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News on The 700 Club: April 15, 2019

As seen on “The 700 Club,” April 15, 2019.: Read Transcript

- Hey, welcome folks to thisedition of The 700 Club.

Well, Tiger did it.

After many years andall kinds of surgeries,

he won the Masters before what I consider

the biggest golf crowdthat had ever assembled

for any performance.

But while that was going on in Augusta,

winds topping 130 miles an hour

had sliced through a Texas town,

destroying homes,churches, and businesses.

This was just one of morethan two dozen tornadoes

that hit the US this weekend.

Amber Strong has thiswith shocking pictures.

- [Amber] The line of wicked weather

swept across several states,killing at least eight people

and injuring dozens more.

Powerful storms also leavingdevastated communities

in their wake.

From Ohio.

- We had three giant pine trees

that's blown over in the field.

- [Amber] Down to Mississippi.

- Started howling and the roof came off,

so we're very fortunate.

- [Amber] Tornadoes and highwinds swept across the country.

In Franklin, Texas, residentswere caught by surprise

when an EF-3 tornado rippedthrough the town of about 2,000.

- My house was just lifted, poof,

just scattered over the back yard.

- We've lost about half ofthe south side of Franklin.

It's totally destroyed.

- [Amber] The destructionincludes 55 homes, a church,

and several businesses, but no fatalities.

But that isn't the case forother parts of the country.

The storms' smallest victims,ages three and eight,

were killed when a treecrashed into their car

in Angelina County, Texas.

- I noticed that the treehad fallen on their vehicle.

I knew that it wasn't a good outcome.

- [Amber] In Louisiana, poweroutages and flash flooding

as a result of the torrentialdownpour and heavy wind.

The aftermath of severeweather also affecting travel.

At our nation's airports,thousands of flight cancellations

and long lines of stranded passengers.

- This is very, very, very difficult

and the help is negligible, it's...

- [Woman] Beyond it.

- It's negligible, so please wish us luck.

- [Amber] Now that first line of weather

pushed off to the east, butanother line of strong storms

including high winds and tornadoes

is expected to hit the South by mid-week.

Amber Strong, CBN News, in Washington.

- The southern border is beingoverwhelmed with migrants,

an incredible convoy of migrants

coming up from Central America,

and the ICE, the people at the border

are completely overwhelmed.

So what do they do?

Well, the president has a solution.

Why not take some of those millions,

or hundreds of thousands of people,

and send them to sanctuary cities,

which said we want to welcome them.

Well, the president isgoing to accommodate them

and I see no reason whyit shouldn't happen.

Efrem Graham has more.

- Pat, the idea firstcame up several months ago

in discussions amongthe president's aides.

It was rejected after attorneys

for the Department of HomelandSecurity said it was illegal.

Now the president himselfis promoting the idea,

tweeting Saturday: The UShas the absolute legal right

to send illegal immigrantsto sanctuary cities.

Top aides saying it's not the best option,

but they're willing to consider anything.

- And they want more peoplein their sanctuary cities.

Well, we'll give them more people.

- Certainly, we're looking at all options

as long as Democrats, Chris,

continue to ignore thecrisis at the border,

continue to refuse to sitdown with the president.

- Meanwhile, some mayorsof sanctuary cities say

they'd welcome the migrants.

There are about 500 localities

that protect people living inthe United States illegally

by shielding them fromdetainment and deportation

by federal authorities.

- A longshot Democratic candidate for 2020

is steadily climbing in the polls.

South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

officially announced hisrun for president Sunday.

A veteran of the war in Afghanistan,

Buttigieg would also be thefirst openly gay president.

He's become a standardbearer for gay rights,

targeting Vice President Mike Pence

for his biblical beliefs on marriage

and supporting legislationprotecting people

who oppose gay marriage basedon their religious faith.

- If you got a problem with who I am,

your problem is not with me.

Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.

- I think Pete's quarrel'swith the First Amendment.

- A recent poll of the Iowa caucus goers

puts Buttigieg third in a fieldof 18 Democratic candidates,

behind former Vice President Joe Biden,

who hasn't declaredyet, and Bernie Sanders.


- Can you imagine that?

It's in the Bible,

where a person says to God

how can you condemn me,you made me this way.

And the apostle Paul sayshis condemnation is just.

Imagine somebody who is a sex fiend

saying well, it's God'sfault, he made me this way.

Somebody who's an alcoholicsay it's God's fault,

he made me this way.

It's God's fault.

It's not my fault, it's God's fault.

No way.

And we wanna vote for a president?

You know, I was talking toTerry as the program began.

The idea that this is a huge economy,

this is a multi-trillion dollar economy.

It has hundred and hundreds of thousands,

yes, millions of employeesdoing all kinds of tasks,

and the president of the United States

has got to deal not onlywith domestic issues

and budget issues on a huge scale,

he's got to deal with the hotspots going on in the world,

all around us.

And don't you think,before you'd hire a man

to run all that, that you'dlook at his credentials?

Does he have any experience?

We had a president who's only experience

was being a community organizer.

I don't think it's worked out very well.

But, you know, what kind of president

would a guy like this make?

And the answer is we don't know.

Well why should we vote fora, quote, pig in the poke?

I mean we shouldn't do it.

The American people oughtto be more discerning.


- Pat, a superbug spreadingin the United States

is worrying the medical community.

Lorie Johnson tells usabout a new fungal infection

that can't be killed byeven your best medicines.

- We found out the hard way

that the overuse of antibiotics

can lead to drug-resistant infections.

Now, scientists are questioning

whether we're seeing the same results

from the growth of antifungals,

like the kind used to treatfruits and vegetables.

