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Faith Nation: April 17, 2019

Faith Nation: April 17, 2019 Read Transcript

(tense music)

- [Jenna] Tonight.

- I have not read the Mueller Report.

- [Jenna] Waiting on the Mueller Report,

the White House prepares a counter-report.

- We must be up to this challenge.

- [Eric] And Beto O'Rourke makes his case

storming through a purple district

in the heart of Trump country.

- You know, these thingsshould be called out.

- [Jenna] Plus, our exclusive interview

with Congressman Dan Crenshaw,

defending the president for highlighting

a Muslim congresswoman's remarks on 9/11.

- What I want is for Christiansto be thinking biblically.

- [Eric] And the evangelical response

to artificial intelligence.

- [Jenna] All this ane moretonight on Faith Nation.

(perky music)

- The countdown to thehighly anticipated release

of the Mueller Report is on.

Welcome to Faith Nation,I'm Jenna Browder.

- And I'm Eric Philips.

John Jessup is on assignment tonight.

Nearly two years afterSpecial Counsel Robert Mueller

began his investigationinto the Trump campaign

and Russian collusionwe're finally going to see

what that report says.

- A redacted version of hisreport expected out tomorrow.

CBN White House CorrespondentBen Kennedy joins us.

And Ben, we're now hearingthat the White House

is also consideringputting out its own report.

- Yeah, Jenna, Eric you're right.

The Trump legal team isnow working to refine

a counter-report to Mueller's finding.

It'll likely focus onobstruction of justice claims.

Trump's lawyer, RudyGiuliani says he hopes

to shave down theircounter-report to 50 pages

but there is no guarantee a counter-report

will even be released.

A source close to theWhite House tells CBN News

it all depends what theMueller Report says.

Giuliani tweeted, aswe wait for the report

which will conclude no chargesof collusion or obstruction

it's important this never happens again.

A serious investigationwill reveal a conspiracy

to obstruct justice, an electionand the will of our people.

We cannot rest until there is justice.

The 22 month investigationrevealed the Trump campaign

did not collude with Russia.

But Attorney General WilliamBarr's four page summary

also revealed Mueller did not reach

a determination on obstruction.

Today President Trump tweeted,

calling the investigation a "witch hunt"

and "a total fraud."

Trump recently said he's in the dark

on what the nearly 400page report contains.

- I have not read the Mueller Report.

I haven't seen the Mueller Report.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't care

about the Mueller Report.

- Now, the White Househas said a broad briefing

on the report, non-specific material,

more the mechanics of the report,

that they've had access to.

President Trump isscheduled to be right here

behind me at the White House on Thursday

and we are told his team is ready

to comb through this massive report.

Jenna, Eric.

- Alright, Ben Kennedyfor us at the White House.

Thank you, Ben.

Meantime, the presidentcalled the pope today

to offer condolences onbehalf of the American people

after the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

The flames engulfing theCatholic symbol of France

left the structure partially destroyed.

Calling it a horrible fire,President Trump offered

Pope Francis quote, "thehelp of our great experts

"on renovation and construction..."

President Trump also wished Pope Francis

and French President EmmanuelMacron a very happy Easter.

- Asylum seekers in the United States

could be held indefinitely.

Attorney General Bill Barr'sfirst immigration ruling

will keep those who have a credible fear

of being returned to their homeland

from being released on bond.

The Department of Justicedecision to detain immigrants

during deportationproceedings comes amid a push

from the Trump Administrationto stem the tide

of illegal immigration.

- Well, the crisis at the borderwas front and center today

as a Democratic presidential candidate

from Texas stormed through Trump country.

- CBN News Correspondent Amber Strong

is following the O'Rourke campaign

and taking a look at Barr'slatest directive head-on.

- So Beto O'Rourke is doing the whole

meet and greet or eatand greet, if you will.

There wasn't a whole lot of eating,

but a whole lot of energy herein Fredericksburg, Virginia

at this local establishment, Pimento.

An interesting location for O'Rourke

because it is owned by immigrants.

The owner came herewhen he was 13 years old

and of course, O'Rourke laidheavily into immigration

during course of hisabout 40 minute speech.

Afterwards, I had a chanceto catch up with him

and ask him a question about immigration,

the Trump administration and particularly,

this new directive that just came out

from Attorney General Barr.

Take a look.

- It's disturbing.

It's continuing anti-immigrantand anti-asylum seeker

policies of this administration.

