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CBN NewsWatch PM: April 17, 2019

CBN NewsWatch PM: April 17, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thanks for joiningus for CBN Newswatch.

I'm Heather Sells.

We begin today with thebattle over abortion

front and center at theAlabama state capital.

The House Health Committee passed a bill

following a public hearing that would make

performing an abortion a felony.

And CBN's Caitlin Burkejoins us now with more.

Caitlin, talk about the ideabehind this pro-life bill.

- Right, so Heather, we keep reporting

on new legislation aimedat limiting abortion

coming from several stateslike Indiana, Texas,

North Carolina and now Alabama

where the proposed law wouldban almost all abortions there.

If passed, performingor attempting to perform

an abortion would be a felony

with the only exception forsaving the life of the mother.

It now goes on to the Housefloor for a full vote.

Now, pro-life advocatesthere and in other states

say the goal is forlawmakers on the state level

to keep churning out measure after measure

so that some of the caseswill end up getting appealed

all the way to the US Supreme Court.

That would affect the entire country.

And an Indiana lawdealing with civil rights

for the unborn could be the case

that pro-lifer have been waiting for

if the Supreme Courtdecides to take it up.

- Indiana's actually the only state

that's passed a law thatprotects unborn children

based upon their civil rights,

that prohibits abortionbased upon a child's color

of the skin, sex, nationalorigin, disability

or Down syndrome.

So the court has neveraddressed the civil rights

of unborn children before.

- Now, there are severalother pro-life state measures

from Indiana alone that are waiting

to see if they'll be takenup by the Supreme Court.

And we will keep you postedon this bill in Alabama.

- A lot of possibilities.

Thanks, Caitlin.

- Well, right now, Lisa Hoganwith Sav-A-Life of Alabama

joins us and she is the Executive Director

of their pro-life pregnancytest centers across the state.

Welcome, Lisa.

- Thank you, it's good to be here.

- Tell us about this hearing today.

It sounds like there was a lot of interest

from both sides in this bill.

- There was.

It was a very well attended,the committee meeting

was very well attended.

From what I understand, several proponents

and opponents of thebill had an opportunity

to give emotional testimony.

But thankfully, thecommittee passed the bill

and it'll go on to the floor now.

- Alright, and what doyou think are the chances

of this passing?

This is really a verydifferent kind of bill,

calling abortion a felony.

- Yeah, I think it willeventually pass through here.

Of course, now the realityis it may get held up

by the ACLU or some other,

'cause it'll be a battle, anembattled bill, of course.

But, the good news is, it sets us up

to be able to go back tothe Supreme Court eventually

and maybe eventually,overturn Roe v. Wade.

- Now talk a littlebit about that strategy

'cause there's a number of laws out there,

bills, as we were just discussing

that could potentially makeit up to the Supreme Court.

What might be the hope behind this bill

to make it all the wayup to the Supreme Court?

- Because it is such a,it is all encompassing.

It is a felony.

It becomes a felony totake the life of the child.

And of course, last fall, Alabama voted

on Amendment 2 which upheld the sanctity

of human life and upheld the rights

of the unborn child.

So, that kind of set theprecedent for this bill

to be introduced.

There's actually a young man in Huntsville

that is suing because hedid not have a decision,

I mean a choice in the abortion decision

that his girlfriend made.

So, all these things are coming out,

just to make the issueof life even more obvious

to people who seem to thinkthat the pro-choice side

or the pro-abortion is the only way to go,

that women are only interested in that.

- Yeah, it's reallyinteresting, all the action

at the state level right now.

How would you characterizethe pro-life movement

in Alabama at this point in time?

- We are a very pro-lifefriendly state, thank goodness.

We have some pretty strictabortion laws already.

There's a 24 hour waitingperiod, between counseling

and an ultrasound is a must,

even though they're not required to look

at the ultrasound, it is amust prior to the abortion.

We only have four operating clinics

in the state of, abortionclinics in the state

of Alabama right now.

So we're a very, very friendly state

when it come to the pro-life issue.

- And Lisa, I know alot of critics would say

you want to save babies

but you don't want to help their mothers.

Tell us a little bit about your services.

- That, nothing can befurther from the truth.

Our job here is is to meet clients,

mothers and dads for that matter,

right where they are.

We want them to knowthey're in a safe place.

We're not judging them for anything.

We provide all of theservices and programs

we do to help them.

Our goal is to help them tomake an informed decision.

We're not gonna tell 'em what to do.

We're not here to do that.

We're just here to givethe all the options

that are available to them,

with the understandingthat whatever you decide,

you are more than welcometo come back here.

And then we supplement thatwith educational programs.

We have free STD testingfor both men and women.

We can offer an initial pre-natal visits

at our center here.

