A hit-and-run sends one driver into a coma and sets the stage for an Easter miracle. Plus, experts share the proof of the resurrection on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, the case for Christ.
- We have testimony thatis early, eyewitness,
even hostile sources.
- [Gordon] Experts share theproof of the resurrection.
- Their historicity was indisputable.
- [Gordon] Then ahit-and-run sends one driver
into a coma.
- God, whatever this is, I said,
God you got to turn this around.
- [Gordon] And sets thestate for an Easter miracle.
- People were huggin'me and I'm huggin' 'em.
- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.
- [Jermaine] The wheelchair assisted me in
but I was takin' it out.
(triumphant music)
(inspirational music)
- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.
Today, Christians around the world
are commemorating Good Friday.
But 2,000 years after the crucifixion
others are asking isJesus real and is he God?
- Recently, CBN's Paul Strandtalked with four top defenders
of the faith about these questions.
And all of the reached the same conclusion
in very different ways.
- [Paul] Although believersand evidence exist
there remains a question, is there a God?
Detective J. Warner Wallacehas pursued the question
applying the same proceduresused to solve cold cases.
Starting this investigation as an atheist,
he had to accept somethingbeyond the natural
because he believed theuniverse had a beginning
before space and time.
- It began from nothing, didn'texist prior to the big bang.
That means you are looking for a cause
that is non-spatial,non-temporal and non-material
'cause those things are notavailable until the big bang.
So you're already looking
for something that's extra-natural.
- [Paul] Astronomer Hugh Ross who heads up
Reasons to Believe, seesGod in the universe's birth.
- It has a beginning,which implied there must be
a beginner that wasresponsible for bringing
the universe into existence.
- [Paul] And there's such precise design.
- We have fine tuning in the universe,
which is so finely tunedthat the smallest variation
in the universal constants,
you wouldn't even have auniverse in which we life at all.
Now, what are the odds ofthat happening on its own?
- [Paul] And just howfinely tuned is it for life?
- If you were to addthe weight of one dime
to the universe, or subtractthe weight of one dime
from the observable universe,that would be enough
to upset the balance notto make life not possible.
How can we escape the conclusion
there must be a mindwith supernatural power
that designed it justright so we could be here?
- [Paul] But what about Jesus Christ,
his resurrection and deity?
- If there's a being out there
that could create all space,time and matter from nothing,
I'm guessing he couldprobably rise from the dead.
I'm guessing he couldprobably walk on water.
I'm guessing those areprobably small potato miracles
compared to Genesis One.
- Some people say they'll neverbelieve Jesus Christ is God
because all the prooffor it is in the Bible
and they just don't believe the Bible.
As an atheist, Josh McDowell set out
to disprove Christianity and the Bible
but found so much evidenceit changed his life.
The result was his book,Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
And he found much proof forChrist outside the Bible.
- In this book, evidence.
I give 20 some totallyextra-biblical sources
that you could recapture from it,
almost everything about Christ,
that he was raised the dead,he fulfilled the prophecy,
etc. etc. etc. from non-biblical sources.
- [Paul] Alex McFarland putson conferences nationwide,
like this one in NorthCarolina, to arm Christians
with proof their God and faith are real.
He points out what one of America's
top 20th century historians, Will Durant,
a non-believer, had to say.
- Durant, when he was not a Christian,
said that the fourbiographies, Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John, their historicitywas quote, "indisputable."
- [Paul] Some claim theNew Testament was written
hundreds of years after Jesus's time
so all the supernaturaldetails about Christ
could have been addedin long after his death.
But as witnesses, theearliest disciples memorized,
sand and wrote down statementsof Christ' miraculous life
starting right after his resurrection.
- Deity, death, resurrection.
Son of God, paid for oursins, rose from the dead.
These doctrinal formulae, if you will,
these statements ofbelief, come to us within,
not years, not months, butweeks after the crucifixion.
- [Paul] And these disciples said not only
were they eyewitnessesto Christ' miracles,
but so were their opponentsthere in Jerusalem.
- They would constantlyappeal to the knowledge
of hostile witnesses of thetruth that they're saying,
they're saying, you knowwhat I'm talkin' about,
you were there, you saw him to this.
You heard him do this.
- But you may feel noneof this has anything
to do with you and you shouldn'thave to think about it.
Well, what if there is an eternity?
And what you believe about Jesus Christ
will determine where you spend it.
Wallace says if you'rea total non-believer
for your own sake, consider the idea
there's a miracle workingsavior, with this one caveat.
- You can't begin bysaying I don't believe
in the supernat--
That's the thing you'retrying to investigate.
