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CBN NewsWatch AM: April 11, 2019

CBN NewsWatch AM: April 11, 2019 Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] This is CBN Newswatch.

- Thank you so much for joiningus for this first edition

of CBN Newswatch for Thursday, April 11th.

I'm Efrem Graham.

Ahead today, a majorsnowstorm hits multiple states

bringing blizzard warnings along

with freezing temperatures and high winds.

Democratic presidentialcandidate Bernie Sanders

introduces his Medicare For All bill

for a government run health care plan

that eliminates private insurance.

Our Republicans warn it means higher taxes

for the middle class.

Vice President Mike Pence responds

to Mayor Pete Buttigieg's criticism

of his Biblical beliefsabout homosexuality.

And with the Israeli elections over,

what will President Donald Trump's

Middle East peace plan bring?

Could it be dead on arrival?

All those stories and more are ahead

in this edition of CBN Newswatch.

I wanna begin, though,with a massive spring storm

barreling across the United States.

Blizzard warnings have beentriggered in at least six states

while others are experiencingterrible winds and flooding.

Jenna Browder has more on what

could be an historic weather event.

- [Jenna] This massive spring storm

has triggered blizzard warningsin at least six states,

while others are experiencinghigh winds and flooding.

- It's kind of a pain in the butt storm.

- [Jenna] From the Rockiesto the Central Plains

and Great Lakes, millions ofAmericans are in its path.

the second potential bombcyclone in less than a month.

In Colorado, freezingtemperatures and heavy snow

prompted the governor tocall in the National Guard.

Troops rescuing 75 peopleand two dogs overnight

from stranded vehiclessoutheast of Denver.

In South Dakota, more than 18inches have already fallen,

and some areas could get another foot.

Near white out conditions in Minnesota

are shutting down highways.

And in other parts of the country,

they're seeing severe flooding and wind.

This dustnado spottednear Pueblo, Colorado,

and a blowing dust warning wasissued near Lubbock, Texas,

where winds reached upto 70 miles per hour.

In the Northwest, a floodingstate of emergency in Idaho.

Near Eugene, Oregon,

the water deep enough for a boat

to glide across this highway.

And the storm is causingheadaches at airports, too.

At Denver International Airport,

about half of all flightswere canceled Wednesday.

Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- Weatherbell's ChiefMeteorologist, Joe Bastardi,

joins us now.

So Joe, this storm isbeing called historic.

Is it unusual to see a storm

this big this late in the season?

- Yes, it's unusual to see this much snow.

I mean, we have toreally confront the fact

that there's an immenseamount of cold air around,

even though the Southeasthas remained warm,

but it is a spectacularstorm where it's snowing

and there's another one coming behind it

and this one will go from theTexas Panhandle to Chicago

and the Great Lakes in a few days.

It won't have as heavy amountof snow but considering

it's going to be snowingApril 14th or 15th,

I guess it is, furtherSoutheast like that.

I mean, it's just amazingwhat's going on with all this.

We do see, every once in awhile,these wild, late winters.

Let's remember the winterof 12/13 got started slow

but it was like the Energizer bunny.

It kept going and going and going.

It even snowed into May inparts of Illinois in 2013

and actually, because of that,it snowed early in October.

You had the shortest stretch

between last snow andfirst snow in history

in some of those areas in the Midwest.

We have seen these immensecold outbreaks before.

What's unusual is the lack oftornadic activity yesterday

and I'm not lamenting it.

I'm just pointing out that usually,

storms like this have a lot of tornadoes.

But what went on with thiswas there was so much wind

with the storm in the Southern,

to the South and East of the storm,

that I think it dissipated the energy that

would have gone in to tornadoes.

In other words, theatmosphere is always trying

to balance itself out and ifyou get rid of energy one way,

you don't have the needfor it the other way.

But today, the severeweather aspect in the Midwest

has to be paid attention with this.

And then we're gonna seeit reload in Texas tomorrow

and then on, today is Thursday,so Saturday and Sunday,

we have severe weatherthat will be moving through

the Southern United Stateseven as that second snowstorm.

On the other side, it's cold,

so it snows from Amarilloto Chicago and Green Bay

and places like that over the weekend.