It's making it harderon those who are already

in the worst straits that we can imagine,

leaving, in some cases,the most violent countries

on the planet, having justfinished a 2,000 mile journey,

people who is has beendemonstrated pose no threat

to our communities, to ourfamilies, to ourselves,

and we do this at greatexpense because we will pay

to keep them jailed

and detained indefinitely going forward.

- So the city of Fredericksburgis an interesting stop

because it's kind of in the middle of what

we would consider Trump country.

Stafford County, if youtake a look at the map,

is pretty red, went withPresident Trump in 2016.

Spotsylvania County,which is right below us,

also went with President Trump in 2016.

But Fredericksburg, whichis right there in the middle

went with Hillary Clinton.

Now, I talked with voters here to ask them

what was on their hearts and minds

and what they wanted tohear from the congressman.

- Things like voterrights, voter suppression.

Congressional gerrymandering,things like that.

It doesn't matter what your policies are

if the people can't vote andcan't make their voices heard

it doesn't matter.

- Healthcare, yes.

- [Amber] Why is that?

- Because I'm retireeand I'm very concerned

about my healthcare.

- My colleague AbigailRobertson is on the road

in Texas, Beto's home state

and she talked to voters there

about what they think about O'Rourke.

- He has a dubious background, his family

so I certainly wouldn't support him.

- I think everybody has a shot.

And if the people get outand do what they need to do

and vote like they need tobe, he might have a shot.

- Now, O'Rourke isending his Virginia swing

with a stop in Alexandria.

And of course, just overthe river is Washington, DC

and the White House which would be

the prized possession for O'Rourke.

Amber Strong, CBN News inFredericksburg, Virginia.

- Alright, thank you Amber.

And here now to talk all things political,

our Chief Political Analyst David Brody

and Julia Manchester, acongressional reporter

with The Hill.

Both of you, thanks for joining us.

- Absolutely, and Davidwe want to begin with you.

So, what do you think we're gonna learn

from this much anticipated report?

And I emphasize, much.


- Yeah, all caps for sure.

Look, I think ultimatelywhat we're gonna see here

is a lot of cringe-worthy moments

for this administration tomorrow.

What did Hope Hicks say?

What did Don McGahn say?

Dozens of hours that he spentwith the Special Counsel.

So I'm gonna do a lotof control F tomorrow,

control F as in find Hope,

control F McGahn, control F collusion.

That's what I'm gonna be doingthrough 400 pages tomorrow.

But ultimately, look, I think this thing

is gonna be like a Spanishnovella on Univision.

I gotta tell ya, this thing's gonna have

a lot of drama to it.

The question then becomes,is it gonna be over-redacted

rather than just redacted.

I think Democrats are gonna use that word,

hey, it's way over-redacted.

- Yeah, Julia, speaking of redactions,

Jerry Nadler, Chair ofthe House Judiciary,

he wants the full thing redacted.

He's said to be consideringissuing this full subpoena

for the report.

What are your thoughts on that?

This is essentially taking Bill Barr,

the attorney general, to court.

- That's going to be very difficult

because I think Bill Barr,what he's thinking about

in terms of this is thenational security implications

of all of this.

Bill Barr has been very clear to say

that I will only redact information

in terms of nationalsecurity or if it's sensitive

to private citizens.

But the private citizenquestion's actually something

I've been thinking about.

Who is a private citizen?

I think a lot of Democrats and critics

of the administration arelooking to Donald Trump Jr.

And what informationabout Donald Trump Jr.

Will be in that report in regards to

that infamous Trump Towermeeting in the summer of 2016.

But ultimately I was struck by a comment

by former Congressman Trey Gowdy today

and he essentially said, this report's

only gonna further entrench both sides.

I think both sides are going to look

and cherry pick what worksbest for them and run with it.

I don't think this is gonnaultimately gonna change

the political environment in Washington.

And I think it's gonna go the same way

as it always has, really been.

- WBut, with that in mind,who has more to lose here?

The president or the Democrats?

- It's really hard to say.

I think from a publicrelations standpoint,

both could have a lot to lose.

Like as David said, there could be a lot

of damaging information for the president

in terms of, I guess,superficial information,

how his image looks, etc.

In terms of Democrats, they're obsessing

over this report ahead ofa presidential election

where polls show that most voters

do not care about the report.

Obviously, they want it to be released

but that's the final wordthey really want on it.

And they want to move on.

It's gonna make them seemobsessive and out of touch

outside of Washington.

- Yeah, on the topic of 2020,

we saw Beto O'Rourke in Virginia today.

