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News on The 700 Club: April 24, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 24, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Welcome to this edition of The 700 Club.

Do you know there's not onesingle drug on the market

that can cure Alzheimer's?

We've got a guest that'lltell you a program to do it.

You don't want to miss it.

Well the president is fighting back

against congressionalDemocrats, challenging subpoenas

to former aides and discouragingcurrent and former advisers

from testifying.

As Charlene Aaron reports,the president and his allies

believe Congress is outto destroy his presidency.

- The White House is pushing back

against congressional investigations.

President Trump says he'sagainst White House aides

testifying to Congress andplanning to fight in court

a subpoena issued to formerWhite House counsel Don McGahn.

The president told TheWashington Post Tuesday:

There is no reason to go any further,

and especially in Congresswhere it's very partisan,

obviously very partisan.

- They don't want to get to the truth.

They want to get to this president.

And at this point,

I don't know what Jerry Nadlerthinks he's going to get

that Robert Mueller didn't except for

some political points with the base.

- [Charlene] Nadler and othershave vowed to move ahead

investigating Trump-related matters,

ranging from potentialobstruction of justice

related to the Mueller probe

to his personal and business taxes.

The administration appears tobe setting up another fight

on that front.

The Treasury Departmentskipping a second deadline

to turn over the president's tax returns.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin says

he wants to consult onthe legal implications

of such a move.

On Tuesday's 700 Club,Regent Law Dean Mark Martin

suggested turning over the taxes

would be a terrible precedent.

- I think every American has a lot to fear

because, if a branch ofthe federal government

can just decide that theywant to publicly illuminate

any of our tax returns,we no longer have any

legitimate right to privacy.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile,Democrats are divided

over whether to pursue impeachment.

Several on the campaign trail

are calling for impeachment proceedings,

but the leadership isn'tcommitting to that path.

- I do believe that impeachment

is one of the most divisive forces,

paths that we could godown to in our country,

but if the facts, the path offact finding takes us there,

we have no choice, butwe're not there yet.

- [Charlene] GOP Senate Judiciary Chairman

Lindsey Graham says theDemocrats are stampeding

to impeachment.

- They're gonna use the Mueller report,

anything they can find, totry to destroy this president.

See, Nancy Pelosi's not incharge of the Democratic Party.

The radical left is in charge.

- Meanwhile, the presidentsays he's not concerned

about being impeached.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Is it your belief that suicide bombers

are poor, uneducated peoplefrom the lower classes?

Well, the truth is, theman who was involved

in the Sri Lanka bombingactually was trained as a lawyer.

Mohamed Atta was trained as an architect.

These are highly educated people

who have fallen for the lieof Islam, extremist Islam,

and they don't mind takingthe lives of other people.

Well Sri Lankan securityofficials are resigning

over those deadly Easter terror attacks.

John Jessup has moreabout what's happened.

- That's right, Pat.

Sri Lanka's president has asked

for the resignations ofthe defense secretary

and national policechief after the attacks

that killed 359 people.

This comes as we're learningmore about the suicide bombers.

A Sri Lankan official saysthe nine suicide bombers

were breakaway members oftwo extremist Muslim groups.

Many of them were highlyeducated, as Pat was just saying,

coming from middle- andupper-middle class families.

At least one had a law degree,

while others studied inthe UK and Australia.

Officials are also admitting

they missed warnings of the attacks.

ISIS has claimedresponsibility for the blasts,

releasing images it saysis of the group of bombers.

Presidential adviser Jared Kushner says

the Trump administration plans to release

its Middle East peace proposal

after the Muslim holy monthof Ramadan ends in June.

Trump's chief Middle Eastnegotiator telling a forum

they're approaching theIsraeli-Palestinian issue

with a fresh perspective.

- What we're gonna put out is different.

Our focus is really on the bottom up,

which is how do you make the lives

of the Palestinian people better?

What can you resolve to allow these areas

to become more investible?

We deal with all the core status issues

because you have do it,but we've also built

a robust business planfor the whole region,

and I think that the two together

have the opportunity to push forward.

- Palestinian leaders have said

the plan will be dead on arrival.

They haven't met with Israeli leaders

in more than two years.

Well, mixed reactionsfrom Middle East nations

to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's move

to end exceptions onsanctions for Iranian oil.

As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,

the decision increasesthe economic pressure

on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

- Last November, the US granted waivers

to seven countries andTaiwan to import Iranian oil.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said

that grace period is over.

- I'm announcing thatwe will no longer grant

any exemptions.

We're going to zero.

Going to zero across the board.

Our goal has been to get countries

to cease importing Iranian oil entirely.

- [Chris] Iran's Lebanese ally, Hezbollah,

condemned the move.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] President Trumpdoes not care about anything,

and at the same time, heis trying to punish others

by accusing them of supporting terrorism.

He is personally practicingand supporting terrorism.

- [Chris] Turkey warnedof the consequences

to the Middle East.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] Politically,it is not right.

Ethically, it is not right.

In terms of commerce, itis definitely not right,

and it is also againstinternational laws of commerce,

against World Trade Organization laws,

and it is risky forthe region's stability.

- [Chris] Yet during aholiday visit to Capernaum,

the town where Jesus ministered,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

welcomed the decision.

(speaking foreign language)

- [Translator] President Trump

and the US government's decision

to intensify the sanctions against Iran

is a decision of very great importance.

This is the way to dealwith Iranian aggression

and this is the way to stop it.

- [Chris] The move isjust the latest attempt

to economically squeeze the country

the State Department callsthe biggest state supporter

of terrorism in the world.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

Well US oil sanctions could be good

for Americans at the gas pump,

and the news has oil prices slipping below

a six-month high as marketwatchers predict suppliers

will increase their output inresponse to those sanctions.

More oil could mean ahalt in rising gas prices,

Californians paying morethan $4 a gallon this week.

And the stock marketis showing strong signs

of rebounding afterstruggling late last year.

Tuesday, the S&P 500 andthe NASDAQ hit record highs,

the S&P rising nearly 26 points,

the NASDAQ popping 105 points.

The Wall Street Journal reports

the market is respondingto the new fed policy, Pat,

of not increasing interest rates.

- Well, it depends on interest rates

and on the flow of money.

That seems to control the whole thing.

But for those that are in the market,

it's a pretty good time, so theword is be somewhat cautious

because a recession may be down the road,

but right now, it's happydays are here again.


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