If you start off bydenying the supernatural,
you'll never get to whether
or not there's anything supernatural.
You've already decided there isn't.
- [Paul] McFarland mentionswhat's known as Pascal's Wager.
- If we live as if there is God
and it turns out therewasn't, we've lost nothing.
Plus, we've lived a goodlife and been happy.
But if you, the atheistlive as if there's not a God
and it turns out there is,you've lost everything.
So, the wise man would wagerthat there might be a God.
- [Paul] Paul Strand, CBN News,
reporting from Greensboro, North Carolina.
- The wise man mightwager that there is a God.
The Bible says the fool says in his heart
there is no God.
When you examine, howdo you create something
out of nothing?
How does that happen?
Well, then you come to a conclusion,
well, there must be a creator.
- It's the precision that convinces me.
- It's the precision, the fine tuning.
- Yeah, whoo, amazing. (laughing)
Well, still ahead, a man healed
from paralysis has a relapse.
- I just felt like theLord wasn't with me.
I felt like, why, why would you
why would you allow me to be healed
just to be sick again?
- Watch how he receives a walking miracle
on Easter Sunday.
But first, we'll go overto the CBN news room
for today's tops stories,right after this.
(hopeful music)
- Welcome back to the 700 Club.
10 instances of potentialobstruction and no collusion,
that's the Mueller report in a nutshell.
Attorney General Bill Barrand Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein
both concluded the presidentdid not commit any crimes.
But Democrats are already pushing back.
Jennifer Wishon reportsnow from the White House.
- A total victory for the president,
that's how White House officials
see Special CounselRobert Mueller's report.
It's the exoneration theysay they've been predicting
from the start.
Meanwhile, Democrats see thereport as a treasure trove
for future investigations.
- No collusion, no obstruction.
(cheering and clapping)
- [Jennifer] On Twitter, apresidential victory lap,
the president declaring game over.
- The results are in.
- [Jennifer] With videos, designed to tell
the mainstream media, he told them so.
- No collusion.
- No collusion.
There was no collusion.
No collusion.
No collusion.
There is absolutely no collusion.
- [Jennifer] Now on offense,the president's legal team
calls the investigationpolitically motivated abuse
launched by former FBIDirector James Comey.
- It'll be very interestingto see what happens
in the days ahead, but Ithink we play by the law.
And the law is clear andwe're gonna insist on the law
being followed and thatmeans, whether it's
at the House or theSenate, and in any case,
if there's an issue that wethink is worthy to litigate,
we will litigate it.
- This should never happento another president
again, this hoax.
- [Jennifer] The Mueller report quote,
"does not conclude the president committed
"a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
- The report recounts 10episodes involving the president
and discusses potentiallegal theories for connecting
those activities to the elementsof an obstruction offense.
- [Jennifer] Those 10 episodes, recounted
in the redacted release,
from President Trump'sefforts to seize control
of the Russia investigation,to the president's endeavors
to force the Special Counsel's removal,
which were quote,
"mostly unsuccessful...because the persons
"who surrounded the presidentdeclined to carry out orders."
- President Trump faced anunprecedented situation.
- [Jennifer] The weight of that cloud
revealed in the release,with the president cursing,
stating "this is the end of my presidency"
at the appointment of SpecialCounsel Robert Mueller.
- The president was frustrated and angered
by his sincere beliefthat the investigation
was undermining his presidency.
- [Jennifer] Detailed in the report,
the Russian intelligence hacking campaign
and Russian efforts to sow social discord
through disinformation andsocial media operations.
- The Russian governmentsought to interfere
in our election process.
- [Jennifer] But any linksbetween the Trump campaign
and Russia were deemedinsufficient evidence
in bringing charges.
- The Russian operatives whoperpetrated these schemes
did not have the cooperationof President Trump
or the Trump campaign.
- [Jennifer] The redactedreport was shared directly
with the White House before its release.
- No one outside the Department
has seen the unredactedreport, with the exception
of certain sectionsthat were made available
to IC, the intelligencecommunity, for their advice
on protecting intelligencesources and methods.
- [Jennifer] The WhiteHouse did not choose
to use executive privilege toissue any further redactions
than what had already beenremoved from the report
by the DOJ.
- Given the limitednature of the redactions
I believe that thepublicly released report
will allow every Americanto understand the results.
- [Jennifer] For somelawmakers, a different version.
- These members of Congresswill be able to see
all of the redactedmaterial for themselves
with a limited exception.
- [Jennifer] Cappingoff the DOJ's release,
Attorney General Bill Barr'stease of more drama ahead.
- I have no objection to BobMueller personally testifying.