Donald Trump out tweeting who he thinks

would be the toughest or who he thinks

would be the finalists inthis Democratic primary.

He thinks Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

David, your thoughts on that.

- Well, first I likehow Donald Trump morphs

from president of the United States

to Fox News contributor.


You know, he's like a TVanalyst and he also giving

advice for fires at Notre Dame.

He's at like, everything.

Look, I think he's rightin terms of the numbers.

Biden and Sanders, but maybe it'd be nice

if Joe Biden actually got in the race

before we actually talkabout him as a front runner.

So sure, I think those arethe safe bets for sure.

The other part of it is,

is that Buttigieg and O'Rourkeand a lot of these folks,

we don't know if they have staying power.

They haven't been tested.

Trump knows that Bidenand Sanders have been

through the wars before.

And so that's kind of thesmart money pick at this point.

- Yeah, one thing is for sure,

we all have a lot of lightreading to do tomorrow.


- No kidding.

- Alright, thanks very much.

- Thank you both.

Well, the firestorm over comments

from a first termcongresswoman's description

of 9/11 refuses to die down.

In an exclusive interview with CBN News,

a Republican Congressmanand retired Navy Seal

is defending the presidentand his own criticism

of Representative Ilhan Omar's remarks.

- These things should be called out.

They have to be called out.

- [Jenna] Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw

says it's wrong for fellow first term

Representative Ilhan Omar to downplay

the Twin Tower attacks.

- Some people did something.

- [Jenna] Crenshaw is defendingPresident Trump's post

of an edited video,

splicing the Muslimcongresswoman's remarks

with images of 9/11.

That tweet is shining a spotlight

on this nearly month old speech

before a Muslim advocacy group.

- CAIR was founded after 9/11

because they recognized thatsome people did something

and that all of us werestarting to lose access

to our civil liberties.

- [Jenna] Critics maintain her words

have been taken out of contextby the president and others.

- They do this all the time to us,

especially women of color.

They do that, they takeour words out of context

because they're afraidbecause we speak truth.

We speak truth to power.

Takin' it out of context, this is just

pure racist act by many of those,

hateful acts by thosebecause she does speak truth.

- [Jenna] Crenshaw is pushing back.

- Nothing was taken out of context.

That is a narrative being perpetuated

which is truly dishonest.

And notice how nobody can ever explain

how it was taken out of context, right?

They'll say, well, she's explaining

how CAIR was founded.

Well, first of all, she got that wrong.

She said CAIR was founded after 9/11.

That's just not true.

It was founded in 1994.

Okay, so you're not even,so that's not even true

from the beginning.

- [Jenna] The focus on this first term

representative's remarksis a lightning rod

for Democratic candidates.

- This is an incitement to violence.

- [Jenna] Omar says she'sexperiencing an increase

in death threats.

- From what she said in her speech,

she does not deserve the kind

of vicious hate filled attacksthat's she's experiencing,

threats on her life right now.

- [Jenna] Speaker NancyPelosi seemed to take

a veiled jab at the presidentand Omar's flippancy.

Stating quote, "The memoryof 9/11 is sacred ground

"and any discussion of itmust be done with reverence."

Crenshaw says it's Omar whoshould be held accountable.

- I don't think she supportsany kind of terrorism

or anything like that.

But she did speak about it in a dismissive

and disrespectful way, okay?

And I clearly pointed that out.

I said, hey, that's unbelievable.

Why would you talk about it this way?

And if you are gonnatalk about it that way,

and you feel that you misspoke,then say that you misspoke.

But she doesn't, right?

She doubles down, right?

Maybe, because she'sperfectly find with the way

that came off.

- Crenshaw says that thepresident is in no way

inciting violence and says that narrative

is an attempt to silence critics.

As Abigail Robertson, with that exclusive,

we will have more in the days to follow.

Alright, well here now formore once again, David Brody.

And joining theconversation, Clarence Page,

a Pulitzer Prize winning commentator

and senior member of theChicago Tribune Editorial Board.

Clarence, thanks for being here.

- Thank you, glad to be here.

- First question to you,in your latest column

you write, you say that both Donald Trump

and Congresswoman Omarshould to to the corner

and take a timeout.

They cannot seem to stopprovoking each other.

- Well, sometimes in this business

you gotta put your presshat aside and be a parent

(laughing) and say, you two stop all this

or I'm gonna come back to that back seat.

And my son said, always says,

how you gonna drive thecar from the back seat?

