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The 700 Club - April 17, 2019

Worship leader Darlene Zschech takes a journey through, “the valley of the shadow of death,” and comes out stronger on the other side. Plus, see how the new movie, “Breakthrough,” is already changing lives. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up,

- Holy Spirit save my son!

- [Narrator] Inside the brandnew movie, Breakthrough.

- The patients name is John.

- [Narrator] Meet the cast and crew.

- I had to tell this movie.

- [Narrator] And see howit's already changing lives.

- It's really bolsteredmy belief and my faith.

- [Narrator] Plus, worshipleader Darlene Zschech

takes a journey through theValley of the Shadow of Death.

- And I'm like, no I amnot, I do not feel brave.

- [Narrator] And comes outstronger on the other side.

- You can only haveshadow if there is light.

- [Narrator] On today's 700 Club.

(dramatic music)

- Well some big things in thenews today, we welcome you.

Big storms coming as ifwe haven't had enough,

just like it was hitting Texas,we're gonna talk about that.

Millions may be without power,

as some devastating winds come down.

But I wanna tell you a little story.

A few years ago therewas an Egyptian architect

who's name was Mohamed Atta

and he came to America to Florida,

entered flight school and then was

trained as to how to fly big planes.

Didn't learn how to landthem, just to fly them.

So he journeyed north and he came

to the city of Virginia Beach,

where we live,

and he had dinner in aplace called Pasta E Pani,

which is one of the placesthat I go right frequently,

at least I used to, it's different now,

but it was open then.

And he passed on from hereand before it was over

he hijacked planes, he andhis team, of muslim fanatics,

crashed two airliners into the

World Trade Center in New York,

killed that plus other planes that he did,

including more than one to Pentagon.

3000 people died, it wasthe worst civilian tragedy

in the history of America.

And now there's a democratcongressman who says,

well some people did somethings, some men did some things.

I was on the scene ladiesand gentlemen and watched it,

I was doing this programand we had it on the air

and we saw those planes flyinto those World Trade Centers,

and then the plane that wasaiming for the Pentagon,

that was crash landed in Pennsylvania.


And yet that remark was said to quote,

have been taken out of context

by this woman who's name is Omar,

and controversy has arisen about it,

and now the Afghan war veteranwho helped bring it to light

tells CBN news that lawmakers

should stop defendingher incredible comment

some men did some things.

George Thomas has more.

- Republican congressmanand retired Navy Seal,

Dan Crenshaw is defending his criticism

of Ilhan Omar's 9/11 comments

and is blasting democratic lawmakers

who still refuse to condemnthe congresswoman's statement.

In an exclusive interviewwith CBN's Abigail Robertson,

Crenshaw said it waswrong for Omar to downplay

the worst terror attack on American soil.

- This is not a case of somebody

misspeaking at a certain point.

I think it's obvious thatshe feels a certain way

about terrorism, about 9/11 in particular.

- [George] Omar was speakingat a fundraising event for

the Council on American Islamic Relations,

also known as CAIR,

last month when she made thecomment about the attacks.

- CAIR was founded after 9/11

because they recognized thatsome people did something,

and that all of us were starting

to lose access to our civil liberties.

- [George] That phrase,some people did something,

outraged many Americans,including Crenshaw.

- I don't want to attribute motivations,

but it was dismissive, like you know,

the way she referred to it was dismissive.

- [George] Some havesaid that statement shows

Omar supports terrorism.

But Crenshaw pushedback on the accusation.

- I don't think she supports any kind

of terrorism or anything like that.

But she did speak about it in a dismissive

and disrespectful way, okay?

And I clearly pointed that out,

I said hey, that's unbelievable,

why would you talk about it this way?

- [George] The controversyescalated even further

after the President retweeted a

post that called Omar a sick monster.

And in another tweet posted a video

with footage of the World Trade Center,

with the caption, we will never forget,

and included Omar's remarks.

That brought a barrage ofcriticism from democrats,

who attacked the president for

attacking the muslim congresswoman.

Some saying her wordswere taken out of context.

- They do this all the time to us,

especially women of color.

They do that, they takeour words out of context

'cause they're afraid,because we speak truth,

we speak truth to power.

Taking it out of context,

this is just pure racistact by many of those

hateful acts by thosebecause she does speak truth.

- [George] Crenshaw pushed back saying

Omar's words stand for themselves.

- These things should be called out,

they have to be called out.

Nothing was taken out of context.

That is a,

that is a narrative being perpetuated

which is truly dishonest.

- [George] Omar even released a statement

saying the presidentstweet have reportedly led

to an increase in threats on her life.

And democrats are accusingcritics like Crenshaw

and the President of insighting violence against Omar.

- The President justtweeted out her own words

and said never forget, I mean,

in no way shape or form isthat in sighting violence.

- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.

- Well in other news, morethan one hundred million

Americans are in the pathof potentially savage storms

Charlene Aaron has morefrom the CBN News Room.

Here's Charlene.