- Joe, we hear the term bomb cyclone.

What is that and what's it like?

- (laughing) Folks, youknow what you're doing?

You're hearing meteorologicaljargon from 50 years ago

or 40 years ago.

I was in the weather tower at Penn State;

we were always looking for bombogenisis.

Storms like this happen all the time.

In the realm of, let's say, Ijust referred to a situation,

Penn State, where I waslooking February 5th, 1976.

We had bombogenisis upthe Eastern seaboard

and we were all excitedand we got hardly any snow

where I was in State College Pennsylvania.

You look at the great blizzard of 1978

and the Central Plains, orexcuse me, the Great Lakes,

that was bombogenisis.

So you know what's going on now is some

of the lingo that us weather geeks used

to have 40, 50 years ago.

It's gettin' out thereand it's about time.

It means a rapidly developingstorm and the reason

it's rapid to developis because, remember,

what nature does is shebrings together a clash

and then spreads it out.

This storm, two or three days from now,

will be much weaker thanwhat it is right now

because nature did its bringing together

and then it'll spread back apart again.

- Many parts of the country are certainly

seeing a rough winter.

Will we have strong storms this spring?

- Well, that's aninteresting situation because

what we're gonna see hereis the core of this cold

migrates slowly Eastwardand probably the last

10 days of the month,what's left of this cold,

will be over the East.

And then we anticipateMay to be warm across much

of the United States,especially some of the areas up,

Midwest, and on into the Great Lakes.

And what I'm thinking is there's gonna be,

as far as severe weather goes,

there'll be less thanaverage tornadic activity

but more than the normal amount of rain.

It's gonna be another big growing season

for the United States, agriculturally.

Hopefully, there's not too much rain.

I don't think it'll beas bad as last year,

but ever since 2012 and allthe scary perma drought,

dust bowls coming back,predictions that there were,

the weather, as nature loves to do,

just turn the opposite way.

So I think it's gonnabe a lot of wet weather

but I think severe weather,relative to averages,

would be below normal.

But keep in mind, withthe way tornadoes are,

one just goes throughone area and everybody

thinks that it's the apocalypse.

In reality, we're supposedto have these big,

severe weather outbreaks.

And when you actuallylook at the data, Efrem--

- Yes.- Severe tornadoes,

tornadoes have been decreasing.

- Okay.

- Over the last 40 to 50 years.

- All right--

- So there's a long answer for you.

- All right, Joe, thank you so much.

We appreciate your time.

- All right, thank you.

Enjoy the weather.

It's the only weather you've got.

- Mm-hmm.

Wanna turn now to the 2020Presidential campaign.

Democrats are firing opening shots

in a new battle over health care.

Senator and White Househopeful, Bernie Sanders,

is relaunching a new bidfor his plan to eliminate

private health insurance in favor

of a single government plan.

Even some of Sander's Democratic opponents

are supporting him,

but Republicans say theplan is insanely expensive

and would mean higher taxes.

Capital Hill correspondent,Abigail Robertson,

is on the story

- Health care is a humanright, not a privilege.

- [Abigail] Today's unveiling presents

an opening volley in a new fight.

- Please do not tell us

that this is a rationalhealth care system.

- Senator Bernie Sanders' vision,

more affordable coverage that lowers

the number of uninsured Americans.

- Medicare for all is a dream.

It's called--

- But the dream comes at a price.

The safety net could provedangerously expensive.

Independent studiesestimate that over 10 years,

the plan will cost anywherefrom $25 to 35 trillion.

- Medicare for none.

- Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell,

warns it's just the latest

in a socialist bonanza.

- That price is so steep thateven left-leaning analysts

are quietly admitting that the tax burden

is virtually certain toland on the middle class.

- People are suffering.

- [Abigail] At theSanders's lift off party,

a rival for the presidential nomination.

- This has to become thenext social safety net.

It has to become something that is there

for you no matter what.

- [Abigail] Kirsten Gillibrand is one

of four Senate Democratsrunning for president,

who backs Sander's idea.

- You are creating a not for profit,

public option that is good,

high quality health care now.