But, nevertheless, it's no less rational

than what's going on right now.

I think President Trumpand Congresswoman Ilhan

are both trying to provoke each other.

And provoke public discussiontoward their direction.

- Well, now you say that President Trump

is trying to make America hate again.

- Unfortunately.

- But in all fairness, wasn'tit Omar who started this?

- Who started it?

Now, that's the first thing kids say.

He started it, blah blah blah.

(laughing)- Fair question?

- Let's face it, the atmospherein Washington right now

is very, shall we say, pugilistic.

People want, are just kindof itching for a fight.

I didn't directly say that President Trump

is trying to make America hate again.

But he acts like it.

He sends that kind of a message

that says, hey, hey, it's okayto hate somebody like this

who doesn't agree with youabout Middle East policy,

who doesn't agree with you about the 9/11,

the way things are going.

I think Congresswoman Ilhanspoke too flippantly about 9/11.

She knows the gravity of that occasion.

She knows that it shookAmericans up in many ways,

regardless of your political leaning.

And I think a certain amount of reverence

is due to that.

Call me politically correct.

But, I think it's good manners.

I think it's goodreverence to the situation.

Unfortunately, we've gotten

into a presidentialelection campaign year.

It's coming up fast and soeverybody wants to posture

one position or another.

So this has to play out.

- Yeah, David, critics andsupporters of President Trump

will say this kind of behavior is beneath

the office of the president.

What do you say to that?

They don't think he shouldbe rolling around in the mud.

- Right and it reallyisn't so much what I say,

it's what he says and he says

he couldn't give a riff,

really couldn't, he couldn't care less.

And really a lot of folks would say

that's a problem, clearly.

But he's a fighter,we've heard this before.

He's from New York andthis is the way he does it.

Right, and you're gonna punch him,

he's gonna punch you two times as hard.

And I gotta tell you, whatwas interesting to me,

this is the line thathe said the other day

about Ilhan Omar, he said this.

She's got a way about herthat's very, very bad,

I think for our country.

And that was a bit disconcerting to me

when I hear that.

I wanted to unpack that.

What did that mean exactly?

And what I thought,there's a lot to unpack

in that statement.

But I think overall, it'sabout a values argument.

Donald Trump sees a traditional 1950's,

if you wanna call it, back in the day type

value system in America.

She represents something far different.

I think it's threatening to him.

I think it's threatening to alot of folks in this country.

And I think that is the value argument

between the two sides.

- Well, we don't wantto end the conversation

without talking about Nancy Pelosi.

How do you think she ishandling this situation?

- As well as anybody can who's got a whole

house full of kids who are going crazy.


It's not just Congresswoman Ilhan.

It's the radical left, whatever you want

to call them right now.

Just like John Boehner wasliterally run out of the House

by the conservative wing of his caucus.

Same thing is happening with Nancy Pelosi

but she's not running.

She's handling them likea good house mother would

or she would say a mother of five does.

Because she's got to keepthe energy that the left

is bringing to the party right now.

While at the same time,not frightening away

the swing voters that they have to have

in order to beat Trump and inorder to win the House back

and the Senate.

So, she's handling it as well as she can.

Unfortunately, for hershe knows it's early

in the campaign year.

A lot of this'll all beforgotten by the end of summer

for that matter.

And things really start to heat up.

But, for right now, she'sbeen able to keep the peace

with AOC and Ilhan andthe others on the left

while at the same time,taking care of the folks

in the middle.

- Not a very easy thing to do.

- A delicate dance, no joke.

Alright, Clarence Page.

- She asked for it, didn't she?

- Yes she did.


Clarence Page, David Brody thank you.

- Thanks so much.

- Thank you.

- Still ahead, artificial intelligence

is starting to become a permanentpart of our daily lives.

How evangelicals are responding.

(tense music)

Artificial intelligence is no longer

just the future.

AI is a growing reality and can be found

almost, really, anywhere.

Through the use ofalgorithms machines learn

to perform tasks that previouslyonly humans could complete.

- And as this tech speedsup, one big question is

how should Christians respond?

And that is a question thatone group is tackling head-on.

(cartoon effects)


- Never fear while Rosey's here.

- [Eric] It wasn't that longago that Rosey the Robot maid

seemed entertaining andcompletely unrealistic.

- Hi, Sophia.


- Hello, Jimmy.

- [Eric] Now, Sophia the human-like robot

is making the rounds on television

including the Tonight Show.