- That's right Pat, severethunderstorms are moving through

a large part of the countryover the next three days.

Forecasters are concerned they could bring

the same devastating windsand tornadic activity

that took nine lives last weekend.

The storms will targetthe Plains States today,

moving east Thursday, rangingfrom southern Illinois

all the way down to theLouisiana, Mississippi coast,

and taking aim at the south

and mid Atlantic states on Friday.

Well French President Macron wants to see

Notre Dame Cathedralrebuilt in five years.

A tall order after Monday's fire

that engulfed much of the iconic building.

So far they've raised nearly

one billion dollars towards restoration.

This as investigators continue looking

into the cause of the fire.

Heather Sells has the latest.

- Parisians are mourning Notre Dame

and cheering their firefighters.

This incredible video releasedby the Paris Fire Brigade

shows the heroic operationthat eventually saved

part of the cathedral.

- This is shocking beyond shocking.

- [Heather] Engineersspent Tuesday looking for

structural weaknesses asdozens of investigators

began the search for a cause.

They've ruled out arson

and believe the restorationwork may be to blame.

The Paris prosecutor says aninitial fire alert sounded

at 6:20 PM on Monday,but no fire was found.

A second alert went off 23 minutes later

and the blaze was thendiscovered on the roof.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Heather] The cathedralis government property

and President Macron pledged Tuesday

to rebuild an even morebeautiful building.

He said a five year plan is possible,

although not everyone agrees.

Donations and pledges are pouring in,

close to half a billion so far.

On a spiritual level,the loss is immeasurable.

- Well I don't think it'spossible to overstate

the spiritual significance of Notre Dame,

either to the French orto Europe or to the west.

- [Heather] And the timing is stunning.

The day after Palm Sundaywith Easter approaching.

Many believers wonder,

could this loss lead toa spiritual reawakening?

- Big dramatic moments like this,

like this fire in Notre Dame,

are a great time to giveus pause as individuals

for the French as a nation,

but also for us as a wider culture

to sorta say are wereally taking seriously

what we're preparing for?

- [Heather] The Dean ofRegent University's seminary

told CBN News, this couldprovide France an opportunity

to refocus on it's Christian heritage.

- We sometimes think of Franceas an Ex-Christian country.

But I do not think weshould make that mistake.

They have deep Christian roots there,

and the story is not finished yet.

- [Heather] Heather Sells, CBN News.

- Pat, back to you.

- Well I wanna clarify thenumbers have gone around,

but now we understandthe number of donations

to rebuild has exceededone billion dollars.

So contributions are not coming in some

a couple of billionaire Frenchmen,

but they're coming fromall over the world.

And as our Dean at the school of Divinity

at Regent University said,this could be the beginning

of a spiritual reformation in France

as they turn away from secularism.

During the French Revolution,

they enshrined reason as their goddess,

and they turned away from Christianity.

And then there was of course

that same Bartholomew's Massacre

when there was a killing of the

Huguenots all over the country,

and then later on the Edict of Nantes

led by the then emperor,

where they turned away,

I mean back to a more balanced religion.

But the French Revolution was

a totally anti clericalmovement and as one,

philosopher wrote, (speakingin foreign language)

get rid of the infamous one.

So France could turn back,

but we can only hope(laughing) joining Charlene.

- Well thousands of Christianpilgrims are in Jerusalem

celebrating Holy Week visitingthe historic locations

where Christ spent His finaldays with His disciples.

CBN Middle East BureauChief Chris Mitchell

shows us how technology ishelping unravel the mystery

of one of those sacred sites.

- [Chris] The Bible tells usJesus had a final Passover meal

with His disciples beforegoing to the cross.

This cenaculum on Mount Zionis the traditional site.

But is this where it really happened?

Christian pilgrims from all over the world

come here to the Upper Room

to remember the LastSupper of Jesus Christ.

Now Israeli archeologists know more

about this site then ever before.

- The Last Supper Room is one of the most

holy places in Jerusalem.

We couldn't conduct you clear

and classical archeological excavation.

- [Chris] So they turned tostate of the art technology

to uncover the Upper Room's secrets.

- Using laser measurement, laser scanning,

and an advanced photographic technique,

we managed to create anaccurate 3D model of the place.

We even managed to penetrateinside the ancient stones.

- [Chris] For years, manywondered when was the room built,

and is it the real place?

- Suddenly we needed to decipher

signs and symbols from the wall.

Suddenly we managed to date it,

and this wonderful structure is

dating to the crusader period.

- [Chris] Archeologist Amit Re'em said,

they discovered two biblical symbols

never before seen in the upper room.

On the keystone, you could seethe Holy Lamb, the Agnus Dei.

- [Chris] On anotherkeystone, there's a lion.

- The lion actually isa symbol of King David.

Now we know according to the Bible,

that Jesus is a descendantof the Davidic dynasty.

- [Chris] Underneath the12th century crusader church,

there's evidence of a magnificent

fourth century Byzantine church.

