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CBN NewsWatch AM: April 15, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: April 15, 2019 Read Transcript

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- And thank you so much for joining us

for this first edition of CBN Newswatch

for Monday, April 15.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, on this tax day,

President Donald Trump is on the road

talking about his tax cut plan.

He's visiting Minnesotawhere he will talk about,

that's one of the stateshe narrowly lost in 2016,

that he hopes to win next year.

The number of Democraticpresidential candidates

keeps growing with South Bend,Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

officially throwing his hat into the ring.

And he's climbing in the polls as well.

Powerful storms, including tornadoes pound

parts of the country over the weekend

with still more expected in the south

by the middle of the weekand Canada is quietly

undergoing deep changes as the result

of a left wing experimentin multiculturalism

and political correctness.

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of CBN Newswatch.

We want to begin, though,with President Donald Trump

using tax day to visit Minnesota.

The President plans to visit

a truck and equipmentcompany for a round table

discussion in his taxcuts and the economy.

Polls have shown a majority of Americans

do not think they even got a tax cut,

although income taxes went down

for millions of peopleunder the 2017 tax bill.

The President's re-election campaign

is off to a great start some would say.

It brought in more than 30 million dollars

in the first quarter,

more than the top two Democrats combined.

The Trump team is targeting the states

he narrowly lost in 2016, like Minnesota,

along with New Mexico,Nevada and New Hampshire.

He's hoping to winthem, though, next year.

Another Democrat is enteringthe presidential race

hoping to take on President Donald Trump.

As Pete Buttigieg announced his race

for the White House Sunday.

- It is time to walkaway from the politics

of the past and towardssomething totally different.

(audience applauding and cheering)

So that's why I'm here today.

I'm here to join youto make a little news.

My name is Pete Buttigieg.

(audience cheering)

They call me Mayor Pete.

I'm a proud son of South Bend, Indiana

and I am running for Presidentof the United States.

(audience cheering)

- The latest Monmouth University Polls

shows the South Bend Mayorhas risen to third place

at 9% among Iowa caucusgoers behind former

Vice-President Joe Biden, whostill has yet to announce.

He stands, though at27% and Vermont Senator

Bernie Sanders at 16%.

Jenna Browder has a look at how Buttigieg

has been promoting his candidacy

in recent days.

- I'm here to make the case that

a millennial Midwestern mayor

might be exactly what we need.

- [Jenna] If elected, the 37-year-old

South Bend mayor would beat out

Teddy Roosevelt and JFK

as the nations' youngest president.

- I have more military experience

than anyone to arrive at that desk

since George H.W. Bush.

- [Jenna] A former intelligence officer

and veteran of the war Afghanistan,

Pete Buttigeig is a road scholar who

speaks eight languages

and is a concert pianist.

- When I was younger, Iwould have done anything

to not be gay.

- [Jenna] Mayor Pete would be

the first openly gay president.

Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.

- [Jenna] Pitting the freedom of religion

against the freedom from discrimination.

- And that's the thingI wish the Mike Pence's

of the world would understand.

That if you got a problem with who I am,

your problem is not with me.

- [Jenna] Buttigeig hasmade the Vice-President

his number one target.

- I think Pete's quarrel'swith First Amendment.

- [Jenna] As former Indiana governor,

Pence worked closely withthe mayor of South Bend.

- My family and I have a view of marriage

that's informed by our faith

and we stand by that.

But that doesn't that we're critical

of anyone else who has adifferent point of view.

- [Jenna] Buttigeig's point of view

places himself at the intersection

of sexuality and religion.

- I'm not critical of his faith.

I'm critical of bad policies.

- [Jenna] And it's the mayor's policies

that will come under the spotlight

in a presidential run.

- Some people I think votedto burn the house down

because they'd seen how for years

Democratic and Republican presidencies

produced economic andsocial and political results

that let them down.

- [Jenna] Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Mayor Buttigeig has defended liberal

visions like the green new deal

and he supports a public healthcare option

as well as expanding the Supreme Court

to up to 15 members.

Abortion has been aserious issue for lawmakers

in Pete Buttigeig's home state of Indiana

and across the country

as pro-life legislators are pushing laws

they believe courts might throw out.