There's just a lot of options.

We genuinely care about thehealth of the mom first.

And then, if we make an impact there,

yeah, we very well can save alife of a child along the way.

- Alright, well LisaHogan with Sav-A-Life.

A lot going in Alabama right now.

Thank you for your time.

- Thank you.

- Well, there is divisionat a Nebraska high school

over transgender students.

Female students at the school are asking

for privacy in theirbathrooms after a male

who transitioned into a female began

using the female facilities.

20 girls at Council Bluffs High School

staged a walkout last week,chanting, we want privacy

and he is a male.

Well, another 40 students did the same

in favor of transgenderstudents using whichever

restroom they want.

One of the largest Christian Universities

on the West Coast hasnamed a new president.

He says he wants torestore unity on campus

amid concerns of theological drift.

Dr. Paul Ferguson willsucceed President John Wallace

at Azusa Pacific University.

Ferguson told the Christian Post

that he wants to promoteunity after the school

was criticized for lifting its ban

on homosexual relationships.

"My goal," he said, "isto come in and contribute

"to support and promote unity on campus

"and to do that within a framework

"of Christian love and concern..."

That is a message thatI am bringing today.

Well, French president, Emanuel Macron

held a special meeting todayto launch the rebuilding

of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Equipment and suppliesbegan arriving today

as firefighters continuedto monitor the building

to avoid collapse after Monday's fire

engulfed the flamed structure.

Paris firefighters say thecathedral's rose windows

are in good shape but

that their support structures are at risk.

Macron has projected thecathedral will be renovated

by 2024, when the city isset to host the Olympics.

Nearly one billion USdollars has been pledged

for the restoration.

Republican Congressman andretired Navy Seal Dan Crenshaw

is defending his criticismof Ilhan Omar's 9/11 comments

and blasting Democrats whostill refuse to condemn

the congresswoman's statement.

In an exclusive interviewwith CBN's Abigail Robertson

Crenshaw said it waswrong for Omar to downplay

the worst terror attack on American soil.

Speaking at a fundraiserfor the Council on American

Islamic Relations, or CAIR last month

she used the phrase,some people did something

in reference to the attacks.

That outraged many Americansincluding Crenshaw.

Omar supporters say her commentwas taken out of context.

- The next accusation they tried to make

was, you're only attacking herbecause she's a Muslim woman.

Again, that's nonsense.

You're a member of Congress.

A member of Congress, bythe way, who's constantly

elevating your status, right?

And saying, like I shouldhave a better voice

because of these things.

Well, okay.

But, then you can't alsogo the opposite direction

and say you're not allowed to talk to me

or criticize me because of my identity.

That's a really weak argument.

And if you're making thatargument, it indicates

that you don't have a strong set of ideas

in the first place, that you can defend.

- Crenshaw denies criticism from Omar

and other Democrats thatthe president and he himself

have incited violence against her.

Tiana Lowe with the WashingtonExaminer joins us now.

And she recently wrote an opinion piece

challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

to stop letting quote, "likefive people run the House."

Tiana, welcome.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Your piece talks aboutthe influence of Omar

and others who you wayare running the House.

What are your thoughts onRepresentative Crenshaw's

call for Democrats to dosomething about her 9/11 comments?

- Well, it's less, justthe comments on their own.

Obviously she usedextremely cavalier language

to describe the worstdomestic terrorist attack

on American soil.

But if she had simply said, I didn't mean

to phrase it that way.

I was simply discussingbigotry against Muslims

in particular, and we are separate

from those Jihadist terrorists,

I think that this would have passed.

But it's a problem that,it's a part of a pattern

where she continuously appearsto not take terrorists,

their terrorism againstAmericans seriously

and she continues to doubledown on the comments.

And the fact is thatthere's no real retribution

from Democratic leadership for doing this.

She still sits on the very prestigious

House Foreign Affairs Committee despite

having no qualifications for being there.

And despite advocatingfor really dangerous

(audio garbles) foreign policy.

- Yeah, it's really aninteresting situation.

Who are the othersbesides Omar that you see

as running the Houseright now, if you will?

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezgot six senators

who are all running forpresident to cosponsor

a non-binding resolution thatwants to combat climate change

by abolishing carbon capture, carbon taxes

and nuclear energy.

When McConnell called theirbluff and called the vote

the Senate floor, zeroDemocrats voted yes on it.

And so it just goes toshow that Pelosi's really

handed over the reins.

She has not taken any serious measures

to take a stand againstinsurgent extremism

in the Democratic Party.

- Well, you do you seethis all playing out

going forward for the Democratic Party,

especially given the2020 election coming up?

- Well, if you look at the electorate,

only 18% of Democrats arein favor of legalizing

third trimester abortion.