You're looking at Candida auris,

a fungus or yeast deemed bythe CDC as an urgent threat

because antifungal drugsthat fight yeast infections

are failing to kill it.

Most of the roughly 600 cases in the US

are in New York, New Jersey, and Chicago,

found in nursing homes and hospitals,

typically striking patientswith weakened immune systems.

Dr. William Li says physicians nationwide

are on high alert because little is known

about C. auris.

- We need to figure out whatit is, why it's resistant,

and how do we contain it.

- [Lorie] In his newbook, Eat to Beat Disease,

Dr. Li explains the best foods

that strengthen our body's defenses.

He says not having enoughgood bacteria in our gut

can lead to infection, butwe can turn that around.

- In general, we do know thatwhen our healthy microbiome,

which is the bacteria inside our body,

is functioning properly,

those bacteria, our healthy bacteria,

boost our immune defenses,

which allows us to fend off attacks

from the outside more easily.

- And Pat, unlike many yeast infections,

C. auris can be transmittedfrom person to person

and can live on hard surfaces.

The CDC recommends testing for anyone

who may have come in contact with C. auris

such as health care workers.

- Lorie, I don't exactly understand.

When did this thing, it justsuddenly has begun spreading?

It's this mystery fungus?

What's the origin of it?

- Indeed, and that's a great question

because doctors are trying tofigure out where it came from.

The first documented case

was very recently in 2009 in Japan

and we saw a lot of it in India.

Now it's in the United States.

They're not really surewhere it came from,

but we do, they are speculating,

they need to confirm this,but they're speculating

that it may be a resultof overuse of antifungals

sprayed on plants thatwe eat, plants that,

the foods we eat, andthese are antifungals

that try to treat moldon these growing things.

- You know, I saw someplace,and I'm just passing it on,

that the statin drugs wereactually initially designed

to combat fungus.

Is that true?

Do you know anything about that?

- Haven't heard anythingabout the statin drugs,

but we know that, up until this point,

a lot of the times whenwe get fungal infections,

it's because we have reducedthe amount of good bacteria

in our bodies.

For example, when women take antibiotics

and kill those good bacteria,

they often get a vaginal yeastinfection, which is a fungus,

and when childrenoftentimes take antibiotics,

they'll get thrush,

which is a fungal infection in the throat.

And in both cases, antifungalmedications work great,

but also, Pat, interesting,

you can also treat these fungal infections

by taking probiotics, the healthy bacteria

in yogurt and other types of probiotics.

- Now wait a minute, tell me that again?

We can get fungus from taking probiotics?

Did you just say that?

- I'm sorry if I did say that.

That was a slip of the tongue.

We can get fungal infectionsby taking antibiotics.

- AnYtibiotics.- We know that,

by definition, antibioticskill those good bacteria

in our bodies that typicallykeep our fungi under control.

- Well actually, what you andI have talked about so long

and we gave out that book onhow to have a healthy gut,

this really is the answer tothis fungus thing, isn't it?

- It absolutely is.

We know that the good bacteria in our body

keep our fungi under control.

We have lots of fungi in our body.

That's okay because our bacteriakeep them under control.

It's when we kill thosebacteria the fungi can grow up,

and up until now, theantifungal medications

have worked fine.

Even taking probiotics have worked fine

for many of these fungal infections.

And what we're seeing with this C. auris

is the only people who are getting it

are people who are already very sick

who have very weakened immune systems.

So for those of us who arehealthy, it's all the more reason

to keep those good bacteria in the gut.

- Thank you, Lorie.

Now ladies and gentlemen,we want to see you healthy,

and I think it's a very,very important issue.

Listen to what Lorie is saying in terms,

you know, here's the deal.

Don't take antibiotics ifyou can possibly help it.

Don't use diet drinks ifyou can possibly help it.

Don't take Sweet 'n Lowand similar sweeteners.

The only thing that youshould use is stevia.

Because we want to make surethat that gut is healthy.

And I've found, there'ssomething called Garden of Life,

there are others, I'msure, that you can find,

but they're live bacteria,

so when you take these probiotics,

you actually are putting alittle culture of probiotics,

of good bacteria into your gut,

and then you can feed it withwhat's called prebiotics,

and that can keep you a lot healthier.

So many children are havingall kinds of diseases,

not to mention fungus,because they're being hit

with antibiotics when they're little kids

and it kills all the good gut bacteria.

I know you're sick of hearing about it,

but this can be, it's one ofthe great medical breakthroughs

that we've been dealingwith on this program.

Well, if you watched the golf, and I,

I used to be a pretty avid golfer.

I wasn't a very good golfer,

but I had gotten my handicapdown so it was respectable.

But I watched the miraculousdisplay of golf skill yesterday

and I think Efrem'sgonna give us that story.

- Indeed, Pat.

Tiger Woods is back, winningthe Masters golf tournament

in Augusta yesterday.

It's his first victory in amajor tournament in 11 years.

Personal issues and a series of injuries

knocked him off his game.

He's had four back surgeriesand four knee surgeries.

Two years ago, he questionedif he'd ever even play again,

but Sunday, he came from behind

to win his fifth green jacket,

walking off the greento hugs from his family.

At 43, he's the second oldestgolfer to win the Masters

after Jack Nicklaus.

Now with 15 major victories,

he might challenge Jack's record of 18.

What a match it was.

Pat.- Amazing.

I just, as I say, it was the biggest crowd

that I have ever seenassembled for any one contest,

and then, of course, Augustais such a glorious golf venue

and the people just love it.

But I'm tellin' ya, it was quite a display

to see this guy with aspinal fusion, knee surgery,

and all the other troubles he'shad along the way come back.

The crowd just seemedto love him down there.


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