- Here at the White House though,
officials are feeling confident they say,
after two years, hundreds of interviews,
subpoenas and searchwarrants, it's highly unlikely
Congress would uncover anythingthe special counsel did not.
Jennifer Wishon, CBNNews, the White House.
- The deep South and Northeast are bracing
for severe storms this weekend.
Forecasters say a line of thunderstorms
may bring damaging windsand possible tornadoes,
particularly in Florida,the Carolinas and Virginia.
More than four inches ofrain, with possible hail
is expected in Alabama,Mississippi and Atlanta
through the weekend,
the potential for flash flooding as well.
In Texas, a thunderstormbrought down a tree
narrowly missing a home.
- We're Christians atthis house and I said,
man, this is prayers right here.
'cause we just remodeledthis house right now.
We're remodeling and noteven a broken window.
- The mid-Atlantic are alsoexpecting heavy rains and winds.
Gordon and Terry'll be back with much more
of today's 700 Club.
It's coming up right after this.
Stay with us.
(tense music)
(majestic music)
- After an accident, Jermaine Green
was paralyzed on his left side.
Then he was healed.
And three weeks later hewoke up paralyzed again.
You can imagine Jermaine was devastated.
And he wondered why Godwould allow him to be healed
only to relapse.
Well, two years laterhe received the answer
to that question on Easter Sunday.
- [Reporter] On November 14th, 2004
a trash truck slams intoJermaine Green's car
putting him in a comawith severe head trauma.
His dad, Bishop Joe Green Senior
and his mother Ednarushed to the hospital.
- It was very, very painful
in the sense that being in a coma
and not really knowing
whether or not he wasgonna come out or not.
- I was like, okayLord, I said you told me
he was gonna be a preacher.
He had work to do.
I said, God, whatever this is,
I said, God, you got to turn this around.
- [Reporter] Jermaine wasparalyzed on one side of his body.
His parents and their churchprayed non-stop for healing.
Then, one night.
- We're praying, I kinda opened my eyes
and I looked up.
Left hand was goin' up.
It was goin' up.
And he did like this.
But the thing was, he didn'tknow he raised his hand.
God did it, he raised his hand.
That was encouragement to us.
- [Reporter] The next morning,he was up and walking.
- I'm walkin' around myroom, I'm givin' God praise,
tears are fallin' from my eyes.
I cannot believe that Godhas just given me a miracle.
- [Reporter] Jermaine wenthome to his wife and children
but three weeks laterat his parents' church
he blacked out.
When he woke up, the left side of his body
was paralyzed again.
- I just felt like theLord wasn't with me.
I felt like, why,
why would you,
why would you allow me
to be healed just to be sick again?
- [Reporter] Doctors diagnosedhim with hemiparesis,
a weakness of one side of his body.
- I'm believin' God for a miracle.
And so now, my approachabout it is any day now.
We gone ride the wave and soonas he waves his hand at me
I'm 'onna get up and I'll be fine.
But it didn't happen like that.
I felt like, what could Ihave done that was wrong?
In a month, you just healed me from this.
Why am I experiencing this again?
- [Reporter] All attemptsof physical therapy failed
and Jermaine had to face lifeconfined to a wheelchair.
Shortly thereafter, Jermaineand his wife divorced.
Eventually, he became asingle father of four.
Jermaine fell into a depression
and came to the conclusionthat it would be better
for everyone if he ended his life.
- I got these blood pressure pills
and I had 'em in my hand.
And so what stopped me was my daughter
crawlin' on the floor,just laughin' and smilin'
to the point where sheclimbed up on my leg.
So she sat right nextto the bottle of pills.
And that's what actually saved me from,
I didn't do it.
- [Reporter] Eventually,Jermaine's parents moved in
to help him.
During this time,Jermaine had a revelation,
no matter what his circumstances,
he would live his life for God.
- I had made up in mymind, it didn't matter,
I'm gonna preach, I'm gonna prophesy,
I'm gonna do whatever you tell me to do.
If I'm in this wheelchairuntil I die, so be it.
- [Reporter] Then, two yearslater on Easter Sunday 2007,
Jermaine was bringingthe service to a close
when he says God told him totell the church to praise him.
- And I just remember himsaying somethin' about,
it's another wave ofanointin', God is gettin' ready
work a miracle.
- [Joe] He just stood up, right after that
and started walkin'.
I stood up to that miracle.
(clapping and praising)
- And I'm lookin' at himand what he dudn't know
is what I saw.
He wasn't walkin' he was gliding.
That's the way he lookedgoin' down the aisle.
That was the most beautifulthing, to see him.
- [Reporter] It tookJermaine a moment to realize
he had been healed.
- I'm still like, ohmy God, what happened?