- And maybe the Byzantinebuilt their church

on much earlier and ancient sacred site.

- [Chris] For many,visiting the Upper Room

is a moving experience.

- It's fantastic, it's like this

place has the power of the presence.

It's like a different note onthe scale of the song of God.

- Being in Israel during this season,

and then being in placeslike the Upper Room

just make a huge difference in my faith.

- [Chris] Re'em sayshe's learned one thing

as an archeologist about traditions.

- Here this ancient tradition exploded

because inside them is hidden some truth.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News,

the Upper Room, Jerusalem.

- Amazing technology, Pat.

- Well I'm glad for the technology,

but I'll tell ya, I hate to pour water

on the wonderful feeling that people have.

I've been to that UpperRoom and it is so phony,

it is so out of context ofwhat Jesus was involved in,

there is no way, it'sa beautiful structure,

but there's no way underheaven that was where

Jesus and His discipleshad their last supper.

It just didn't happen.

So if archeologists can go back,

but what they found isthat they've got a middle,

middle ages type structure over an older

second or third century structure,

and neither one of them are the real room.

If he was in an upper room,

it was a rusty kind of simple room,

and I've been there, and you say no way,

(laughing) is what'sthere, is that the place,

I mean it's just not.

But if people go in thatand they get all excited,

well God bless them, I mean,the Lord can meet you anywhere,

but it takes more than that.

I mean one Israeli guide said, you know,

they found that this wasn't the place,

so they quote moved the holiness,

they moved it to another location.

- Well what about the garden tomb?

Do you think that was--

- That's the real goods.

- You think that's the real thing?

- I think that's as close to

where they laid the body of Jesus,

I've been there, I've knelt there,

and there's a stone there,and it is as authentic

as you could possibly get.

And so with that place,it conforms to Scripture.

But the other, no way.

I hate to be cynicalof this near holy day,

but I just believe that'sthe way it is, Wendy.

- Well up next the true storyof a teenagers resurrection

comes to the big screen today.

(upbeat music)


- We got you.

- Hey boys, get off the ice, not safe.

- You're not going anywhere.

- No, stop.


- [Wendy] Scenes with thecast and crew of Breakthrough,

when we come back.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- I wanna remind youthat tomorrow we will be

serving communion on thisprogram for the audience.

We'll have our studio audience,

and those at home ifyou wanna share with us,

get the elements whetherit's wine or grape juice,

whatever makes you happy, a little bread,

and we will partake together

on what's called Maundy Thursday.

Well the new movie is called Breakthrough,

it hits theaters today.

It's based on the true storyof a devastating accident,

a mother's desperate prayer,and a miracle from God.

Efrem Graham sat down with the director,

the actors, and the real peoplebehind this amazing story.

- Going for a break.

- No he's not.

No he's not.

We got you.

- Hey boys, get off the ice, not safe.

- You're not going anywhere.

- No, stop.


- [Intercom] All available trucks,

we have a drowning eventat Lake Saint Louis.

- [Efrem] Breakthrough is atrue story best summarized

in three simple phrases, a child dies,

a mother prays, and herson comes back to life.

- Send your Holy Spirit to save my son!

- This is a star, ChrissyMetz is that praying mother,

playing the role of Joyce Smith.

Was there anything in particular

that made you say yes to this?

Was there some sort ofmoment that happened

you said yeah, I've got it?

- Yeah, my mom wentthrough a stroke about,

several months prior toeven going into production,


when the doctors said that she wasn't

probably going to make it through,

I said yeah okay, butyou don't know my mom,

and you can give aprognosis and a diagnosis,

but you don't know.

And we're only gonnaspeak positive thoughts

and words over my mom, and in and around.

Whether you think shecan believe you or not,

her subconscious is definitely listening.

And so those were almost the same words

that Joyce said to Johns doctors,

and when we realized that in the meeting,

I was like okay, I don't knowat what point and how and what

I wanna do this.

- The patients name is John, John Smith.

- Hello, I'm Doctor Lulu.

- Yeah.

- My colleagues and I werejust discussing your sons case.

- Oh I heard what youwere discussing doctor.

- We thought we were alone.

- Of course you did, but I'm here.

And my son is right in front of you.

And my son can hear youwhether you believe it or not.

So, from now on, I don'twant anybody saying

anything negative abouthis prognosis in this room.

- [Efram] This project is the latest work

from the filmmaker behindHeaven is for Real,

and Miracles from Heaven, DeVon Franklin.

So are you naturallydrawn to miracle stories

in terms of film making?

- You know, I'm drawn to truestories that are undeniable.

And that's kind of aprocess, and you know,

I don't even know howto describe the process,

but when I hear it, I knowwhen I'm supposed to do it.

And with Breakthrough,once I heard that story,

and I met the real family, you know,

patient dead, mother prayed,patient comes back to life,

I knew that I had to tell this one.

- DeVon tapped Roxann Dawson to direct.

It's her first feature film.

Roxann, telling a storyis naturally your job,

but doing this, does it change you?