Fewer than four in 10Americans are supportive

of a Medicare-for-All bill thatabolishes private insurance.

Yet, that's what the Democratsrunning for president want

and that's what a lot ofthe most vocal Democrats

in the Senate and in theHouse have been saying.

However, if you look atthe actual House caucus

among Democrats, the overwhelmingmajority are moderates.

The new Democrat coalition,that's almost half

of the Democratic caucus, the fiscal hawks

and the Blue Dog Democrats

have increased their numbers in 2018.

So Pelosi would be wise tolisten to this extremely moderate

freshman class, the largest Democratic

freshman class since Watergate.

Instead, she's listeningto like five people

and she's going on magazine covers

with like five people.

And she's refusing topunish like five people

who continue to debase the integrity

of the Democratic Party.

- Did you hear much talk about

among Republicans abouttrying to capitalize

on this situation, this dissension within

the Democratic Party?

- Well, certainly.

And I think that Trump knows the Democrats

are handing him a gift.

If he's running, he is,all things considered,

a historically unfavorable president,

if he were running againsta centrist Democrat

whose entire pitch was,if you want stability,

if you want sanity, if youwant a return from chaos,

vote for me, Trumpwould be in big trouble.

But if you are dealing with candidates

who want to legalize abortionup until the point of birth

and candidates who want toabolish the entire private

healthcare industry,nationalizing one-fifth

of the American economy,

that is a lot more for him to work with.

- Tiana Lowe, we are out of time.

But thank you for your comments.

Very interesting electioncycle coming up here.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- [ Heather] Coming up,details on an investigation

into one city's decision not to allow

a Chick-fil-A to open at oneof the nation's airports.

(tense music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsThe I Wills of God,

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(motivational music)

(magical laughter)

- There is a big fight over Chick-fil-A

at three US airports right now.

In San Antonio the citycouncil recently voted

to remove the chicken restaurant

from its concessioncontract at the airport.

The San Antonio ExpressNews said the councilman

who led the charge, Roberto Trevino,

cited Chick-fil-A's quote,"legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior."

Councilman and manorcandidate Greg Brockhouse

told CBN News today that the council

will reconsider the move atits Thursday night meeting.

In the meantime, FirstLiberty, a Dallas based

religious liberty lawfirm is investigating

the city's decision.

And Attorney Keisha Russelljoins us now with more.

Keisha, thanks for joining us.

- Thanks for having me.

- What is your concern with this decision

as it stands, by the SanAntonio City Council?

- Well, the concern is thatthe city council members

discriminated againstChick-fil-A just because

it's a Christian organization

that gives to otherChristian organizations.

This violates theConstitution and a whole host

of federal regulations.

By receiving federalgrants, San Antonio members

agree that they won't discriminate

on the basis of religion,which is why First Liberty

wrote the Department ofTransportation and asked them

to also investigate the situation.

The city council members are demonstrating

religious hostility,which is one of the things

that the court in Masterpiece said

is blatantly unconstitutional.

- Alright, well it's interesting

because when I was talking withCouncilman Brockhouse today

he was saying that San Antonio does have

a non-discriminationordinance and to his knowledge

Chick-fil-A has not violated that.

Yet, they are being cast aside here.

- Yeah, which is theironic thing about it,

because Chick-fil-A serves everyone

and so it would seem thatthe only ones discriminating

are the government officials.

- What are you hoping willcome of your investigation

at this point?

- Well, we're hoping toacquire some evidence

to send to the Departmentof Transportation

and even the Texas AttorneyGeneral's office possibly

to investigate theirs actions

and hopefully, get thecity council members

to rethink that decision

and allow Chick-fil-A in the airport.

- Alright and it sounds like it's possible

that things could changetomorrow night as well.

I want to ask you though, a little bit

about the larger picture here.

Because as we know, LGBTactivists seem focused right now

on Chick-fil-A restaurants at airports.

This is happening in Buffalo, New York,

at the airport there.

Also, in the San Jose airport.

And I'm just wondering why do you think

that airport restaurantshave become such a target?

- You know, it's really hard to say.

I think the most importantthing to remember

is that Chick-fil-A is allowed to operate

just like any other restaurants.

And it's unequal treatmenton the government's behalf,

to treat Chick-fil-A unlikeany other restaurant.

They deserve the same treatment.

And doing anything just because they're

a Christian organization is a violation

of the Constitution and federal law.

- Alright.

And I assume you'll bewatching tomorrow night's

council meeting and thenthat will also dictate

where your investigation goes here.

- Absolutely.

- Alright, well KeishaRussell, thank you so much

for your time.

- Thank you so much for having us on.

- [Heather] Still ahead, howtechnology is helping unravel

the mysteries of the Upper Room.

