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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - April 23, 2019


- OK, we got some questions.- We do.

- Let's take 'em.- It's time for your questions

and honest answers, folks.

This is Brock who says, Idon't believe in gambling,

but the environment ofsuch doesn't bother me.

There is a casino openingin the town I live in.

I'm currently employed as acustodian with the school board,

however, if I were to lose myjob due to government tax cuts

would it be against God's word to work

as a custodian in the casino?

- Well, you know, the Bible says

whatever is not of faithand sin, it's in your heart.

The fact that you're a custodian,

you're cleaning the place up.

You're not dealing cards,

you're not running the blackjack table,

you're not running theroulette wheel and so forth

and you're not hustling thepatrons with drinks and all that

the fact that you'recleaning up the floors

and sweeping the dirt,I don't see anything.

But it's up to you, I'm serious.

If you feel in your heartit's wrong then it's wrong.

And if you don't feel in your heart,

if your heart doesn't condemn you

then you have confidencebefore the Lord, all right?

- OK, this is a viewer who says, Pat,

I am a born-againChristian, Spirit filled,

and I love serving God to my fullest.

But all my life I've beencalled gay by different people.

Throughout the past couple of years

I have had some challengingtraumas in my life

that have made me findcomfort in different men.

My spirit is broken and I'm disillusioned

by what my sexuality is anymore.

I know deep down thathomosexuality is wrong,

but what if God made me this way?

What if I am a Christian anda gay man who truly loves God?

Just what if, I need help.

- Well, let's not takea what if God made you,

and you know, you can'tsay God made me thus.

You read the Bible, it's very clear.

You know, you cannot blameGod for doing something

that is sinful, and it's just that simple.

You can't blame Him for it.

He made me with apredisposition to alcohol,

so I'm an alcoholic and it's God's fault.

No way, I'm sorry, it justdoesn't work that way.

If you know it's wrong, then don't do it

and stay away from that whichwill lead you toward it.

And you know, I know it's tough,

but with all this genderidentity stuff, I mean,

I think we've got to recognizethat God made male and female

and He did it to bringforth godly offspring.

He didn't, and the Biblesays that God gave them up

to unnatural passions.

You read the Book ofRomans, unnatural passion.

Women lusting for women,men lusting for men.

And he said that was the finalplace of Gentile apostacy.

So it's not a good thing.

- OK, this is May, Pat, who says,

I was diagnosed withpolycystic ovarian syndrome.

My husband and I are afraidwe won't have children.

Can God still give us a child?

- He can give you a child,

and that polycystic ovariansyndrome can lead you

to a lot of overweight, andyour glands are off kilter,

but indeed, you can get pregnant.

Now, you're not talking a physician,

you're talking to somebodywho is on television.

And my expertise is notin, I'm not a gynecologist,

but what I understand from that condition,

indeed you can get pregnant, and yes,

you can have a normal child, all right.

- This is Debbie who says, Iam a strong Christian lady,

but I have Jehovah's Witnesseswho keep coming to my door.

What they say sounds good.

I don't know how to deal with them.

I don't want to be rude,but they keep coming.

What is the main differencebetween them and Christianity?

They make it sound the same.

- Well, it's not thesame, and it's the idea

that I serve Jehovah and I'mgoing to witness for Jehovah.

I've got a whole lot of beliefsthat I'm part of the elect

and I've moved into different categories

and it's some pretty weird stuff.

You know, if they come toyour door just say, look,

I'm a Christian, I don'tbelieve in that stuff.

Thank you very much,goodbye, and shut the door.

You don't have to open thedoor to somebody like that,

you really don't, I mean,they're imposing on you,

and you don't have to receiveit, it's just that simple.

- OK Pat, this is Robert who says, hi Pat,

thank you for taking my question.

I'm currently a CBNpartner and I'm thankful

for how God is using thisministry for His honor and glory.

My question is, I will beretiring at the end of June 2019.

I will be living on my pension.

Am I to continue withmy tithe and offerings?

I will continue to give, Ijust want your perspective.

Thank you, God bless you.

- Well, the Bible saysyou're not supposed to give

what you don't have, yougive what you do have.

And I talk about anticipatory tithing.

You can anticipate, you know,just because you have quit

a particular job doesn'tmean that you're dead.

It means that you're now opportunity

you can do other things.

There are many, many, many waysof making money, many ways.

This is a very rich country

and the opportunities are enormous.

So ask God if He can'topen some doors for you

that'll amaze you, just amaze you.

You know, Colonel Sandersthat did that chicken stuff,

he was retired before hestarted selling chicken.

The next thing you knowhe's got an amazing chain

with his face and everything.

So God has other things for you,

so don't stop your seedbecause as you plant the seed

you will receive, all right?

- And here's one for you.

This is from Pat, itsays, Pat, I know that,

like the song says, whenwe all get to Heaven,

what a day of rejoicing that will be.

But what will we do on daytwo and day three? (laughs)

- (chuckles) Well, Ihaven't ever been there,

so I don't know, but I tell you what,

you're gonna be a spirit.

You will be like the angelsand they will be rejoicing

in the Lord, and I dare say, you know,

the Bible says we'll judge the angels.

And so there'll be a lot of work to do.

It won't be day one, it'll bea whole life of praising God.

We'll be in the presenceof God, it'll be ecstasy.

Every day will be moredelightful than the next day,

so day one, two, three,it'll all be wonderful.


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