It's a miracle.
So people are huggin'me and I'm huggin' 'em
and it's still notreally hitting me totally
that okay, you're up.
Now, I didn't know I wasout of the wheelchair
until I saw that my wheelchair was empty.
When we left the church,the most powerful moment
was the wheelchair assisted me in
but I was takin' it out.
- [Reporter] Later, Jermaine went back
to the doctor for checkup.
- The doctor comes, you're up.
I said, yes sir, I am.
He said, this is a miracle.
- [Reporter] Jermaine hassince come to be known
as the wheelchair preacher.
Now, remarried with a blended family,
he and his wife, Margaret, minister hope
through God's healing power
on their weekly radioshow and in churches.
- He restored everything that I lost.
The Lord blessed me witha wonderful woman of God.
She's the one that God told me,
that's mine so she's my Holy Ghost girl.
- He's still a healer.
He's everything that we need.
All we needed to do is ask him.
- If you just trust Godand if you just believe
God will hear you andhe will answer prayer.
(thoughtful music)
- In every situation, God isworking things to your good.
That's his promise in the word.
Even what the enemy meant for evil,
God works for good.
So today, we want to takesome time to pray for you.
I know there are manyof you who are watching,
if your faith wasn'tbuilt by that last story
I don't know what itwould take to build it.
But we have some morereports to share with you.
Before we pray togetherwith you for whatever
your needs might be today,God knows your name.
He knows where you are, he loves you
and his power is available to you.
Gordon, this is Kathy.
She lives in San Marcos, Texas.
Two weeks ago she took a serious fall,
hurt her right shoulder.
The injury affected herentire arm and left her
in terrible pain.
She was watching this program.
I was reading a testimony about a woman
who was healed of a shoulder injury
after claiming your word of knowledge
on a previous 700 Club.
So Kathy claimed thatold word of knowledge
and she was healed too, right then.
Kathy can now move her armwithout any pain or discomfort.
She even went to an exercise class
and was thrilled to raiseher arms over hear head,
something she wasn't able to do before.
- There are no old words.
His words are always living and powerful.
And here is Maire fromBritish Columbia, Canada.
She enjoys watchingthe 700 Club every day.
She's 77 years young butshe's endured bowel issues
since she was a girl.
And recently, she heard Terry pray,
someone is being healedof a bowel problem that
they have had since childhood.
Well, immediately Maireknew this was for her.
\The joy surged through herbody like electric shocks.
She' not had any symptoms since
and gives God all the glory.
Let these stories encourage you.
Here's someone who's 77,suffered with something
for decades and God says,yeah, today's your day.
For Jermaine, he was healedand then he relapsed.
But then there came aday and it was his day.
Today is your day.
Because Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today and forever.
And all we have to do is believe that.
Now, there's some keysin Jermaine's story.
One is his t-shirt, real men pray.
He didn't give up praying.
Second key was, God,no matter what happens,
no matter what happensI'm gonna praise you.
I'm gonna follow you.
I'm going to obey you,I'm going to be with you.
You look at the men whowere thrown in fiery furnace
and they said, well,if God doesn't save us,
we're still not gonna bow down.
We belong to him and weknow he has our future.
When you have that reliance,
and that's what faith is,
it's that reliance,
no matter what the outcome,
no matter what is happening,
I'm with God, he's with me.
He has my future, he'sworking all things together
for my good.
I may not see it now, but I know him.
And I know what he has for me.
And it's that complete surrender to him
that opens up heaven.
Because the eyes of theLord are going to and fro
to show himself strong for who?
For those whose hearts are loyal to him.
So don't put conditions on your love,
love him with all ofyour heart, your soul,
your strength and let's seewhat happens to you today.
Let's pray.
Lord, we just lift thosein the audience to you.
We lift, especially, thosewho have had relapses
that have gone back intodisease, infirmity and pain,
who enjoyed healing, enjoyed but now,
for whatever reason, are wondering why
and asking questions.
Should I blame myself for it?
Lord, we just turn to you
for you are the author andthe finisher of our faith.
What the good work that you've begun,
you are faithful to complete.
You are able to present usspotless in your presence
with exceeding joy.
You're able to forgiveevery sin, every iniquity,
every problem, you'reable to cover it all.
You're able to heal every disease.
We look at the creation that you made
and you did it all with a single word.
So Lord, stretch forth your hand
to do miracles today.
For by your stripes
we were healed, we are healed.
And we will continue to be healed.
So be with us now.
Do it now, Lord.
For we ask it in Jesus' name.
There's someone, you've goyour hand on your right knee
and you're looking atreconstructive surgery
and replacement surgery.