Do you take this home with you?

- Oh, fundamentally, yes, yes.

I mean on every level.

I think that our experiencein shooting this film

was also miraculous, there wereso many things that occurred

on a day to day basis that DeVon

and I would look at each other and go,

(laughing) wow, who'swriting this down, you know?

- [DeVon] Exactly.

- It was truly an amazing experience

and I kept hearing from all of the actors

that would come on theset to do their job,

they would walk on the setand by the time they left

they went, there issomething special here.

- Yep.

- Everybody felt that.

It was truly extraordinary.

- [Efrem] The real life John Smith

was on the set to watch hisstory unfold on the screen.

- Having seen the film,everybody's gonna wanna know,

what is John Smith doing now?

What are you up to?


- I'm still a teenager, you know?

I'm still trying to graduate high school,

I'm barely doing that, you know?

I am just trying to live my life,

and I try and separate,I love Breakthrough,

I love what I'm doing, I lovebeing here talking to you.

But I also understand that Ihave responsibilities at home.

And I have a girlfriend, I have friends,

I just try and be a teenager,

but one thing that DeVonFranklin has always taught me

is to stay humble, stayhungry, keep pushing forward,

but remember where you came from always.

And that's just what I try to do.

- I know that you don't know my son,

but my John is a fighterand he doesn't give up.

So I need you to go andbe the best for John.

Nothing less.

And you just let God do the rest.

- And still, John's humblestory is already changing lives.

How would you say tellingJoyce Smith's faith story

has changed Chrissy Metz's faith story?

- Wow,

I would definitely say that I have,

it's really bolstered mybelief and in my faith, and,

understanding that I always knew

things weren't in my time necessarily

or that I couldn't hold onso tight, I had to let go.

Learning how to just surrender

and trust in the bigger picture,

so those throw lines definitelysort of are much louder now

and I'm more observantof them in any situation.

- [Efrem] Efrem Graham,CBN News, Dallas, Texas.

- Well folks, the movieis called Breakthrough.

It opens in theaters nationwide today,

and we hope that you will enjoy it

and the more people go out to

view films of this nature,

the more Hollywood will produce them.

And that's just the way it is.

If it has a lot at the box office,

then producer's will say,well let's do another one.

And we'd like to have more of them done,

'cause it's a great story of faith,

and the guy was dead for heavens sakes,

I mean he was dead and hecame back to life again.

I mean it's a real story.

- It's a real miracle story,it's perfect for Easter.

And you know, another greathit from DeVon Franklin--

- For sure.- Amen.

- Well coming up, worshipleader Darlene Zschech

talks candidly about herbattle with breast cancer.

- I think cancer does change you.

It's changed me, my kidsare like who are you mom?

- [Wendy] Stay tuned to hearhow Darlene was changed,

and to see what's ahead forher in music and ministry.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

- Well Shout to theLord is one of the most

well-known modern worship songs.

It's sung by an estimated 25 to 30 million

church goers every Sunday.

Darlene Zschech wrote that song

during a time of personalstruggle back in 1993,

and now she has written a new book

about the biggest battle of her life,

her fight to survivebreast cancer, take a look.

- [Announcer] Acclaimedcomposer, worship leader,

and pastor Darlene Zschech has experienced

her share of life's mountains and valleys.

In a recent book, the Golden Thread,

she talks about seeing God'slove woven through challenges

and seasons of transition.

She shares personalstories from her journey,

and opens up about trusting God during

her battle with breast cancer in 2013.

- I know how to worship,

I know how to declare God's goodness,

I know how to dig into the Word,

but I had to go to a deeper place.

What I found in my Valleyof the Shadow of Death,

is found the presence of God,

and I realized, you know,when it says the Valley,

in Psalm 23, of the Shadow of Death,

you can only have shadowif there is light.

And it's just a fact thatGod doesn't leave us.

Just because we're saved doesn't mean

we won't have troubles in fact,

God just says, hey they'regonna come, but take heart.

Take heart, I've overcome itall, I've overcome the world,

so yeah, that's the Golden Thread,

talking about the presenceof God in every season,

not just on your good days.

- [Narrator] In moments of weakness,

being reminded of God'sstrength gave her courage.

- It's not every morning I woke up going,

wow, life is wonderful.

I had a couple of verynear death experiences.

I remember my girlfriend flying down

and jumping into bed with me, and going,

right, there's this new song,Could You Make Me Brave?

And you are going to listen to it,

and I'm like, no I amnot, I do not feel brave.

And she's like, no, youwill listen to this song,

and you will sing thissong until you believe it.

So we played that Bethelsong over and over,

until I really got it in my spirit,

that actually in ChristI can do all things.

- [Narrator] Today Darlene is cancer free,

and she has a renewed sense of priority.

- I think cancer does change you,

it's changed me, my kidsare like who are you mom?


I'm not as hard on myself,I don't work as hard,

I rest more,

I say what I think more.