- [Abigail] While under the plan,

some 180 million Americans

would lose private health insurance.

All would be covered under a public plan.

- I can't imagine how we would pull

them off of healthcare coverage that,

in most cases, they like.

- [Abigail] OtherDemocrats have backed away

from Medicare For All.

- It could be a possibility--- Right.

- In the future.

- The White House says Republicans

are working on realistic solutions.

President Donald Trump says, quote,

"A really great health care plan

"will be ready rightafter the 2020 election."

Wiki Leaks founder,

Julian Assange is inpolice custody in London.

He was arrested at theEcuadorian Embassy today

for failing to surrenderto the court in 2012.

Assange took refuge therefor the last seven years

until his asylum was revokeddue to repeated violations

to internationalconventions and daily life.

He's accused of publishing thousands

of classified militaryand diplomatic cables

through Wiki Leaks.

The arrest comes justone day after Wiki Leaks

accused Ecuador's government of quote,

"Extensive spying operation against him."

Attorney General, William Barr,

told a Senate panel Wednesday he believes

there was spying against Donald Trump's

presidential campaign in 2016 and he

wants to find out why it happened.

- You're not suggesting,though, that spying occurred?

- I don't, well,

I think there's a, spying did occur.

Yes, I think spying did occur.

I am not saying that impropersurveillance occurred.

I'm saying that I am concerned about it

and looking into it.

- Barr wants to makesure proper procedures

were handled in the originsof the Russian probe.

Robert Mueller's 22-month investigation

revealed the Trump campaign

did not collude with Russia.

Vice President, Mike Pence,

has responded to likelyDemocratic presidential candidate,

Pete Buttigieg's criticismof his Biblical beliefs

on homosexuality.

In an interview with CNBC, Pence said,

"He said some things that are critical

"of my Christian faithand about me personally.

"And he knows better.

"He knows me."

Pence and Buttigieg worked together

when Pence was governor of Indiana.

Buttigieg is the mayorof South Bend, Indiana.

Pence said he understood why Buttigieg

made his remarks because the Democrats

are moving left andcandidates are competing

to see how much more liberal each can be.

(dramatic music)

Coming up here on CBN Newswatch,

with the Israeli election finally over,

many people are looking ahead

to President Trump's upcomingMiddle East peace plan.

We're gonna hear from a former mayor

of an Israeli town about what could happen

with that plan.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists are talking

about a discovery thatcould change the thinking

about the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,

Chris Mitchell, and getthe Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- It's what starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News channel.

- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving

and serving at-risk children,

to helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities

for strong and sustainable communities

around the world.

We're working in over 60 countries

around the world and with your help,

we can do even more.

There's an old African proverb

I love that says if you wanna run fast,

run alone.

But if you wanna run far, run together.

At Orphan's Promise, we want to run far

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change the world,

one child, one family,one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(lively music)

(child laughing)

(lively music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

in a fresh, fearless way.

(lively music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.

Join me each week for NextGen Voices,

(lively music)

and watch God transform a generation.

(lively music)

- With the Israeli election over,

President Donald Trumpis expected to unveil

his Middle East peace plan soon.

Some say it could bethe deal of the century,

while others fear, though,it may be nothing new,

only more of the samefailed ideas of the past.

Appearing on the CBN news program,

The Global Lane,

a former mayor of Shiloh,Israel, David Rubin,

says little is known aboutPresident Trump's plan for peace,

but he suggests ifPresident Trump proposes

dividing Jerusalem betweenthe Palestinians and the Jews,

the plan may be dead on arrival.

- Nobody really knows what to expect.

There are different possibilities.

There's talk and there are rumors

about the issue of borders,

what it's going to meanas far as borders go.

There's talk about the possibility

that many of the so-called Palestinians,

the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria,

might be made Jordanian citizens

and a question of whether they would

have to move to Jordan or not.

- Daniel Pipes recentlywrote, in a column,

mentioning the possibility of Jerusalem

serving as the capital ofboth Palestine and Israel.

Israel maintaining 10% ofthe so-called West Bank,

Judea and Samaria, andthe Palestinians 90%.

What do you think of that idea, David?