God is able, he is healing you right now.
He's taking away all thepain, all the discomfort,
all the cartilage that needsreplacing and repairing.
He's able to do it all.
In Jesus' name be healedand be made whole.
- And someone else that just needs
the same creative miracle.
It's your lower back.
Your spike, the very bottom of your spine
that connects to your tailbone.
You've got vertebrae that aremissing any of the padding
in between, there's just,
it's so painful for you.
God is healing that for you today.
Right now, in a creative way,you think that's not possible.
But he's touching you right now.
Just receive it and be made whole.
- I don't know if it's the same person,
someone else, you'veactually had a surgery
to fuse the vertebra andit didn't turn out well.
And you're in constant pain.
God is healing you.
He's setting you free.
He's able to restore,he's able to even change
what the surgeons did.
So in Jesus' name behealed and be made whole.
You just felt a surge go through your back
and through your spine.
Do what you couldn't do before.
Receive your healing right now,
in Jesus' name.
- And there's somebody else.
You have a extreme case of eczema
and it's so unsightly andit really has caused you
to just be ashamed so much of your life.
God's healing that for you today
even though you have triedcreams, you've tried pills
and medications and nothing has worked.
Today is your day and itwon't be because of any
of those things.
The Lord God is healing you.
- And there are manypeople with eye conditions
and this is a mass word.
This is a mass healing.
Whether it's from floatersor detached retinas
or problems with your lens or problems
with your optic nerve, Godis able to heal all of it
right now in the name of Jesus.
Be healed, be set freefrom that affliction.
Anyone with an eye infectionand recurring inflammation,
recurring irritation, Godis healing your tear ducts.
He's healing everythingconcerning your eyes now
in Jesus' name.
Be restored.
Lord, we thank you and wethank you for your sacrifice
for you so loved us that you came
and sacrificed yourself for us.
We can't thank you enough.
We can't praise you enoughfor what you have done.
We receive all that you have for us,
in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
Give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
And if you need prayer,we absolutely believe
in prevailing prayer, theprayer that gets an answer,
that doesn't give up.
So if you need prayer, we're here for you
24 hours a day.
It's our honor, ourprivilege to pray for you.
So call us, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well up next, a grandma who always gives
the perfect gift.
- I love to give Superbook to my grandkids
at Christmas, Easter, birthdays
and all the times in between.
And they look so forward to it.
- See why this granny considers herself
a DVD missionary, when we come back.
(friendly music)
This Easter you can discover the origin
and significance of Passover
along with other major Jewish holidays
through this free booklet.
Let me repeat that, free. (laughing)
In the Jewish holidays, you're gonna
take a biblical and historical journey
through the major festivalsthat the Jewish people
have celebrated for centuries,
including the festivalsJesus himself observed
throughout his lifetime.
You'll also learn why the modern holidays
are central to Jewishlife and culture today.
If you'd like a copy,request your free copy
of The Jewish Holidays,just call 1-800-700-7000.
Or you can do it by going to CBN.com.
But what a wonderful, youwant to keep this with you
next to your Bible thewhole year. (laughing)
It's a great idea.
- Alright.
Well, Pat is a loving grandmother
who considers herself a DVD missionary.
Any occasion is a great occasion
for her to give Superbookto her grandchildren.
And as a CBN Partner, she's also helping
to bring Superbook tochildren all over the world.
- [Reporter] When PatLinhart discovered Superbook
she knew it was the perfectway to teach her grandchildren
about the Bible.
- It's something that Ididn't have as a child.
I grew up in a church where they didn't
really teach from the Bible.
All theo stories of the Old Testament,
I had no clue what they were about.
This one is for--
My little three year old grandson
knows more about the Bible stories
than I did when I was in my thirties.
That's why I'm just sopassionate about Superbook.
Sometimes I watch him watching it,
he doesn't blink his eyes.
He's so spellbound by it.
So, if he can get these stories
as a three year old,the foundation is there.
- [Reporter] Whenever it'stime for a celebration
Pat knows exactly what presents to give.
- Bye, Gizmo.
- I love to give Superbook to my grandkids
at Christmas, Easter, birthdays
and all the times in between.
As soon as I get one in the mail,
from the Superbook Club,they get that one that week.
And they look so forward to it.
- [Reporter] By supportingCBN through the Superbook Club
Pat is able to reach otherkids around the world.
- I'd like to considermyself a DVD missionary.
We don't wanna keep it just for ourselves,
it's too good.
- [Reporter] Pat's daughter-in-law Erin
homeschools her children and she's always
on the lookout for wholesome
and educational learningtools like Superbook.
- Quality of Superbookis really excellent.