My value system has justtightened up a little,

and I guess I know that I wannalive for the praise of God,

I'm not worried about somuch what people think,

and then I'm reallyabout the local church.

I feel like it's partof God's great solution,

and I'm more than focused on

being part of that answer.

I've kinda got no time for drama queens,

or drama, and even with my own children,

I'm like yeah, speak to the hand.

Just go outside,

and sort yourself out and come back in.

Where as I used to beprobably a little bit sweeter.


Anyway, but I think that's a good thing.

We all have a numberof days on this earth.

You don't wanna waste it beingburied in what people think

you don't wanna waste itin not really getting about

what you were put on earth to do.

- [Narrator] Darlene'sbook speaks to people

facing a new chapter in life.

In 2011, just before her cancer diagnosis,

she and her husband Mark answered

God's call to plant a church.

They packed up their homeand moved to a new city,

becoming senior pastorsof Hope Unlimited Church

in New South Wales, Australia.

Today their ministry continues to grow.

- God just said, empty your hands.

So we just let it all go.

And I realized you can'tfeel your hands with the new

'til you empty your hands of the old.

And we went on a journey.

So did our children.

Our eldest daughter andher husband they're like,

we don't even know where you'regoing but we're with you.

And we kind of all wentlike a little pack.

And there were hard days for sure.

But it's been incredible,and now we actually have

campuses here in the United States.

We have them in Australia,we have them across India.

We're just opening anew campus in Calcutta.

Starting with a new teamof beautiful young people

and just raising themup and releasing them

into leading others in worship.

So yeah, I could never have imagined

that this would be our journey.

- [Narrator] The GoldenThread features Scriptures

and inspiring quotes as well as lyrics.

Darlene also discussesministry and marriage,

parenting, and beingsupportive of her grandson,

who has special needs.

She hopes her story willinspire people to worship

through adversity andencounter God's love,

especially in difficult times.

- Because sometimes Hecan feel really far away,

it can feel like heaven is silent.

But actually, when you takethe time to take a breath

and just say Jesus I need You,

I need to know that You're here,

and you welcome the Holy Spirit,

you know, the raw anddynamic being of who God is,

into your moment, you'll experience Him,

and that is my prayer,is people read the book,

and as they're struggling with whatever,

that they will find that He is

as close as their next breath.

- I love her, one of my alltime favorite Christian artists,

Darlene Zschech's book iscalled the Golden Thread.

You wanna get a copy of this,

it's available wherever books are sold.

Well still ahead we've got your questions,

and some honest answers from Pat.

Marie says, Pat, why do you say amen twice

at the end of a prayer?

Well stay tuned to find outthat and much more, coming up.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- Welcome back to the 700Club for this news break,

Denver officials shut downseveral school districts today

over concerns of a possible attack.

Authorities say a Miami woman infatuated

with the 1999 Columbine Massacre

has made threats againstDenver area schools.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office

says she has been spotted in the area

and is considered armed and dangerous.

Saturday is the 20 year anniversary

of the Columbine shooting.

Asylum seekers entering the US

don't have a right to aska judge to be freed on bond

while they await a hearing.

That's the ruling fromAttorney General William Barr.

Those who can show a credible fear

of returning to their countriesstill face deportation

and can be held whiletheir cases are pending.

Only the Homeland Security Department

has the authority to let them go free.

The decision does not effectfamilies seeking asylum

who can't be held longer than 20 days.

You can always get thelatest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Pat and Wendy are back with more of

today's 700 Club, right after this.

(intense music)

(classical music)

- Welcome back to the 700 Club,

and it is time for your questions

and some honest answers from Pat.

Marie writes, why do you say amen twice

at the end of a prayer?

Most of the people I knowjust say it once Pat.

- Well, if you read the King James,

Jesus said verily verily I say unto you,

well the Hebrew is amen, amen,

which means let it be so, and so,

if it's good enough for Jesusit's good enough for me, okay?

- It's like an exclamationmark, it's like, emphasis.

- It is, let it be so, boom.


This solidifies it, alright.

- Alright, boom, okay.

Sheila says, I no longer believe in,

once saved, always saved.

How can I be sure of my salvation now?

- Well, if anybody's in the Lord,

the Bible says He doesn't keep on sinning.

If anybody's in the Lord, hehas love for the brothers,

the brethren, if anybody is in the Lord,

he has a love for Jesus, hewants to obey His commandments.

Jesus said if you loveMe, keep My commandments,

and My commandments are not grievous.

So how can you tell that you're saved?

You live for the Lord,you love the brothers,

you're not happy with sin,

you want to continue living for the Lord,

and if you're not doing that,

you may question whether or not

anything's ever happened in your life.

If anybody's in Christ,he is a new creation.

Old things have passed away,behold all has become new.

It's a new creation,

that's what we're talking about, alright?

- Alright, Linda says, can yougive a short history lesson

explaining why in thebooks Isaiah and Jeremiah,

they discuss Jerusalem beingin the country of Judah?

Israel is described as north of Judah.

Was it like our states beingtwo separate governed regions?