As Paul Strand now reports from Indiana,

legislators there see this as an effort

to get the abortion question back in front

of the Supreme Court.

- Lawmakers like those here in Indiana

keep churning out measure after measure

to limit abortion and they keep getting

challenged in court.

The pro-life forces saythe battles are worth it.

That's because a case appealedto the U.S. Supreme Court

could affect the whole country.

One such case dealing with civil rights

was struck down last year by the

7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

- Indiana's actually the only state

that's passed a law that protects

unborn children basedupon their civil rights

that prohibits abortionbased upon a child's

color of the skin, sex, national origin,

disability or Down Syndrome.

So the court has never addressed

the civil rights ofunborn children before.

This is historic.

- [Paul] Indiana's lead attorney at

the ALCU says that could potentially

open the door for statesto limit abortions.

- The State of Indiana is saying

pride of prior to viability we have

the right to tell you whether or not

you can get an abortion and once

you admit that, then there is no limit

to how the state caninterfere with that right.

- [Paul] And that's the goal

of these Indiana legislators,

a fundamental change to Roe v. Wade,

the ruling that legalizedabortion nationwide.

- We believe that ifthey accept this appeal,

it's a clear sign that the Supreme Court

is willing to reconsider Roe and we hope

that the end of Roe versus Wade

comes from Indiana.

- [Paul] The high court may also take up

another state measure.

- Indiana's ultrasound law requires

that any woman consideringan abortion in Indiana

must have the opportunityto see an ultrasound

of her unborn baby at least 18 hours

before she can have an abortion.

- [Paul] Constitutionallaw attorney Jenna Ellis

says that often changes a woman's mind

as she sees the babyand hears its heartbeat.

- There is still a fundamental conscience

that God gives us and most women can't

negate that and suppress to the point

that they are willing to kill their child.

- [Paul] Faulk says that's questionable.

- Statistics show that most women

when they review the ultrasounddon't change their mind.

- [Paul] While he sees this law as

an unnecessary roadblock,

Ellis counters thatultrasounds are crucial.

- What the founderssaid in the Declaration

was that truth is self-evident and that's

what we see in ultrasounds,

that's what we see the self-evident

fact that this is a human being.

- [Paul] If the courttakes up either measure,

it could mean a change inthe country's abortion law.

- Lawmakers continue to try to save

as many lives of the unborn as they can

here in Indiana, but they also have

their eyes on the big picture,

hoping to affect abortion nationwide.

Paul Strand, CBN News, Indianapolis.

- Hail, straight line winds and tornadoes

pounded much of the country this weekend.

Our Amber Strong takesa look at the aftermath

of the storms and what is still to come.

- [Amber] The line of wicked weather swept

across several stateskilling at least eight people

in injuring dozens more.

Powerful storms also leavingdevastated communities

in their wake.

From Ohio.

- They had three giant pine trees

that's blown over in the field.

- [Amber] Down to Mississippi.

- It started howlingand the roof came off.

So, I'm very fortunate.

- [Amber] Tornadoes and high winds

swept across the country.

In Franklin, Texas, residents were caught

by surprise when an EF3 tornado ripped

through the town of about 2,000.

- My house was just lifted.

Just scattered over the back yard.

- We've lost about half ofthe south side of Franklin.

It's totally destroyed.

- [Amber] The destructionincludes 55 homes,

a church and severalbusinesses, but no fatalities.

That isn't the case for other parts

of the country.

The storm's smallest victims ages 3 and 8

were killed when a tree crashed

into their car in Angelina County, Texas.

- I noted that the tree hadfallen on their vehicle.

I knew that it wasn't a good outcome.

- [Amber] In Louisiana, power outages

and flash flooding as as result of

the torrential downpour

and heavy winds.

The aftermath of severeweather also affecting travel.

At our nation's airports,

thousands of flight cancellations

and long lines of stranded passengers.

- This is very, very, very difficult

and the help is negligible.

It's negligible, so.

Please wish us luck.

- [Amber] Now that first line of weather

of pushed off to the east,

but another line of strong storms

including high winds and tornadoes

is expected to hit the south by midweek.