CBN is giving parents atool to impart our faith
to the next generation.
- What Superbook has donefor me, is it's made me
get into the word of Godto when faced with a crisis
or a dilemma, say okay, whatdoes the word of God say
about this problem?
How could I solve it that way/
I think once you watchone, you'll be hooked
and you'll want to get 'em out there
to all the kids you know.
(cheerful music)
- Once you watch it you understand.
And then you understandhow effective these are.
Whether it's in the border refugee camps
in Venezuela or we juststarted Farsi for Iran,
Vietnam, wherever these stories go,
children's lives are changed.
It's remarkable, themiracles that are happening,
the salvations are happeningbecause we're getting
the stories of the Bible tothe children of the world.
You just saw our broadcast map.
We're up to 46 languages now.
That's where Superbook iscurrently being distributed,
either through broadcasttelevision, satellite television
or through the internet.
And it's wonderful what's happening.
You can be a part of it.
By being a partner withthe Superbook Club.
And for a gift of $25or more, we'll send you
the latest episode, which isthe story of Paul and Barnabas.
We'll send you three copies of this DVD
and then we've got a special Easter offer
where you get two more episodes.
He is Risen is one of them.
And then the other one is The Last Supper.
So, you'll get three different episodes,
you'll get four different DVDs
all for a gift of $25.
And then your gift, which'll be monthly
will go into the production costs,
the translation costs,the distribution costs
of Superbook, so more childrencan get the opportunity
to hear these wonderful stories
and understand that there'sa God who loves them.
So if you want to bea part of it, call us,
- Coming up, a risingbaseball star bites the dust.
- I was this professional baseball talent,
athlete that had thisprofessional capabilities
and here I am, a gangmember, a drug addict,
a drug user, someone whohas no value on life.
- [Terry] See how the passion of Christ
totally transforms this fallen man.
(hopeful music)
(thoughtful music)
- Blake Russell was a scholarship athlete
with major league dreams.
And he gave up everythingfor his addiction.
Over the years, Blake burnedevery bridge imaginable
until the message in amovie melted his heart.
- A Hollywood size ego withina 12 year old character level.
As long as I was performingon the baseball field,
bringing home good grades,there was really no issue
to be raised.
Nobody really knew that on the back end
this star baseball player,
this college student was deteriorating.
I had friends around me,homeboys I guess you could say,
that sold cocaine and sokinda pushed me over the edge
of becoming a heavy cocaine user.
I was in my dorm room andwe had a team meeting.
And it had been kinda noted by the coach
that I was selling marijuanato the rest of the team.
And he called me into his office.
It was Monday morning.
He said, you're, we'rereleasing you from the team.
And we actually releasingyou from the school.
I came home for a few days, got in touch
with a coach that recruitedme out of high school.
So I got kicked out ofone college on a Tuesday
and signed anotherscholarship two days later.
That fall, everything was goinggood until around September.
And I got arrested for the first time
for possession of marijuanawith the intent to distribute.
I was on probation for three years
and I never reportedbecause I could never pass
a drug urinalysis testthat they require you
to take every month.
The first time that I violated probation
they gave me a month in the county jail.
And so I get out and theyreinstate my probation
and I violate again, I don't report,
they come get me again, Ido two months this time.
And every time I would comeout of the county jail,
every event that would take place
I would get harder and harder in my heart
and in my mind state.
And I get out after doing two months
and don't report again.
The judge took the three years probation
that he put me on and herevoked every bit of it.
And he sent me to theDepartment of Corrections
for the state of Alabama for the remainder
of my probation, which was 15 months.
I would say that prison enhanced
what I already was as a drug user,
someone who sold drugs.
For me prison was a breedingground, so to speak.
Got out in June of 2006.
I remember strugglingand battling this mindset
of, if I go back to the street,
if I go back to sellingdrugs and doing drugs,
the worst thing that they can do to me
is send me back to prison.
And it was nothing, it wasnot even a second thought.
I'm in the club onenight and me and my buddy
both walk outside to his Cadillac
and I did the line of ice with him.
I became someone who immersed himself
in the crystal meth lifestyle.
So not just was I selling ice,
but we were also manufacturing our own.
Early September of 2008, I went to jail
for trafficking methamphetamines
and manufacturing methamphetamines.
I went in front of thejudge and he sentenced me
to 15 years for thetrafficking and 15 years
for the manufacturing.
But he ran 'em concurrentwhere they would be
one 15 year sentence.
But I became a gang member,intravenous drug user
all within the first two orthree years of that prison bid.
And everything changed.
I fought the guards, I wouldfight rival gang members.
Yet, my mindset was Ihad been dealt this life.