Why was it that way, andwhat changed Judah back

to being included as Israel?

- One of the country under Joshua,

the land was divided somany pieces of property

for each of the tribes,they had 12 tribes.

And there was one called Ephraim,

which was the descendants of Joseph,

and they got a little bit bigger piece,

and Judah was the one,as far as I can tell,

got what's now Jerusalem.

So, it was a division ofthe land among the tribes.

Then as they went down the line

the southern kingdom became Judah,

and that's where we get the term Jew,

and the northern was Ephraim,

and so you have God talkingto Ephraim doing this

and Ephraim is a KKF term and so forth,

and Judah and Ephraim,

so they actually were fightingeach other from time to time.

So north and south, alright?

- Interesting, alright, Joy writes in,

I want to know if thereare actual Bible verses

that tell me it's okayto remarry after divorce.

My understanding is thatit's not acceptable.

- Oh well, the ApostlePaul gave what's called,

we call it the Pauline privilege,

if an unbeliever is pleased to depart,

let him depart, the brother or sister

is not bound in a case like that.

Paul made it perfectly clearthat in terms of death,

that the brother orsister could be remarried.

And so I think thosethings are very clear.

Jesus was saying that

there's one exception for divorce,

and that had to do with adultery

or immorality along the wayit's porneia, so whatever.

But you say, is there a clear Scripture?

I think the Scripture gives permission,

but what we're dealingwith in society today

is an incredible number of divorces,

an incredible number of remarriages,

and I have said, and I say it again,

the church as a body needs to make

a determination on this issue,

and rule on it becausepeople are in confusion.

And of course the Catholic church

has one way of solving, they just say,

well we'll grant an annulment,

so the former marriage is annulled.

And then you can get remarried,

and that of course was Henry VIII,

and all that stuff that he wascutting people's heads off.

But I think that's all I can say, alright?

- Okay, here's Nancy, she says, dear Pat,

Romans 10:9 says, if thoushalt confess with thy mouth,

the Lord Jesus, and shaltbelieve in thine heart

that God hath raised Him fromthe dead, thou shalt be saved.

Please explain how we are to live

so that Jesus Christ isthe Lord of our life.

- Well how do you live like it, I mean,

if you're in love withyour wife, for example,

you're a man, you'rein love with your wife,

how do you live like you love her?

Well, you just act like it, you're kind,

you're gentle, you try to dothe things that please her,

and the one thing you don'tdo is say well, honey,

how many times can I beunfaithful before you leave me?

I think it's, how do youlive like you love somebody?

I mean how can I answera question like that,

it's the way that you areand you act toward the Lord.

Now He said, here's the great commandment,

you love the Lord your God

with all your mind, your soul, your heart,

your heart, your mind, andyour soul and your strength.

And the second commandment is

you love your neighbor as yourself.

And these are the only commandments

we have to be concerned about, alright?

- Good word, good advice, alright viewer,

this viewer says Pat,

my husband and I have beenmarried almost 25 years.

He is 63 and I am 70.

It has been several yearssince we have been intimate

as he refuses and makes excuses.

I know that first Corinthians 7:4 says,

the wife does not haveauthority over her own body

but yields it to her husband.

In the same way, the husbanddoes not have authority

over his own body butyields it to his wife.

I am just not sure howto approach my husband

about this without hurting his feelings.

What if he has a physicalissue he has not told me about?

- Let me explain, there's alot of physiological stuff.

Number one is desire, andthat's controlled by hormones.

And you know thoseadvertisements about low T,

low testosterone, a personwho has low testosterone

doesn't have a whole lot ofdesire for sexual intimacy.

But the husband really,according to the Bible,

should do everything hecan to please his wife.

So the other thing has todo with what they call ED,

and everybody makes a big deal about that.

But I would recommend that

your husband who is deficientapparently in testosterone

that he go to an endocrinologist

and find other peoplethat can take care of it,

or people who are called urologists,

and they have all kinds of techniques that

enable somebody to overcome ED.

And there's one company Iwould recommend is called,

Augusta Medical, they've got some things

that might help some husband,

but a husband should do what he can

to make his wife pleased.

And a wife should do what she

can to make her husband pleased,

but the intimacy of marriage is

a very very important sacred thing.

And what you're saying isyou're being denied that

and your husband ishurting you because of it.

- Alright, good word.

Kyle says, what is blasphemy?

If a person is living a lifeout of line with the Bible

and says, it's not my fault,God made me like this,

is that blasphemy?

- I think it is.

Blasphemy, doesn't the Apostle Paul said,

the ungodly, if you're a Christian,

and you say I am a Christian,

you're taking the name of Jesus Christ

and you're putting it on yourself,

and therefore you mustlive as He would live.

And the Gentiles, according to the Bible,

blasphemed God because of the Jews

were not living up totheir responsibility,

according to the Bible.

So, blasphemy is taking the Lord's name,

but it's not G-O-D, God,it is His real name,

is Yahweh Jehovah, He whocauses everything to be.