Amber Strong, CBN News in Washington.

- [Efrem] Coming up.

While illegal immigration is a top issue

with the flood of illegalsat the southern border,

the government is issuing more visas

for temporary foreign workers,

but some businesses still don't have

enough of them to meet their needs.

We're gonna explain why when we come back.

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible

promises God has made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble, deliver him,

honor him, satisfy him with long life,

show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn't want you to live

in fear, but to know therewards given to those

who love God.

- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000

or visit

The I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges and turn

them into possibilities.

The chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place in the greatest

story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle music)

- As President Trump recently threatened

to close the southern border,

the Department of Homeland Security issued

more visas for temporary foreign workers,

nearly doubling the33,000 already available,

but that is still notenough for businesses

struggling to find the labor they need.

Ben Kennedy shows usone landscaping company

in Maryland that's reallyfeeling the impact.

- [Ben] In 1991, Jesse Bane started

a landscaping company withthe help of his family.

- My boys have been helping me

since they were little tiny.

- [Ben] It's grown intoa successful business.

- It was really small.

We started at our homewith a little shop out back

and now we come to work.

I'm very proud of him.

- [Ben] Jesse didn'tlet a diagnosis of FSH

muscular dystrophy at age 14 stop him.

- When I first met him, he had a truck

full of firewood and he was just a guy

with a lot of sheer determination.

- [Ben] A determinationlanding Quality One

six figure projects.

That means more jobs and more workers.

- We do go through a recruitment period

where we had, I thinkwe had nine applicants.

We had one show up for an interview.

- [Ben] So you're tryingto hire Americans?

- We are, we are.

- [Ben] So the Baneshad to look elsewhere.

- And I was uneducated.

I didn't know a whole aboutthe foreign worker program

and I thought like manyAmericans think today.

Those guys are taking jobs,

they're taking American jobs.

No way.

- [Ben] It turns out the H-2Bprogram is not like that.

It's designed to letemployers hire temporary

foreign workers for non-agriculture jobs.

Companies much also show attempts to hire

American workers before applying.

Created back in the 50s,H-2B is not an easy process.

Employers must first submit applications,

pay fees, then wait to be chosen

through a lottery.

- It's extensive.

But anyway, but we did that.

And once we got our firstworkers it was like heaven.

It was heaven.

They were at work every day.

You can rely on them.

They were eager to work.

- [Ben] Lately getting help through it

has proven difficult.

- It's my understanding that

this fiscal year therewere 33,000 available visas

and upwards of 100,000 applicants

just on that first day.

- [Ben] The Banes applied in December

and again this year for 15 workers,

but did not get a single one.

- We have no H-2B workers this year.

- [Ben] What does thatmean for your business?

- Realistically, youknow we try to hire U.S.,

try to hire locally.

Most of them will beunskilled or unreliable

if we're able to hire them.

- [Ben] This forced themto turn down business

and leave new equipment sitting

in the parking lot withno one to operate them.

- We banked on them coming here because

we were gonna bring inmore work and break off

and expand into more trucks.

- [Ben] The H-2B visa capof 66,000 workers a year

was set more than 20 years ago.

Congress just passeda bill allowing nearly

70,000 more visas to open up,

but DHS secretary Christian Nielsen

limited that to only an additional 15,000.

- I felt like God said stop praying small.

You know, look up and I realized that he

began to expand my borders

and then my heart was for not just

for our workers, it was for every business

that was in this crisisto get their workers.

And then I saw that therewas that opportunity

that legislators, that secretary Nielsen,

she has the ability torelease additional visas

and kind of alleviate this.

- [Ben] Nielsen says Congress, not DHS,

should be responsible fordetermining whether the

annual numerical limitations

for H-2B workers set by Congress

needs to be modified

and by how much and forsetting parameters to

ensure that enough workers are available

to meet employers' temporary needs

throughout the year.

So while lawmakers debate what to do,

companies like Quality One

have this message for their customers.

- I would tell my customerson matter what happens,

we're gonna try our bestand one way or another

we will service our contracts.