Let's just get it, let's just go
and I could care less how I treated you.
I could care less how I treated
anything that you cared about.
All I cared about was mybrothers that I banged with
or my homeboys that I scored dope with.
But the one thing thoughthat affected me was
was knowing that I didn't,
my family was just, Ididn't have any relationship
with my father at the time.
And I had really putmy mother through hell.
I was this professionalbaseball talent athlete
that had professional capabilities
and here I am a gangmember, a drug addict,
a drug user, someone whohas no value on life.
I couldn't think like that because it was
it was not reality for meanymore that I thought.
That life, the life thatI had been handed to me,
baseball, a family, I destroyed it.
I had burned every bridge imaginable.
And so I would just put a needle in my arm
and get high and it would go away.
Late October, mid to late October
I got invited by one of the guys
that I met on the prisonyard playing basketball with.
He invited me to a chapel service.
And I go in there and I hear the message
and it wasn't one particular thing
about the message thatmade me want to get saved.
But I did go back to my dorm
and I told the guy, heyman, thank for invitin' me.
I enjoyed it.
And he was really zealous.
He was saved and he wasreally about the Lord.
And hey man, you wanna come tomorrow?
And I was like, yeah man,I'll come back tomorrow.
But the one thing that I did do that night
when I was on my rack wasI picked up the Bible.
So for two weeks, I just read the Bible.
And I went to the chapel.
The Holy Spirit wasbeginning to minister to me
and soften my heartthrough the word of God.
They had (audio garbles) they show movies,
Wednesday morning at 10:00.
You can go into the chapelservice and watch a movie.
And I walk in and there, and on the screen
they're playing the Passion of Christ.
I 'member right then inthat moment watching Jesus
you know, say thingslike Father forgive them,
they don't know what they do.
And I remember thinkin'he was talkin' about me.
I remember him standin' there
and they want to get over,it's either him or Barabbas.
I remember watchin' thismoving and thinkin' dude,
all my life, you know whatI'm sayin', you did that?
All my life, you did that for me
and I had no knowledge of it. (weeping)
I didn't know.
Here I am, I don't care about life
and I 'member makin' adecision right there.
I don't even know what's happenin'.
I was cryin' like I am now.
But it was really more intense.
I remember askin' Jesus, if you,
if this is you that's doin' this,
and you have me cryin',
I hadn't cried in years.
I hadn't cried in years.
I remember thinkin', if this is you,
then please don't stop.
You know, 'cause I wannato have the power to,
I don't even know if you're real.
But I wanna give my life to you
and if that's even how you do it.
You know, I don't know the protocol
of a salvation prayer.
I'd never heard of salvation prayer.
I didn't know the Romans road.
I didn't know none of that.
It was me and Jesus and me andthe Holy Spirit right there.
And I remember sayin'I give my life to you.
And from that day forward,that was late October,
early November of 2012 and I remember
I just, I fully submittedmy life in that moment
on that chapel church pew
in that level four prison institution.
I submitted my life to Jesus.
And I made a deal with him.
I'll serve you if you'll change,
if you'll help change my life.
Last month was my five yearof bein' out of prison.
It's my sixth year of bein' saved.
I got married.
Like I said, to my high school sweetheart.
We have a ministry house in Columbus
and we minister to thehomeless, we minister
to prostitutes, weminister to drug addicts
and gang members and it's just what we do.
Whether you're without hope,
whether you're a drug addict,
whether you're a gang member,
whether you're somebodythat life has totally
just beat up, the gospel really is simple.
Everything in our life is wrapped up
in the gospel and youdon't have to be somebody
who has it all figured out.
I met the Lord sittin' on aprison chapel pew by myself.
The Lord Jesus is therestorer of all things
that you lost in your life or all things
that you've freely given away.
He's the restorer of hope.
He's the restorer of dreams.
But I was a drug addict,I was a gang member.
I was the most hardenedcriminal there was.
And Jesus has the powerto change my whole life.
- And he has the powerto change your life.
He can come in, he can melt that heart.
He can give you a new heart, a new spirit.
He can regenerate youfrom your innermost being.
He can give you a freshstart, a makeover, a do over.
That's what rebirth is all about.
We call it born again whereyou get a second shot.
It doesn't matter what age you are.
It doesn't even matter ifyou've prayed this prayer before
'cause some of you have.
Maybe you prayed it when you were young
and for whatever reason you walked away.
I've got great news for you,
the story of the prodigal son is for you.
You can come back home.
He'll receive you, he'llput a ring on your finger,
a robe around your shoulders.
He will love you and kiss you.
He will say welcome home.
He'll prepare a great feast for you.