- I think it's a ridiculous idea.

That would be a non-starter,

if I ever heard a non-starter.

You're not going to have peace based

on falsehood and based on fiction

and based on lies.

There is no peace that isgoing to be accomplished

in this area without having a little bit

of Biblical, historical precedence.

And when you talk abouthistorical precedent,

and you talk about BIblical accuracy,

it's not gonna happen unless Israel

has sovereignty over allof Judea and Samaria.

Netanyahu has spoken about,

you know, he promised,right before the election,

that he's going to declare sovereignty,

Israeli sovereignty overthe Jewish communities

in Judea and Samaria.

That is a good first step.

But the ultimate stepthat's really going to work

is to declare Israeli sovereignty

over Judea and Samaria,100% of Judea and Samaria,

and if necessary,

having a path to loyal citizenship

for those Arab residentsof Judea and Samaria.

And those who don'twanna be loyal citizens,

simply giving them a stipend and moving

them over to Jordan.

It's not going to work giving them 90%

of Judea and Samaria.

- Now you can hear moreinsights from David Rubin

on tonight's edition of the Global Lane.

It is on the CBN News channel.

It begins at 9:30 Eastern.

(dramatic music)

Still ahead, the Sea of Galilee is one

of the most famous locations

from the Biblical stories of the Gospel,

but today, that historicbody of water is in danger.

We're gonna explain why when we come back.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists are talking

about a discovery thatcould change the thinking

about the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,

Chris Mitchell, and getthe Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- It's what starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News channel.

- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving

and serving at-risk children,

to helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities

for strong and sustainable communities

around the world.

We're working in over 60 countries

around the world and with your help,

we can do even more.

There's an old African proverb

I love that says if you wanna run fast,

run alone.

But if you wanna run far, run together.

At Orphan's Promise, we want to run far

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change the world,

one child, one family,one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(lively music)

(child laughing)

(lively music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

in a fresh, fearless way.

(lively music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.

Join me each week for NextGen Voices,

(lively music)

and watch God transform a generation.

(lively music)

- The Sea of Galilee is where Jesus walked

on the water, where he calmed the storms,

and called Peter to be His disciple.

But this historic body of water

is in danger.

Over population and years of drought

are causing it to shrink.

Chris Mitchell brings us the story now

from Jerusalem.

- [Chris] More than amillion tourists visit

the Sea of Galilee each year.

But the Biblical lake is shrinking,

after several years of drought.

This is the same Sea ofGalilee that Jesus walked on.

From out on the lake,

it may look like there'splenty of water but in reality,

it's a different situation.

- There are altogether 21boats on the Sea of Galilee

and because the levelof the water is so low,

for example in Ginosar,

instead of three piers, we use only one.

- [Chris] Daniel Carmelowns two of those boats.

He operates Sea of Galilee Worship Boats

and takes Christian groups out on the lake

for a unique worship experience.

- They don't know how is theSea of Galilee when it's full.

This is the lowest that I ever saw.

In 25 years that I'mhere, this is the lowest.

- Israel's rainy seasonbegins in late October

and goes to mid-March.

After that, it doesn't rain very much.

This winter may have anabove average rainfall,

but it's still not enough.

- The lake is the mainthing that characterizes

our life here from every point of view.

Although today, unfortunately,

we cannot make our living from fishing.

- [Chris] Uzi Welish was born in a kibbutz

on the Sea of Galilee

and has lived in the area since the 1930s.

He's seen the lake atall different levels.

- When my first daughter was married,

it was 93; it was very full.

The wedding was on the lawnhere in front of my house.

You can see about 200 meters.- Okay.

- It will come up to the rocks.

The rocks were put there in the 70s

to defend from the storm.

With the storm, each storm andthe waves chopped the soil,

so they build these rocks.

- [Chris] He said trouble started

when the British built a dam in 1932.

- The moment you stopped the Jordan,

you're beginning to control.

But only in '64, they added the big pumps

that delivered the waterfrom the Sea of Galilee

to the south, or to the middle of Israel.

- [Chris] On top of that,

Israel gives Jordan 50million cubic meters of water

as part of the 1994 peace agreement

and Jordan is asking for more.