It might get messy for a little while,

but it will get betterand we won't abandon them.

We will get it done.

- At this point, nodecision has been made on

Capitol Hill to change the visa count.

In the meantime, the Banescontinue to turn down work.

Just last month they said no to

a $100,000 job because theydon't have the workers.

Ben Kennedy, CBN News, the White House.

- [Efrem] Coming up, an entire nation

facing an identity crisis,

one that could threaten its future

and that nation is ourneighbor to the north, Canada.

We'll have the story when we come back.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk about some of the

incredible promises Godhas made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble,deliver him, honor him,

satisfy him with long life,

show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord hadgive me a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break freefrom stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewards given to those

who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills to God,your path to overcoming

fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphaned

and at risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges

and turn them into possibilities,

the chance to stand onthe promises of God,

to recognize their place

in the greatest story ever told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle music)

- You may not have noticed,

but our neighbor to the north, Canada,

is having an identity crisis.

It's embarked on a radical experiment

with profound changes that could lead down

a dangerous road.

Dale Hurd brings us the story.

- [Dale] When Canadian PrimeMinister Justin Trudeau

says his country is a post national state

and has no core identity, no one should

be surprised when some start asking

if Canada is even a country.

But the identity crisis facing Canada

is not only multifaceted, it's serious

and could one day have a direct impact

on the United States.

- Canada is in the midst of,

as one writer put it, acivilizational experiment

that's transforming a western nation

into a post-western nation.

And this revolution is centered around

the cult of diversity.

- [Narrator] Your Canada.

- [Dale] Here's oneversion of Justin Trudeau's

post-national post-western Canada,

transformed by diversity.

- [Narrator] O Canada,you stand for everybody.

- [Dale] The questionis not whether Canada

should welcome immigrants,

the question accordingto Toronto Sun columnist

and Sirius XM Canada host Anthony Furey is

whose value should win the day.

- In Canada right now it's labeled

it's labeled bizarrelyxenophobic and anti-immigrant

and they throw around terms like racism

to no end if you simply say

I'd like us all to integrate here

and live together in a compatible way.

- [Dale] Throughout their histories

both Canada and Americahave welcomed immigrants

of all backgrounds, but Canada rather

than being a melting pot like the U.S.

Has said that it is amosaic of many cultures.

The problem begins withthe Canadian mosaic

includes more and more radical Islamists

who favor undemocraticvalues under Sharia law.

Prime Minister Trudeau welcomed almost

50,000 refugees from theMiddle East in 2016 alone

and has even welcomedreturning ISIS fighters,

saying in an interview that they could be

a powerful voice.

- And a lot of people,probably the silent majority

are saying I'm unhappy with this,

including new immigrantswho came to Canada

whether it's a year ago or a decade

or three decades ago who say no,

I came to Canada for a reason

because I wanted Canadian values

and I was escaping valuesin other countries.

- [Dale] One immigrant who would like

more Canadian values is pro-western Muslim

Tahir Gora, founder of TAG TV in Toronto,

a network with a largeinternational audience.

He's also a co-author of Submission,

the Danger of Political Islam to Canada

with a warning to America.

- I moved to this beautiful country

because if its Canadian culture.

People like me escaped Pakistan,

the Middle East, other Muslim worried

came to Canada and somewent to United States

with the hope that they will be left alone

by those radical Islamists.

But now we see thoseIslamists roaming around

in this part of the world.

- [Dale] Tarek Fatahis a journalist, writer

and founder of theMuslim Canadian Congress.

An immigrant from Pakistan,

and a proud Canadian, Fatasays the Canadian left,

which in his words issinking in white guilt

now accepts and even celebrates

undemocratic radical Islamicbelieves and practices.

He likens it to a circus.

- It considers radicalIslam as a phenomena

that needs to be embracedbecause it is so curious.

So we as Muslims areconsidered as circus animals.

We need to perform andthe white left liberal

feminists class wouldsit in ringside seats

and say how lovely,just look at that monkey

jump up and down.

Or that elephant stood up on his two feet.

Honey, did you see that?

Oh, it's breathtaking.