For some of you, this is the first time
you've heard that you that can change.
You think you're trapped, you think you're
in behavior patterns youcan never get rid of.
And maybe that's even been told to you.
Maybe it's been told you're just like
so and so in your life and you think
well, okay, that's my identity.
Or maybe you forged some kind of identity
for yourself and youwonder how did I get here
and how do I get out of it?
Well, the good news is for you.
Jesus died for you.
That's the whole greatmessage, the greatest message
the world has ever, ever heard.
That while we were sinners,
Christ died for us.
He loves you that much, hewants you to be with him.
He wants to encourage you,he wants to guide you.
He wants to speak to you.
He wants all these things for you.
He can give you a hope,he can give you a future.
He can give you a new life.
Now, what does it take?
Well, it takes the same thingthat Blake went through.
Where you hear the message,you feel the stirring
in your heart and thenyou respond, yes Lord.
Yes, Lord.
For Blake, it was a conditional prayer,
Lord, if you can change me,if you can change my life,
I'll serve you, I'll follow you.
For some, the prayer is even more simple.
Jesus, if you're there, if this is real,
could you show me?
Could you show up for me?
All these stories that youhear, these testimonies,
all the stories of the Bible,what are they there for?
They're there to convince you
that God is real
and that what he's done for others
he will do for you.
He can make the same change.
And the great thing is he makes it unique
just for you.
Now, if you want this, ifyou want to change your life,
you want to turn awayfrom what you're doing
and receive Jesus into your heart.
Well, today's the day andall you have to do is pray.
All you have to do is ask.
So if this is what you want,let's bow our heads together.
Let's pray a very simpleprayer and let Jesus
do all the rest.
He will do it for you right now.
Let's pray.
Jesus, that's right, sayhis name, say it out loud.
Jesus, I come to you.
And Lord, I ask for forgiveness.
I as for forgivenessfor all the bad things
that I've done, all thepeople that I've harmed,
all the time I wentaway to do my own thing.
Jesus, forgive me.
Set me free from these compulsions.
Set me free, Lord God.
And Jesus, I want to follow you
all the days of my life.
I want to be with you.
So hear my prayer.
Come into my heart.
Change my life,
for I ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
Father, for those who just prayed,
I ask for a baptism in your love.
I ask that you fill them to overflowing
with your righteousness,your peace and your joy.
Fill them, Lord God.
Let them know that theirprayer has been heard
and has been answered today.
Do it, for we ask it all,in Jesus' name, amen.
The Bible records that heaven rejoices
when just one, one person, turns back.
And so heaven is rejoicingover you right now.
What I want you to do islet somebody know this.
Let somebody know that you prayed.
And so we made it easy.
All you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.
When you call, we gota free packet for you.
It's called A New Day.
In there is a CD teachingof what do you do now?
What do Christians believe?
How do I follow Jesus?
All of these question are answered.
All you have to do iscall us and we'll send it
out to you free of charge.
We'll be back with more of the 700 Club
right after this.
(hopeful music)
Well, we hope you allhave a very happy Easter
and now we leave you with a worship song.
Here's Demetria Stallingssinging Mighty Cross.
(worship music)
♪ And on that day when death surrendered ♪
♪ To the mighty cross of Jesus Christ ♪
♪ The earth would shakebeneath the weight ♪
♪ Of darkened skies. ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ And on his brow a crown of sorrows ♪
♪ For a king whoseweakness was our strength ♪
♪ No words he spoke, his love was shown ♪
♪ For all to see ♪
♪ And oh, the cross of Jesus Christ ♪
♪ Is the reason I'm, I'm alive ♪
♪ For his blood it set me free ♪
♪ And it will neverlose its power for me ♪
♪ Yeah, it will never lose ♪
♪ And now the dawn of resurrection ♪
♪ It floods the night ashope prevails to shine ♪
♪ Salvation wakes andour chains will break ♪
♪ And we arise, yeah ♪
♪ And oh the cross, it's yourcross that you died on, Jesus ♪
♪ And you're the reason,you're the reason I'm alive ♪
♪ For your blood has set me free ♪
♪ And it will neverlose its power for me ♪
♪ So we say together, yeah ♪
♪ And hallelu, hallelujah ♪
♪ You're Christ my victory, yeah ♪
♪ And we worship you and say ♪
♪ And hallelujah ho yeah ♪
♪ And it is won for me ♪
♪ Yeah and hallelujah, and hallelujah ♪
♪ In Christ my victory ♪
♪ And you are the risen king ♪
♪ And it is won for me ♪
♪ You won it all, you paid it all ♪
♪ And we're so grateful for you love ♪