But if you claim you belong to Him,

then your life needs to bare that,

and if you don't do it, it'sa type of blasphemy, alright?

- Alright, thank youPat, great great answers.

- [Pat] Wow, that's a lot of stuff.

- Good questions, yeah.

- And I appreciate, I really appreciate

you all getting into this,it's my delight to be able to

explain some Scripture if I amable, if I can I'll tell you,

But I love the Bible, I lovethe Lord, and I love you,

and so if I can help you,

that's why God's placed me on this earth

is to give you some help

and if I can do it I wanna do it, alright?

- And we appreciate it,thank you so much Pat.

Well Cecilia is a widowwho's husband was murdered.

And that was just the beginning of

the heartache her and her son suffered.

The two of them desperately needed help,

and that's exactly what they got,

thanks to people just like you.

- [Narrator] It was Daniel'skindergarten graduation day

at his school in Chiapas, Mexico.

His mom Cecilia wishes herhusband was there to see it.

- There was a robbery and he was killed.

It has been hard.

Daniel asks when his daddy is coming back.

- [Narrator] Daniel'sgrandpa Vick has been

helping provide for the family ever since.

But he is a poor farmer.

Then three months after her husband died,

an earthquake destroyedCecilia's adobe home.

Now grandpa Vick had to provide

a place for them to live as well.

When CBN learned about Cecilia's need,

we purchased prefabricated wall panels

and other supplies tobuild them a new house.

And with the help of volunteers,

that new house was readyin just a few days.

- It was amazing to see Daniel smile,

he ran inside and said my house, my house.

He is so happy.

This is a miracle from God.

- [Narrator] And during our time together,

CBN volunteers prayed with thefamily to become Christians.

- I have no words to thank you for

what you have done for me and my family.

- Thank you all for helping us.

- Look at that smile.

Well, if you're a CBNpartner, you made that happen,

and we are so grateful.

If you're not a CBNpartner, it's not too late,

please just go to your phones right now,

the number's on your screen,toll free 1-800-700-7000.

Or you can go to your computer,

and just say, I want to bea member, how much is it?

Just $20 a month, 65 cents a day,

$20 a month is all ittakes to be a CBN partner

and to help so manypeople around the world.

When you join we have a gift for you,

It's Pat's new teachingcalled the I Wills of God,

this is based on Psalm 91.

An incredible teaching,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety,

and I think you could make 2019the best year of your life,

we want you to have it,it's yours when you call us,

Betty from Akron, Ohiohas already seen this Pat,

she said thank you for makingthe I Wills of God DVD,

it is very uplifting and theScripture verses are priceless.

I agree Betty, thetestimonies were my favorite,

including those of the hosts.

God is good.

Betty, thanks for letting usknow that you enjoyed it, Pat.

- Well I am delighted, I really am.

Well up next, a littlekid is riding a dirt bike,

and as he comes on, hits a wire,

almost gets his head cut off.

- He's rocking back andforth, I can't breath.

- I say, hang in thereman, we're almost there,

we're gonna get you to the hospital,

it's gonna be alright.

- Well watch now how this manmakes a miraculous recovery,

plus we'll be praying foryou, right after this.

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

Well welcome back, you'rewatching the 700 Club,

I wanna tell you about Thomas Schoonbeck.

Thomas grew up riding dirt bikes.

On occasion, he hit the trails

near his house three times a day.

Then one day, somebody strunga steel cable across the path.

Thomas never saw it,

until that cable nearly severed his neck.

(dramatic music)

We started hitting the trail,

and I was giving her my alltrying to keep up with him.

- [Narrator] 19 year olds Tyler Rosema

and Thomas Schoonbeck hadridden this trail many times.

Today Tyler had fallen behind as

Thomas disappeared behind a bend.

- He was setting a mean pace man,

I couldn't keep up with him at all.

- [Narrator] When Tyler turned the corner,

he found Thomas rolling on theground, gasping for breath.

He never saw the cablethat had been stretched

across the trail and neck high.

- When he rolled on his back,

I heard the gurgling blood,that's when he was saying,

oh can't breath, oh I can't breath.

So I knew it was a diresituation at that point.

- [Narrator] With Thomas hanging on,

Tyler got the two of them back to his car

and headed for the hospital.

- He's rocking back and forth.


I can't breath, I can't breath.

- I say hang in thereman, we're almost there,

we're gonna get you to thehospital, it's gonna be alright.

- [Narrator] On the way hecalled Thomas's parents,

Dave and Tonya Schoonbeck.

He met them in the hospital lobby.

- Knowing Tyler the way I did,

when he walked out and I saw his face,

I knew that it wasn't good.

So I go back there, and there is my son.

All I could see is a laceration from here,

you know, it's like a bigscrape across his neck.

I just looked at the doctor andI said, so what we gonna do?

And he says, and this life threatening.

And I said, well what do youmean this is life threatening?

He said, this is life threatening.