Robot vacuums are cleaning up our houses

while personal assistants likeAlexa, answer our questions

and even do our shopping.

- [Alexa] You have fouritems on your shopping list.

- [Eric] And the military uses this tech

for research and tomaneuver on the battlefield.

All of this, thanks toartificial intelligence or AI.

- The frog in the boilingwater metaphor suggests

that it's all happening soslowly you don't notice.

Whereas, in fact, thisis happening quickly

and people are noticing.

But they don't know how to deal with it.

Conversely, our failure to develop a set

of ethical and legal controls

could increase the oddsthat the pot boils over.

- [Eric] That's why these church leaders

met recently in Washington totalk about how evangelicals

should respond to the fast paced advances

in artificial intelligence.

- We have to be the people who are able

to, as scripture tells us,discern the times around us.

If we are not wrestling withwhat are the moral implications

of what we're facing, then the world

will provide those answersin ways that are not

conducive to the Christian gospel.

- [Eric] So the Southern Baptist Ethics

and Religious Liberty Commission

took on the job ofdeveloping this statement

of principles concerning AI.

Twelve articles offering everything

from sexuality to medicine to war.

Jason Thacker spearheaded the effort.

- What I want is for Christiansto be thinking biblically.

What is privacy?

What is data?

What should we be sharing,what's wisdom look like there?

- [Eric] A cornerstonepremise of the statement

is that humans, not machines, were created

in the image of God.

One passage reads, we deny that any part

of creation, includingany form of technology

should ever be used to usurp the dominion

entrusted solely to humanity by God.

The document emphasizesthat while the ability

to create is a God-givengift, humans are accountable

to God for technology theycreate and what it does.

- Oftentimes, peopletalk about this in terms

of the impact on the political process

or military decisions.

And those are real concerns,but this could actually

have much broader impacts.

- Especially for Christianstrying to balance

chapter and verse withscience and technology.

Definitely a balancing act there.

Now, church leaders say the next step

is infusing information on how to respond

to artificial intelligenceinto forums like

Sunday school, small groupsand discipleship classes.

- Making a fashion statement.

Coming up, meet the college students

behind these dresses andhow they're promoting life

and that movement.

(tense music)

Students at an Ohio Christian college

hope to send a pro-life messagewith a new fashion trend,

combining baby clothes with their own.

- Very interesting andas Paul Strand reports,

it produces a startling visual statement

of the human cost of abortion.

- If you really know what you stand for

you could say or writea statement of beliefs.

And if you like to dress up well,

you like to make a fashion statement.

What if you could doboth statements at once

and communicate yourfeelings about abortion

when you get all dressed up?

That's what's happeningwith some young ladies here

at Ohio's Cedarville University

and they hope what they're doing spreads.

- We hope that high schoolgirls, even college women

such as ourselves will,at their formal this year

or any other opportunitythey have to be seen

with a onesie or otherbaby clothes pinned to them

to connect the humanity of the child

that belongs inside of that clothing

to their humanity.

- [Paul] They call this pro-lifeinnovation a message dress.

- When you see baby clothes,you think of sweet things

and lovely things and the children

who should be wearing them.

- This is a first anybody's ever thought

of doing something like this.

- [Paul] It simply takesadding baby clothes to a dress.

- The pro-life movement didn't have

such a creative idea in place before,

that people can comearound and take part in

and join in with themselves.

- And I want all pro-lifeadvocates who are young women

to feel comfortablethat they can take part

in this initiative.

- [Paul] Stephanie Schlaubachwas a Psychology Major

and Anna Edwards is now.

Both have studied the mental wounds

many women carry from an abortion.

- They have nightmares.

They get very depressed.

- And for women who evenare okay with abortions,

they still have to acceptthat they had something

that they then lost, nomatter what they believe

that something is.

Of course, we believethat it's their children

and thus you shouldn't kill them.

But, so it's extremely harmful for women.

- We have suicidal thoughtsand behaviors in some cases,

especially if it's a late term abortion

because that is, they'vestarted developing that bond

even without knowing it, with their child.

And when they just forcethat child out of them

and it's no longer living,

that does cause a lotof psychological damage.

- The horror of abortionis so often unseen.

Well, these folks withtheir message dresses

are hoping to make ita little more visible.

Those that are being killed,

and what's really beinglost through abortion.

Paul Strand, CBN News, reportingfrom Cedarville University.

- And that's gonna do itfor Faith Nation tonight.

- Have a great evening.

(friendly music)


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