(tense music)

- [Announcer] It's about the competition.

- I kind of put that pressure on myself

and I think people had expectations.

- [Announcer] It's about overcoming.

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keep chopping, keep practicing hard.

- [Announcer] It's aboutgoing the distance.

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just be the best husbandand father I can be.

- [Announcer] Watch Going the Distance

with Shawn Brown, Saturday night at 7:30

on the CBN News Channel.

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The I Wills of God, the latestteaching from Pat Robertson.

- Welcome back.

Right now, thousands of Christianpilgrims are in Jerusalem,

they're celebrating Holy Week visiting

the historic locations where Christ spent

his final days with his disciples.

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

shows us how technology is helping unravel

the mystery of one of those sacred sites.

- [Chris] The Bible tells us that Jesus

had a final Passovermeal with his disciples

before going to the cross.

The Coenaculum on Mount Zionis the traditional site.

But is this where it really happened?

Christian pilgrims from all over the world

come here to the Upper Roomto remember the Last Supper

of Jesus Christ.

Now, Israel archeologistsknow more about this site

than ever before.

- The Last Supper room is one

of the most holy places in Jerusalem.

We couldn't conduct here

clear and classicalarcheological excavation.

- [Chris] So they turnedto state of the art

technology to uncoverthe Upper Room's secrets.

- Using laser measurement, laser scanning

and an advanced photographic technique

we managed to create anaccurate 3D model of the place.

We even managed to penetrateinside the ancient stones.

- [Chris] For years manywondered, when was the room built

and is it the real place?

- Suddenly we needed todecipher signs and symbols

from the wall.

Suddenly we managed to date itand this wonderful structure

is dating to the Crusader period.

- [Chris] Archeologists Amit Re'em said

they discovered two biblical symbols

never before seen in the Upper Room.

- On the keystone, you could see

the Holy Lamb, the Agnus Dei.

- [Chris] On anotherkeystone there's a lion.

- The lion actually isa symbol of King David.

Now, we know according to the Bible

that Jesus is a descendantof the Davidic dynasty.

- [Chris] Underneath the12th century crusader church

there's evidence of a magnificent

4th century Byzantine church.

- [Amit] And maybe theByzantine built their church

on much earlier and ancient sacred site.

- [Chris] For many,visiting the Upper Room

is a moving experience.

- It's fantastic.

It's like this place hasthe power of the presence.

It's like a different note onthe scale of the song of God.

- Being in Israel during this season

and then being in placeslike the Upper Room

just make a huge difference in my faith.

- [Chris] Re'em sayshe's learned one thing

as an archeologist about traditions.

- Here this ancienttradition, explore there

because inside them is hidden some truth.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

The Upper Room, Jerusalem.

- [Heather] Coming up, a missionary couple

serving in remote Tonga see their story

made into a movie a second time.

(tense music)

- [Announcer] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug-of-warhere in the Middle East.

- [Announcer] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could change the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Announcer] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief

Chris Mitchell and getthe biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- What starts in Israel thenends up going to other places.

- [Announcer] Watch Jerusalem Dateline

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

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- It's been nearly twodecades since Anne Hathaway

starred in the film TheOther Side of Heaven.

It was the story of an American couple

who ventured to Tongato work as missionaries.

The movie's sequel is setto be released in June.

But CBN's Studio5 hasthis exclusive first look

at The Other Side ofHeaven II, Fire of Faith.

- You have any idea howmany miles that light

has traveled to shine down on you?

- On us.

♪ I'll see a smile ♪

(kissing smack)

- Oh, I got a letter from Salt Lake today.

- Hm.

- What's wrong?

- How soon can you have that baby?

- Elder Monson, we believethe Lord sent us here

for a reason.

He will see us through.

- Welcome back (speakingforeign language).

- [John] It's been a long time.

- I will build your chapel(speaking foreign language)

and you will fill them.

- I'm having a baby.

(screeching tires)

- Holy cow.


- Get out of the way.

Move it girl, that's it.

That's it.

- That is my island.

Give them all my love.

- Thank you for sending us there.

- You should never ask a Tongan mother

to choose between her husband and her son.

(raging waters)

- Help, Daddy.


- There will be challenges

but the Lord will take care of you.

- I want to be baptized now.

- You stole my son

and he is dead to me.

- And for a complete look at what's new

and uplifting entertainment this week

be sure to watch an allnew episode of Studio5

tonight at 9:30 on the CBN News Channel.

And before we go, we havea correction to report

on the student walkoutover a transgender student

who was a boy using the girls restroom.

We reported the school was in Nebraska.

But it was actually in Iowa.

Well, that is it for thisedition of Newswatch.

You can find more on theissues that you care about most


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We hope that you will join us next time.

Have a great day.

(tense music)


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