- [Narrator] A CAT scanrevealed that the cable

had severed Thomas's windpipe.

- And I said Lord, ifyou're gonna take him home,

you need to tell me now.

And the Lord said, youdon't go by what you see,

you don't go by what you hear, you fight.

- [Narrator] Doctors inserted a trache,

and put Thomas in a medically induced coma

so he could be airlifted to

University of MichiganHospital for emergency surgery.

The family had a few minuteswith him before they left.

- I just bent over andjust prayed with him,

and told him again, youremember what the Lord said,

you fight, you're gonna live,you don't go by what you see,

you don't go by what youhear, you're gonna live.

And again, I know thatI know that the Lord

at that time was just keeping me.

- [Narrator] By thetime the chopper landed,

it was clear Thomas would live.

But he was still in critical condition.

- He was clearly very sick,

and had been very sick from the injury.

- [Narrator] Doctor RishindraReddy was Thomas's surgeon.

- The fact that he was ableto survive for that first,

however long, half anhour, an hour, it was

for him to get from the siteof injury to the emergency room

still very surprised by that.

- Doctor Reddy told theSchoonbeck's there was no guarantee

their son would be able to talk

or even eat and breath on his own.

- Going into the operation,

I wasn't 100% sure what we would find.

It's not so much doing the repair

and hooking things back together,

it's doing the dissection,

making sure we don't injureother vital structures.

- They were worried about scarring

and what that would cause him in longterm.

They really at this point,still don't know if he's

ever gonna be able tobe off the feeding tube.

- Tonya and Dave asked theirfriends and family to pray.

Oh my goodness, yeah, mywhole church was praying,

and I mean there was prayer chains

going on all over the place.

- [Narrator] Even thoughone of Thomas's vocal cords

was left paralyzed, Doctor Reddy deemed

the three hour surgery a success.

- And I was even happier when we realized

at least one of his vocalcords was still in tact,

and that meant that ultimatelyhe'd be able to talk,

and be able to breath normally,

and hopefully eat normallyand things like that.

- The first time I sawhim, I just remember,

I just was hugging him and loving him,

and just you know, praying with him.

- [Narrator] Prayer continued for Thomas

as each day brought small improvements.

He started speaking with a whisper,

and after several weekswas able to go home.

Then after three months of rehab,

they took out the tracheand the feeding tube,

and Thomas was ready for a snack.

- So yeah, went and got a Dr. Pepper,

and then like a Snicker's or something,

and that was great, yeah, itwas like, a glorious moment.

- [Narrator] Today Thomas isa student at Regent University

with plans to work in youth ministry,

and share his story aboutthe power of prayer.

- When Christians are obedientto the discipline of prayer

and they act in faith,God responds to that,

things happen, I definitelygave him the glory

and just the thanksgiving for being alive.

- A miracle.

God does a miracle.

That man, and to think he's astudent at Regent University,

how wonderful, but anyhow,

how wonderful that God does what He does.

Now we've got a couple of answersthat we wanna pray for you

there's somebody named Cici wholived in Montevallo, Alabama

she had that tinnitus,you know, the ear problem,

and she was watching the 700 Club

and Wendy said quote,speak to the mountain

and have it removed.

By faith, Cici believed Godand said I'm gonna be healed

after 12 years of enduringthe ringing in her ears,

her doctor said that condition was gone.

- Praise the Lord, I love it.

Alright, here's one fromDebby of Rockmart, Georgia,

she had a misaligned spine,

which caused significanthip pain for six months,

she saw a chiropractor but wasn't able

to get any lasting relief.

One day Debby heard yousay on the 700 Club Pat,

you encouraged people to put their hands

on any place where there was pain.

Debbi placed her hands on her spine

and believed God for healing.

She got some relief immediately,

and was completelypain-free three days later.

Her doctor confirmedthat her spine is fine.

- Debby had scoliosis, that is a miracle.

Everything's a miracle,we live in a miracle,

we're gonna pray right now very quickly.

Father, we thank You forthe answers to prayer,

we thank You for Your special anointing,

we thank You for the healing touch of God.

Lord, You have placed in our hands

the word of faith, and thatword is active and powerful

because of the Holy Spirit.

Now Lord, touch people in this audience.

Wendy, you've got something.

- Yeah, there's someonewith a, it's an intestinal,

infection in your intestine andGod is healing you right now

just receive it.

- Fear is leaving right now,you've been obsessed by fear.

We cast out a spirit offear in the name of Jesus,

perfect love casts outfear, thank You Lord, amen.

- Thank you Lord.

- Well today's Power Minuteis from the book of Isaiah.

And by His stripes, we are healed.

Well join us tomorrow,we've got Maundy Thursday,

we've got the marvelous passionate story,

Gil Amelio is going tobe sharing that with us,

and we'll be, remember getthe elements for communion,

and we'll share it togetherif you want to at home.

So for Wendy and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,

thank you so much for being with us,

and Lord willing, I'llsee you tomorrow, bye-bye.

(upbeat music)


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