- [Dale] Another facet ofCanada's identity crisis

can be seen in the growing trend of what

are called land acknowledgements.

- We want to begin by acknowledging

the traditional territory of the

neutral Nunatsiavut and Natassinan peoples

on which Wilfrid LaurierUniversity campuses sit.

- [Dale] Land acknowledgementsare recited daily

on campuses and in schools across Canada

and they essentially declarethat Canada is an occupier.

- We respectfullyacknowledge the territory.

- In which was gather asthe ancestral homelands

of the Beothuk.

- And the island of Newfoundland.

As the ancestral homelands

of the Mi'kmaq and Beothuk.

- [Dale] These continue even though a poll

this year found that most Canadians

do not believe native people should have

a special status and that the government

should stop apologizing for past wrongs.

The culture that is under fire here is

traditional Canadian Christian culture.

Ottawa resident Alexander Belaire grew

up behind the Iron Curtain

in communist Czechoslovakia and she sees

some disturbing parallels between life

under communism and life inpolitically correct Canada.

- [Dale] What do yousay to someone who says

that's preposterous, I cansay whatever I want in Canada?

How can you compare itto the Soviet world?

- But you can't say anything you want.

Because I was a daughterof a political dissident,

teachers would take the time to berate me

and say bag things about me in front

of the whole classroom because that they

were proving they weren'tshowing favoritism

to the dissident's daughter, right.

Now my friend's daughter was in school

and she was being shamedfor being too Christian.

How's that different?

How is that different.

She was being shamed for feeling

very patriotic Canadian.

How is that different from being shamed

for being a dissident's daughter.

- [Dale] There's a saying here that

the world need more Canada,

but if current trends continue,

the world is going to get less of Canada

as Canadian identity is swallowed up

in a left wing multicultural experiment.

Dale Hurd, CBN News in Toronto and Ottawa.

- We'll be right back, stay with us.

- [Announcer] CBN presentsthe I Will of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- We're going to talk aboutsome of the incredible

promises God has made to his children.

- [Announcer] In PatRobertson's newest teaching,

you'll discover the I Wills of God.

I will rescue him,protect him, answer him,

be with him in trouble, deliver him,

honor him, satisfy him with long life,

show him my salvation.

And see amazing stories ofGod's promises in action.

- What I felt was loved and treasured.

- God spared my life twice in three days.

- The good Lord had give a second chance.

- [Announcer] Break free from

from stress and despair.

- [Pat] The Lord doesn'twant you to live in fear,

but to know the rewardsof those given to those

who love God.

- [Announcer] Call1-800-700-7000 or visit

The I Wills of God,your patch to overcoming

fear and anxiety.

- [Terry] Remember for amoment what it was like

to be a child.

You believed every story you were told.

You saw a world full ofendless possibilities.

What stories will the world's orphans

and at risk children believe?

We believe the Bible tells the only story

truly worth believing.

We believe that every child should have

the opportunity to dream,

the chance to take challenges and turn

them into possibilities.

The chance to stand onthe promises of God.

To recognize their place in the greatest

story every told.

They have their whole lives ahead of them.

Theirs is a world ofendless possibilities.

They are looking for a story to believe.

We will tell them that story.

Will you join us?

(gentle music)

- Time now for your Monday Motivation

and today I leave you with this thought.

It is a great day to look in the mirror

and see yourself as God sees you.

You are God's masterpiece.

Your imperfection isperfection in his eyes.

With that word, Iencourage you to make today

a marvelous Monday and make this week

a wonderful week indeed.

That is a wrap for this firstedition of CBN Newswatch.

Remember, you can alwaysget more on the issues

you care most about at

and you can now watch CBN news programs

throughout the day at anytime on the CBN News Channel.

Plus tells us what youthink about the stories

you've seen here today.

You can do that byemailing

and of course you can alwaysreach out and touch us

on Facebook, on Twitter and Instagram.

We hope you'll join usagain right here next time.

Goodbye everybody and God bless.

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] Come home to the

Southern Gospel Station from CBN Radio.

You'll enjoy a rich southern blend

of bluegrass, classic gospel

and southern gospel favorites.

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