The lake has been low inthe past and recovered,

like 30 years ago when the receding waters

revealed a hidden treasure.

- This boat is reallycompletely unbelievable.

- [Chris] Dubbed the Jesus Boat,

the fishing vessel islike one Jesus' disciples

would have used.

Found in the mud on the shore,

it soon became a national sensation.

- That was reallysomething, the whole state,

a boat from 2,000 years ago.

And such a significance, itreally can be related to Jesus.

- [Chris] Treasures aside,

the Kinneret as it's called in Hebrew

or the Sea of Galilee,

used to be one of Israel'smain sources of drinking water.

- Until not so long ago,

the Sea of Galilee was oneof three main natural sources

that supplied water.

Now, it hardly supplies.

- [Chris] Growing population,increasing demand,

and a lack of rain have allcontributed to the situation.

The lake is more than 15feet below the full line.

A rainy winter would normally add

about five-and-a-half feet.

Then it begins to evaporateagain in the summer.

Due to the length of the current drought,

the Israeli water authorityhas stopped pumping

into the main water system.

- We cut down the pumping there from

about 400 million cubic metersper year to less than 30.

Nevertheless, the level of the water

of the Sea of Galileecontinues going down.

- [Chris] If the waterlevel drops too low,

the lake would becomesalty and eventually lost

as a drinking source permanently.

That's why Israel tried a unique approach.

- Israel planned and startedbuilding water carriers

that will bring water fromthe desalination plants

to the Sea of Galilee inorder to keep the level

of the water high enough in order not

to lose the Sea of Galileeas a drinking water point.

- [Chris] Schor said theycan't fill the lake completely

with desalinated water because

it would bring down the water quality.

- I do not think that youhave another lake in the world

that people fill it with manmade water

in order not to lose it.

So, we'll be pioneers about that as well.

- [Chris] Shor said onceevery 20 to 30 years,

Israel gets enough rain to fully restore

the Sea of Galilee in one seasonbut they can't count on it.

In addition to not pumping water out

and pumping desalinated waterin, Carmel had this advice.

- Pray hard for rains.

That's what we need, a lot of prayers.

Pray for rains, even when you are here.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.

- And we'll be right back.

Stay with us.

- [Narrator] As the worldwatches from the outside.

- It's a big diplomatic tug ofwar here in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists are talking

about a discovery thatcould change the thinking

about the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBNJerusalem Bureau Chief,

Chris Mitchell, and getthe Biblical perspective

on the events shaping the world.

- It's what starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 9:30 onthe CBN News channel.

- Orphan's Promise is committed to loving

and serving at-risk children,

to helping keep families together

and to creating opportunities

for strong and sustainable communities

around the world.

We're working in over 60 countries

around the world and with your help,

we can do even more.

There's an old African proverb

I love that says if you wanna run fast,

run alone.

But if you wanna run far, run together.

At Orphan's Promise, we want to run far

so we can touch thelives of as many orphaned

and vulnerable children as possible.

But we don't wanna go alone.

We're out to change the world,

one child, one family,one community at a time.

Will you join us?

(lively music)

(child laughing)

(lively music)

- Meet the pastors whoare preaching the gospel

in a fresh, fearless way.

(lively music)

I'm Roberto Torres-Cedillo.

Join me each week for NextGen Voices,

(lively music)

and watch God transform a generation.

(lively music)

- Time now for your Tuesday tweetable

and today, Thursday Thankful rather.

Today, I leave you withthis prayer of gratitude.

Father, I thank you for closed doors

and delayed opportunities.

I want only what you want for me.

Make that your prayer today and indeed,

make this a thankful Thursday.

That is gonna do it forthis very first edition

of CBN Newswatch.

Remember, you can find more on the issues

you care most about,always, at

And you can watch CBNNews programs any time

throughout the day onthe CBN News channel.

We'd love to know what you think

about the stories you've seen here today.

You can do that by emailing us.

The email address is

And of course, you can always reach out

and touch us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.

Hope you will join us again,right here, next time.

Again, make it a thankful Thursday.

We'll see you right back here come Friday.

Good bye, God bless.

(lively music)


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