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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - April 11, 2019


- Well, it's time for your email questions

and we have some honestanswers coming up for you.

Pat, this first one comesfrom Nanci who says,

- Can God heal you, of course God can,

whenever you suffered.

You remember there was a womanthat is recorded in the Bible

who had what's called an issue of blood,

she had it for many years,

and she spent all of her money on doctors

and they couldn't do a thing for her.

And then she said, all I've got to do

is touch the hem of hisgarment and I'll be healed.

And she touched Jesus, and bingo,

that instant she was healed.

So of course you can be healed,

just believe God, but ask yourself,

what is standing in the way

because it may be some sin,it may be some lack of faith,

it may be the fact thatyou've gotten accustomed

to this disease and maybethat illness becomes

your excuse for not doingthings that you don't wanna do.

So, go ahead.

- Okay, this is a viewer who says,

- Well, there are a lot of ways,

but the most thing is your godly living.

Well you say, what are the consequences?

You want to love God,and you want to pray,

and the Lord speaking to you

is the biggest thing in your life.

To the person who is not a believer,

who's walking in theflesh, as the Bible says,

he's concerned about making money,

about being a hotshot,or whatever he's doing,

perhaps he wants to go into pleasures

that you don't want to participate in,

he doesn't want to share your faith,

he doesn't want to share the deepest thing

in your heart and life, andyou've got that tension.

That's why when you're unequallyyoked with a non-believer,

it becomes constanttension and gets worse,

and worse, and worse.

So, the Bible is tellingyou this to spare you.


- Okay, this is a viewer who says,

- Well you know, the Bible is very clear,

but you should not causeyour child to be rebellious,

and if you do the things

that you say your parents are doing,

then obviously you can't stand it,

you're gonna be rebellious

because they're being unreasonable,

and you're asking me whetheryou should move out or not,

I mean, do you have a skill?

What will you do to support yourself?

Do you know what you're doing?

Do you wanna get furthereducation and so forth?

But I tell ya, there such a thing

that you cannot stand it any longer,

but are you willing to stepout and bear the financial cost

because you'll have tofind a place to live,

you'll have to get transportation,you'll have to pay taxes,

you'll have to look after all the things

that they've been lookingafter and it won't be easy.

So moving out of Mom and Dad's house,

a lot of people in theirtwenties are coming back home,

instead of going out,they're going back in

'cause they can't makeit in the real world.

So, you ask me and it's really tough,

but somehow I wish maybe those parents

could get counseled by awise pastor who would say,

look, you're being overbearing,

you're causing yourchildren to be rebellious,

and why don't you ease upand begin to listen to them,

and let them talk about the things

that are important in his or her life.


- This is Caroline, Pat, who says,

- I tell you what, theBible makes it very clear

about give and it'll be given unto you,

press down good measure.

See who you can help, seeyou can maybe give money to,

see if there's some charitablewonderful thing you can do,

and as you do that for them,there's a law of reciprocity,

somethings gonna come back to you.

But, I know this is a struggle,

but also ask God if there isn't

some way you could make money.

You cannot imagine how manyopportunities there are

in a great society likeours to gain income.

You can be hired to do callsfrom at home, for example.

There are all kinds of other things.

You say, well, I'm too old or too tired,

and not really, you're not too tired

to talk on the telephone.

So, find out if thereisn't some opportunity

and perhaps there's a unemployment agency,

or some state sponsored agency

that would have an unemployment component

and you can get somethingthat'll help you.

But surely there is some wayin a great society like ours

where you can find some otherway, so ask God to show you.


- This is Candi who says,

- How can I possibly answer that?

Look, if I regard inequity in my heart,

the Lord won't hear me,

so I don't know what's in that heart,

but was there inequity?

If somebody pleads with their disease,

somebody uses a disease as an excuse

somehow they don't have faith.

I don't know why didn't the Lord heal,

but the biggest thing wehave to do is remember

Jesus said, "If you see to that mound,

be removed and cast into the sea,

and do not doubt in yourheart that it will obey you."

And so you have to bepersuaded in your heart

that what you say will come to pass,

and you cannot be of a divided heart.

You wanna get an answer to prayer,

you've got to believe God.


- Tony wants to know,

- As a matter of fact, he wason here with us six times.

We did five profiles of him.

He is a dear friend, he's a terrific guy,

and we've had him back andforth on various things,

but George is a super humanbeing, and we love him,

and six times we've been on this program,

five times we've don't profiles, alright.


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