israel'sauthority over that territory.
- Which is one more example of the love
between the State ofIsrael and President Trump.
He recognized Jerusalemas Israel's capitol,
moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
now recognized sovereigntyover the Golan Heights.
I think this is yet again President Trump
showing his supportfor the State of Israel
despite what any other nationsays in the Middle East.
I think it's an amazing signof how much the State of Israel
and in particular Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu
appreciate what PresidentTrump is doing for Israel.
- This is not the firsttime Trump has come up
to be named after something.
Back in 2017, after he recognizedJerusalem as the capitol
of Israel, an Israeli minister proposed
putting the Commander-in-Chief's name
on a new train station.
And again as Chris just says,it just shows the strong bond
between Trump and the State of Israel.
Jenna, John.
- Thanks Ben.
A judge in Oregon is set toissue an injunction against part
of the administration's TitleX Family Planning Program.
A portion of the measureprevents federal funding
from going to healthcareproviders that offer abortions
or refer patients to abortion providers.
It was set to take affect May 3rd.
But now a federal judge says he'll block
at least the part of TitleX dealing with abortion
calling it a quote, "ham-fisted approach
to public health policy,
one that emphasizes a political issue
over Title X's stated goal
of reducing unintended pregnancies."
- [Jenna] Another SouthAmerican migrant caravan
is making it's way to the U.S.
How Mexico was working tostop it when we come back.
(upbeat music)
President Trump continueshis calls for Mexico
to step up to stop migrantstrying to make their way
into the United States.
It comes as Mexicangovernment is being criticized
for being violent with migrants trying
to make the trek for freedom.
CBN News National SecurityCorrespondent, Eric Philips
joins us with more on bothsides of this debate, Eric.
- Well, Jenna even thoughthe President's first warning
about closing the border did not happen,
some say it was enoughfor Mexico to take action,
perhaps, too much action.
Still the President wantsmore as he made clear
in a pair of tweetsWednesday that said in part,
"a very big caravan of over 20,00 people
started up through Mexico.
It has been reduced in sizeby Mexico but is still coming.
Mexico must apprehend the remainder
or we will be forced to closethat section of the border
and call up the military."
This comes just a day and ahalf after Mexican authorities
conducted their largest raid to date
on migrant's travel into the U.S.
Officers targeted thetail end of a caravan
in Chiapas, Mexico's southern most state.
As many as 500 migrants werepicked up at the checkpoint.
Some forcibly detained,including women and children.
That alleged action sparking trouble
and federal response.
Honduran migrant, Patricia Rosa says
those who escaped said theycouldn't find their children.
Other migrants who spoketo reporters on the scene
say Mexican authorities went too far.
Honduran migrant, Kevin Escobarasking why do they do this?
We came calmly he says, wehave not attacked anyone.
Mexican President, Obradorsays immigration agents
are clamping down to searchfor human traffickers
allegedly infiltrating the caravans.
He also acknowledges theneed to control the flow
in respect to the United States.
He says the underlyingapproach we are making
to the United States government
is to urgently support the development
of the brother countriesof Central America.
A Mexico Human RightsCommission officer says
respecting human rights is also a priority
and he will investigate claimsthat unnecessary violence
was used during the raid, Jenna.
- Now, Eric the President wasalso tweeting this morning
about guns being pulled onNational Guard soldiers,
what did he say about that?
- Well, the Presidentsaid Mexico's soldiers
recently pulled guns on ourNational Guard soldiers.
He says probably as a diversionary tactic
for drug smugglers on the border.
He said it better not happen again
and he said that the U.S. isnow sending armed soldiers
to the border.
Then he reiterated thatMexico is not doing enough
in apprehending and returning migrants.
- And Mexico's PresidentEric said the clamp down
is for the safety of these migrants.
Is that a reasonable explanation?
- Well, Jenna given the factthat this is the largest influx
of migrants Mexico has ever seen,
I mean, we're talking about 300,000 since
just January alone and thefact that human trafficking
is very pervasive, it seemslike a reasonable explanation.
However, pressure from the United States
certainly ratchets thisup on the priority list
for everyone involved.
- Indeed alright, Eric Philips, CBN News,
National SecurityCorrespondent, thank you.
- Well, the Trump administration
is combating the opioidcrisis as a top priority.
Today the President and FirstLady traveled to Atlanta
to participate in the 2019Prescription Drug Abuse
and Heroin Summit.
- You are the doctors,nurses and counselors
who give strugglingcitizens the hope and solace
and strength to build abrighter and brighter future.
And you are the familiesand faith communities
who helped thousands ofAmericans overcome addiction
for a new life of freedom.
- And around 48,000 Americans died
from opioids in 2017 alone.
- [Jenna] Coming up, alook at what lawmakers
are calling the next stepin criminal justice reform.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Young people, millennials
are flocking to church.
- It's not an exaggeration to say
that we love to meet them
and that we love to know their stories.
- Well a pair of bipartisan lawmakers
have introduced a measure aimed
at furthering criminal justice reforms.
- That's right the Clean SlateAct comes after the passage
of the First Step Act was signed
into law by President Trump.
This new measure wouldseal a person's record
if they have been convicted
of a simple possession of marijuana.
It would also allow non-violent offenders
to petition the courtto seal their records
for other crimes.
The aim is to open the doorsfor employment and education
for those with a criminal past.
The Clean Slate Act was introduced
by a Democraticrepresentative from Delaware
and a Republican from Pennsylvania.
- Well, that is a wrap fortonight's Faith Nation.
- Have a great evening.
(upbeat music)